Muhammed drawing contest winner has been kicked off Facebook


“I guess we should have expected it.

If these people had lived in 1941, they would be demanding that we hand over all our battleships to the Nation of Japan, to appease them and keep them from attacking us.”

We certainly expected this from conservatives.

If you and most others on the right weren't so stupid, you wouldn't be posting such stupid comments.

We are not 'at war' with Islam, to compare a religion with Imperial Japan is ignorant, moronic idiocy.

And to denounce the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam isn't 'appeasement.'
Seriously, how do you kooks keep up the crying 24/7? Any normal human would eventually get all cried out. But you conservatives, you just somehow keep going.
The ignorance and hate common to most on the right is a powerful motivator.

“I guess we should have expected it.

If these people had lived in 1941, they would be demanding that we hand over all our battleships to the Nation of Japan, to appease them and keep them from attacking us.”

We certainly expected this from conservatives.

If you and most others on the right weren't so stupid, you wouldn't be posting such stupid comments.

We are not 'at war' with Islam, to compare a religion with Imperial Japan is ignorant, moronic idiocy.

And to denounce the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam isn't 'appeasement.'

Yes we (True blooded Americans) are or will soon be, at war with ISLAM

You had best choose to be on the right side of history

The whining has gone beyond epic proportions. It really is pathetic.

As a conservative I will DEFEND A PRIVATE BUSINESSES DECISION to conduct their business how they see fit. JUST LIKE I ALWAYS DO BECAUSE I AM NOT A HYPOCRITE
You are an ignorant conservative, however.

Businesses subject to public accommodations law may not discriminate pursuant to the provisions of the law, where such laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – and in no way 'violate' the rights of business owners.
I propose a "Draw Nancy Pelosi Without Make-Up" contest. and then lets see who shows up on the front lawn protesting.

Weeeeeeee! You got some funny bone there, Rexx. Are you ever going to tell the class who you used to be on here?
daily the list grows longer

that islam is dangerous to a free society

The ignorance and hate exhibited by you and most others on the right are dangerous to a free society.

Fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law to keep in check that danger.

“I guess we should have expected it.

If these people had lived in 1941, they would be demanding that we hand over all our battleships to the Nation of Japan, to appease them and keep them from attacking us.”

We certainly expected this from conservatives.

If you and most others on the right weren't so stupid, you wouldn't be posting such stupid comments.

We are not 'at war' with Islam, to compare a religion with Imperial Japan is ignorant, moronic idiocy.

And to denounce the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam isn't 'appeasement.'

Yes we (True blooded Americans) are or will soon be, at war with ISLAM

You had best choose to be on the right side of history


We are or will soon be at war? You mean you don't know when we are at war? Do you need a gilded invitation?
I propose a "Draw Nancy Pelosi Without Make-Up" contest. and then lets see who shows up on the front lawn protesting.
Pelosi is 75 years old. Have you ever seen some of the photo's of 51 year old Sarah Palin?
i think i saw her without makeup,,she;s still sexxxxy!

I guess she might be sexy if you like the crazy drunken brawler type.
she would be a lot more attractive than hillary and michelle without their make up.
I guess we should have expected it.

If these people had lived in 1941, they would be demanding that we hand over all our battleships to the Nation of Japan, to appease them and keep them from attacking us.


Sharia Enforcement Muhammad Cartoon Contest Winner Bosch Fawstin Removed from Facebook Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

Sharia Enforcement: Muhammad Cartoon Contest Winner Bosch Fawstin Removed from Facebook

It is somehow ironic that the younger generation that was raised on leftist propaganda in academia and in the culture is so eager to utterly relinquish our freedoms without so much as a fight. The hippies and bippies and free love gave us totalitarianism and subjugation. Free love. It made whores of women, broke our homes and turned our men into women.

Case in point: Mark Zuckerberg. All his speechifying about freedom of speech and freedom of expression and without so much as an internal struggle, he embraces sharia.

Bosch Fawstin is by no means the first counter-jihadist to be removed from Facebook. And I am sure he will not be the last.

Zuckerberg is a cowardly punk ….. with enormous power.


So NOW face-book is bowing to the terrorists???
I'll bet that Mark Zuckerberg has a real fancy prayer-mat.
Yup, i'm surprised too. Marc always fight against discrimination and always say that he's "For" freedom of speech and freedom of expression... And he's like typical liberal with his stupid double standards, he should better ban all Black Panthers members from facebook, not cartoonist!
The whining has gone beyond epic proportions. It really is pathetic.

As a conservative I will DEFEND A PRIVATE BUSINESSES DECISION to conduct their business how they see fit. JUST LIKE I ALWAYS DO BECAUSE I AM NOT A HYPOCRITE
You're not a conservative.
Like a random stranger on the net can judge that lol. You don't know shit about me. It just pisses so many of you off that I call out your stealth hate & racism.
Now go make that dude a millionaire. That's what so many of you morons think passes for "creating change"
And my statement still stands. Nobody knows what you are. You're just a freak around here.

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