Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
Sweet! I want a captain's hat.
The why do you think of officer standing tall, doing their job as "storm troopers"? I had to look up the word, just to know that's what you meant. Surely some of the officers in your family were ok and not "storm troopers".

Their job, before anything else, is to uphold and defend the Constitution, and to uphold and defend the rights which the Constitution affirms and protects on behalf of the people.

If they are defending, supporting, or in any way acting on behalf of those who are trying to violate the Constitution, then they are not doing their jobs, and in fact, are committing criminal-level malfeasance, and identifying themselves as enemies of the people and of the Constitution, and fully deserve to be treated accordingly.
Nobody black has been able to walk into a state legislative body armed and standing their armed in the presence of lawmakers. OBTW there just happened to be voter suppression measures enacted in Georgia so that's why blacks showed up with guns, not because blacks were protesting the fact they couldn't buy seeds. So lets not come up with the saltine false equivalence flacaltenn.

I'd have to actual numbers for how it was suppressed. Stacey Abrams was VERY vague on details. And NO -- I don't want to do that HERE in this thread...

Seems like a shady deal to draw a line between armed folks intimidating polling places within yards of the doors -- and people "openly carrying" in a peaceful protest.. I dont get particularly trigger by armed citizens of any color reminding the GOVERNMENT what their job is...

I'm sure a majority of the protesters were peaceful. These were NOT.



Looks pretty restrained to me actually.. Seen it for DECADES at leftist rallies.. Only trigger YOU know because "the Silent Majority" are adopting YOUR tactics. RIGHT? Of course it is..

Really - Flinging spittle at police officers and all over each other as they pound on doors demanding to get in is "peaceful"?

We live in different worlds.
Yes. Conservatives live in a world of reality and liberals think the world all bout peace and love. Until Washington DC bludgeons their civil liberties like a baby seal.
There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
Sweet! I want a captain's hat.
Why, you already got a tin one?
There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
Sweet! I want a captain's hat.

Ya got any skills swabby???? Other than cleaning the poopdeck or polishing the brass that is.. :dev3:
Nobody black has been able to walk into a state legislative body armed and standing their armed in the presence of lawmakers. OBTW there just happened to be voter suppression measures enacted in Georgia so that's why blacks showed up with guns, not because blacks were protesting the fact they couldn't buy seeds. So lets not come up with the saltine false equivalence flacaltenn.

I'd have to actual numbers for how it was suppressed. Stacey Abrams was VERY vague on details. And NO -- I don't want to do that HERE in this thread...

Seems like a shady deal to draw a line between armed folks intimidating polling places within yards of the doors -- and people "openly carrying" in a peaceful protest.. I dont get particularly trigger by armed citizens of any color reminding the GOVERNMENT what their job is...

I'm sure a majority of the protesters were peaceful. These were NOT.



Looks pretty restrained to me actually.. Seen it for DECADES at leftist rallies.. Only trigger YOU know because "the Silent Majority" are adopting YOUR tactics. RIGHT? Of course it is..

Really - Flinging spittle at police officers and all over each other as they pound on doors demanding to get in is "peaceful"?

We live in different worlds.

Give the dates and locations of ANY mass Antifa protest gathering that "triggered you"..
Diff between an Antifa protest and this one would be -- the FIRST is harassing innocent citizens.

But even your general protest riots in an inner city would do as an example of spittle., OR maybe the crazy ass meltdowns of stars like Madonna and leaders of the "resistance" fantasizing about what they do if they had balls...
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


Agreed....and we should never ever negotiate with terrorists.
Everywhere government shows up, they are always armed..... why don't folks like you ever call them out for trying to terrorize and intimidate?

Statist hypocrite.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


Agreed....and we should never ever negotiate with terrorists.
Everywhere government shows up, they are always armed..... why don't folks like you ever call them out for trying to terrorize and intimidate?

Statist hypocrite.
And THIS is IM2's signature:

The other side has now been energized a bit. There is more then one side you know. It took this crisis to awaken just a few. The plot thickens. Perhaps it will become more. We need the government rulers to be sensible.

What we need are government rulers who follow SCIENCE and FACTS.
This eliminates Dr Donald and his Merry Band of Quacks and Incompetents.
You just hate Trump. So everything else does not matter. He is the person who may let us keep whatever rights we have left. For many other politicians would not.
Trump isn't "letting" me do a damn thing, and neither is anyone else..... I am a free man. I do what I choose.

Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


Exactly as fine as banning all means of mass communication other than standing on a soapbox in a public square and giving a speech, or using a hand-cranked carved-page/movable-type printing press.

In other words, not at all.
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Nobody black has been able to walk into a state legislative body armed and standing their armed in the presence of lawmakers. OBTW there just happened to be voter suppression measures enacted in Georgia so that's why blacks showed up with guns, not because blacks were protesting the fact they couldn't buy seeds. So lets not come up with the saltine false equivalence flacaltenn.

I'd have to actual numbers for how it was suppressed. Stacey Abrams was VERY vague on details. And NO -- I don't want to do that HERE in this thread...

Seems like a shady deal to draw a line between armed folks intimidating polling places within yards of the doors -- and people "openly carrying" in a peaceful protest.. I dont get particularly trigger by armed citizens of any color reminding the GOVERNMENT what their job is...

I'm sure a majority of the protesters were peaceful. These were NOT.



Looks pretty restrained to me actually.. Seen it for DECADES at leftist rallies.. Only trigger YOU know because "the Silent Majority" are adopting YOUR tactics. RIGHT? Of course it is..

Really - Flinging spittle at police officers and all over each other as they pound on doors demanding to get in is "peaceful"?

We live in different worlds.

Give the dates and locations of ANY mass Antifa protest gathering that "triggered you"..

Antifa is a tiny band of marauding malcontents. Their numbers are no where NEAR that of Donnie's Deplorables. Additionally, they are anarchists who get off on f-ing stuff up as opposed to progressives in any sense of the word.

Hell, I forgot they even existed. Have you heard anything about Antifa violence lately? Me neither.

There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing.
Right. So if i ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, and maintain everyone's right to own them, we are fine then.


In the 18th century (maybe into the 19th) citizens with state of the art battleships were given "letters of Marques and Reprisal" by the Constitution and Congress to go intercept pirates and foreign enemy traders. I don't WANT a battleship -- but I'd LOVE to have one of these and take my posse on patrol up at the lake...

These ships are roughly 178 feet long and have a top speed of 35 knots. They also pack a punch. Cyclones are equipped with two 25mm Bushmaster chain guns and a mix of M2 .50-caliber machine guns, 7.62mm machine guns, and Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers. The ships also can carry the FIM-92 Stinger for air defense.

And then if my government NEEDS us to take out a few Somali pirates or Iranian patrol boats, we could have an adventure and collect a bounty in gold buillion for each take down..
Sweet! I want a captain's hat.

Ya got any skills swabby???? Other than cleaning the poopdeck or polishing the brass that is.. :dev3:
Yes, i will make stupid people feel like the are doing important jobs to keep them busy and out of the way. I will get you one of these and put you up in the crow's nest and tell you that you are "driving!!".

Looks pretty restrained to me actually.. Seen it for DECADES at leftist rallies.. Only trigger YOU know because "the Silent Majority" are adopting YOUR tactics. RIGHT? Of course it is..

Not really.

This was peaceful and orderly. No actual violence or destruction, but enough of a show of force to make their point.

The tactics of the left wrong in recent decades have always involved random, disorderly violence, looting, and destruction, not even necessarily targeted at those they purport to be acting against. I think one has to be pretty blind not to see the difference between this recent protest, and those of the “Antifa”, “Black Lies Matter”, or “Occupy Wall Street” movements.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


Agreed....and we should never ever negotiate with terrorists.
Everywhere government shows up, they are always armed..... why don't folks like you ever call them out for trying to terrorize and intimidate?

Statist hypocrite.
And THIS is IM2's signature:


Lots of racial bias behind a LARGE number of early gun control... And even into the 90's with the misguided "Saturday Night Specials" bans...

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