Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

Interesting. Framed. There seems to be a lot of video showing Chauvin doing it. His own statements seem to indicate he did it. So framed doesn’t seem to fit.

Video doesn't show anything other than him kneeling over the guy. It does not show the amount of pressure and the autopsy confirms it wasn't enough to cause death. Too bad Chauvin didn't know Floyd was hopped up on drugs, and was so distracted by all the noise from the crowd that he was distracted from keeping a closer watch on his condition. So in a sense, all the cucks standing by yelling and taking video are the real killers of Floyd.

Of course, had Floyd not cried like a little girl and resisted arrest and gotten out of his car, cops wouldn't have had to drag his sorry ass down to the street.
If we had addressed police brutality 10 years ago when black people were asking NICELY
You mean back during the LA riots? Nicely like that, you pud? I've yet to ever meet a cop that could not be reasoned with if you did not follow their orders and respect them. WE've seen how your Defund The Police has worked out!

to clean up their acts, we wouldn't have had riots.
Only people needing their acts cleaned up are the many blacks who seem determined to get their heads cracked open acting like assholes.

We also wouldn't have had riots if you didn't have a racist mutant like Trump
Don't try to feed me that bullshit here, you butthole.
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Video doesn't show anything other than him kneeling over the guy. It does not show the amount of pressure and the autopsy confirms it wasn't enough to cause death. Too bad Chauvin didn't know Floyd was hopped up on drugs, and was so distracted by all the noise from the crowd that he was distracted from keeping a closer watch on his condition. So in a sense, all the cucks standing by yelling and taking video are the real killers of Floyd.

Of course, had Floyd not cried like a little girl and resisted arrest and gotten out of his car, cops wouldn't have had to drag his sorry ass down to the street.

It seems experts disagree with your medical assessment.

Shall I continue?

But you watched the trial. I’m betting you could quote them verbatim.
Then you didn’t watch the trial. Or read the link I sent you. But that’s fine.

I read the reports and true evidence. Chauvin may not have been a good cop, but he was fish food sacrificed to appease the black community. He deserves a fair retrial. The fact that he is fighting to get one suggests to me that factions are afraid he'd get acquitted.
I read the reports and true evidence. Chauvin may not have been a good cop, but he was fish food sacrificed to appease the black community. He deserves a fair retrial. The fact that he is fighting to get one suggests to me that factions are afraid he'd get acquitted.

Maybe we can look at this again when the adults are back in control and the leftists are all back where they belong, in inpatient psychiatric care.

Until then, hang in there, Officer Chauvin.

I read the reports and true evidence. Chauvin may not have been a good cop, but he was fish food sacrificed to appease the black community. He deserves a fair retrial. The fact that he is fighting to get one suggests to me that factions are afraid he'd get acquitted.

It wouldn’t change anything. He pled guilty to Federal Charges. Even if the State did find enough people who you would deem impartial, people already convinced of his innocence, then he would remain where he is, Federal Prison.
It's sickening to watch the heroes who put themselves in danger every day suffer the slings of twisted PC racism. There's no need to appeal because no crime was committed. It should simply be expunged.
Hope you are not the next victim of cop out of control violence, on second thoughts.

Maybe we can look at this again when the adults are back in control and the leftists are all back where they belong, in inpatient psychiatric care.

Until then, hang in there, Officer Chauvin.

We thought of that. He's convicted in State and Federal Court you cuck whites. :funnyface:
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
There is no debate about Floyd's social distinction. His record speaks for itself.
It does. It did not include pointing a gun at a pregnant women's belly, which is a right wing lie.

Your closing paragraph is not even an opinion, it's a form of mental illness probably born of personal failure. BLM is a fraud.... Who gives a shit what they care about? We already know what they are.

Those who forget history are doomed to relive it. I'm old enough to remember race riots in 1968 and 1992.
You mean back during the LA riots? Nicely like that, you pud? I've yet to ever meet a cop that could not be reasoned with if you did not follow their orders and respect them. WE've seen how your Defund The Police has worked out!

We've had dozens of inciting incidents between Rodney King and George Floyd, but oddly, no major riots. People appealled to government to hold people accountable and make reforms.

Only people needing their acts cleaned up are the many blacks who seem determined to get their heads cracked open acting like assholes.

Um, no, police officers "Cracking open heads" and worse over petty issues or sometimes no issue at all, are not the problem here. The problem are cops who think that their badge and gun is a license to bully people.

Don't try to feed me that bullshit here, you butthole.
We had a shitload of inciting incidents during the Obama years. Michael Brown, Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice.

But- amazingly- no nationwide riots. Why? Because in the Obama years, pressure was put to hold people accountable and reform police departments.

We had them with Trump because black folks concluded that only by rioting could they get attention.
We've had dozens of inciting incidents between Rodney King and George Floyd, but oddly, no major riots.
Really? The Floyd BLM riots were the biggest in US history: nearly 50 dead, 60,000 cops injured and 2 billion in damages in 350 cities!

People appealled to government to hold people accountable and make reforms.
Just like on January 6.

Um, no, police officers "Cracking open heads" and worse over petty issues or sometimes no issue at all, are not the problem here. The problem are cops who think that their badge and gun is a license to bully people.
Wrong. The problem is people who don't respect police. You get disrespected all day long putting your life on the line tends to make you start bullying people to get them to listen. You are putting the cart before the horse.

We had a shitload of inciting incidents during the Obama years. Michael Brown, Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice.
All black troublemakers. Including Obumma.

But- amazingly- no nationwide riots.
Again, did you somehow sleep through 2020?

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