Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

Rachel Maddow will be interviewing Hillary Clinton in just a few minutes. I'm curious to hear what they have to say about Barr's testimony today. Should be interesting.
/——-/ Will Hildabeast be under oath this time?

She was under oath for ELEVEN hours during the Benghazi kangaroo court hearing.

And she answered every fucking question those idiots put to her, unlike Barr who is the WORST liar I've every seen. He clearly wasn't prepared to answer that question as to whether Trump has ever asked him to investigate his enemies, or discussed the various investigations currently underway.

And there sits Hillary, who has endured 35 years of investigations based on Republican rumours and lies, and who has never once been charged with a crime because there has never once been ANY evidence, ANY WITNESSES, or any crimes committed, and you assholes still call her a criminal.

That must have been a very interesting alternate dimension you visited.
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. No link yet.

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.

I was LONG waiting for Mueller to speak up.......Even the redacted, released report makes Barr's "summary" seem like the fat moron's conclusion, a paid-for piece of obfuscation by a full-fledged Trump STOOGE.....

Barr..........especially if he fails to testify before the House judiciary committee will face impeachment....and THAT is much better than Trump's impeachment chatter (Mnuchin???.........are you listening??)................LOVE IT !!!

Considering he released the actual report a few days later......what exactly is your problem?

And however much the left keeps screaming that Barr lied, they have yet to identify one thing he said that was untrue.
Simply hilarious.
Then Mueller pouring salt into the wound by saying the MEDIA, not Barr was distorting the report was simply glorious.

Now it’s onto Trump taxes! That’s it! Any day now it will be shown Obama let Trump skip paying taxes owed!

Actually Mueller said Barr misrepresented the report.

And tRump has been foaming at the mouth for a lot longer than 72 hours.
I see your reading comprehension is screwed.... try reading what he said SLOWLY...
Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.

And I still haven't seen him or anyone ese cite a specific "misrepresentation".
"Exonerated" is a misrepresentation.

Also a flat out lie.

Please cite me the exact moment that Barr said Mueller EXONERATED Trump.
Mueller does not want to be Seth Rich II so he wrote his ambiguous thesis in a way that someone else would have to make the valid conclusions that he feared to make.
He needs to be on TV, prime time, get grilled and then see if libbies finally accept their fate or will they turn on him and launch yet another investigation.


House Dems May Hold William Barr In Contempt After He Bailed On Mueller Hearing

What is Barr afraid of? What is he hiding?
Libbies live to pretend that people are hiding or fearful when they simply wont play along to prove themselves innocent or explain why they came to a conclusion that the libbies don’t like.
U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono from Hawaii just told Wolf Blitzer that the Trump White House is a "moral dead zone". Damn, that says it all.
/——/ Maxie is just promoting Biden’s campaign slogan Make America Moral Again - but abortions and ghey marriage will continue.
Talking points. Never individualism with the leftists. Jim jonesing
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
What is your issue with him? Now evidence shows the Russia lie exposed
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
What is your issue with him? Now evidence shows the Russia lie exposed
MY issue??? IF he wasn't president he'd be in jail You really support a swine as president that says he believes Putin ahead of our FBI Really? Never mind emoluments, spending campaign money on bribes to prostitutes, using money from his charity illegally etc etc etc and of course paling around with his buddy Putin for whom he has not said 1 bad word
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
What is your issue with him? Now evidence shows the Russia lie exposed
MY issue??? IF he wasn't president he'd be in jail You really support a swine as president that says he believes Putin ahead of our FBI Really? Never mind emoluments, spending campaign money on bribes to prostitutes, using money from his charity illegally etc etc etc and of course paling around with his buddy Putin for whom he has not said 1 bad word
In jail for what? Dude, we had this conversation already, what happened to you now?
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
What is your issue with him? Now evidence shows the Russia lie exposed
MY issue??? IF he wasn't president he'd be in jail You really support a swine as president that says he believes Putin ahead of our FBI Really? Never mind emoluments, spending campaign money on bribes to prostitutes, using money from his charity illegally etc etc etc and of course paling around with his buddy Putin for whom he has not said 1 bad word
In jail for what? Dude, we had this conversation already, what happened to you now?
Do you read like Trump?? Read any of the reasons he should be yanked out of the WH on his fat ass?
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
What is your issue with him? Now evidence shows the Russia lie exposed
MY issue??? IF he wasn't president he'd be in jail You really support a swine as president that says he believes Putin ahead of our FBI Really? Never mind emoluments, spending campaign money on bribes to prostitutes, using money from his charity illegally etc etc etc and of course paling around with his buddy Putin for whom he has not said 1 bad word
In jail for what? Dude, we had this conversation already, what happened to you now?
Do you read like Trump?? Read any of the reasons he should be yanked out of the WH on his fat ass?
Two weeks ago you were good with electing him out! What changed? And again, what’s your charge?
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
What is your issue with him? Now evidence shows the Russia lie exposed
MY issue??? IF he wasn't president he'd be in jail You really support a swine as president that says he believes Putin ahead of our FBI Really? Never mind emoluments, spending campaign money on bribes to prostitutes, using money from his charity illegally etc etc etc and of course paling around with his buddy Putin for whom he has not said 1 bad word
/——/ That was the plan Stan. Trump was an outsider who had to be ruined and jailed for running against the Clintons. And you guys almost pulled it off.
IMO no republican should be calling anyone else here a moron or some such term You fn idiots put a world class thief into our WH A thief who couldn't act presidential or bring honor to America if his worthless life was at stake
What is your issue with him? Now evidence shows the Russia lie exposed
MY issue??? IF he wasn't president he'd be in jail You really support a swine as president that says he believes Putin ahead of our FBI Really? Never mind emoluments, spending campaign money on bribes to prostitutes, using money from his charity illegally etc etc etc and of course paling around with his buddy Putin for whom he has not said 1 bad word
In jail for what? Dude, we had this conversation already, what happened to you now?
Do you read like Trump?? Read any of the reasons he should be yanked out of the WH on his fat ass?
Two weeks ago you were good with electing him out! What changed? And again, what’s your charge?

Honestly speaking sometimes I want him elected out and sometimes because of his total disrespect for our laws and constitution I want him out immediately I just hope if he lsn't elected in 2020 the law comes after him because of no statute of limitations then

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