Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

Someone is seriously breaking the law if they storm the statehouse.

If they start shooting......well, shit.

They started it. Americans will finish it.

Real Americans will help their fellow Americans in times of crisis; fake Americans storm State Houses with arms seeking violent change.

What crisis is that? Curve was flattened, no hospital got even close to capacity.
Mission accomplished.

We have over 5,000 doctors and nurses laid off with empty hospital beds and people who have been forced to postpone serious and necessary surgery. I wonder how many will die because of these mistakes of preparing for a crisis that never happened?
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction.
^stupid comment of the day^
Correct. Whitmer is 100% responsible.
Nope. She need to have the state police take these criminals down with prejudice.
For what? They let them into the capital 275 at a time. And it was peaceful according to mlive, with only one arrest of a protester getting into a skirmish with another protester, much to the chagrin of the journalist putting out this fake news of their storming the capital.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction.
^stupid comment of the day^
Correct. Whitmer is 100% responsible.
Nope. She need to have the state police take these criminals down with prejudice.
For what? They let them into the capital 275 at a time.
I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, and this seems an opportune moment:

Don't try to be clever, you really aren't good at it.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction.
^stupid comment of the day^
Correct. Whitmer is 100% responsible.
Nope. She need to have the state police take these criminals down with prejudice.
For what? They let them into the capital 275 at a time.
I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, and this seems an opportune moment:

Don't try to be clever, you really aren't good at it.
Honey, you are the one that tries to be, not me.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

Someone is seriously breaking the law if they storm the statehouse.

If they start shooting......well, shit.

They started it. Americans will finish it.

Real Americans will help their fellow Americans in times of crisis; fake Americans storm State Houses with arms seeking violent change.

What crisis is that? Curve was flattened, no hospital got even close to capacity.
Mission accomplished.

Nearly 4,000 dead in Michigan from the virus. The shutdown will ease. Still no justification for the militias to act like a Latin American paramilitary squad threatening our government officials. You can see how well that worked out in Brazil and Argentina.

And I suppose you see no wrong in what that stupid bitch is trying to pull off? You're one dumb SOB if you don't.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She cannot legally make it illegal to buy vegetable seeds. As a govenor, she has NO legislative power or authority. What she is doing is frivolous, arbitrary and constitutionally illegal as hell and tyrannical. The armed people storming the state house is precisely why and the intended purpose the founders put the 2nd amendment in our constitution. Its sole purpose is to prevent a tyrannical government from taking root in this nation.

She didn't.
Though the governor requires that large stores cut off some sections of stores concerning gardening and home improvement, these supplies can be bought online. We rate this claim false because it is not supported by our research.

Even though I'm sure no one here is interested, here's the truth, for what it's worth.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

All I'm seeing is people armed with phones. Just for fun here's some news from Lansing. Protesters return to Michigan Capitol to decry coronavirus stay-home order
Not much happening as of 20 minutes ago. What else ya got?

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Yup. Two scary dudes. What's the guy up front got on his chest? Is that his lunch box? Man purse? The other guy looks like he's about to shit himself. I like the guy with the umbrella, myself.

What ya wanna bet any of those guys could drop you at a minimum of 300 yards?

And they'd probably try 'cause I don't think I could give them the serious, cowed look they're aiming for.
They're idiots. This is being fought in the courts and by their legislature. The legislators that had to put on bullet proof vests are NOT going to look favorably on this argument, nor is the Governor. So what are they accomplishing?

It's another phony "Patriot" organization of guys who think it's cool to play Rambo.

LOL... These dudes are far less of a threat to you than your buddies in dem ghettos.

As far as your derogatory comments about those who support the Constitution goes?
Maybe your old ass should think back to the War Of Independence.

So if these folks succeed in terrorizing their Governor into letting them loose and the Virus takes over, you'll be happy, right? Emergency Orders have a place in protecting the public health. The Governor may have gone too far by not letting them buy pea seeds, for chrissakes, but that's not a reason to start a revolution!

Just what this country needs right now, is a fucking bunch of idiots with rifles threatening their lawful legislative assemblies. Send in the SWAT teams and show them the real world if there is so much as a safety taken off.

Fuck you.
You don't like it when free people act as though they are free, and petition their government for redress? You want to send an armed goon squad on the government payroll to go kidnap them at gunpoint for daring to exercise their rights?

****, people like you are the reason they are armed..... so they can protect themselves from the machinations of evil psycho bitches like you.

I hope you die in a fire.

"I hope you die in a fire. "

WTF?! Old Lady is a friend of mine, yes she's a Leftist but politics is NOT everything when you can have other things in common and saying something this disgusting is out of order.

YOU are out of order, you apologise to Old Lady for this disgusting comment.

I stand by my statement.SWA

I apologize for nothing.

She expressed a desire to send violent armed groups to attack free people who are doing no wrong, and no harm.

Fuck that bitch.

SWAT teams are "violent armed groups?" I said if those people take off their safeties -- or worse -- they need to be stopped. And they do.

Since you've apparently no respect for law OR order, I'll leave you to your fumings.

They are..... you know how I know?

I used to be a door-kicker..... military rather than civilian LE, because while I am a violent mothefucker who is willing to do violence for pay, I don't do it to my own people.

I know exactly what kind of people SWAT teams and SRTs are made up of, and what they are willing to do for their paychecks. I have almost daily contact with them.

And you're the evil bitch who wants to sic those dogs on people who aren't doing anything wrong.

Damn, you're trash...... (smh)
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She cannot legally make it illegal to buy vegetable seeds. As a govenor, she has NO legislative power or authority. What she is doing is frivolous, arbitrary and constitutionally illegal as hell and tyrannical. The armed people storming the state house is precisely why and the intended purpose the founders put the 2nd amendment in our constitution. Its sole purpose is to prevent a tyrannical government from taking root in this nation.

She didn't.
Though the governor requires that large stores cut off some sections of stores concerning gardening and home improvement, these supplies can be bought online. We rate this claim false because it is not supported by our research.

Even though I'm sure no one here is interested, here's the truth, for what it's worth.

You can't get the truth from the media.
Not if the Founders knew why these people were protesting, they wouldn't.
In all of the history I’ve studied of that period I find nothing even remotely hinting rights would be removed for a illness.
No, they left that to the individual states, which is why they all have legislation allowing Emergency Orders to protect public safety be enforced.

They are temporary for a reason. Michigan's legislature is voting on whether to extend the emergency measures right now. Our Emergency Powers are granted for 90 days, but the legislature must approve any extension by Day 80. Michigan's is apparently not as long.
But Trump can call it all off
I'm not sure that's been determined.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

Someone is seriously breaking the law if they storm the statehouse.

If they start shooting......well, shit.

They started it. Americans will finish it.

Real Americans will help their fellow Americans in times of crisis; fake Americans storm State Houses with arms seeking violent change. These militia folks are the imposters. No true American who believes in our great Republic would ever advocate violent overthrow of our government.


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