Mueller's Team Speaking to Reporters

Yes I do. But I also know that if Mueller had found anything pertaining to collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been in the summary. That's what the whole investigation was about.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

I actually agree with you. I think there's LOTS in the ACTUAL summary. The one written by Mueller and his team that Barr is hiding
You sure are one funny lefty loon.

If there had been collusion between Trump and Russia that would have been the first thing listed in the Summary.

You sure are a whinny little bitch.

Barr didn't write a summary (he wrote a PR memo to cover Trump's fat ass). He made that clear in his second whiny letter.

And you are a foul mouthed little c**t
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Let’s see how accurate the summary is

I want to see the whole report
Don’t you?

Yes I do. But I also know that if Mueller had found anything pertaining to collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been in the summary. That's what the whole investigation was about.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
I am still waiting for an explanation on why Trump people were meeting with the Russians
You sure are one funny lefty loon.

If there had been collusion between Trump and Russia that would have been the first thing listed in the Summary.

You sure are a whinny little bitch.

Barr didn't write a summary (he wrote a PR memo to cover Trump's fat ass). He made that clear in his second whiny letter.

And you are a foul mouthed little c**t

If you say so. And I'm sure you do because its what you want to believe. The truth isn't what you want to hear.

Oh and you are still one whinny little bitch.
You sure are one funny lefty loon.

If there had been collusion between Trump and Russia that would have been the first thing listed in the Summary.

You sure are a whinny little bitch.

Barr didn't write a summary (he wrote a PR memo to cover Trump's fat ass). He made that clear in his second whiny letter.

And you are a foul mouthed little c**t
LOL! I love it when Claudette gets bitch slapped especially over a sham 4 page summary.
I am not that interested in what the Democratic 'Hit Squad', a group of hand-picked liberal Democrat and Hillary supporters / donors - to include a Clinton Foundation lawyer (Conflict Of Interest much?), have to say about the Mueller report. I expect their comments / additions to the report were much like Cohen's last appearance before Congress - zero evidence of crime but lots of unsubstantiated accusations / attacks. Let me know when Mueller himself steps forward and declares US AG Barr is lying to the American people.

In the meantime, instead of listening to Trump-hating Democrats / snowflakes foaming at the mouth and the Info-Leaking (No stopping the Left's 'Leak Strategy' Strzok texted about...) 'Hit Squad's propaganda, I will patiently wait for the actual Mueller Report to be released in the next 2 weeks.
They legally can’t say anything about what is in the report.

They can be forced to testify by congress on their report

They could be subpoenaed however everything they say, without the report would be hearsay.

They wrote the report

Did they all write the report? They might have read the final report, also they are not allowed to testify about anything in the grand jury report or about things that could possibly divulge national security, unless they closed the hearings to the public.

I myself if I were Congress wait until the report is released to Congress in the next few weeks.
It is not a Grand Jury report it is a special investigation of our election

What information that was given to the Grand Jury has many parts that are protected for privacy reasons. So unless the information was pertinent to a crime the information is considered private and outside the case. So they and their content cannot be divulged.

There were parts of the Clinton Grand Jury investigation that were just revealed last year, by a court order. Bill Clinton fought to keep them sealed.

You start changing laws to fit a political agenda that’s when we the private American start losing rights.
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Let’s see how accurate the summary is

I want to see the whole report
Don’t you?

Yes I do. But I also know that if Mueller had found anything pertaining to collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been in the summary. That's what the whole investigation was about.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
I am still waiting for an explanation on why Trump people were meeting with the Russians
I’m still waiting on an explanation on why our courts and government officials believed a dossier produced by a Clinton hired agent.
The entire Grand Jury testimony from Watergate was turned over to Congress and none of it was made public until years later.

It can be turned over to Congress NOW upon request
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Let’s see how accurate the summary is

I want to see the whole report
Don’t you?

Yes I do. But I also know that if Mueller had found anything pertaining to collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been in the summary. That's what the whole investigation was about.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
I am still waiting for an explanation on why Trump people were meeting with the Russians
I’m still waiting on an explanation on why our courts and government officials believed a dossier produced by a Clinton hired agent.
Dude..the Dossier is long in the rearview mirror.

The only people who care about that now are you and your altright QAnon buddies.
Trumpers have said that Mueller team members would speak out if they thought that Barr wasn't being straight with the American people. Well now they are

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

NYT: Some on Mueller’s team see their findings more damaging for Trump

I don't know what's more pathetic...that the New York Times and MSNBC are still trying to push the "Russian Collusion" narrative after the Mueller Investigation came up with nothing to show it ever happened...or that you think their attempts to do so is somehow newsworthy!

Are there some members of the Mueller "team" that aren't happy? Well, yeah! Look at who was ON that team! You had a bunch of Trump haters who wanted to find dirt on collusion so bad they could taste it and after two years and dozens of indictments trying to force someone to give them that dirt...they've come up with nothing! You'd be hard pressed to find people who are more "frustrated" than they are but it's not because of something that Barr has's because they failed at what THEY were trying to do!
Kaybe they just want the true said, instead of a lie.
Again, they didn't say Barr lied. They said Barr didn't make Trump look bad.

Making Trump look bad was not the point of the investigation. Trump doesn't need any help with that.

That isn't what they said at all.

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.
What else could they be saying?

failed to adequately portray?

more troubling?

They appear to not be complaining that Barr's conclusions were wrong. He just didn't make it sound as bad as they wanted.

"Failed to adequately portray" sounds like "that's not what we said" to me.
You sure are one funny lefty loon.

If there had been collusion between Trump and Russia that would have been the first thing listed in the Summary.

You sure are a whinny little bitch.

Barr didn't write a summary (he wrote a PR memo to cover Trump's fat ass). He made that clear in his second whiny letter.

And you are a foul mouthed little c**t
LOL! I love it when Claudette gets bitch slapped especially over a sham 4 page summary.

:boo_hoo14: Go ahead and get your hopes up real high, cupcake. Delude yourself into all kinds of stupidity so I can laugh at you later on this month. I'm laughing at the tantrum-throwers today already. :abgg2q.jpg:

Last edited:
The entire Grand Jury testimony from Watergate was turned over to Congress and none of it was made public until years later.

It can be turned over to Congress NOW upon request

Since 1983 it has been illegal to make Grand Jury testimony public...a statute known in legal circles by its number, 6e! Congress does not have the right to demand Grand Jury testimony and has not had that right for decades...something that Jerry Nadler, a lawyer and Chairman of the Judiciary KNOWS full well!
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Let’s see how accurate the summary is

I want to see the whole report
Don’t you?

Yes I do. But I also know that if Mueller had found anything pertaining to collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been in the summary. That's what the whole investigation was about.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
I am still waiting for an explanation on why Trump people were meeting with the Russians
I’m still waiting on an explanation on why our courts and government officials believed a dossier produced by a Clinton hired agent.
Dude..the Dossier is long in the rearview mirror.

The only people who care about that now are you and your altright QAnon buddies.
How convenient. The problem you have with that partisan viewpoint, is it ALL stems from the Clinton dossier.
Trumpers have said that Mueller team members would speak out if they thought that Barr wasn't being straight with the American people. Well now they are

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

NYT: Some on Mueller’s team see their findings more damaging for Trump
Trumpers have said that Mueller team members would speak out if they thought that Barr wasn't being straight with the American people. Well now they are

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

NYT: Some on Mueller’s team see their findings more damaging for Trump
Your link:

"Mr. Barr has said he will move quickly to release the nearly 400-page report but needs time to scrub out confidential information.

"The special counsel’s investigators had already written multiple summaries of the report
, and some team members believe that Mr. Barr should have included more of their material in the four-page letter he wrote on March 24 laying out their main conclusions, according to government officials familiar with the investigation. Mr. Barr only briefly cited the special counsel’s work in his letter."

If Mueller's team created an Executive Summary among those "multiple summaries of the report," it would already have been scrubbed of Grand Jury and sensitive national security information.

Which means Bill Barr is doing exactly what he was hired to do just like he did 26 years ago for another corrupt Republican president.

Barr as AG? Bush and Trump Dovetail | Accuracy.Org

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