Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

WRONG, Doc. These are PATRIOTS, something YOU'LL never be. Now go back to your Safe Space. Shoo!

WRONG Bluz Clueless - "Patriots" protest peacefully and leave their f'ing guns at home.

The other side has now been energized a bit. There is more then one side you know. It took this crisis to awaken just a few. The plot thickens. Perhaps it will become more. We need the government rulers to be sensible.

Posting a flat-out lie in bolded uppercase, doesn't make it true, any more than repeating it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over makes it true.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


The state of Michigan allows open carry at their capitol building. If you don't like it challenge the law. I would not go to such a protest however, there is a right to protest. I support and continue to support protest as long as it is done peacefully. I may not agree with the message however they have a right and they would also face any consequences for such protests.
The other side has now been energized a bit. There is more then one side you know. It took this crisis to awaken just a few. The plot thickens. Perhaps it will become more. We need the government rulers to be sensible.

What we need are government rulers who follow SCIENCE and FACTS.
This eliminates Dr Donald and his Merry Band of Quacks and Incompetents.
You are very quick to cast out your democratic process when it doesnt suit you. A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people. Millions more people from that state are observing the lockdown.
If you dont like this Governer you can kick her out via the ballot box. That is the cornerstone of any civilised society. Hats off to the conservatives on this thread who recognise this.
A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people.

Remember what happened in 1776?
Before my time Will. But I understand that independence was the will of the majority at that time. And rightly so, people should be able to manage their own affairs. The british government was an occupying force with questionable legitimacy.

But this lady was elected by the people of that state. If she has crossed the line then the only way to shift her is by democratic means. This looks more like a coup. Its a slippery slope.
Yeah except not really.... not even close.

If an elected official begins abusing and overreaching their authority granted to them by the people, the people are not obligated to bend over and take it until the next scheduled election. They have a right to protest it and if they choose, they have a right to show up armed and put an immediate stop to it.
The people are the the ones in charge...... it's not a "coup" for them to fire an employee who gets out of line.

(Where do you people get this stupid shit from, anyway?)
Are ya skeered?

You gonna tell us they're not there to intimidate and terrorize so they aren't terrorists, but rather Amurca loving patriots Billy?

What frightens you? Be specific.

I avoid idiot protests such as that like I avoid C-19 Billy. So no, I'm not personally afraid of barrel stroking idiots.
But I can personally guarantee you that law enforcement and lawmakers who are on the scene are scared shitless -
And rightfully so.

If they are scared shitless, they shouldn't be there. Scared people make stupid mistakes.

It's their JOB to be there Billy. And gun toting idiots ALSO make mistakes. And if they weren't scared and it wasn't their goal to intimidate people - They'd have left their arsenals AT HOME.

As they are within their rights to carry their firearms, there is no reason to leave them at home.

And praytell - What is their "reason" to tote? Intimidation my friend. These are NOT "patriots".
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


WRONG, Doc. These are PATRIOTS, something YOU'LL never be. Now go back to your Safe Space. Shoo!

These bimbos may be PATRIOTS, but evidently their allegiance is to another country, not the United States.

These jerks, who dress and act like terrorists who evidently have to make up for their lack of physical "equipment"and manhood, should not be allowed to bully and intimidate the American people.
Are ya skeered?

You gonna tell us they're not there to intimidate and terrorize so they aren't terrorists, but rather Amurca loving patriots Billy?

What frightens you? Be specific.

I avoid idiot protests such as that like I avoid C-19 Billy. So no, I'm not personally afraid of barrel stroking idiots.
But I can personally guarantee you that law enforcement and lawmakers who are on the scene are scared shitless -
And rightfully so.

If they are scared shitless, they shouldn't be there. Scared people make stupid mistakes.

It's their JOB to be there Billy. And gun toting idiots ALSO make mistakes. And if they weren't scared and it wasn't their goal to intimidate people - They'd have left their arsenals AT HOME.
No one had an arsenal ya lying scum. Plus, I refuse to leave mine at home ever because of terrorist pos like you.
Are ya skeered?
Just ask yourself if you'd be just as pleased if your family were suddenly caught in a crossfire between the authorities and these fucking knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots!
If the protests were about the right to bear arms and the pro-Communist law enforcement were attempting to take the firearms away from protesters, then my family as well as myself, would be in the thick of it, firing back at the pro-Communist law enforcement. The right to bear arms is clearly stated in the Constitution and it must be defended at "all" costs.
From your OFF TOPIC reply, it is easy to determine you are among the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots! The point is the protest were not about 2 A issues, but were about intimidation tactics by fucking bullies and miscreants with psychological issues and loaded guns. Shit happens fool!

You need to brush up one's right to bear arms in a Constitutional sense. This isn't the thread to be discussing this, but you can have a friend or one of your kids read the 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller and how the very conservative Justice Scalia set out that Constitutionally wise, Amendment II was NOT an unlimited right, but rather a limited right noting a number of exceptions. I'll help you further and provide a link for you or your reading helper, 'Kay?
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


WRONG, Doc. These are PATRIOTS, something YOU'LL never be. Now go back to your Safe Space. Shoo!

These bimbos may be PATRIOTS, but evidently their allegiance is to another country, not the United States.

These jerks, who dress and act like terrorists who evidently have to make up for their lack of physical "equipment"and manhood, should not be allowed to bully and intimidate the American people.
If that were true liar, I would never have bought a revolver with a two inch barrel.

Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop



Protests at the state capitol aren't "terrorism", snowflake. Actually, both sides are armed during these protests but neither side is shooting. Its not even violent.
You are very quick to cast out your democratic process when it doesnt suit you. A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people. Millions more people from that state are observing the lockdown.
If you dont like this Governer you can kick her out via the ballot box. That is the cornerstone of any civilised society. Hats off to the conservatives on this thread who recognise this.
A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people.

Remember what happened in 1776?
Before my time Will. But I understand that independence was the will of the majority at that time. And rightly so, people should be able to manage their own affairs. The british government was an occupying force with questionable legitimacy.

But this lady was elected by the people of that state. If she has crossed the line then the only way to shift her is by democratic means. This looks more like a coup. Its a slippery slope.
Idiot, no violence has occurred, no one has been shot, no one has been dragged out and hanged. Where is the coup? Stop proving how much of a fool you are, and stay on your knees for YOUR government.
Its a good job these people were white or the police would have shot them all and you nutters would have cheered them on.
IOW; "Everyone who disagrees with me is a murderous racist!!!"
You are very quick to cast out your democratic process when it doesnt suit you. A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people. Millions more people from that state are observing the lockdown.
If you dont like this Governer you can kick her out via the ballot box. That is the cornerstone of any civilised society. Hats off to the conservatives on this thread who recognise this.
A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people.

Remember what happened in 1776?
Before my time Will. But I understand that independence was the will of the majority at that time. And rightly so, people should be able to manage their own affairs. The british government was an occupying force with questionable legitimacy.

But this lady was elected by the people of that state. If she has crossed the line then the only way to shift her is by democratic means. This looks more like a coup. Its a slippery slope.
Idiot, no violence has occurred, no one has been shot, no one has been dragged out and hanged. Where is the coup? Stop proving how much of a fool you are, and stay on your knees for YOUR government.
Its a good job these people were white or the police would have shot them all and you nutters would have cheered them on.
IOW, "Everyone who disagrees with me is a violent racist!" :rolleyes:

Damn, this shit is so weak.... I can't believe there are still lames around trying it.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.

That how the German Sturmabteilung would have reacted.
You were abused as a child, no doubt. Always had a problem with police? Maybe you should have stayed out of trouble.
Are ya skeered?
Just ask yourself if you'd be just as pleased if your family were suddenly caught in a crossfire between the authorities and these fucking knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots!
If the protests were about the right to bear arms and the pro-Communist law enforcement were attempting to take the firearms away from protesters, then my family as well as myself, would be in the thick of it, firing back at the pro-Communist law enforcement. The right to bear arms is clearly stated in the Constitution and it must be defended at "all" costs.
From your OFF TOPIC reply, it is easy to determine you are among the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots! The point is the protest were not about 2 A issues, but were about intimidation tactics by fucking bullies and miscreants with psychological issues and loaded guns. Shit happens fool!

You need to brush up one's right to bear arms in a Constitutional sense. This isn't the thread to be discussing this, but you can have a friend or one of your kids read the 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller and how the very conservative Justice Scalia set out that Constitutionally wise, Amendment II was NOT an unlimited right, but rather a limited right noting a number of exceptions. I'll help you further and provide a link for you or your reading helper, 'Kay?
Notice that since he is obviously too stupid to know what rights are, and too much of a coward to own a gun, he talks about a mans penis. You go girl.
The other side has now been energized a bit. There is more then one side you know. It took this crisis to awaken just a few. The plot thickens. Perhaps it will become more. We need the government rulers to be sensible.

What we need are government rulers who follow SCIENCE and FACTS.
This eliminates Dr Donald and his Merry Band of Quacks and Incompetents.
You just hate Trump. So everything else does not matter. He is the person who may let us keep whatever rights we have left. For many other politicians would not.
Racists, misogynist and anarchists have crawled out of the gutter and spread their slime all across America. It is time for those of us with a moral compass to speak out with the authority of a real Moral Majority, one which supports a democratic republic and these truths:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”.

Read this words and consider how in the Age of Trump they have all been abused.
Sounds more like just plain regular folks are sick of y'alls shit and you are at a loss to do anything but call them names and whine about it.

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