Mueller was too much of a pussy to tell the real story....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
AG Barr’s new defense on not charging Trump with obstruction: Mueller never decided

Republican or no....Mueller is part of the Anti Trump state. It wouldn't surprise me to find Jeb Bush under that woodpile with some extended looking. I never actually knew much about Mueller except that I recognized the name from his tenure at the FBI...other than that I didn't know what he stood for or what his record was. After looking at his long record of Prosecutorial terror and misconduct I can see why Rosenstein chose him to go after Trump. He's the guy you go to when you don't have anything to bring before the judge and you need to manufacture it. Rosenstein no doubt got back to his buddies including Deep state operatives and elected officials and assured them... "Don't worry...this thing is as good as done....Mueller will get him one way or another "...and indeed Mueller seemed to take special relish in his new found position as societal God for the left for the past two years. Hey Maybe Bob should run for office?

Now.... two failed years later and nothing to show for it Mueller had the one thing left that he could offer up to try to make sure he was still on the Christmas party lists in DC. He had Inference. Now inference ain't worth squat in a court of law but it just might be enough to keep Bob from having to admit his dick wasn't really as big as people thought it was.

So there wasn't enough for him to take a position or make a recommendation ( do I smell shit? ) but what the little freaking coward did was try to coax congress out on the impeachment limb without being directly responsible for it. Why? Because the Truth his he's a little puke that can't stand rejection and his "FEWINS " were hurt by the fact that he was no longer seen as the Big Bad Trump slayer. Boo....hooo....hooo.

So he leaks the letter? I'm pretty sure he can be held responsible for that. Fortunately for him Barr is his lifetime buddy.....but even that has it's limits. Hey Maybe that's what Mueller is afraid of?

Barr: "Multiple Criminal Leak Investigations Underway" Related To Russia Investigation

Now then Bobby...Go before the house and tell them your report was wrong and you want to rewrite it. Recommend Impeachment Bob! That will get everyone back to thinking you really do have a foot long schlong...just don't wear snug pants buddy....get the pleated ones and no one will really know!

See bob...the democrats want to blame Impeachment on someone other than themselves because that would be political suicide and they know it. So give them the cover they need and they can say...." Well...hey...Mueller recommended it! It is still political suicide but you can at least be a good sport and give them some cover Bob! Then maybe you can get back to the glory days with a fat lady Capitol Cop running cover for you so you can know...Important.


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OK, so you're not a Bob Mueller fan, but after 2-years of disrupting the Trump admin, and spending $25m, finding NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION, that's technically a win for Trump. Especially considering that the prosecution of the deep state actors will be happening soon.

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