Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

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Did not look it like to to me. Troopers showed amazing self restraint. They were under very strict orders, no doubt, and a credit to law enforcement in the situation.

I'm actually a little surprised they were not under orders to make sure someone started something and massacre as many protesters as possible.

Actually...they may have planned that until realizing they were (badly) outgunned.
I guess the left needs to realize that just because you are elected by the people doesn't mean you get to say "fuck the constitution, you elected me now live with it."

The bitch swore to uphold the constitution. Not shred it.

It's these kinds of incidents that take off the outer costumes and lay open the inner person to daylight. She's a mini-Stalin.

Nobody stormed the state house. Some people (fairly pissed-off people) were exercising their rights.

Had they "stormed" the state house, there would have been bodies hanging from the trees in front of the building.
Right. The police let them have their little dress up soldier tea party.
You mean, the people "let" the public officials and the cops live another day, instead of shooting and hanging them all, and burning the building down.
Come take my gun scum.
I agree with the sentiment, but I'm not the one taking your guns away. I am simply explaining how THEY take our guns away through THEIR sham court system.

I hope to heaven YOU aren't part of that obnoxious lying system of gun control through legal deception.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

No .This is America in the age of Democrat insurrectionist......Ever heard of States Rights?.....The state run commie media and the Democrats have over hyped this "crisis" for political game....may they rot in Hell for their treachery.
They swore an oath, to uphold and defend the Constitution, above all else.

Kinda hard to do when the people in charge are trashin' it Bob


No excuse.

Either they are on the side of the people, and the Constitution, or else they are enemies thereof. There is no in-between.

And if they choose to be enemies of the people, and of the Constitution, then they should be treated as such, and have no right or reason to expect otherwise.
The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

Actually I agree with you. I just used that as an example to point out IM2's disingenuousness and hypocrisy. I knew he was going to claim that the circumstances were different.

He's so predictable.

If by "predictable" you mean "racist asshat" then I agree!
Right. The police let them have their little dress up soldier tea party.

You DO realize the bloodbath that would have resulted had the police tried anything rash...right?

Or tried anything at all.

These armed protests seem to have exploded after some incidents with armed protests resulted in victories. See the Bundy standoff in Nevada.

An armed mob was successfully intimidated law enforcement from doing their job. No charges on any of them.
Ever heard of States Rights?
Uh...hey was the governor's order they were protesting.
I know.I was responding to the guy who was laying it all on Trump. you mean the trump that is urging people to protest measures found in the federal guidelines he released?

That moron?
You mean the ones released by Anthony Gerbels Fauci? Maybe," I don't know where I shit last" Joe will save us Biden is barely conscious pond scum.
I sometimes wish I had been a pirate, but where would I ride my Harley?

If you were a pirate, and you hired someone to sell corn on the cob, then the price would be a dollar for each cob of corn.

He would be selling it for a buck an ear.

Little boy rings a doorbell on Hallowe'en, in a pirate costume.
Lady answers the door.
"Ooh, a pirate! But where are your buccaneers?"
Kid thinks for a moment.
"Under my buccan hat."

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