Mueller Vs. Trump...Expect The Unexpected

It's pathetic that kissing that fat old bastard's ass is more important to these people than respecting the office of the President and wanting its #1 to be at the very least a NON-criminal.

If Trump is so damned innocent, why this ridiculous, ongoing smear campaign against the investigators? It's getting silly folks. If Trump is innocent, no worries. Leave the investigators to their jobs--they'll find nothing, right?
because they are all corrupt? we have evidence old woman. you seem to be missing this all right in front of your own wittle eyes.
What EVIDENCE? Conspiratorial pipe dreams, is what you got so far.
fake dossier is out right? hmmm who took that for the fisa warrant? hmmmmmmm
It's pathetic that kissing that fat old bastard's ass is more important to these people than respecting the office of the President and wanting its #1 to be at the very least a NON-criminal.

If Trump is so damned innocent, why this ridiculous, ongoing smear campaign against the investigators? It's getting silly folks. If Trump is innocent, no worries. Leave the investigators to their jobs--they'll find nothing, right?

It's a biased witch hunt....nothing more

thats produced four people getting charged ..

so youre full of witch hunt bullshit

but everyone knew that.

They weren't charged with collusion, moron.
The Nunes/Gowdy memo is released and the ensuing firestorm envelopes the Rats at the FBI and DOJ. Trump calls Mueller to the WH.

Trump: "Hi Bob, have a seat".
Mueller: "Thank you. First we'll need to swear you in, Mr. President".
Trump: "Uh, Bob.....First we'll need to swear YOU in."
Mueller's face turns ashen when AG Sessions and FBI Director Wray enter the room.
Mueller: "I don't understand...what's going on here?"
Trump: "Well Bob, I just fired Rosenstein and now I'm firing you....YOU'RE FIRED!"
Mueller: "I don't understand."
Trump: "Oh, I think you understand perfectly, Bob. And now you're being put under oath"
Mueller: "For what?"
Trump: "Bring in the grand jury, Jeff."
Mueller looks in stunned silence as the grand jury he empaneled files into the room.
Trump: "Jeff can take it from here, Bob. Oh and BTW, your boy Comey was arrested 15 minutes ago".
Mueller: "I'll get you for this!"
Trump: "Wait, did everybody hear that? Have a nice interview Bob....we'll have somebody arrange your bail."
I expect Trump to hand Mueller a folder with all of the crap done in Muellers career and then ask him what he wants to talk about.
The Nunes/Gowdy memo is released and the ensuing firestorm envelopes the Rats at the FBI and DOJ. Trump calls Mueller to the WH.

Trump: "Hi Bob, have a seat".
Mueller: "Thank you. First we'll need to swear you in, Mr. President".
Trump: "Uh, Bob.....First we'll need to swear YOU in."
Mueller's face turns ashen when AG Sessions and FBI Director Wray enter the room.
Mueller: "I don't understand...what's going on here?"
Trump: "Well Bob, I just fired Rosenstein and now I'm firing you....YOU'RE FIRED!"
Mueller: "I don't understand."
Trump: "Oh, I think you understand perfectly, Bob. And now you're being put under oath"
Mueller: "For what?"
Trump: "Bring in the grand jury, Jeff."
Mueller looks in stunned silence as the grand jury he empaneled files into the room.
Trump: "Jeff can take it from here, Bob. Oh and BTW, your boy Comey was arrested 15 minutes ago".
Mueller: "I'll get you for this!"
Trump: "Wait, did everybody hear that? Have a nice interview Bob....we'll have somebody arrange your bail."
I'm guessing the only thing Trump will say is "I plead the 5th".
It's pathetic that kissing that fat old bastard's ass is more important to these people than respecting the office of the President and wanting its #1 to be at the very least a NON-criminal.

If Trump is so damned innocent, why this ridiculous, ongoing smear campaign against the investigators? It's getting silly folks. If Trump is innocent, no worries. Leave the investigators to their jobs--they'll find nothing, right?

It's a biased witch hunt....nothing more

Then they'll find nothing. End of story, right?

It's never the end of the story. As we saw with Trump's health, the haters are going to hate, no matter what. If Mueller finds nothing, they'll just insist he's lying and corrupt, because, as always, the verdict is written in their minds before anything started.

Emotions trump facts with the haters.
The Nunes/Gowdy memo is released and the ensuing firestorm envelopes the Rats at the FBI and DOJ. Trump calls Mueller to the WH.

Trump: "Hi Bob, have a seat".
Mueller: "Thank you. First we'll need to swear you in, Mr. President".
Trump: "Uh, Bob.....First we'll need to swear YOU in."
Mueller's face turns ashen when AG Sessions and FBI Director Wray enter the room.
Mueller: "I don't understand...what's going on here?"
Trump: "Well Bob, I just fired Rosenstein and now I'm firing you....YOU'RE FIRED!"
Mueller: "I don't understand."
Trump: "Oh, I think you understand perfectly, Bob. And now you're being put under oath"
Mueller: "For what?"
Trump: "Bring in the grand jury, Jeff."
Mueller looks in stunned silence as the grand jury he empaneled files into the room.
Trump: "Jeff can take it from here, Bob. Oh and BTW, your boy Comey was arrested 15 minutes ago".
Mueller: "I'll get you for this!"
Trump: "Wait, did everybody hear that? Have a nice interview Bob....we'll have somebody arrange your bail."
I'm guessing the only thing Trump will say is "I plead the 5th".
he doesn't have to. fk learn something.
It's pathetic that kissing that fat old bastard's ass is more important to these people than respecting the office of the President and wanting its #1 to be at the very least a NON-criminal.

If Trump is so damned innocent, why this ridiculous, ongoing smear campaign against the investigators? It's getting silly folks. If Trump is innocent, no worries. Leave the investigators to their jobs--they'll find nothing, right?

It's a biased witch hunt....nothing more

thats produced four people getting charged ..

so youre full of witch hunt bullshit

but everyone knew that.

They weren't charged with collusion, moron.

That tidbit keeps slipping their tiny little minds....or as usual they are being willfully ignorant
It's pathetic that kissing that fat old bastard's ass is more important to these people than respecting the office of the President and wanting its #1 to be at the very least a NON-criminal.

If Trump is so damned innocent, why this ridiculous, ongoing smear campaign against the investigators? It's getting silly folks. If Trump is innocent, no worries. Leave the investigators to their jobs--they'll find nothing, right?

It's a biased witch hunt....nothing more

thats produced four people getting charged ..

so youre full of witch hunt bullshit

but everyone knew that.

They weren't charged with collusion, moron.

That tidbit keeps slipping their tiny little minds....or as usual they are being willfully ignorant
they are just ignorant.
The Nunes/Gowdy memo is released and the ensuing firestorm envelopes the Rats at the FBI and DOJ. Trump calls Mueller to the WH.

Trump: "Hi Bob, have a seat".
Mueller: "Thank you. First we'll need to swear you in, Mr. President".
Trump: "Uh, Bob.....First we'll need to swear YOU in."
Mueller's face turns ashen when AG Sessions and FBI Director Wray enter the room.
Mueller: "I don't understand...what's going on here?"
Trump: "Well Bob, I just fired Rosenstein and now I'm firing you....YOU'RE FIRED!"
Mueller: "I don't understand."
Trump: "Oh, I think you understand perfectly, Bob. And now you're being put under oath"
Mueller: "For what?"
Trump: "Bring in the grand jury, Jeff."
Mueller looks in stunned silence as the grand jury he empaneled files into the room.
Trump: "Jeff can take it from here, Bob. Oh and BTW, your boy Comey was arrested 15 minutes ago".
Mueller: "I'll get you for this!"
Trump: "Wait, did everybody hear that? Have a nice interview Bob....we'll have somebody arrange your bail."
I'm guessing the only thing Trump will say is "I plead the 5th".
The Nunes/Gowdy memo is released and the ensuing firestorm envelopes the Rats at the FBI and DOJ. Trump calls Mueller to the WH.

Trump: "Hi Bob, have a seat".
Mueller: "Thank you. First we'll need to swear you in, Mr. President".
Trump: "Uh, Bob.....First we'll need to swear YOU in."
Mueller's face turns ashen when AG Sessions and FBI Director Wray enter the room.
Mueller: "I don't understand...what's going on here?"
Trump: "Well Bob, I just fired Rosenstein and now I'm firing you....YOU'RE FIRED!"
Mueller: "I don't understand."
Trump: "Oh, I think you understand perfectly, Bob. And now you're being put under oath"
Mueller: "For what?"
Trump: "Bring in the grand jury, Jeff."
Mueller looks in stunned silence as the grand jury he empaneled files into the room.
Trump: "Jeff can take it from here, Bob. Oh and BTW, your boy Comey was arrested 15 minutes ago".
Mueller: "I'll get you for this!"
Trump: "Wait, did everybody hear that? Have a nice interview Bob....we'll have somebody arrange your bail."
I'm guessing the only thing Trump will say is "I plead the 5th".
It is likely he will refuse to meet with Mueller until he is brought before a grand jury. Then he'll take the 5th.
It's pathetic that kissing that fat old bastard's ass is more important to these people than respecting the office of the President and wanting its #1 to be at the very least a NON-criminal.

If Trump is so damned innocent, why this ridiculous, ongoing smear campaign against the investigators? It's getting silly folks. If Trump is innocent, no worries. Leave the investigators to their jobs--they'll find nothing, right?

It's a biased witch hunt....nothing more

Then they'll find nothing. End of story, right?

You all might be very surprised what they find

Cool. Then instead of trashing the investigation we should allow it to continue. After all, nobody did anything wrong.

So the left can continue to manufacture evidence?
The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners; and to perform these responsibilities in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public and is faithful to the Constitution of the United States.

The FBI's major priorities are to:

  • Protect the United States from terrorist attack;
  • Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage;
  • Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes;
  • Combat public corruption at all levels;
  • Protect civil rights;
  • Combat transnational and national criminal organizations and enterprises;
  • Combat major white-collar crime;
  • Combat significant violent crime;
  • Support federal, state, county, municipal, and international partners; and to
  • Upgrade technology to successfully perform the FBI's mission.
Organization, Mission and Functions Manual: Federal Bureau of Investigation | DOJ | Department of Justice

So We Find Out FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

"The Russian active measures campaign may have begun as early as 2015
, when Russian intelligence services launched a series of spear fishing attacks designed to penetrate the computers of a broad array of Washington based Democratic and Republican party organizations, think tanks and other entities. This continued at least through the winter of 2016.

While at first the hacking may have been intended solely for the collection of foreign intelligence. In mid-2016 the Russians weapon eyes the stolen data and used platforms established by the Intel services, such as D.C. leaks in existing third-party channels like WikiLeaks to dump the documents. The stolen documents were almost uniformly damaging to the candidate Putin despised, Hillary Clinton. And by forcing her campaign to constantly respond to the daily drip of disclosures, the releases greatly benefited Donald Trump's campaign.

None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies.

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

What does matter is this, the Russians successfully meddled in our democracy and our intelligence agencies have concluded they will do so again. Ours is not the first democracy to be attacked by the Russians in this way. Russian intelligence has been simile interfering in the internal and political affairs of our European and other allies for decades.

SCHIFF: What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."

:eusa_think: i wonder why so many of trump's campaign associates felt the need to lie about their conversations with russians?

whose fault is it that they all lied and got caught lying? :eusa_think:

whose fault is it that the trump admin has been obstructing justice? :eusa_think:

i wonder why an "America first" president would scoff at FACTS that confirm damaging foreign espionage. :eusa_think:
I don't see Mueller coming up with any Russian Colusion against Trump. I will guarantee you that 99% of the congress could not
stand a investigation of this type and not be charged with something. There is a good chance this whole investigation is phoney.
If this turns out to be true, Mueller has to know it. Think about this, Mueller is able to charge Trump with some purgery charge.
Then it is found out that whole investigation was a hoax by Dems. What Now?

There are a few honest Dems, who even say they voted for HRC, that are appalled at what the Liberal Left is trying to pull. Top
Liberals that are experts on Constitutional Law say there is no crime to charge Trump. This is a go for broke play made by the
Dems. There are separate issues here, forget Trump and focus on what the Dems have done. They are in a major jam that could
send people to jail. When they flush these things out they are going to find colusion. The colusion is not going to be with Russia.
There is going to be a trail of colusion that will make a hawk dizzy. This runs from Obama-HRC-DNC- Media & Tech on down to
the street thugs the Dems have hired to cause chaos.

Now, with all this Liberal Dem scandal and crime in plain sight, and I admit some of it is going to be hard to prove in court, why
would you pick at Trump for what is more political than legal attack on him? I saw clips of Liberal news people when they announced
Mueller wanted to talk to Trump. They were literally jumping up and down with glee. The same people who won't cover any good
news on Trump.

The Haters are quicker than Liberals to sieze on some negative trivia that is nothing but accusations to begin with. What is the reason
for this hate? It's just like trying to ask one of the Liberal demonstrators what their beef is. They don't know, they just hate Trump.
Ask them why they hate Trump. They don't know that either. They might rack off a list of Dem talking points, if they can read. I
think anyone of either party that is willing to overlook the major wrong doing that has been going on in the top of our govt is a
dishonest person. This kind of dishonesty is what brought us to this mess. People were ignoring the laws because of politics. Dems
allowing illegal acts and Repbs not doing anything about them because it might effect elections.
This is how it should go....

Mueller and his team sets up for the session....Trump walks in and states..."I am the President, and Comey worked for me, and I have the power as the leader of the Executive Branch to fire any one I fucking, dipshit....I have several federal agents with me who are now going to ask You some questions about your relationship with comey, the clinton's, obama, strzok, paige, mccabe and all the other will be placed under oath, and if necessary arrested....."

Walks out of the room...

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