Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

LOL and SMH! I guess someone missed some news over the last 24 hours, hey? Even the Washington Post has admitted that Mueller did NOT say that Barr had in any way misrepresented his findings and that his main concern was with how *the media* was interpreting his (Mueller's) findings via Barr's letter.

Let me repeat that, in the faint hope that it will penetrate your truth filter: Even Mueller said that Barr did NOT misrepresent his findings.

Put up Mueller's quote, please. Make sure it is a direct quote, not some Trump stooge misrepresenting what Mueller allegedly said, and a link to a credible news source. Thanks in advance.
LOL and SMH! I guess someone missed some news over the last 24 hours, hey? Even the Washington Post has admitted that Mueller did NOT say that Barr had in any way misrepresented his findings and that his main concern was with how *the media* was interpreting his (Mueller's) findings via Barr's letter.

Let me repeat that, in the faint hope that it will penetrate your truth filter: Even Mueller said that Barr did NOT misrepresent his findings.

Put up Mueller's quote, please. Make sure it is a direct quote, not some Trump stooge misrepresenting what Mueller allegedly said, and a link to a credible news source. Thanks in advance.
/---/ First, you post proof Mueller didn't say it.
Its Barr's report. Mueller works for Barr. WTF is Mueller whining about, if he wanted to be more specific he knows how to write. The answer is "No collusion, no obstruction".
If the dems want to impeach, go for it, otherwise STFU already.

Reality really offends, confuses and befuddles you. Thus you need to find a way to protect your ego and choose to attack the messengers.

Partisan hacks, of which you are a proud member, cannot and will not believe Barr 's memo was fiction, fiction created to protect Trump.

Protect Trump from what? Trump was not indicted by Mueller, and he will not be indicted by Barr. So, what does Trump need protection from?

Gee Nostradamus, is that the future you see?

Can you honestly state that Trump is clean, and everything learned by the Mueller Investigation, in his report, and testimonies in court proceedings (criminal and Grand Juries) plus documentary records will prove Trump has the wings of an angel?

Good luck with that.
So now Mueller has stated himself that he Did Not have an issue with Barr’s handling of the report but since this does not fit into the liberals emotional narrative they are disputing that Mueller said it. They don’t want to take him down just yet but are insisting that the words that came out of his mouth did not come out of his mouth.
So now Mueller has stated himself that he Did Not have an issue with Barr’s handling of the report but since this does not fit into the liberals emotional narrative they are disputing that Mueller said it. They don’t want to take him down just yet but are insisting that the words that came out of his mouth did not come out of his mouth.
Put up Mueller's quote, please. Make sure it is a direct quote, not some Trump stooge misrepresenting what Mueller allegedly said, and a link to a credible news source. Thanks in advance.
So now Mueller has stated himself that he Did Not have an issue with Barr’s handling of the report but since this does not fit into the liberals emotional narrative they are disputing that Mueller said it. They don’t want to take him down just yet but are insisting that the words that came out of his mouth did not come out of his mouth.
Put up Mueller's quote, please. Make sure it is a direct quote, not some Trump stooge misrepresenting what Mueller allegedly said, and a link to a credible news source. Thanks in advance.
It’s around in many places both in print and via the airwaves. Not going to accept your homework assignment.
So now Mueller has stated himself that he Did Not have an issue with Barr’s handling of the report but since this does not fit into the liberals emotional narrative they are disputing that Mueller said it. They don’t want to take him down just yet but are insisting that the words that came out of his mouth did not come out of his mouth.
Put up Mueller's quote, please. Make sure it is a direct quote, not some Trump stooge misrepresenting what Mueller allegedly said, and a link to a credible news source. Thanks in advance.
It’s around in many places both in print and via the airwaves. Not going to accept your homework assignment.

So now Mueller has stated himself that he Did Not have an issue with Barr’s handling of the report but since this does not fit into the liberals emotional narrative they are disputing that Mueller said it. They don’t want to take him down just yet but are insisting that the words that came out of his mouth did not come out of his mouth.
Put up Mueller's quote, please. Make sure it is a direct quote, not some Trump stooge misrepresenting what Mueller allegedly said, and a link to a credible news source. Thanks in advance.
It’s around in many places both in print and via the airwaves. Not going to accept your homework assignment.

It’s pretty safe to call people that from your mom’s basement when your emotions don’t get stroked so go ahead and stroke yourself some more (again)
So now Mueller has stated himself that he Did Not have an issue with Barr’s handling of the report but since this does not fit into the liberals emotional narrative they are disputing that Mueller said it. They don’t want to take him down just yet but are insisting that the words that came out of his mouth did not come out of his mouth.
Put up Mueller's quote, please. Make sure it is a direct quote, not some Trump stooge misrepresenting what Mueller allegedly said, and a link to a credible news source. Thanks in advance.

Talk about wishful thinking. This thing is over. No one is going along with this charade any longer. If Pelosi wants to impeach, the ball is in her court. Otherwise, it is time to move on. It is her call, and I don't see much action.
It’s pretty safe to call people that from your mom’s basement when your emotions don’t get stroked so go ahead and stroke yourself some more (again)

We both know all that's out there is Barr's "account" of that conversation. You have no direct quote, and that is why you lied about it. That much we also both know. We also know Barr is a liar on behalf of his Dear Leader, and that is why you adore him, and why I despise him. That is why I conclude his "account" is not to be trusted, whereas you run with it, being the spineless idiot you are, more idiotic than absolutely necessary for seemingly believing everyone is as stupid as you are.

And, keep that filth between your ears to yourself, will you? No one, really, wants to "see" that.
Per MSNBC: Mueller now negotiating and talking with Chairman Nadler and his team. Great news!
Actually Mueller said Barr misrepresented the report.

And tRump has been foaming at the mouth for a lot longer than 72 hours.
I see your reading comprehension is screwed.... try reading what he said SLOWLY...
Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.

And I still haven't seen him or anyone ese cite a specific "misrepresentation".
"Exonerated" is a misrepresentation.

Also a flat out lie.

Please cite me the exact moment that Barr said Mueller EXONERATED Trump.
Splitting hairs is silly. You know what he was doing.
I see your reading comprehension is screwed.... try reading what he said SLOWLY...
Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.

And I still haven't seen him or anyone ese cite a specific "misrepresentation".
"Exonerated" is a misrepresentation.

Also a flat out lie.

Please cite me the exact moment that Barr said Mueller EXONERATED Trump.
Splitting hairs is silly. You know what he was doing.

In other words, he didn't say it, you lied about it, and then you got your panties in a wad over what you told yourself happened.

Thank you. You're done here.
Sorry hack; the hate site is lying to you - which is easy to do since you're stupid as a cat turd.

Hey Fuckhead.....I AM CITING Rule 6(e)(3)(D)......

What a dumb idiot who can't read.....and can only kiss ass......LMAO

No, you lying fuck; you are citing an editorial by Barbara McQuade claiming erroneously that the AG could violate Rule 6, because you Stalinists are really desperate and need to somehow keep your pathetic witchhunt going.

You dumb, lying fucker.

First you were desperate to shut down the Mueller Investigation, and then Barr tried to bury Mueller's findings, and Barr said "no collusion, no obstruction", which is not what Mueller said at all. In fact Mueller was looking for "conspiracy" not collusion, but Barr launched a PR campaign, on behalf of Donald Trump, to paint the very damning Mueller Report as "no collusion, no obstruction", echoing the President's oft-stated lies, claiming he couldn't release the Mueller Report to Congress or to the public until it had been redacted, which was also a lie because Mueller had prepared Summaries for immediate public release, and which Barr refused to release.

Barr promised and an open and pubic release of the Mueller Report. Barr has lied, obfuscated, and falsely represented the findings of the Mueller Report at every turn. Barr perjured himself to Congress when he said that Mueller agreed with the findings as stated in the Barr Summary, when in fact, Mueller had objected in the strongest possible terms to Barr's conclusions about the Mueller Report.

In his testimony yesterday, Barr had no knowledge of simple facts in evidence with respect to Russian interference in the election. He was complete unaware that Paul Manafort passed Republican polling data to Konstantin Killimnik. He seems not to have even bothered to read the report, but then he also admitted under questioning that he believes it is impossible for the President of the United States to ever obstruct justice, and certainly not when there is no underlying crime. Both of which are patently false and in complete violations of the Founding Principles of the Republic as set out in the Constitution, and the systems of checks and balances on President power and authority it contains.

Republicans cannot stonewall the people forever. The people rebuked them in the mid-terms. It'll be a massive victory compared to what will happen in the Presidential if the President continues to lie to the people, and if the Senate continues to block legislation coming from the House in terms of voters' rights, the Violence Against Women Act, about the work the Democrats are doing on behalf of the American people that Mitch McConnell is blocking in the Senate.


The ENTIRE report is out. All you Stalinists have done is lie,
Look, you're a scumbag liar, and everyone here recognizes it.

A bit constipated, Unhinged?????....................LMAO

{A great deal is said these days about the rule of law and the importance of legal norms.
In that spirit, and mindful of the frenzied atmosphere accompanying the Report's release, the
following should not be forgotten. Government officials, with access to classified information
derived from a counterintelligence investigation and from classified intelligence intercepts,
engaged in a campaign of illegal leaks against the President. Many of those leaks were felonies.
They disclosed the identity of a U.S. person in violation of his civil rights; they misused
intelligence for partisan political purposes; and they eroded public confidence in the integrity and
impartiality of our intelligence services. The criminal investigation began with a breach of
confidentiality executed by a very senior administration official who was himself an intelligence
service chief. This leak of confidential information. personally directed by the former Director
of the FBI, triggered the creation of the SCO itself, precisely as he intended it to do.

Not so long ago, the idea that a law enforcement official might provide the press with
confidential governmental information for the proclaimed purpose of prompting a criminal
investigation of an identified individual would have troubled Americans of all political
persuasions. That the head of our country's top law enforcement agency has actually done so to
the President of the United States should frighten every friend of individual liberty. Under our
system of government, unelected Executive Branch officers and intelligence agency personnel
are supposed to answer to the person elected by the people the President and not the other
way around. This is not a Democratic or a Republican issue; it is a matter of having a
government responsible to the people and, again, not the other way around.}

Read the letter White House counsel Emmet Flood wrote to AG Barr

You festering pile of shit.
Sounds like Mueller may be testifying in the House soon.

....GREAT news......and Mueller may be a bit pissed about how the WH and Barr are bad-mouthing him.....Should be fun.

The stooge, Barr, opened the door for Mueller's testimony when he answered Sen. Klobuchar with a....."You'll have to ask Mueller"

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