Mueller's job.......(in my opinion)


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.
You are the dumbest fuck on the USMB. You keep repeating the same lies, like we won't notice this time...


However, those who perpetrated this hoax should be shitting themselves. The attention is now on them. They better lawyer up if they want to stay out of prison.
No obstruction, no collusion. OP has dimentia wrapped in TDS. It's ugly watching it happen in stage four.
You are the dumbest fuck on the USMB. You keep repeating the same lies, like we won't notice this time...

Then why doesn't an asshole like you LIST the lies (with links to what you determine to be the "truth") rather than being a scum bucket that simply trolls????....................Just asking.....LOL
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Russian Interference. Check
Conspiracy between Trump and Russia: Evidence doesn't rise to the legal definition. No check.
Obstruction. Check (See Faux News)

2 out of 3 Ain't Bad.

Mueller Prosecutors: Trump Did Obstruct Justice

"Prosecutors working for Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded last year that they had sufficient evidence to seek criminal charges against President Donald Trump for obstruction of justice over the president’s alleged pressuring of then FBI Director James Comey in February 2017 to shut down an FBI investigation of the president’s then national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

"Privately, the two prosecutors, who were then employed in the special counsel’s office, told other Justice Department officials that had it not been for the unique nature of the case—the investigation of a sitting president of the United States, and one who tried to use the powers of his office to thwart and even close down the special counsel’s investigation—they would have advocated that he face federal criminal charges.

"I learned of the conclusions of the two former Mueller prosecutors not by any leak, either from them personally or from the office of special counsel.

"Rather, the two prosecutors disclosed this information in then-confidential conversations with two other federal law enforcement officials, who subsequently recounted what they were told to me."

Trump fired the FBI director, repeatedly tried to push out other Justice Department officials, and tried to end the probes of Russia and Michael Flynn.

He's a national disgrace who deserves impeachment, conviction, criminal prosecution, and a long retirement within the walls of federal prison.
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Both Sekulow and Dershowitz are shills for Trump and Russia.
Nothing either of them say has any value.

Sekulow is from Brooklyn is a Messianic jew, no obvious Russia connections
Jay Sekulow - Wikipedia
Alan Dershowitz is also from Brooklyn and is an Orthodox Jew, the youngest Law Professor in Harvard's history.
Alan Dershowitz - Wikipedia

Got a link that proves your Russian shills tripe or is it a lie like I'm calling it?
I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.


The very definition of a TROLL..............
Sekulow is from Brooklyn is a Messianic jew, no obvious Russia connections

Sekulow has built a financial empire that generates millions of dollars a year and supports a lavish lifestyle—complete with multiple homes, chauffeur-driven cars, and a private jet that he once used to ferry Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to gain favor in SCOTUS arguments.
I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.

I wanted to personally thank you for your devotion to the truth; not only in this matter but across the board (pun intended). I have moved on to other discussion groups and the like so I don’t come by as much as I once did. Good to see the board hasn’t totally gone off the rails…

As for Mueller, I thank him for getting the felons trump hired off the streets and off of the public payroll. But he screwed up by not insisting that the President sit for an interview. The whole point of the written questions (that Trump likely never saw) was to prevent follow ups. Could you imagine if every subject of an investigation were able to do this? “Mr. District Attorney, my client will only take written questions on the predication that there are absolutely no follow up questions. We’ll errr…he'll respond in a few months. Cherio."
Mueller was under no mandate "to provide proof". His job was to investigate the allegation that Trump colluded with the Russians and in the end his investigation spanning two years and 3,000 subpoenas and 500 witnesses concluded that there was no evidence to support the charge. My guess is that he was aware in the beginning that the charges were ludicrous but he spent the next two years trying to cover up evidence that seemed to lead to the FBI engaging in what amounted to an attempted political coup.
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Both Sekulow and Dershowitz are shills for Trump and Russia.
Nothing either of them say has any value.

Dershowitz was one of OJ’s attorneys.

If you look at the EPSN 30 fo 30 they did with the figures from the OJ case, defense counsel, jurors, witnesses, etc… have all pretty much come out and said OJ was guilty as shit but the trial wasn’t about guilt or innocence of the crime. It was about score settling.

I imagine in about 15 years or so, there will be a similar media event where all of the figures pretty much cop to the guilt of the blob.
Sekulow is from Brooklyn is a Messianic jew, no obvious Russia connections

Sekulow has built a financial empire that generates millions of dollars a year and supports a lavish lifestyle—complete with multiple homes, chauffeur-driven cars, and a private jet that he once used to ferry Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to gain favor in SCOTUS arguments.

So he is a wealthy NY Jew lawyer, I'm shocked. (Avanati had a jet too)
The question was "prove he and Dershowitz are Russian shills".
I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.

Giant fail and I'll explain it to you. The Mueller report was for Barr's Eyes only, unless he wanted to release it to others.

Mueller couldn't punt to Congress, because Mueller wouldn't know if Congress would even see the report. That was a confidential report for the AG
only. As long as Mueller wouldn't bring charges, there was no reason for any of the report to be put out.

Try again.
I wanted to personally thank you for your devotion to the truth; not only in this matter but across the board (pun intended). I have moved on to other discussion groups and the like so I don’t come by as much as I once did. Good to see the board hasn’t totally gone off the rails…

As for Mueller, I thank him for getting the felons trump hired off the streets and off of the public payroll. But he screwed up by not insisting that the President sit for an interview. The whole point of the written questions (that Trump likely never saw) was to prevent follow ups. Could you imagine if every subject of an investigation were able to do this? “Mr. District Attorney, my client will only take written questions on the predication that there are absolutely no follow up questions. We’ll errr…he'll respond in a few months. Cherio."

Thank you and we NEED you here.......since the powers that be send me to the dog house quite a few times since I seem to "irk" the solid Trump cult membership.

Regarding Mueller.......MANY, many mistakes on his part........and the written response to Mueller's questions were a damn travesty to any semblance of justice....Imagine, even in WRITTEN responses by Trump's own $900 per hour attorneys there were dozens of "I don'r recall".........
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Your link:

"The public is left with a 'very unflattering portrait of presidential actions that don't rise to the level of criminal conduct,' Dershowitz noted."

Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, ad Dershowitz points out:

"Dershowitz explained that the Mueller report establishes a clear 'roadmap' for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings. 'I said from day one that I thought Mueller would provide a roadmap, that was the word I used and that's clearly what he's provided here.'"
So he is a wealthy NY Jew lawyer, I'm shocked. (Avanati had a jet too)
The question was "prove he and Dershowitz are Russian shills".

Not my task to prove Russian ties.....BUT, these two shyster morons' love of the limelight made them side with an orange fuckhead instead of their ethics.....and they will pay the price for being stooges.

After all, being a decent lawyer and anti-Trump places you in the millions.........Being Pro-Trump and a liar....gets you a constant slot on FOX to build your financial empire............Just highly paid whores.
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