Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

The investigation turned up nothing. It's never a matter of proving innocence, since that is nearly impossible. It's a matter of finding evidence of wrong doing. That didn't happen. The dossier that started this investigation was bogus. It was paid for by Trump's enemies and did not contain factual information. It led to search warrants and a costly investigation that yielded zero evidence of a crime.

Funny that Hillary did in fact delete emails, use an insecure server that kept the State Dept. from knowing what she was up to, deleted thousands of emails and even destroyed several cell phones. We know she lied. Comey's report proved she lied and that she did not follow the rules regarding the handling of emails. National security was put at risk because of her negligent actions. Despite the truth coming out, she was not charged because of an apparent new rule (applying only to Dems) saying they had to find intent of wrong doing. It wasn't enough that she did dishonest and stupid things, the left said she meant no harm and dropped the whole thing. She's just a stupid old woman who doesn't understand why disregarding the law was wrong.

Now, we have a lengthy investigation into Trump, based solely on bullshit invented by some leftists, and not a shred of proof was discovered that would indicate any wrong doing. Despite that, they still want to pursue this matter. They are determined to find something or at least keep the accusations going through the next election. They continue to look for new ways to harass Trump. They even want to get their hands on all the family's financial records. It's a hunting expedition, not an investigation. Normally, only the investigators can subpoena records, and they must show that they actually pertain to a specific part of an investigation. Now we have a few members of congress thinking that they have the power to dig into the personal records of anyone in hopes of finding something wrong. It's a clear abuse of power. They do not have that power to begin with.

This has gone too far.

They also want Trump's tax returns, and someone claims to have gotten them (illegally). Funny that they aren't calling for Pence's returns, as well as Pelosi's, since they are in line for the presidency. No, they are desperate to find something, anything, they can manipulate to take Trump down. How about looking at the tax returns of every congress person? Would be interesting to see how many became millionaires while in office, the whole time complaining about their pitiful little salaries.

The investigation turned up nothing.

It turned up criminal obstruction behavior on trump's part. It turned up criminal behavior by the russian military. It turned up criminal behavior by trumps campaign manager and his national security advisor.

It also revealed that the trump team knew about amd expected to benefit from criminal Russian behavior and did not inform the FBI of it.

You trump cultists will say ANYTHING.
The Trump and Barr spin and lies must be thoroughly exposed.


Captures EXACTLY what the Republicans have done w/The Mueller Report, to a tee.
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Conversely, if there is no confidence to charge a crime, tough titty. The burden of proof is on you.

Think so?

'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'​

--- did they say so?

By not charging, YES.

Nope. He made it clear right at the outset that POLICY prevented him from doing so, so that wasn't going to happen under any circumstances, within his purview as he understood it.

In other words if he found video with a confession that Rump had shot somebody on Fifth Avenue, "POLICY" would have prevented him from "charging" anything.
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!

Well summed up.

And the first sentence ends the notion of exoneration...though Trump will still claim it clears him - but he is a complete manchild...never to be taken seriously.

BTW - Linda Carter was a REAL ‘WOW’ looking lady. Sheesh.
And then you idiots ignore the policy and who Mueller actually worked for.... Barr cleared him when Mueller failed to do his job... WAAA fucking WAAAA Now Mueller wants a do over..... Nope... Epic Fail....
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, Pence should also be impeached and removed from office - because both are illegitimate. Pence should never be allowed to ascend to the presidency to pardon Trump.
It only makes sense.
It's not evidence.
It's not even circumstantial evidence.
It's hearsay.

It's a graphic of what's in the report. You should try reading it someday since you like to talk about it so much.
I've read some of it....and I saw a lot of "He said....She said" which is hearsay.
I think the Mueller Report is just a lot of wishful thinking.
They don't have evidence of any criminal activity by Trump.
They feel they can convict someone for a crime because they claim he showed intent but never carried it out.
And this same justice department felt Hillary didn't intend on obstructing justice when she destroyed evidence.
That she didn't intend on mishandling classified information when it was clear she did when she set up her private server, and then destroyed it with BleachBit and used hammers to crush the phones she communicated with.

Jesus, you fuckers think just wishful-thinking is enough to get a conviction. To Hell with the facts.

Wishful thinking?
Jesus christ, dude. I just gave you a graphic of how Mueller broke it down.

Insufficient Evidence in a Grand Jury or a Court Trial is a Verdict of NOT GUILTY.

When people start learning about The Law, maybe they will wake the fuck up for once.

Who said there was insufficient evidence? Not Mueller.

By any standard in a Grand Jury or Criminal Trial this is an verdict of NOT GUILTY!

Mueller finds no proof of Trump collusion with Russia; AG Barr says evidence ‘not sufficient’ to prosecute
Muller has now admitted that the whole thing Was A Witch Hunt as he knew from the start about the immunities of a sitting President.
His comments yesterday made him and you libs Look Worse and he should keep talking.
It's not evidence.
It's not even circumstantial evidence.
It's hearsay.

It's a graphic of what's in the report. You should try reading it someday since you like to talk about it so much.
I've read some of it....and I saw a lot of "He said....She said" which is hearsay.
I think the Mueller Report is just a lot of wishful thinking.
They don't have evidence of any criminal activity by Trump.
They feel they can convict someone for a crime because they claim he showed intent but never carried it out.
And this same justice department felt Hillary didn't intend on obstructing justice when she destroyed evidence.
That she didn't intend on mishandling classified information when it was clear she did when she set up her private server, and then destroyed it with BleachBit and used hammers to crush the phones she communicated with.

Jesus, you fuckers think just wishful-thinking is enough to get a conviction. To Hell with the facts.

Wishful thinking?
Jesus christ, dude. I just gave you a graphic of how Mueller broke it down.
and your past unbiased manner didn't lead the way to the honest land?

wow. i am stumped at the fate of the universe.

Well, if you had read the report you would understand what was posted rather than look like a dope.
Just as had you listened to us saying a president cannot be indicted over the last two years you wouldn't be shocked and butthurt now.
The problem is you're being selective when you relate what's in the report.
I saw media stories being used as evidence.
The whole basis of the investigation was a story from a mainstream media outlet which was illegally leaked by criminals in the DoJ. The implication that James Comey had a private discussion with Trump that he somehow took copious notes of after the fact. The story was then leaked to the press after James Comey was fired. This is hearsay at best. You have to take James Comey's word for it.....and I think it's clear that after Comey said that they weren't spying on Trump, that he was instead under super secret surveillance, which in his biased opinion isn't spying, I think it's clear that the whole basis of the investigation and why it began is in question, and is currently under investigation. Which explains why Mueller tried to change the focus. After Trump gave the AG the authority to declassify the documents from the investigation the rats where feeling the heat and wanted to get the press off their backs. Send Mueller out there to give Democrats an excuse to start screaming impeachment even more.

Then Hillary, in an amazing stroke of luck, is giving a commencement speech in a graduation gown adorned with her favorite color purple (same color all of her co-conspirators wear), makes a statement right on cue attempting to take advantage of what Mueller said. I wonder if this seemingly perfect timing is yet again another attempt by the Clintons to spread false propaganda. Notice how every time Mueller releases a statement or an indictment, Hillary finds herself in front of a microphone within minutes. What a coincidence.
What does this have to do with what I posted?
The red is evidence of obstructive acts.
It's not evidence.
It's not even circumstantial evidence.
It's hearsay.

It's a graphic of what's in the report. You should try reading it someday since you like to talk about it so much.
I've read some of it....and I saw a lot of "He said....She said" which is hearsay.
I think the Mueller Report is just a lot of wishful thinking.
They don't have evidence of any criminal activity by Trump.
They feel they can convict someone for a crime because they claim he showed intent but never carried it out.
And this same justice department felt Hillary didn't intend on obstructing justice when she destroyed evidence.
That she didn't intend on mishandling classified information when it was clear she did when she set up her private server, and then destroyed it with BleachBit and used hammers to crush the phones she communicated with.

Jesus, you fuckers think just wishful-thinking is enough to get a conviction. To Hell with the facts.

Wishful thinking?
Jesus christ, dude. I just gave you a graphic of how Mueller broke it down.
Yeah.....Mueller wanted to head the FBI and Trump said no.
So this graphic means nothing.
I saw the evidence in the report.
Volume 2
Somebody said Trump said something.
That's not obstruction because discussing firing that Prick Mueller isn't obstruction.
Did he fire him?
Mueller claims that talking about it establishes intent.
However none of the above ever took place.
The media constantly talked about Trump firing him and Trump may have wanted to, but he never did....even though Mueller did plenty to deserve firing.
Mueller thinks that wanting to fire his worthless ass is enough to begin impeachment.
But Mueller knew he didn't have evidence of an actual crime.
All he had was a very nasty opinion of the president....because of huge conflicts.
Mueller never should have been put in charge of an investigation on Trump because of his inherent prejudices.

And Intent now is a new legal standard introduced by Comrade Comey.

The investigation turned up nothing. It's never a matter of proving innocence, since that is nearly impossible. It's a matter of finding evidence of wrong doing. That didn't happen. The dossier that started this investigation was bogus. It was paid for by Trump's enemies and did not contain factual information. It led to search warrants and a costly investigation that yielded zero evidence of a crime.

Funny that Hillary did in fact delete emails, use an insecure server that kept the State Dept. from knowing what she was up to, deleted thousands of emails and even destroyed several cell phones. We know she lied. Comey's report proved she lied and that she did not follow the rules regarding the handling of emails. National security was put at risk because of her negligent actions. Despite the truth coming out, she was not charged because of an apparent new rule (applying only to Dems) saying they had to find intent of wrong doing. It wasn't enough that she did dishonest and stupid things, the left said she meant no harm and dropped the whole thing. She's just a stupid old woman who doesn't understand why disregarding the law was wrong.

Now, we have a lengthy investigation into Trump, based solely on bullshit invented by some leftists, and not a shred of proof was discovered that would indicate any wrong doing. Despite that, they still want to pursue this matter. They are determined to find something or at least keep the accusations going through the next election. They continue to look for new ways to harass Trump. They even want to get their hands on all the family's financial records. It's a hunting expedition, not an investigation. Normally, only the investigators can subpoena records, and they must show that they actually pertain to a specific part of an investigation. Now we have a few members of congress thinking that they have the power to dig into the personal records of anyone in hopes of finding something wrong. It's a clear abuse of power. They do not have that power to begin with.

This has gone too far.

They also want Trump's tax returns, and someone claims to have gotten them (illegally). Funny that they aren't calling for Pence's returns, as well as Pelosi's, since they are in line for the presidency. No, they are desperate to find something, anything, they can manipulate to take Trump down. How about looking at the tax returns of every congress person? Would be interesting to see how many became millionaires while in office, the whole time complaining about their pitiful little salaries.

In summary they spent years trying to find Trumps Russian paperwork while Hillary stood there waving hers around.
How come you are unable to complete Mueller's quote? You're taking it out of context. Mueller stated he could not exonerate the President and he would have done so if he could. Mueller also did not come to any conclusions about whether a crime has been committed because he stated that you cannot indict a sitting president and there is another means of holding the president accountable outside of the criminal justice system.

Special counsel Robert Mueller: 'If we had had confidence that' President Trump 'clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

Mueller noted that there was another avenue for dealing with a sitting president who broke the law. He said that the internal Justice Department opinion barring the prosecution of a president also “says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.”

That “process,” which Mueller did not name, is impeachment.

Mueller called indicting a sitting president "unconstitutional", clearly he is not going to recommend something he feels goes against the Constitution.

I hope you're a little more honest (or smarter) in real life than you are here, cuz u dum.
Because in the Republican brain, if you can call that jiggly clump of cells in their skulls a brain, truth doesn't matter, only spin. Spin is King! So once they can extract any tiny evidence that SEEMS to go in their favor, then their mission is accomplished.

Just like how a certain Bush strutted out years before any accomplishment had been made w/a sign and a fighter pilot suit talking about "Mission Accomplished!"

It's how Republicans roll.
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Muller has now admitted that the whole thing Was A Witch Hunt as he knew from the start about the immunities of a sitting President.
His comments yesterday made him and you libs Look Worse and he should keep talking.
Mueller killed his credibility yesterday. There is no question now that he is and was a partisan shill for the Clinton's and the deep state. HE failed to make a recommendation in his report and then Bar with Rosenstines help closed the case as unfounded as required in DOJ policy. Mueller went totally off the reservation by implying criminality without proof. It remains to be seen if he can be charged for this gross prosecutorial misconduct. The OLC document is only a recommendation not law. Mueller using it as an excuse for not doing his job is pathetic at best.

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