Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

There isn't a drug in the world that works that fast through ingestion.
Fentanyl does.

The examination of the way Chauvin was railroaded.

Fentanyl does.

The examination of the way Chauvin was railroaded.
Can you provide me with a link, showing that fentanyl goes through the stomach, much faster than anything else? It's biological. The stomach and it's blood vessels are going to pass all drugs at the same rate.

On the other hand, alcohol is really fast.
Well thank you for that.
In the UK there is no automatic right to appeal. You have to provide new evidence.
You could argue that is unfair but it does save court time from timewasters like the murderer chauvin.

His whole defence seems to be based on the fact that he is white. That isnt compelling.
Well, in The United States, there is.
You're a racist because you're making a claim about something that didn't happen and ssomething that wasn't happening when Chauvin detained Floyd to justify a murder that you wouldn't do if the person had been white.. Chumps like you don't get it. We live facing racism our whole life. Plausible deniability doesn't work.
And you're a
Really? The Floyd BLM riots were the biggest in US history: nearly 50 dead, 60,000 cops injured and 2 billion in damages in 350 cities!
Are you retarded? Do you have a learning disability? BEFORE Trump decided to make racism cool again, we had no riots between 1992 and 2020. Or at least no major ones. Then your boy Trump scrapped all the police reform measures and encouraged cops to start being brutal again.

Just like on January 6.
No, Jan 6 was a bunch of white people having a hissy because they lost an election.

Wrong. The problem is people who don't respect police. You get disrespected all day long putting your life on the line tends to make you start bullying people to get them to listen. You are putting the cart before the horse.

Maybe cops need to EARN the respect they crave. Heck, they don't stop crime, but they are happy to pull you over for a minor traffic violation and cost you money. Then they are surprised to find out the public doesn't love them that much. Wow.

All black troublemakers. Including Obumma.
Really? Tamir Rice was a 12 year old child. Philandro Castille was cooperating with officers and got shot anyway. The ones who were "troublemakers" weren't doing anything that merited shooting them.

Again, did you somehow sleep through 2020?
You must have if you didn't notice how badly Trump fucked up Covid, the economy, and the riots.
That fentanyl is bad stuff. Joe Biden has murdered 100,000 people per year with it. Trump could not stop a virus blowing in the wind, but at least Biden COULD stop this by closing the border.

Actually, Trump could have done a lot of things to stop the Virus, but he didn't because he didn't want to panic the markets.

Meanwhile, Fentanyl is going to get into this country, regardless of what we do on the border, just like Pot, Cocaine and heroin do.
Are you retarded?
You're too stupid to tell the difference.

Do you have a learning disability?
I told you before but apparently you forgot.

BEFORE Trump decided to make racism cool again
I thought blacks did that first and better.

, we had no riots between 1992 and 2020.
Democrats were handing out free stuff. Remember the Obumma-phones?

No, Jan 6 was a bunch of white people having a hissy
Racist comment.

because they lost an election.
Because the election was stolen and so corrupted that no one could tell or trust anything.

Maybe cops need to EARN the respect they crave.
No, a police officer is a constable on patrol. He represents authority. Why don't you go tell a judge they need to EARN your respect. Please.

they are happy to pull you over for a minor traffic violation and cost you money.
Actually, any minor traffic violations I've been pulled over for, I've been let go with just a warning, because I wasn't a total dick.

Then they are surprised to find out the public doesn't love them that much.
I like the police just fine. Last officer I dealt with I talked to about a neighbor's dog pooping in my yard. The officer went to the neighbor's house, talked to him about it then came back to my house to tell me. Great guy.

Tamir Rice was a 12 year old child. Philandro Castille was cooperating with officers and got shot anyway.
News to me. Shit happens ya know.

The ones who were "troublemakers" weren't doing anything that merited shooting them.
Maybe the gun went off by accident or the cop just needed practice. Are you going to cry about it?

You must have if you didn't notice how badly Trump fucked up Covid, the economy, and the riots.
Sure. Meanwhile out in reality, far more died under Joe's watch WITH the vax, had the best economy ever, and had no say in any riots, lest you would have called him a dictator. Funny how out of 193 countries in the world, all impacted savagely by Covid, Trump is the ONLY one you assholes blame for it. Last I checked, it was actually the chinese, but then, we know you suck chinese ass.
Looks like this thread is a recruiting ground for those Klan idiots in white bed sheets, in historical terms it isn't that many decades ago that black people were lynched, i believe it was little rock in the 60s when some nutters in the town went Ape shit because black kids were in the same school as whites, some people just need to get civilised.
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Meanwhile, Fentanyl is going to get into this country, regardless of what we do on the border, just like Pot, Cocaine and heroin do.
In its first month, Operation Blue Lotus, a coordinated U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) surge operation, has stopped over 4,000 pounds of fentanyl at ports of entry, where more than 90 percent of fentanyl is trafficked in cars and trucks.

Fentanyl comes in by car, not by mule.

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