Muhammad Cartoon Contest In Netherlands Sparks Pakistan Protests

It's not a smart idea to insult 1.2 billion people. ... :cool:
2.2 billion Christians say it's fine.
--------------------------------------- consider that millions of those so called Christians are neither Christian but are wussy new fangled type 'kristian' that have no thinking ability to see whats going on Aba .
You consider that they slaughter each other like animals.

Not to mention they treat women like dogs.
do muslims still immigrate to Westen lands Godboy ?? 'GWB' was a wusse who couldn't even do a proper Shock and Awe in 'iraq' Godboy . You want to see some good work on muslims in the 'iraqi' army . See Norman Scharzkopfs [sp] work on the retreating iraqi muslim army in 91 or 92 as that iraqi muslim army retreated from 'kuwait'. Simply google ' highway of death Godboy .

However, Saddam Hussein set the Kuwaiti oil wells on fire when forced out. US Special Forces found Saddam hiding in a spider hole and the Iraqi's hanged him.
--------------------------------------------- big deal and so what , what is significant about that .

I was hoping that I could uplift this lame discussion and apparently I succeeded. You gave a lame rebuttal and I thank you for my second chuckle of the day. You must be on the Debate Team at Harvard. lol
like i agreed , USA got 'saddam' in a spider hole . Ithen say or comment , big deal and so what ?? 'gwb' did a wussy shock and awe in 'iraq' XBand .
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
Because it's hilarious to see Muslim idiots get triggered by it.
Ok thanks that helps me understand. But do you think it is reasonable for a human prophet to be elevated to that level in the minds of his followers?
To the western secular mind it isn't reasonable.

But to the Muslim people it makes perfect sense, and they have no desire to change their way of thinking. .... :cool:
Do you see any shift in thinking in the younger generation?
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
Because it's hilarious to see Muslim idiots get triggered by it.
---------------------------- i remember the Texas USA 'mohamad' cartoon contest , it was amusing and 2 offended 'muslims' that attacked it were bagged .
interesting , the 'boston' bomber muslims were young . The 'san berdoo' muslim husband and wife shooters were young . And many from Minnesota that fly back to join 'isis' are young 'isis' recruits from USA . Same for younger muslims that lived in 'europe' that go to fight for 'isis' to reestablish the 'caliphate' .
Muslims will kill you for depicting Mohammad with a face. However, it is legal in Muslimland to depict Mohammad with a rag covering his face.
There’s a lot of artwork from muslim countries depicting Mohammed - including his face - going way back. So I’m not sure where this idea comes from. Convenient though.
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

Have You Ever Read Anything Serious In Content ??

Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?
It's not a smart idea to insult 1.2 billion people. ... :cool:
2.2 billion Christians say it's fine.

This is NOT fine! How DARE you try to speak for all Christians worldwide. You may be a member of one of the cults calling themselves "Christian" while denying the teachings of Jesus, but this is nothing. Why do you try to insult Christians so much? Why do you try to destroy the entire Christian faith?
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

Have You Ever Read Anything Serious In Content ??

Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?

My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record.

Not a lot of recent Christian or Jewish beheadings or murder sprees for heresy...……..
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

Have You Ever Read Anything Serious In Content ??

Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?

My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record.

Not a lot of recent Christian or Jewish beheadings or murder sprees for heresy...……..
Oh, just try to fight it off. Most Muslims, all over a billion of them, don't behead anyone. Why don't you deal with the shit in your own country, the fuckheads like the jeffress cult people? What about all of the fuckhead "Christian" "preachers" who encourage the murders of LGBT people? There is at least one member of USMB who likes the idea of pushing LGBTs off of buildings.

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