Muhammad Cartoon Contest In Netherlands Sparks Pakistan Protests

Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

Have You Ever Read Anything Serious In Content ??

Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?

My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record.

Not a lot of recent Christian or Jewish beheadings or murder sprees for heresy...……..
Oh, just try to fight it off. Most Muslims, all over a billion of them, don't behead anyone. Why don't you deal with the shit in your own country, the fuckheads like the jeffress cult people? What about all of the fuckhead "Christian" "preachers" who encourage the murders of LGBT people? There is at least one member of USMB who likes the idea of pushing LGBTs off of buildings.

Oh, just try to fight it off.

Fight off what? Muslim barbarism?

Why don't you deal with the shit in your own country,

I agree, we have enough of our own problems. No need to import more.

There is at least one member of USMB who likes the idea of pushing LGBTs off of buildings.

Are you saying that cute Muslim custom is a bad thing?
We shouldn't import 10,000 ISIS fanatics into San Francisco?
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

Have You Ever Read Anything Serious In Content ??

Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?

My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record.

Not a lot of recent Christian or Jewish beheadings or murder sprees for heresy...……..

Just look at the modern day people who call themselves "Christians" who are happy with the harm that may come to LGBT people. There is even one poster here on USMB who is happy that extreme radical Islamists push LGBT off of buildings. Moreover, the mass murders of people who were Jewish in Europe happened quite recently. The murders of African-Americans in our own country happened quite recently, in places known as the "bible belt." Radical Muslims do wrong, and so do radical Christians and Jews.
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

Have You Ever Read Anything Serious In Content ??

Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?

My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record.

Not a lot of recent Christian or Jewish beheadings or murder sprees for heresy...……..

Just look at the modern day people who call themselves "Christians" who are happy with the harm that may come to LGBT people. There is even one poster here on USMB who is happy that extreme radical Islamists push LGBT off of buildings. Moreover, the mass murders of people who were Jewish in Europe happened quite recently. The murders of African-Americans in our own country happened quite recently, in places known as the "bible belt." Radical Muslims do wrong, and so do radical Christians and Jews.

Just look at the modern day people who call themselves "Christians" who are happy with the harm that may come to LGBT people.

You mean the Christians who don't kill non-Christians because they're gay, draw a cartoon, show a little too much ankle?

Moreover, the mass murders of people who were Jewish in Europe happened quite recently.

I agree, those people need to be kept out of civilized countries.
Maybe keep them in Syria?
Muhammed was nothing but a pedophile and members of the death cult worship his stupid ass.

They have no problem killing anyone who they thinks defames his dipshit ass.

Expect nothing less from the death cult.
There’s a lot of artwork from muslim countries depicting Mohammed - including his face - going way back. So I’m not sure where this idea comes from. Convenient though.
There are periods in Islamic history where depictions of Muhammad were unfortunately allowed.

But the Quran, like the Torah of the Jews, forbids "graven images" and compares them to idol worship. Thus the overwhelming consensus among Islamic scholars is that depictions of Muhammad, and any of the other prophets such as Moses, Abraham, and Jesus, are expressly forbidden. ... :cool:
It's not a smart idea to insult 1.2 billion people. ... :cool:
In a truly free country I should be able to insult anyone I want.
---------------------------------------------- thats the biggest thing about muslims , 'muslims' don't ACCEPT Western Principles of FREEDOM and Liberty . 'muslims' that are insulted expect things in the Western World to be redone or modified to their liking TKiss .
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

Have You Ever Read Anything Serious In Content ??

Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?

My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record.

Not a lot of recent Christian or Jewish beheadings or murder sprees for heresy...……..
Oh, just try to fight it off. Most Muslims, all over a billion of them, don't behead anyone. Why don't you deal with the shit in your own country, the fuckheads like the jeffress cult people? What about all of the fuckhead "Christian" "preachers" who encourage the murders of LGBT people? There is at least one member of USMB who likes the idea of pushing LGBTs off of buildings.

Oh, just try to fight it off.

Fight off what? Muslim barbarism?

Why don't you deal with the shit in your own country,

I agree, we have enough of our own problems. No need to import more.

There is at least one member of USMB who likes the idea of pushing LGBTs off of buildings.

Are you saying that cute Muslim custom is a bad thing?
We shouldn't import 10,000 ISIS fanatics into San Francisco?
----------------------------------------- yep . the Gent had a full thread including pictures about teaching homosexuals how to fly as the homosexuals were thrown to their deaths off of high buildings . One bearded and old muslim 'gay' guy was thrown off a high building and he survived the fall . So they shook his awake , sat him up and then picked up rocks and stoned him to death . [islam , the religion of peace]
Muslims will kill you for depicting Mohammad with a face. However, it is legal in Muslimland to depict Mohammad with a rag covering his face.
There’s a lot of artwork from muslim countries depicting Mohammed - including his face - going way back. So I’m not sure where this idea comes from. Convenient though.

There is a Mohammad statue on the US Supreme Court building

"Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill

Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill
There’s a lot of artwork from muslim countries depicting Mohammed - including his face - going way back. So I’m not sure where this idea comes from. Convenient though.
There are periods in Islamic history where depictions of Muhammad were unfortunately allowed.

But the Quran, like the Torah of the Jews, forbids "graven images" and compares them to idol worship. Thus the overwhelming consensus among Islamic scholars is that depictions of Muhammad, and any of the other prophets such as Moses, Abraham, and Jesus, are expressly forbidden. ... :cool:

I found the artwork at the Alhambra magnificent.

some one asked about the Younger Generation of 'muslims' --- Young British Muslims think Isis fighters returning from Syria should be reintegrated into society, research finds --- somw say that the younger generation is worse . I think that they probably grew up hearing about 'caliphates' and past glory of muslims and so they want to fight now and become more than weird and strange people in Western Society . So the youngsters take a chance on 'isis' . Its a mistake to let these younger generation 'isis' fighters back into the WEST .
more on the younger generation of muslims , this time from 'minnesota public radio' i think . --- Called to Fight | MPR News --- so looks like these young muslim recruits for 'isis' came from 'minnesota' .
and 'ami' interviews 'somal muslim' on the streets of Minnesota . ---
Lysistrata said:
Yes, I have, dumbshit. It's called history. My undergraduate degree is in history. None of the three Abrahamic faiths has a squeaky clean record. Educate yourself about the history of Christians in Europe. It's a mess, blood and gore. And they are still at it in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but now they are not allowed to murder each other, torture each other, burn anyone at the stake, or cast other people into ovens.

Exactly how many people have died in Europe for "heresy" or "witchcraft" or the "crime" of being Jewish?
Hey Do-Do
Give Us The Figures Done In The Name Of Religions
For Just The Last 100yrs

Yes, Christians Have
But Muslims Have Never Stopped

About Those Figures Now,
Oh, Grand Historian

All I Asked For Is The Last 100yrs
You Can Compare The Numbers Back As Far as You Want
Islam Is Bloodier Than Even Political Regimes
its either Lysis the apologist for 'islam' or its 'mrobama' the muslim apologist on this board Karpenter .
Muhammed was nothing but a pedophile and members of the death cult worship his stupid ass.

They have no problem killing anyone who they thinks defames his dipshit ass.

Expect nothing less from the death cult.
That's What Keeps Their Converts In Line

From The 7th Century
All The Way To Today And Tomorrow
Muhammed was nothing but a pedophile and members of the death cult worship his stupid ass.

They have no problem killing anyone who they thinks defames his dipshit ass.

Expect nothing less from the death cult.
That's What Keeps Their Converts In Line

From The 7th Century
All The Way To Today And Tomorrow

I agree but why any sane person would follow the death cult is beyond me.
Toddsterpatriot said:
Moreover, the mass murders of people who were Jewish in Europe happened quite recently.
Look At That Imbecile Try To Equate That As A Religious Onslaught !!
But The Muslims DID Jihad Genocide Folks During WWI In Turkey
And It WAS Religious In Nature

Get Those Numbers For Islam, Lysistrada !!
Do It For Yourself
And Learn Something !!
It's not a smart idea to insult 1.2 billion people. ... :cool:

it's not a smart idea to cross the Mafia either. I knew that every time another weighted body was dredged out of the Passaic river----but ELLIOT NESS was
undismayed The Night Chicago Died
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?

why not? why would millions of those people march around their rock idol
farting "death to ________" chants as a form of worship of their depraved 'god' and his rapist dog pal?

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