Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

You think they should get more respect from civilians when they murder civilians?

What in the hell makes you think that a career criminal that has no respect for the law is going to suddenly respect the police officer when he's confronted with a situation of force brought on by his lack of respect for the law? Do you honestly think a police force can be replaced by a force of social workers? Do you know how quickly the morgue would fill up with dead social workers..... Who passed away from having their heads literally shoved up their asses before being dumped in the middle of the street?
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Floyd wasn't the biggest lowlife there. There was a murderer there, also.
I've read through Chauvin's history.... He apparently had problems in the past with applying too much force. Not sure what happened to the police psychiatric department in that one? However the general principle stands. A career criminal like Floyd exponentially increases his chance of severe injury or even fatal injury by his multiplicity of very poor choices up to an including the complete violation of others civil rights which ominously and almost ironically became the thrust of the Floyd riots.
So you, having no medical experience whatsoever, believe that the medical expert who conducted the autopsy is wrong. Correct?
I think he believes like most people that all experts these days are subject to PC pressure are well nformed about the consequences of their lack of cooperation.
What in the hell makes you think that a career criminal that has no respect for the law is going to suddenly respect the police officer when he's confronted with a situation of force brought on by his lack of respect for the law?
What the hell makes you think I believe that?
I think he believes like most people that all experts these days are subject to PC pressure are well nformed about the consequences of their lack of cooperation.
Or maybe you’re just whining bullshit excuses because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted.

Whenever you guys don’t get what you want, you guys whine that the system is rigged against you.
Or maybe you’re just whining bullshit excuses because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted.

Whenever you guys don’t get what you want, you guys whine that the system is rigged against you.

I have some sympathy for your comment but honestly considering the unimaginable politically correct pressure that is applied to almost every institution ( Not just by Democrats) especially within the last 20 years to comply with social lysenkoism I don't think it's overreacting.
I have some sympathy for your comment but honestly considering the unimaginable politically correct pressure that is applied to almost every institution ( Not just by Democrats) especially within the last 20 years to comply with social lysenkoism I don't think it's overreacting.
In other words you long for the Good Ole Days, when Chauvin would have gotten a medal for bravery and a promotion for murdering a black man, not life in prison.
I have some sympathy for your comment but honestly considering the unimaginable politically correct pressure that is applied to almost every institution ( Not just by Democrats) especially within the last 20 years to comply with social lysenkoism I don't think it's overreacting.
Or maybe you’re just a sore loser crybaby whining because you didn’t get the result you want.
you should be in someone's legal team, hero. you solved the case.

What case is that? The case of a career criminal who left the trail the victims behind him who should have been put away years before he was actually arrested and didn't survive the self-inflicted ordeal?
What case is that? The case of a career criminal who left the trail the victims behind him who should have been put away years before he was actually arrested and didn't survive the self-inflicted ordeal?
hahaha. obviously, with your expertise, you can solve ANY case. however. it is a little troubling that you cannot retain your obvious expertise and save poor victims of the justice system, like, for real. dream on.
So you, having no medical experience whatsoever, believe that the medical expert who conducted the autopsy is wrong. Correct?
Didn’t say he was wrong because I don’t know.

In my opinion, too much emphasis was put on the neck compression aspect of it. It was precisely why the family commissioned independent MEs to conduct another autopsy. It was apparent to me that, under no uncertain terms, they needed Floyd to have died from the knee on his neck.

Having said that, appeal to authority is a debate fallacy. Being an expert in his field does not mean the ME couldn’t be wrong, couldn’t have overlooked something or wasn’t swayed by public pressure or pressure from above to some degree or other.
I didn't say you said he was wrong. I said you believe he's wrong. Am I correct in saying that you believe he's wrong?
That depends on the context. Do I question his pathological expertise? No.

Do I think maybe he was unduly influenced by public sentiment and pressure from superiors? Yes.

Do I think Floyd’s death was a homicide? No.

Do I think the drugs and heart condition were greater factors than anyone is willing to admit? Yes.

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