Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

Why? I will have followed the constitution to the letter.

Can you show me where i haven't? No? Thought not.

You know damn well where.

You're a lying piece of shit, and you know it.
No, walking into a government House with weapons is an assault on democracy. This is a chamber of laws and reason. It is no place for a weapon. Last but not least, you do not take out a gun unless you need it and are prepared to use it. Anything else is an attempt at bullying and intimmidation.

What law did they break?
There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
"The fate of the nation is not my concern. My concern is that my sails are full of wind, that my cannon are primed, that the black has been hoisted and that I have a fat galleon in my sights.

Pirates have far more fun than patriots...and they make more money too."

Their job, before anything else, is to uphold and defend the Constitution, and to uphold and defend the rights which the Constitution affirms and protects on behalf of the people.

If they are defending, supporting, or in any way acting on behalf of those who are trying to violate the Constitution, then they are not doing their jobs, and in fact, are committing criminal-level malfeasance, and identifying themselves as enemies of the people and of the Constitution, and fully deserve to be treated accordingly.
Deciding on the constitutionality of Governor and courts of the state on this public health matter is not within their purview. That is what the court system is for.

They swore an oath, to uphold and defend the Constitution, above all else. They agreed to this as a condition of their jobs, and their legitimate holding of their jobs, and all authority that goes with their position, is completely contingent on their diligence in adhering to that oath. They know where the line is, and to suggest that it is not their “purview” to know where that line is, and to refrain from crossing it, is bullshit, and you and they and everyone else knows it.

An officer of the law, or any other public servant, who crosses that line, is no better than the lowest criminal, and neither is any subhuman piece of shit who defends them for so doing.
There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
"The fate of the nation is not my concern. My concern is that my sails are full of wind, that my cannon are primed, that the black has been hoisted and that I have a fat galleon in my sights.

Pirates have far more fun than patriots...and they make more money too."


That's really cool man.. It's goin in the "letters of marques and reprisals" file !!!!

BTW -- Welcome to USMB...
No, walking into a government House with weapons is an assault on democracy. This is a chamber of laws and reason. It is no place for a weapon. Last but not least, you do not take out a gun unless you need it and are prepared to use it. Anything else is an attempt at bullying and intimmidation.

What law did they break?
Where did she say they broke the law?
The why do you think of officer standing tall, doing their job as "storm troopers"? I had to look up the word, just to know that's what you meant. Surely some of the officers in your family were ok and not "storm troopers".

Their job, before anything else, is to uphold and defend the Constitution, and to uphold and defend the rights which the Constitution affirms and protects on behalf of the people.

If they are defending, supporting, or in any way acting on behalf of those who are trying to violate the Constitution, then they are not doing their jobs, and in fact, are committing criminal-level malfeasance, and identifying themselves as enemies of the people and of the Constitution, and fully deserve to be treated accordingly.
Deciding on the constitutionality of Governor and courts of the state on this public health matter is not within their purview. That is what the court system is for.
What Bob? If one of the two cops pictured thought it constitutional and the other didn't did they owe to their oath to fight it out rather than follow orders, every single officer passing on constitutionality by their own belief every time they put the uniform on? Uh.., No. Some thing may seem obvious to you are not obvious or agreed to by all.
ANTIFA has nothing to do with this. We have the right to peacefully assemble. What happened in Michigan was not peaceful.
long as the only people that inside the United States borders who can have and use them are the United States military
No, sorry, i meant civilians.

I see... In your mind there's no difference between the military and police.

So you want the United States to be a Police State where the enemies of the government are the people.


ANTIFA has nothing to do with this. We have the right to peacefully assemble. What happened in Michigan was not peaceful.

Were people killed in the Michigan state capitol? Didn't look like it to me.

BTW, the libs protested in the Wisconsin capitol for weeks, lib union thugs. Back when Gov. Walker took over, they didn't even leave at night. Libs had no problem with that bullshit.
Nobody stormed the state house. Some people (fairly pissed-off people) were exercising their rights.

Had they "stormed" the state house, there would have been bodies hanging from the trees in front of the building.
There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
"The fate of the nation is not my concern. My concern is that my sails are full of wind, that my cannon are primed, that the black has been hoisted and that I have a fat galleon in my sights.

Pirates have far more fun than patriots...and they make more money too."


That's really cool man.. It's goin in the "letters of marques and reprisals" file !!!!

BTW -- Welcome to USMB...
I sometimes wish I had been a pirate, but where would I ride my Harley?
What legitimate interest could government have in preventing people from growing their own food?
The governnment is not preventing people from growing their own food. The argument is specious, at best. There are ways of buying seeds and supplies but conservatives have to whine about having to think about that. Having to use their brain to come up with an "alternative solution" is so much harder than coming up with an "alternative fact".

What, then, is the purpose in this corrupt government denying people the ability to buy seeds and other essential gardening supplies, if not to insure that they cannot grow their own food? What legitimate reason could there possibly be for this?



This is beneath you. You are NOT this stupid.

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