Mueller's Team Speaking to Reporters

Trumpers have said that Mueller team members would speak out if they thought that Barr wasn't being straight with the American people. Well now they are

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

NYT: Some on Mueller’s team see their findings more damaging for Trump
We don't need to read a conclusion that was based on donors to the DNC
I'll take Barr's word instead
Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated,
Any specifics? Any suggestions as to how Barr should have summarized it?


Read the article.

Does any grown up adult with an IQ above 75 really think that there can be 37 indictments, 6 people serving time and somehow Trump's hands are clean?


We have had special prosecutors that have indicted and convicted a lot more than 37 indictments and a Presidents hands were clean.
They legally can’t say anything about what is in the report.
But, they CAN say SPECIFICALLY which items in Barr's summary are NOT true or misleading.

They didn't say ANYTHING.


If I were them, I would say a word about what is in the report as it could result in prosecution if the wrong thing is said, and these people are legal experts and they know what could happen to them.
Barr is not to be trusted with this.
Based on what?

Why don't these Mueller tools pipe up with specifics?

They legally can’t say anything about what is in the report.

They can be forced to testify by congress on their report

They could be subpoenaed however everything they say, without the report would be hearsay.

They wrote the report, it would be direct testimony
Barr wrote in his 3.5 page summary that Mueller did NOT exonerate Trump.

Look it up.
This is true.

It left it up to Barr and Rosenstein to make the call. They did. People bitched.

No, you're wrong.

Mueller left it up to Barr and Rosenstein to determine if there was obstruction of justice.

He did not leave it to Barr to determine exoneration.

Don't you ever tire of being up Trump's ass?

Now that doesn't make sense here since Mueller had the time and the resources to determine if Trump obstructed, since he didn't make that conclusion, there was none.

You seem to forget that it was Rosenstein who wrote the letter recommending that Comey be fired, which Trump did so.
Barr is not to be trusted with this.
Based on what?

Why don't these Mueller tools pipe up with specifics?

They legally can’t say anything about what is in the report.

They can be forced to testify by congress on their report

They could be subpoenaed however everything they say, without the report would be hearsay.

They wrote the report

Did they all write the report? They might have read the final report, also they are not allowed to testify about anything in the grand jury report or about things that could possibly divulge national security, unless they closed the hearings to the public.

I myself if I were Congress wait until the report is released to Congress in the next few weeks.
Trumpers have said that Mueller team members would speak out if they thought that Barr wasn't being straight with the American people. Well now they are

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

NYT: Some on Mueller’s team see their findings more damaging for Trump
Uh huh...
New Yawk Slimes and the attorneys who rooked the US taxpayer for 26 million...

You lost.

Grow up.

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