Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

Diff between an Antifa protest and this one would be -- the FIRST is harassing innocent citizens.

But even your general protest riots in an inner city would do as an example of spittle., OR maybe the crazy ass meltdowns of stars like Madonna and leaders of the "resistance" fantasizing about what they do if they had balls...

Is Madonna offering blow jobs to Biden voters this time around? Boy, that was incredibly violent of her! :D
Racists, misogynist and anarchists have crawled out of the gutter and spread their slime all across America. It is time for those of us with a moral compass to speak out with the authority of a real Moral Majority, one which supports a democratic republic and these truths:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”.

Read this words and consider how in the Age of Trump they have all been abused.
Sounds more like just plain regular folks are sick of y'alls shit and you are at a loss to do anything but call them names and whine about it.

Seems my opinion upset you, is that because you are offended by the words in the Declaration of Independence or the First Amendment, or Scalia's comment about guns being brought into government buildings.

What say you?
I say that I find your use of the term "anarchist" as an insult, to be offensive.

I say that I find your attempt to use that quote to somehow excuse the statist and un-American actions of some elected officials to be offensive.

And I say that anywhere a man has a right to be, is a place where he has a right to be armed, if he chooses.
Diff between an Antifa protest and this one would be -- the FIRST is harassing innocent citizens.

But even your general protest riots in an inner city would do as an example of spittle., OR maybe the crazy ass meltdowns of stars like Madonna and leaders of the "resistance" fantasizing about what they do if they had balls...

Is Madonna offering blow jobs to Biden voters this time around? Boy, that was incredibly violent of her! :D

Madonna threatening blow jobs IS an act of aggression.. If not violence.

No silly -- her OTHER "blowjob" statement.. The angry, spittle filled, pussy hat wearing one where she screamed "I dream OFTEN -- of blowing up the White House"... THAT blowjob...

If anyone at the Mich House rally got up there and "dreamed about blowing up THIS building" --- you MIGHT get a tiny reaction of remorse from me...
Instead Madonna get a "medal of honor" from the resistance and the MEDIA ADORES HER for her service and bravery... While a bubba at the Mich State threatening the SAME THING would be in a padded cell right now waiting for a lawyer...
Protests at the state capitol aren't "terrorism", snowflake. Actually, both sides are armed during these protests but neither side is shooting. Its not even violent.

It is certainly telling, that the subhuman filth on the left wrong want only the supporters of tyranny to be armed, and those who oppose tyranny to be unarmed.

Makes it clear what side they are on.
When someone wants to maneuver you into a position where you are unarmed, disadvantaged, and as helpless as possible, it is never innocent, no matter how much they claim it is. (And they always claim it's just innocent, and they aren't really about to attack you)

Behavior is the truth.
Only pussies get triggered and feel intimidated when they see law-abiding people with guns.

Or those who have intents which would, if acted on, give those with guns legitimate cause to use them in opposition to those intents.
Instead Madonna get a "medal of honor" from the resistance and the MEDIA ADORES HER for her service and bravery... While a bubba at the Mich State threatening the SAME THING would be in a padded cell right now waiting for a lawyer...
Well, the fat racist liar Limbaugh got an ACTUAL medal from the President, so forgive if i don't care about Madonna's imaginary medal that has your diaper in a twist.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

I disagree screw the ballot box tyranny never leaves unless you kill it.
Why? I will have followed the constitution to the letter.

The other side has now been energized a bit. There is more then one side you know. It took this crisis to awaken just a few. The plot thickens. Perhaps it will become more. We need the government rulers to be sensible.

What we need are government rulers who follow SCIENCE and FACTS.
This eliminates Dr Donald and his Merry Band of Quacks and Incompetents.
You just hate Trump. So everything else does not matter. He is the person who may let us keep whatever rights we have left. For many other politicians would not.
Trump isn't "letting" me do a damn thing, and neither is anyone else..... I am a free man. I do what I choose.

there's nothing quite like the illusion of freedom to fuel fascism

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

Someone is seriously breaking the law if they storm the statehouse.

If they start shooting......well, shit.

But the unconstitutional edicts are ok then.
smh, please join a housewives knitting and macrame club. Please put me on ignore.
Diff between an Antifa protest and this one would be -- the FIRST is harassing innocent citizens.

But even your general protest riots in an inner city would do as an example of spittle., OR maybe the crazy ass meltdowns of stars like Madonna and leaders of the "resistance" fantasizing about what they do if they had balls...

Is Madonna offering blow jobs to Biden voters this time around? Boy, that was incredibly violent of her! :D

Madonna threatening blow jobs IS an act of aggression.. If not violence.

No silly -- her OTHER "blowjob" statement.. The angry, spittle filled, pussy hat wearing one where she screamed "I dream OFTEN -- of blowing up the White House"... THAT blowjob...

If anyone at the Mich House rally got up there and "dreamed about blowing up THIS building" --- you MIGHT get a tiny reaction of remorse from me...

I wouldn't turn down a blow job from Madonna for my Biden vote. And I won't consider it an act of violence.

Btw, I thought the pussy hat was quite fetching. She can leave her hat on! ;)

Instead Madonna get a "medal of honor" from the resistance and the MEDIA ADORES HER for her service and bravery... While a bubba at the Mich State threatening the SAME THING would be in a padded cell right now waiting for a lawyer...
Well, the fat racist liar Limbaugh got an ACTUAL medal from the President, so forgive if i don't care about Madonna's imaginary medal that has your diaper in a twist.

Mr. Limbaugh is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, hardly a "racist", just a tremendous leader of the Free World. He fully deserved the Presidential Medal of Freedom he received. BTW, Biden has yet to promise to strip Limbaugh of the title, so he apparently agrees with the award as well.
Instead Madonna get a "medal of honor" from the resistance and the MEDIA ADORES HER for her service and bravery... While a bubba at the Mich State threatening the SAME THING would be in a padded cell right now waiting for a lawyer...
Well, the fat racist liar Limbaugh got an ACTUAL medal from the President, so forgive if i don't care about Madonna's imaginary medal that has your diaper in a twist.

That "lying sack of shit" IS ONE MAN -- making a fortune off the fact that 80% of the lamestream media IS NOW just collection of Political activists also...

There were journalists earning PULLITZERS for publishing totally fake news on Russia Russia Russia..

And Rush was HUGELY more correct than THEY WERE on Russia Russia Russia for those 3 dark years...

And the media with PULITIZERS never APOLOGIZED to their deranged audiences or the rest of us --- for being totally wrong for so long -- did they "captain"?????????
The why do you think of officer standing tall, doing their job as "storm troopers"? I had to look up the word, just to know that's what you meant. Surely some of the officers in your family were ok and not "storm troopers".

Their job, before anything else, is to uphold and defend the Constitution, and to uphold and defend the rights which the Constitution affirms and protects on behalf of the people.

If they are defending, supporting, or in any way acting on behalf of those who are trying to violate the Constitution, then they are not doing their jobs, and in fact, are committing criminal-level malfeasance, and identifying themselves as enemies of the people and of the Constitution, and fully deserve to be treated accordingly.
Deciding on the constitutionality of Governor and courts of the state on this public health matter is not within their purview. That is what the court system is for.
Instead Madonna get a "medal of honor" from the resistance and the MEDIA ADORES HER for her service and bravery... While a bubba at the Mich State threatening the SAME THING would be in a padded cell right now waiting for a lawyer...
Well, the fat racist liar Limbaugh got an ACTUAL medal from the President, so forgive if i don't care about Madonna's imaginary medal that has your diaper in a twist.

Mr. Limbaugh is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, hardly a "racist", just a tremendous leader of the Free World. He fully deserved the Presidential Medal of Freedom he received. BTW, Biden has yet to promise to strip Limbaugh of the title, so he apparently agrees with the award as well.
And Trump forced the vermin democrats to watch him receive the medal.

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