Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

Keep poking the bear, dumbass leftists.
The crybaby bear?
The one that will swipe your retawdess ass with claws. Keep poking, Bodey-Odey-Os.

You'll get slapped down with claws behind the slap eventually. Big long bear claws.
No stupid, they aren't the tasty ones you eat for breakfast all the time.
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Racists, misogynist and anarchists have crawled out of the gutter and spread their slime all across America. It is time for those of us with a moral compass to speak out with the authority of a real Moral Majority, one which supports a democratic republic and these truths:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”.

Read this words and consider how in the Age of Trump they have all been abused.

Seems the truth upset some of you, best that you use a rebuttal since what I've posted is part of what has made the Unites States Great. Otherwise some, like me, will consider ya'll are not patriots.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.

That how the German Sturmabteilung would have reacted.
You were abused as a child, no doubt. Always had a problem with police? Maybe you should have stayed out of trouble.

My family has a long history of police service, and no, I've never had a "problem with police".

Care to make up something else?
Racists, misogynist and anarchists have crawled out of the gutter and spread their slime all across America. It is time for those of us with a moral compass to speak out with the authority of a real Moral Majority, one which supports a democratic republic and these truths:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”.

Read this words and consider how in the Age of Trump they have all been abused.
Sounds more like just plain regular folks are sick of y'alls shit and you are at a loss to do anything but call them names and whine about it.

Seems my opinion upset you, is that because you are offended by the words in the Declaration of Independence or the First Amendment, or Scalia's comment about guns being brought into government buildings.

What say you?
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.
Those LEO's will see that guy sometime with peed pants and a big raspberry on his forehead.
Did not look it like to to me. Troopers showed amazing self restraint. They were under very strict orders, no doubt, and a credit to law enforcement in the situation.
In the future, another time... get it?,
Got ya. Suspect they and other officers will remember the guy and at a time maybe not so camera documented. Still think it was great restraint even in front of cameras. They would have been justified, but it would have looked ugly, which probably is exactly what the nutball really wanted.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.

That how the German Sturmabteilung would have reacted.
You were abused as a child, no doubt. Always had a problem with police? Maybe you should have stayed out of trouble.

My family has a long history of police service, and no, I've never had a "problem with police".

Care to make up something else?
The why do you think of officer standing tall, doing their job as "storm troopers"? I had to look up the word, just to know that's what you meant. Surely some of the officers in your family were ok and not "storm troopers".
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....

Yes buying seeds to grow food is NOT essential but buying a Lottery Ticket IS essential :uhoh3:
You can still buy seeds. Just not in a home and garden center, which is NOT essential in Michigan in April.
"Our liberty is infringed upon because we can't buy seeds." Wow! When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.
Your liberty is infringe upon if you can't buy anything because your governor says so.....this is why you will never be happy in are a communist at heart....
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
You ain't man enough to save yourself then?
The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

They were actually fighting against violations of their liberty. If those armed protesters were facing the same thing as the black panthers, I would support their right to take up arms. But they aren't.
Well, now you are arbitrarily quantifying liberty based on what you deem important.

You don't see how that is a problem?

You know me. I am a liberty first type of guy. ALL liberty is important. If I place ANY extra weight on a specific right over others it is the right to bear arms. That is the only way we can protect the others.

Is it enough for me to support the black panthers in their exercise of liberty, regardless of their cause? Can't I do the same with the white dudes in Michigan?

I am talking about real violations of liberty. What blacks faced in the 1960s was not lack of freedom to buy the hardware we want. Or travel to our vacation cottage. Or buy cucumber seeds. Or power tools and paint. These motherfuckers aren't losing any liberty and for them to take up arms for this should be considered a terroristic threat.
Well, you're a hypocrite.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.

That how the German Sturmabteilung would have reacted.
You were abused as a child, no doubt. Always had a problem with police? Maybe you should have stayed out of trouble.

My family has a long history of police service, and no, I've never had a "problem with police".

Care to make up something else?
The why do you think of officer standing tall, doing their job as "storm troopers"? I had to look up the word, just to know that's what you meant. Surely some of the officers in your family were ok and not "storm troopers".

Officers are people. Sometimes they enforce the law. Sometimes they enforce the Constitution.
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Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.

That how the German Sturmabteilung would have reacted.
You were abused as a child, no doubt. Always had a problem with police? Maybe you should have stayed out of trouble.

My family has a long history of police service, and no, I've never had a "problem with police".

Care to make up something else?
Maybe you should "be one"
And, when those "crazy right wing gun nutters" are all taken out (it won't happen), because they had no support from the black panthers or anyone else, who will be left to defend the black panthers' right to bear arms?
The judges. That's how civilized societies work. Surely you don't think more gun control has not passed just because someone is scared of the armed hillbillies, right?
Good thing there has never been an example of a corrupt or biased or just plain stupid judge in history then. (sarcasm)

Btw, how are judges orders enforced? What keeps folks from just ignoring them?
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

How do you "storm" a place when you have to line up and have your temperature taken before "storming".

This is sooo stoopid!

This is fake news, this guy must have banned himself
Just ask yourself if you'd be just as pleased if your family were suddenly caught in a crossfire between the authorities and these fucking knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots!
That's a pathetic straw man and you should know it though based on your crude rhetoric I doubt you care.

I could just as easily ask you how you would like it if suddenly police and National Guard troops were
patrolling neighborhoods not letting anyone leave their homes for any reason at all.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
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Ive been using leftover seeds from last year. Bit hit and miss but overall fine.

I think that the cry babies on here need to chill out and stop being a menace to the community. Read a book or do a bit in the garden.

Improve yourself as a person, that shouldnt be difficult.

I went to the nursery yesterday and bought a bunch of spring flowers for my front planter. Very therapeutic and my yard now looks amazing. Not real sure why the nursery was deemed an essential business, but people here in Oregon are into that kind of stuff. They did have seeds btw. I'm sticking with the easy thing - tomatoes once the plants become available.
The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

Actually I agree with you. I just used that as an example to point out IM2's disingenuousness and hypocrisy. I knew he was going to claim that the circumstances were different.

He's so predictable.

Pretty dumb. I agree with them protesting. Don't understand why they need to bring their guns. If something occurred that necessitated that after peacefully protesting, then I could see why.
When an elected official tries to uses cops to enforce illegal, unethical, immoral, or unconstitutional laws or orders, then they are threatening people with violence by an armed force...... the people being threatened are calling them on it and reminding them that they are not the only ones armed and capable of projecting force, and they are in fact, (the elected officials) very outnumbered and in a far, far weaker position than they wish to admit.
But those of us who can count, look at the total number of cops and the total number of pissed off people with rifles and do the math and the answer we get, every single time, is that the politicians and any cops dumb enough to stand in front of them, are all dead meat in about a half a day.
Nobody black has been able to walk into a state legislative body armed and standing their armed in the presence of lawmakers. OBTW there just happened to be voter suppression measures enacted in Georgia so that's why blacks showed up with guns, not because blacks were protesting the fact they couldn't buy seeds. So lets not come up with the saltine false equivalence flacaltenn.

I'd have to actual numbers for how it was suppressed. Stacey Abrams was VERY vague on details. And NO -- I don't want to do that HERE in this thread...

Seems like a shady deal to draw a line between armed folks intimidating polling places within yards of the doors -- and people "openly carrying" in a peaceful protest.. I dont get particularly trigger by armed citizens of any color reminding the GOVERNMENT what their job is...

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