Mueller's Team Speaking to Reporters

Is it ethical (or legal) for Mueller's "team" to leak information to reporters without his consent? What does his "team" consist of anyway? Does it include clerks? It shows how the political affiliation of the "Mueller team" has always been the primary motivation..
it seems like it would not be legal, even though it is common day place.... FBI leaked daily, and it was reported on FOX on the FBI investigation in to the Hillary server, while the investigation was still on going! Which is definitely a real NO NO.

no one was fired or demoted or reprimanded for it...

and since justice is suppose to be blind, and equal justice for all... I doubt these new leakers, of an investigation, after an investigation ended, will be charged either, if it is breaking a law...

seems loosey goosey to me....

one exception for it not being wrong, may be whistle blowing... on our govt, for being intentionally dishonest to us... as long as they are not leaking top secret military stuff...

leaking to the press on our gvt's wrong doings, was what our founders created and codified in our constitution, with freedom of the press...

Actually 1-2 FBI agents are doing 5 years + right for leaking and so is Reality Winner. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are fired and had their security clearances yanked, too. Lemme see if I can find..

Reality Winner, Former N.S.A. Translator, Gets More Than 5 Years in Leak of Russian Hacking Report

Former FBI agent sentenced to 4 years in jail for leaking to reporter
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This is great news! I've been listening to it on CNN and MSNBC.

NYT: Some on Mueller’s Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Revealed

Why would it be great news ? You should only be happy when your president has done nothing wrong.

This is where we are now, where one side is ecstatic when their opposition does something wrong. We are now more concerned about our side, than we are about the country as a whole.

Absolutely sad, and absolutely sickening.

I want the facts and truth. Don't you? I want those facts and truth direct from Mueller and his team - not the whitewashed version from Trump's partisan fixer.
Is it ethical (or legal) for Mueller's "team" to leak information to reporters without his consent? What does his "team" consist of anyway? Does it include clerks? It shows how the political affiliation of the "Mueller team" has always been the primary motivation..
it seems like it would not be legal, even though it is common day place.... FBI leaked daily, and it was reported on FOX on the FBI investigation in to the Hillary server, while the investigation was still on going! Which is definitely a real NO NO.

no one was fired or demoted or reprimanded for it...

and since justice is suppose to be blind, and equal justice for all... I doubt these new leakers, of an investigation, after an investigation ended, will be charged either, if it is breaking a law...

seems loosey goosey to me....

one exception for it not being wrong, may be whistle blowing... on our govt, for being intentionally dishonest to us... as long as they are not leaking top secret military stuff...

leaking to the press on our gvt's wrong doings, was what our founders created and codified in our constitution, with freedom of the press...

Actually 1-2 FBI agents are doing 5 years + right for leaking and so is Reality Winner. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are fired and had their security clearances yanked, too. Lemme see if I can find..

Reality Winner, Former N.S.A. Translator, Gets More Than 5 Years in Leak of Russian Hacking Report

Former FBI agent sentenced to 4 years in jail for leaking to reporter
yep, that's for leaking top secret/National security stuff.... same with Snowden and Chelsea manning....

When a top secret method of operation is leaked from the Mueller report, let me know.... so far, we ain't seen none of that, yet....
This bullshit whitewashing by the democrats on Mueller's team reminds of this painting:


What you DON'T see (and imagine) seems more frightening than if you were able to see what is actually there.

that's usually the case!! :lol: it's why a lot of kids are afraid of the dark!!! :eek:

and this is why transparency, releasing the Mueller report, with redactions of only top secrets or methods of operation, is important... keeping us in the dark, is truly not a good thing.

guaranteed, we are all imagining it to be worse, than it likely is...
Looks like this is their main bitch:

"The report's second part addresses a number of actions by the President – most of which have been the subject of public reporting – that the Special Counsel investigated as potentially raising obstruction-of-justice concerns. After making a “thorough factual investigation” into these matters, the Special Counsel considered whether to evaluate the conduct under Department standards governing prosecution and declination decisions but ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment. The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion - one way or the other – as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction. Instead, for each of the relevant actions investigated, the report sets out evidence on both sides of the question and leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as “difficult issues” of law and fact concerning whether the President's actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction. The Special Counsel states that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

"The Special Counsel's decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime. Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel's office engaged in discussions with certain Department officials regarding many of the legal and factual matters at issue in the Special Counsel's obstruction investigation. After reviewing the Special Counsel's final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president."

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

So, Barr did not reach the conclusions they wanted on obstruction? That's it?


After saying these are difficult questions of law....bitch about Barr reaching conclusions they don't like?


We're done here.

Barr is not to be trusted with this.

Time for the public to see both the Mueller Report and Trump's tax records.

Democratic Party -controlled major committees in the House of Representatives are now demanding to see both.

In accordance with United States law, and the Constitution itself.
Unless Trump had committed a crime in which they have evidence of, then NO they can't just go snooping around in Trump's business in hopes to find a crime in which they have no evidence of. American's privacy and freedom is at stake in these situations, and Trump is no different than any of the other American's that have privacy rights, and has every other right that an American enjoys, and has in this country. Butt hurt is not a justification to go looking around in someone's private buisness in hopes to politically destroy a person for purely political reasons.

The Ways and Means committee request is bullet proof. Read the 1924 tax law.
This bullshit whitewashing by the democrats on Mueller's team reminds of this painting:


What you DON'T see (and imagine) seems more frightening than if you were able to see what is actually there.

that's usually the case!! :lol: it's why a lot of kids are afraid of the dark!!! :eek:

and this is why transparency, releasing the Mueller report, with redactions of only top secrets or methods of operation, is important... keeping us in the dark, is truly not a good thing.

guaranteed, we are all imagining it to be worse, than it likely is...
Well said.

I would rather make up my own mind than listen to any of these hacks (Barr included).

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Trumpers have said that Mueller team members would speak out if they thought that Barr wasn't being straight with the American people. Well now they are

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

NYT: Some on Mueller’s team see their findings more damaging for Trump
Message to all of my conservative pals.....

No reason at all to get angst with what we know is theatre.....offuckingcourse it was going to happen! But it's all simply ratchets up the level of division even more and closer to the trigger point of pushback. Our side never goes full-on st00pid....but the moment of reckoning draws nearer.:2up:. Between now and the election, were gonna see shit never seen before as progressives out there flip the trigger....its gonna be fucking great!:popcorn:
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Based on what?

Why don't these Mueller tools pipe up with specifics?

They legally can’t say anything about what is in the report.

They can be forced to testify by congress on their report

They could be subpoenaed however everything they say, without the report would be hearsay.

They wrote the report

Did they all write the report? They might have read the final report, also they are not allowed to testify about anything in the grand jury report or about things that could possibly divulge national security, unless they closed the hearings to the public.

I myself if I were Congress wait until the report is released to Congress in the next few weeks.
It is not a Grand Jury report it is a special investigation of our election
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Let’s see how accurate the summary is

I want to see the whole report
Don’t you?
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Nice try.

Mueller's people have come out and said that's bullshit. That Barr was misrepresenting the report.

In fact the Mueller report is a summary written by a very careful legal mind. Mueller knows what can and can't be made public and to claim that his summary wasn't written with public disclosure in mind is just horse shit.

RELEASE the Report
Kaybe they just want the true said, instead of a lie.
Again, they didn't say Barr lied. They said Barr didn't make Trump look bad.

Making Trump look bad was not the point of the investigation. Trump doesn't need any help with that.

That isn't what they said at all.

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.
What else could they be saying?

failed to adequately portray?

more troubling?

They appear to not be complaining that Barr's conclusions were wrong. He just didn't make it sound as bad as they wanted.

Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Let’s see how accurate the summary is

I want to see the whole report
Don’t you?

Yes I do. But I also know that if Mueller had found anything pertaining to collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been in the summary. That's what the whole investigation was about.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
Talk about a bunch of sore losers.

Mueller's report, the one the lefty loons were sure would hang Trump, will be out soon. The summary says there was absolutely no collusion between the Russians and Trump.

The left just can't stand the truth so they grasp at any straw they can find to try and believe what they want to believe.

What a bunch of whinny assholes.
Nice try.

Mueller's people have come out and said that's bullshit. That Barr was misrepresenting the report.

In fact the Mueller report is a summary written by a very careful legal mind. Mueller knows what can and can't be made public and to claim that his summary wasn't written with public disclosure in mind is just horse shit.

RELEASE the Report

You sure are one funny lefty loon.

If there had been collusion between Trump and Russia that would have been the first thing listed in the Summary.

You sure are a whinny little bitch.

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