Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

Mueller is too much of a gentleman to call Barr a lying asshole.
Mueller's passive-aggressive words called out volumes, dear, to the fact that this was a witch-hunt and he himself was chief wizard, and I mean that in a dictionary way.
As stated time and time and time again. Mueller was never going to indict the president, he was prohibited per DOJ policy of doing just that.

What he could have done is list out possible indictments, explicitly, that Congress could use for Impeachment.

He didn't even do that.

He did. He outlined ten instances.
What ten instances were those, specifically?

What ten instances were those, specifically

:eusa_naughty:Tsk..Tsk....someone didn't read the report.

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Unfortunately, bullshit on a report does not measure up to my standards that a man is innocent until PROVEN guilty. The little red blocks you are cheering are so holey they could save a liar cop's ass.
Unfortunately, bullshit on a report does not measure up to my standards that a man is innocent until PROVEN guilty. The little red blocks you are cheering are so holey they could save a liar cop's ass.

That's it. Let that rage and denial flow through you.
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!


Amen! Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.

What did he lie about? Did Mueller present any evidence of a crime being committed by the President?

Nope, he didn’t.
Yes, he did, but you guys refuse to read his report, especially the parts about 10 obstructions of justice charges.
He did. He outlined ten instances.

He made sort of kind of references to things that maybe could be construed as might be close to near to obstruction.

No. He described the elements necessary for obstruction and then showed which elements each of the ten instances of obstruction met. There were at least four that met all of the elements necessary to charge.

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Too much at once? Sorry. Sometimes I forget to dumb it down. Do you have questions?
No charges to looney liberals only means guilt.
No charges.
No charges to looney liberals only means guilt.
No charges.

I'm sorry you're struggling with Mueller's explanation. Life must be very frustrating for you.
So confident he didnt want to do it under oath......LLMMAAOOOO

You guys need to make up your minds. Was Mueller after Trump or did he exonerate him?
Yes and no.
The absence of evidence isn't an exoneration to Mueller, because he wasn't selected to exonerate Trump.

You don't seem to be able to be logical about this.
Mueller was after Trump.....and because of that he chose not to exonerate him.
Again......a prosecutor's job is to prove his case.....not prove innocence.
The burden of proof lies with the prosecution.....and because proof wasn't found (nor existed) the case is closed.

Plus none of this stops congress, in particular the House of Representatives from starting impeachment hearings, using the Muller Report, and starting their own, Constitutionally mandated process.
Heck....impeaching the president will be a gift.
They just want to act like they're going to do it till after the election.
They think their base is so stupid that they'll buy anything.
You nailed it with a tenpenny nail, Mr. Mudwhistle

That's what Democrats thought until Trump beat Hillary in spite of the leftist lockstep Press telling America that Hillary was ahead in every state. They were hoping to tip Middle America into voting for Hillary. It failed. And here's how bad, county by county:


So confident he didnt want to do it under oath......LLMMAAOOOO

You guys need to make up your minds. Was Mueller after Trump or did he exonerate him?

Of course he was after Trump. How does one do an investigation into Russian collusion and not look at the opponent?

Hillary Clinton laundered money to Steele. Steele got some of the information contained in the dossier he sold Hilary from the Russian government. The DNC was also responsible for some of the funding.
So confident he didnt want to do it under oath......LLMMAAOOOO

You guys need to make up your minds. Was Mueller after Trump or did he exonerate him?
Yes and no.
The absence of evidence isn't an exoneration to Mueller, because he wasn't selected to exonerate Trump.

You don't seem to be able to be logical about this.
Mueller was after Trump.....and because of that he chose not to exonerate him.
Again......a prosecutor's job is to prove his case.....not prove innocence.
The burden of proof lies with the prosecution.....and because proof wasn't found (nor existed) the case is closed.

Plus none of this stops congress, in particular the House of Representatives from starting impeachment hearings, using the Muller Report, and starting their own, Constitutionally mandated process.
Heck....impeaching the president will be a gift.
They just want to act like they're going to do it till after the election.
They think their base is so stupid that they'll buy anything.
You nailed it with a tenpenny nail, Mr. Mudwhistle

That's what Democrats thought until Trump beat Hillary in spite of the leftist lockstep Press telling America that Hillary was ahead in every state. They were hoping to tip Middle America into voting for Hillary. It failed. And here's how bad, county by county:


If only acres voted. They don't, most people did not vote for Trump.

Jesus, I hadn't seen you morons pull that one out in awhile. :21:
So confident he didnt want to do it under oath......LLMMAAOOOO

You guys need to make up your minds. Was Mueller after Trump or did he exonerate him?

Of course he was after Trump. How does one do an investigation into Russian collusion and not look at the opponent?

Hillary Clinton laundered money to Steele. Steele got some of the information contained in the dossier he sold Hilary from the Russian government. The DNC was also responsible for some of the funding.

Where does JayZ and Beyonce fit in again?
Where does it say that he has to present it as an indictment

what does stating that he was not going to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment mean

what does having no confidence that there was no obstruction mean

put the two together should make his intent clear and the meaning that he was going for indisputable but this is where I thing Mueller made a mistake

You can't please all the people all he time

There doesn't have to be an indictment. If Muller found obstruction, he could have put that in his report. He could have stated while he found no collusion between the Trump administration and Russia, he did find obstruction on behalf of the President. Simple as that.

But Mueller could not make that statement because obstruction is in the eyes of the beholder. Obstruction is fragile and subjective. In other words, there was no definitive obstruction, only the possibility of obstruction depending on ones opinion. And the only opinion that counts in this matter is Barr's.
Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

Don't bother me again? says Mueller ???

What about Uranium 1 ?

What about that? you traitor Mueller????????? huh?

You will have to be bothered again, you snake!
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!

Well summed up.

And the first sentence ends the notion of exoneration...though Trump will still claim it clears him - but he is a complete manchild...never to be taken seriously.

BTW - Linda Carter was a REAL ‘WOW’ looking lady. Sheesh.

Mueller should be disbarred, he told AG Barr, not once but on three occasions, in front of witnesses, that the DOJ policy that a sitting president couldn't be indicted had nothing to do with his non-decision. Then, in his report and now on TV he insinuated that wasn't the case. That flies in the face of 240 years of American jurisprudence. It is unethical for a prosecutor to insinuate someone is guilty of something without actually charging them. Barr looked at all the arguments the special counsels office made and said they were full of shit, the hand of Weissman was very evident in the report. End of case, end of story.

Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!


To continually insist that Trump is guilty while the Dims sit on their hands not impeaching him is embarrassing to say the least.

Yet trump blocks and resists all efforts to get the information to make such a decision as impeachment

I wonder why he resisting

McGahn told Mueller that he refused Trump's 2017 directive to have the special counsel fired

Trump fired off a series of tweets denying the event.

yet he also claims executive privileged meaning McGahn should testify to what he says happen and Trump can present his side of the argument with no strings attached

is it because he is innocent

or because he is guilty

The latter is why you use obstruction and it is know what McGahn will say
based on what he told Mueller that is repeated in the report

To claim executive privileged when the person is going to incriminate you is obstruction

If Trump has nothing to hide or be embarrassed about he would release his tax returns just to shut people up but he doesn't and people still talk

Since 1976 all major party nominees have released their returns except for Gerald Ford who eventually lost

otherwise you would just keep your mouth shut and don't even discuss it but Trump seems to can't keep his mouth shut

If the US is a democracy for the people then the people have a right to know that he has released his tax returns as he is the leader of a democracy

Its not saying that most will care about it but if their is embarrassing stuff then it will be aired

They say freedom isn't free, sacrifices are made yet Trump does not want to sacrifice nothing
Its not up to Mr Mueller when he stops answering questions...I have a bunch of questions to ask him....he gets paid via my taxes and I should be able to hear him answer my questions.....who does he think he is?.....bizarre to say the least....
Latest: Mueller admitted he couldn't bring a charge, yet spent two years and millions of dollars investigating anyway. He's now recused himself and the Dems are accepting that. This is the very definition of stupidity.

So now, instead of just conjecture and pure BS, we're dealing with actual evidence by the ton. Mueller and the rest of his deep state cronies will be convicted of treason - and most of them know that. There's no place they can hide.

Game over.
Where does it say that he has to present it as an indictment

what does stating that he was not going to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment mean

what does having no confidence that there was no obstruction mean

put the two together should make his intent clear and the meaning that he was going for indisputable but this is where I thing Mueller made a mistake

You can't please all the people all he time

There doesn't have to be an indictment. If Muller found obstruction, he could have put that in his report. He could have stated while he found no collusion between the Trump administration and Russia, he did find obstruction on behalf of the President. Simple as that.

But Mueller could not make that statement because obstruction is in the eyes of the beholder. Obstruction is fragile and subjective. In other words, there was no definitive obstruction, only the possibility of obstruction depending on ones opinion. And the only opinion that counts in this matter is Barr's.

good argument until the last line when the only opinion that counts is Barr's

Barr was recently appointed by Trump after clearly stating his opinions in the matter.

The justice system is based on being judged by a jury of your peers and in the case of a president by the Congress

Barr alone cannot be the judge, jury, and arbitrator as he is biased, it is up to Congress to determine if impeachment should proceed to it a conclusion of whether Trump is guilty or not guilt. They may even decide not to start an impeachment. That is there decision as outlined in the constitution.

The process is more important than one person interpretation
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Conversely, if there is no confidence to charge a crime, tough titty. The burden of proof is on you.

As stated time and time and time again. Mueller was never going to indict the president, he was prohibited per DOJ policy of doing just that.

If he couldn't do anything they why investigate to begin with? But he told Barr three times, in front of witnesses the DOJ policy had nothing to do with his non-decision. Of course facts seem to elude you commies.

He did. He outlined ten instances.
What ten instances were those, specifically?
10 instances where they can’t find that Trump did anything but he is “covering up” by failing to prove that he did not

You're proud to be ignorant. Nice. :thup:
I am proud to be ignorant if the emotional forces which drive me to act like a brat in a sandbox like you.

Brat? Oh.... You mean you are agitated due to your inability to keep up.

Try reading the report. Maybe you won't need to ask so many dopey questions.
The reading of the report for interpretation by you or me is irrelevant What is relevant is that the researcher and author of the report did not make charges. Was not his task to exhonerate. When your boy Muller chickened out, his boss picked up Muellers slack and you lib loons don’t get to castigate Barr over Muellers failings
Where does it say that he has to present it as an indictment

what does stating that he was not going to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment mean

what does having no confidence that there was no obstruction mean

put the two together should make his intent clear and the meaning that he was going for indisputable but this is where I thing Mueller made a mistake

You can't please all the people all he time

There doesn't have to be an indictment. If Muller found obstruction, he could have put that in his report. He could have stated while he found no collusion between the Trump administration and Russia, he did find obstruction on behalf of the President. Simple as that.

But Mueller could not make that statement because obstruction is in the eyes of the beholder. Obstruction is fragile and subjective. In other words, there was no definitive obstruction, only the possibility of obstruction depending on ones opinion. And the only opinion that counts in this matter is Barr's.

good argument until the last line when the only opinion that counts is Barr's

Barr was recently appointed by Trump after clearly stating his opinions in the matter.

The justice system is based on being judged by a jury of your peers and in the case of a president by the Congress


Then it's up to Congress whether they want to risk losing the next presidential election and possibly leadership of the house to impeach Trump.

The two things Democrats have to consider: Is it worth risking everything over an impeachment that will go nowhere? What will the retaliation of the next Republican Congress be against a sitting Democrat President in the future?

Remember: one and a half years is a long time when you have an aging Supreme Court. Five and a half years is an eternity.
Conversely, if there is no confidence to charge a crime, tough titty. The burden of proof is on you.

As stated time and time and time again. Mueller was never going to indict the president, he was prohibited per DOJ policy of doing just that.

If he couldn't do anything they why investigate to begin with? But he told Barr three times, in front of witnesses the DOJ policy had nothing to do with his non-decision. Of course facts seem to elude you commies.


Yet the man has recently stated

Robert Mueller, in first public remarks, says charging Trump was 'not an option we because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president

wow someone is lying

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