Multiculturalism and Sharia

Asswipe....Christians founded this country.

Scum like you came over later when you found out people were escaping Europe.

glad you agree that Islam is not 'multuralculturalism-compatible' with America ......
Neither is Christianity but the Christians ignore that part. Regardless, you worry too much.
My people were here before it was a country, and helped fight the Revolution and Found it.
glad you agree that Islam is not 'multuralculturalism-compatible' with America ......
Neither is Christianity but the Christians ignore that part. Regardless, you worry too much.

that's so much bullshit.....America has always been a religious country.....full of Christians......which is one reason why it has been so successful.....

America has only been on the downslide ever since the worm of secular relativism has bored into blanket multiculturalism.....pushed by the commie left which is atheist and anti-Christian....

worry too much....? all you have to do is look at Europe to see how Islam is invading those countries right before your very eyes....America is only a few short decades behind...

It's 80% Christian still. You have little to nothing to worry about Chicken Little for Jesus.
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glad you agree that Islam is not 'multuralculturalism-compatible' with America ......
Neither is Christianity but the Christians ignore that part. Regardless, you worry too much.

that's so much bullshit.....America has always been a religious country.....full of Christians......which is one reason why it has been so successful.....

America has only been on the downslide ever since the worm of secular relativism has bored into blanket multiculturalism.....pushed by the commie left which is atheist and anti-Christian....

worry too much....? all you have to do is look at Europe to see how Islam is invading those countries right before your very eyes....America is only a few short decades behind...

I need to reiterate, before this thread takes on an incorrect tone:

any group or any religion is welcomed in long as they are desirous of becoming Americans.

The Left encourages and separation to accrue votes.
Hence, the first line of the OP: "The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

The less than astute fail to recognize the direction that Leftist policies have taken us, and, worse, deny same when it is pointed out.

More than appropriate is the verse from "The Hollow Men,"

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
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I have no problem with private--underscore PRIVATE--organizations and institutions making special accommodations for various groups they choose to accommodate. We did the same in an agency I once ran when a fundamentalist Christian girls' school wanted to rent our indoor pool for swimming lessons. But they wanted to be sure that our male staff members would not see the girls in their swimming attire. They were willing to pay extra for the expense of covering up all the windows in doors and the viewing area etc. and for our assurance that all male staff and members would be banned from the area. I saw accommodating the girls as more important than the inconvenience to our staff.

But had the city, county, state, or federal government ORDERED us to accommodate those girls, they would have had a royal fight on their hands that I would have taken all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. No group, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Italians, accordian players, tiddly wink associations or whatever should have any special rights or accommodations under the laws of the land that are not also afforded every other citizen.

Of course we should not ban Muslims in this country. But neither should we change our laws to accommodate Islam any more than we should change our laws to accommodate any other group.
The dreck and dross of CP's usually insipid copied and pasted parables of extreme right wing fantasy are more often than not ignored by the rational poster. This OP seems to have attracted a serendipitous confluence of reason that perfectly mocks her simplistic mythotype of a lost "American Utopia" that few others recognize or would want to inhabit. I guess it's just another affirmation that even the most useless object can possess instructional value. The enfilade of logic almost inspires pity for the hapless prey. Almost.
The dreck and dross of CP's usually insipid copied and pasted parables of extreme right wing fantasy are more often than not ignored by the rational poster. This OP seems to have attracted a serendipitous confluence of reason that perfectly mocks her simplistic mythotype of a lost "American Utopia" that few others recognize or would want to inhabit. I guess it's just another affirmation that even the most useless object can possess instructional value. The enfilade of logic almost inspires pity for the hapless prey. Almost.

That's one other characteristic of leftism I believe. The inability to see a concept or principle separate from a person they wish to defame, attack, criticize, or humiliate.

I think most conservatives may or may not appreciate the form in which the topic was introduced, but most conservatives are able to recognize an interesting topic and discuss it on its own merits. Lefties, not so much.
I have no problem with private--underscore PRIVATE--organizations and institutions making special accommodations for various groups they choose to accommodate. We did the same in an agency I once ran when a fundamentalist Christian girls' school wanted to rent our indoor pool for swimming lessons. But they wanted to be sure that our male staff members would not see the girls in their swimming attire. They were willing to pay extra for the expense of covering up all the windows in doors and the viewing area etc. and for our assurance that all male staff and members would be banned from the area. I saw accommodating the girls as more important than the inconvenience to our staff.

But had the city, county, state, or federal government ORDERED us to accommodate those girls, they would have had a royal fight on their hands that I would have taken all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. No group, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Italians, accordian players, tiddly wink associations or whatever should have any special rights or accommodations under the laws of the land that are not also afforded every other citizen.

Of course we should not ban Muslims in this country. But neither should we change our laws to accommodate Islam any more than we should change our laws to accommodate any other group.

yes we should...

would you invite a 'murderer' to live in your house....?
would you invite a Fascist group into your city.....?
would you invite a terrorist state to settle in America....?

that's exactly what we're doing folks.....
The dreck and dross of CP's usually insipid copied and pasted parables of extreme right wing fantasy are more often than not ignored by the rational poster. This OP seems to have attracted a serendipitous confluence of reason that perfectly mocks her simplistic mythotype of a lost "American Utopia" that few others recognize or would want to inhabit. I guess it's just another affirmation that even the most useless object can possess instructional value. The enfilade of logic almost inspires pity for the hapless prey. Almost.

Hey...I missed ya'...

Was it a fun crawl from the dumpster?
What is 'the left?"

In a nutshell it include all who wholly or in part represent:

1. Those who deny and reject most of the principles upon which the Founders established the Constitution and a new nation, and justify that rejection because all modern concepts or values were not included. To them the Constitution is valid only when it supports what they want to support.

2. Those with a Marxist mentality--the belief that nobody should really own or control property but that it all belongs to all to be divided according to the needs of each.

3. Those who would force one group/demographic to give up their cherished values and principles in favor of 'more noble' concepts, with the Left of course dictating to the whole what those 'more noble' concepts will be.

4. Those who see motive as more important than conduct or consequences.

5. Those who look to government as the enabler, protector, and benefactor of all society and all that should be.

6. Those who see America as inferior to other nations that they think have better values, attitudes, and lifestyles.

In you unbiased and reasoned opinion?

So anyone who questions your opinion or those of PC has adopted a leftist ideology and has adopted each one of your six points. Is that correct?

I have seven points wherein Callous Conservatives (CC) fit nicely:

1. Wrath, an emotional response when the CC feels s/he has been offended, denied or wronged. We see this in their anger and hate of immigrants who practice their native culture of those who crossed the border illegally to find safety, security and employment.

2. Greed, Self evident, "It's my money" has become their guide and never a thought is given to the needs of the nation or others.

3. Sloth, emotional apathy and an absence of empathy for others.

4. Lust, not for sexual matters in most CC's, but for power. With power they feel in control and able to dictate to others how to live, what to believe.

5. Envy, the desire for what others have and when they cannot get it, and taking pleasure from the misfortune of others.

6. Pride, an inflated sense of themselves, and a belief that they are above the law.

7. Gluttony, ever seen a video or photograph of a tea baggers meeting?
"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

First define "the Left", next provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.

During the immigration wave of the early 20th century, people of different nationalities clustered together in neighborhood enclaves. They shouted insults and slurs at each other. Discriminated against each other. Fought in the streets against each other.
And learned how to live and work with each other.
The glaring differences. These people learned English. They became part of the dominant culture. They were eager to contribute to the community. The WANTED to become AMERICANS...
This wave of immigrants? Wants little to do with becoming Americans. They want to have US kowtow to THEIR wishes. And of course the left, defined mostly as self hating white liberals, enable these immigrants by ramming such things down our throats as "sympathy" and "multiculturalism"..
Throughout human history and this is evident now, that no nation absent of a dominant culture or a common language has ever been able to govern itself. That's a fact and there are a myriad of examples. To deny this is pure fallacy.
There is no need to even respond because there is no reasonable or factual rebuttal. It is the truth.
One may disagree all they like. Post all kinds of opinions and politically motivated studies. That does not change the facts.
They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

Like the Arizona bill allowing freedom of religion to discriminate...

That was no the intent of the bill. Never was.
Of course you sniveling libs decided to create a narrative and the governor caved.
The basis of that bill was to prevent frivolous lawsuits from being filed against business owners over some perceived slight.
The bottom line is a liberal never saw a lawsuit they didn't like. Because in civil litigation there is always a perceived 'victim'...And you libs just LOVE victims.
So the business owners will find a way around this garbage.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
"The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton

Like rednecks that blowed up that Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in OKC?

Two religiously motivated fanatics does not a religion make.
Once again, the liberal dives into the play book and comes up with a broad brush with which he paints an entire group of people...
"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

First define "the Left", next provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.

During the immigration wave of the early 20th century, people of different nationalities clustered together in neighborhood enclaves. They shouted insults and slurs at each other. Discriminated against each other. Fought in the streets against each other.
And learned how to live and work with each other.
The glaring differences. These people learned English. They became part of the dominant culture. They were eager to contribute to the community. The WANTED to become AMERICANS...
This wave of immigrants? Wants little to do with becoming Americans. They want to have US kowtow to THEIR wishes. And of course the left, defined mostly as self hating white liberals, enable these immigrants by ramming such things down our throats as "sympathy" and "multiculturalism"..
Throughout human history and this is evident now, that no nation absent of a dominant culture or a common language has ever been able to govern itself. That's a fact and there are a myriad of examples. To deny this is pure fallacy.
There is no need to even respond because there is no reasonable or factual rebuttal. It is the truth.
One may disagree all they like. Post all kinds of opinions and politically motivated studies. That does not change the facts.

I never subscribed to kow towing the illegals. You may not have noticed but the Catholic church set their churches up as places for them to came to in the USA for allowing a free space for them to reassemble.
"...define the Left...."

The Left: those who do not agree with the Founders, e.g., a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
The Left would say that they do agree still but they aren't Libertarians or Anarchists. They also live in a vastly more complicated world than the Founders did.

A world YOU people complicated.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
"The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton

Like rednecks that blowed up that Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in OKC?

Two religiously motivated fanatics does not a religion make.
Once again, the liberal dives into the play book and comes up with a broad brush with which he paints an entire group of people...

Just an example to show that any race can be dangerous...
it is really time for Americans to wake up....there is no such thing as 'multiculturalism' in Islam.....only submission....

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I have no problem with private--underscore PRIVATE--organizations and institutions making special accommodations for various groups they choose to accommodate. We did the same in an agency I once ran when a fundamentalist Christian girls' school wanted to rent our indoor pool for swimming lessons. But they wanted to be sure that our male staff members would not see the girls in their swimming attire. They were willing to pay extra for the expense of covering up all the windows in doors and the viewing area etc. and for our assurance that all male staff and members would be banned from the area. I saw accommodating the girls as more important than the inconvenience to our staff.

But had the city, county, state, or federal government ORDERED us to accommodate those girls, they would have had a royal fight on their hands that I would have taken all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. No group, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Italians, accordian players, tiddly wink associations or whatever should have any special rights or accommodations under the laws of the land that are not also afforded every other citizen.

Of course we should not ban Muslims in this country. But neither should we change our laws to accommodate Islam any more than we should change our laws to accommodate any other group.

yes we should...

would you invite a 'murderer' to live in your house....?
would you invite a Fascist group into your city.....?
would you invite a terrorist state to settle in America....?

that's exactly what we're doing folks.....

I disagree Eagle. You and I agree on numerous things, but not on this one. I personally know too many Muslims who are loving, caring, individuals who are a credit to their communities and their industries.

But we have to also know that wherever Muslims have gained sufficient numbers, the militant among them will also begin to push Islam as the 'norm' instead of a piece of the whole. And they will begin to put pressure to muzzle other traditions and concepts while pushing Sharia law. This is fine so long as they confine it to their own group. But when they start intruding on others, a serious problem develops. Those promoting multiculturalism and political correctness are likely to believe it is the compassionate and tolerant thing to accommodate that. We who are wiser must be ever diligent to resist it.

But ban them? No. Not any more than we would ban hateful, narrow minded groups like Westboro Baptists and similar such groups. If we value freedom, we must be ever vigilant to defend it when others would take it from us, but otherwise we must be willing to allow others to be who and what they are, however wrong we may think that is.
"...define the Left...."

The Left: those who do not agree with the Founders, e.g., a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
The Left would say that they do agree still but they aren't Libertarians or Anarchists. They also live in a vastly more complicated world than the Founders did.

A world YOU people complicated.
Knowledge does that. Why do you think your side fears it so? With knowledge comes change.
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