Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

WRONG, Doc. These are PATRIOTS, something YOU'LL never be. Now go back to your Safe Space. Shoo!

WRONG Bluz Clueless - "Patriots" protest peacefully and leave their f'ing guns at home.

That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.

Point taken, but in my view they share many of the same goals.

The goal of terrorism generally is to destroy the public's sense of security in the places most familiar to them. Major targets sometimes also include buildings or other locations that are important economic or political symbols, such as embassies or military installations.

Understand, but terrorists and political partisans always have and always will share common goals. It is not the goals, but what you are willing or intent upon doing to achieve those goals that makes you a terrorist. Normal political partisans are just the enablers of terrorist, as they do not want to get their own hands dirty, but do not reject the methods of the terrorist minded partisans. Kind of like trump and the "good people on both sides" thing, after the killing by the terrorist is over.
BTW, bed wetters, the armed assault people are back in force, and whitmer is back hiding in her office like the tyrant coward bitch she is.
Are ya skeered?
Just ask yourself if you'd be just as pleased if your family were suddenly caught in a crossfire between the authorities and these fucking knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots!
If the protests were about the right to bear arms and the pro-Communist law enforcement were attempting to take the firearms away from protesters, then my family as well as myself, would be in the thick of it, firing back at the pro-Communist law enforcement. The right to bear arms is clearly stated in the Constitution and it must be defended at "all" costs.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

Hmm...., How many shots were fired? How many have been killed or injured by gun fire?
I am shocked at how people react to these rights-barring measures.

A true freedom lover would IMMEDIATELY be suspicious of this type of government action. It may turn out to be legitimate government action, but this type of authoritative exercise should be questioned and scrutinized every single day.

This isn't questioning or scrutinizing, this is an armed assault on the duly elected governor, and against the majority wishes of the governed.
An armed assault entails shooting people. No one has been shot you filthy liar.

No, walking into a government House with weapons is an assault on democracy. This is a chamber of laws and reason. It is no place for a weapon. Last but not least, you do not take out a gun unless you need it and are prepared to use it. Anything else is an attempt at bullying and intimmidation.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


WRONG, Doc. These are PATRIOTS, something YOU'LL never be. Now go back to your Safe Space. Shoo!
Nope, Just Weak cowards running around with AR's.

See Real Patriots vs the MAGA Gun Nutters.

Just ask yourself if you'd be just as pleased if your family were suddenly caught in a crossfire between the authorities and these fucking knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots!
That's a pathetic straw man and you should know it though based on your crude rhetoric I doubt you care.

I could just as easily ask you how you would like it if suddenly police and National Guard troops were
patrolling neighborhoods not letting anyone leave their homes for any reason at all.
You are very quick to cast out your democratic process when it doesnt [sic] suit you. A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people. Millions more people from that state are observing the lockdown.
If you dont [sic] like this Governer [sic] you can kick her out via the ballot box. That is the cornerstone of any civilised society. Hats off to the conservatives on this thread who recognise this.

In an extreme case like this, the people are fully justified in kicking this corrupt, tyrannical bitch out in the same manner that we kicked your degenerate ancestors out of our country more than two centuries ago.

No sane American will recognize your kind as any kind of authority on what constitutes “civilised”. Your idea of “civilised” is when submissive, Gillettized cowards keep their mouths shut and do what Big Brother tells them to do.

In a case like this do the people of America have the right to kick out a dangerously corrupt and incompetent President who has already killed tens of thousands of Americans with his ignorance and dangerous decisions. If a group of armed Democrats had stormed the Senate, how would you feel about that?
Excellent point. Because these guys were whining like Paul Masson when democrats stepped to impreach this president for actually violating the law.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.
Those LEO's will see that guy sometime with peed pants and a big raspberry on his forehead.
When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.
Oh really. You already have the seeds for edible crops, which are illegal for anyone else to possess, because of what you claim as "intellectual property."

Meanwhile guns are banned in Canada.
"You don't need an AR-15 to bring down a deer," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a news conference in Ottawa. "So, effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade assault weapons in this country."
We wouldn't really care that much, except the Canadian Mounties and other international and foreign law enforcement fuckers are already crossing the border to steal our weapons in America.

Yeah, that was inevitable. 22 people dead. First mass public shooting in Canada in 30 years. Good man, Trudeau. He's doing a good job for the Canadian people.
What weapon did the mass shooter use?

Did we ever find out?

Or is this just a convenient crisis for a gun grab?

"Our liberty is infringed upon because we can't buy seeds." Wow! When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.

What legitimate interest could government have in preventing people from growing their own food?

Sorry but when that same group of people wholeheartedly supported a republican governor removing elected officials, I don't give a damn about their whining because they can't buy seeds from a store. They can order seeds online.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


WRONG, Doc. These are PATRIOTS, something YOU'LL never be. Now go back to your Safe Space. Shoo!
Nope, Just Weak cowards running around with AR's.

See Real Patriots vs the MAGA Gun Nutters.

View attachment 330482
ISIS...real patriots? They kill for the following reasons:
1. You didn't follow their religious teachings...exactly.
2. You are considered a "non-Muslim."
3. You refuse to convert to their barbaric religious ideology.
4. If you're an infidel're raped, then killed.
5. If you're an infidel child or baby, you're killed.
Those are some odd "patriots" you identify with and thus the federal government should be monitoring you.
Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


That is the Michigan legislatures fault, but they aren't terrorists, just assholes trying to intimidate. To me you have to cross a boundary line before you are a terrorist. The guy screaming in the face of the Michigans State Police should have already been warned to keep his distance. At the point where he is unmasked, screaming the that officer's face, he should have been tazed into submission and dragged off in cuffs to face a host of charges.

That how the German Sturmabteilung would have reacted.
I am shocked at how people react to these rights-barring measures.

A true freedom lover would IMMEDIATELY be suspicious of this type of government action. It may turn out to be legitimate government action, but this type of authoritative exercise should be questioned and scrutinized every single day.

This isn't questioning or scrutinizing, this is an armed assault on the duly elected governor, and against the majority wishes of the governed.
An armed assault entails shooting people. No one has been shot you filthy liar.

No, walking into a government House with weapons is an assault on democracy. This is a chamber of laws and reason. It is no place for a weapon. Last but not least, you do not take out a gun unless you need it and are prepared to use it. Anything else is an attempt at bullying and intimmidation.
So then all them cops with guns are committing assault. Thanks. If it's no place for a weapon, why do the cops have them? So those cop are bullying and and intimidating. Thanks girl!
"Our liberty is infringed upon because we can't buy seeds." Wow! When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.

What legitimate interest could government have in preventing people from growing their own food?

Sorry but when that same group of people wholeheartedly supported a republican governor removing elected officials, I don't give a damn about their whining because they can't buy seeds from a store. They can order seeds online.
When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.
Oh really. You already have the seeds for edible crops, which are illegal for anyone else to possess, because of what you claim as "intellectual property."

Meanwhile guns are banned in Canada.
"You don't need an AR-15 to bring down a deer," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a news conference in Ottawa. "So, effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade assault weapons in this country."
We wouldn't really care that much, except the Canadian Mounties and other international and foreign law enforcement fuckers are already crossing the border to steal our weapons in America.

Yeah, that was inevitable. 22 people dead. First mass public shooting in Canada in 30 years. Good man, Trudeau. He's doing a good job for the Canadian people.
He is indeed. He's damn sure a better leader than whatever we have right now.
What legitimate interest could government have in preventing people from growing their own food?
The governnment is not preventing people from growing their own food. The argument is specious, at best. There are ways of buying seeds and supplies but conservatives have to whine about having to think about that. Having to use their brain to come up with an "alternative solution" is so much harder than coming up with an "alternative fact".

What, then, is the purpose in this corrupt government denying people the ability to buy seeds and other essential gardening supplies, if not to insure that they cannot grow their own food? What legitimate reason could there possibly be for this?

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