Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

Chalk it up to a left wing Brit's ignorance of the American judicial system but every convicted person has the right to an appeal.
What`s to appeal when the whole world has seen the knee on the neck? Even Trump, the De Facto Klan Grand Wizard said it was a sickening thing to watch.
What`s to appeal when the whole world has seen the knee on the neck? Even Trump, the De Facto Klan Grand Wizard said it was a sickening thing to watch.

It's sickening to watch the heroes who put themselves in danger every day suffer the slings of twisted PC racism. There's no need to appeal because no crime was committed. It should simply be expunged.
The only facts that matter is what happened that day.

The fact is that Floyd put himself there like he did dozens of times before that. When the record comes up as repeat incarceration the police use completely different procedures. It's relevant because he's been made a Saint by the left. He resisted....he owns it. Your version of justice is a dead cop.
The fact is that Floyd put himself there like he did dozens of times before that. When the record comes up as repeat incarceration the police use completely different procedures. It's relevant because he's been made a Saint by the left. He resisted....he owns it. Your version of justice is a dead cop.
You can't resist while in cuffs. Any cop will tell you that. Once a suspect is in cuffs he is considered in custody.
You can't resist while in cuffs. Any cop will tell you that. Once a suspect is in cuffs he is considered in custody.

Bullcrap you can kill somebody while you're in handcuffs. I've always said that the cuffs are very poor restraining method... they don't even stop the person in custody from hurting themselves for crying out loud.
Well except Chauvin, his family and the legion of cuck whites who let themselves be bullied for the benefit of black people of course.

LET themselves be bullied by Blacks? I see. So in other words, you support aggressive defense against black people including increased gun use and police presence? I'm sure that is coming, no problem.
You know what I love most about that.
What is that? That the world won't miss another dead rigger leach on society? I'm sure their family themselvers are laughing all the way to the bank--- more money than they would have seen collectively in a lifetime. Pretty sad really that the very people who failed at raising that bum and failed to steer him straight in life should profit so much from their own failures.

That's its only something you see from anonymous cuck whites on the internet.
Can't say what you see or don't see in public, ass, just that I know the truth hurts. Chauvin wasn't a great cop but he was framed because one day the bum he got called out on to protect the world from turned out to be a super-black jiggy asshole like you.

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