Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

You did. So, therefore, you believe the medical examiner is wrong in his conclusion about Floyd's death being a homicide. Is that correct?
Again, that depends on the context. Do I think his knowledge and expertise is lacking? No.

Do I think he was unduly influenced by various factors? Yes. In that context, I think he might be mistaken.
What additional answer do you need beyond the one I gave you?
An answer to the following question that you seem to be avoiding for some reason would be awesome:

"So you believe the medical examiner is wrong in his conclusion about Floyd's death being a homicide. Is that correct?"

Its a joke that he was allowed to appeal his sentence for murdering Mr Floyd. It must have been awful for the Floyds to relive this.
We all saw what happened. They should incrase the sentence for wasting court time.
If you want to learn how American media lies Tommy, watch "The Fall of Minneapolis" documentary. It is a factual account of all the evidence about George Floyd that was suppressed and how the Minneapolis police were vilified by Federal, State, local government and of course the media blitz that ignited the riots.
An answer to the following question that you seem to be avoiding for some reason would be awesome:

"So you believe the medical examiner is wrong in his conclusion about Floyd's death being a homicide. Is that correct?"
Three things here:

1.) You’re trying to get me to say the ME was wrong in the context of his knowledge and expertise and that ain’t happening. I won’t make any claims I can’t prove and I won’t question expertise in a field I have no knowledge in.

2.) Again, appeal to authority is a fallacy. Being the expert is not what makes him right or wrong; experts have been known to be wrong before.

3.) There was tremendous public and political sentiment and pressure bearing on this case. Maxine Waters declared that if they did not find Chauvin guilty then…

This was before the trial. And she was by far not the only one to convict Chauvin before the trial. Hell, you were probably one of them.

Millions of people - including our elected representatives - declared Chauvin guilty before the trial even took place but you’re giving me grief for expressing an opinion after the trial.

It’s horseshit and hypocrisy of the most fetid order.
If you want to learn how American media lies Tommy, watch "The Fall of Minneapolis" documentary. It is a factual account of all the evidence about George Floyd that was suppressed and how the Minneapolis police were vilified by Federal, State, local government and of course the media blitz that ignited the riots.
The fall of America was from Republicans.
Democrats were handing out free stuff. Remember the Obumma-phones?
You mean the phone program that was started by Reagan?
Because the election was stolen and so corrupted that no one could tell or trust anything.
The election wasn't stolen. Americans never wanted Trump to start with which is why he lost by 3 million votes to Hillary and 8 million votes to Biden.

Actually, any minor traffic violations I've been pulled over for, I've been let go with just a warning, because I wasn't a total dick.
And because you were white. Check your privilege!
I like the police just fine. Last officer I dealt with I talked to about a neighbor's dog pooping in my yard. The officer went to the neighbor's house, talked to him about it then came back to my house to tell me. Great guy.

Wow.... you called the cops over dog poop? Are you a Male Karen? What do you call a Male Karen, anyway?

News to me. Shit happens ya know.

Maybe you need to correct your ignorance and see what black folks are rightfully upset about. It's cops shooting unarmed black people over minor offenses or no offense at all, and getting no punishment for it. And usually, we find said officer had a long history of abusing the public and nothing was done about it.

Sure. Meanwhile out in reality, far more died under Joe's watch WITH the vax, had the best economy ever, and had no say in any riots, lest you would have called him a dictator.

More died because Trump let the thing rage out of control, undermined efforts to contain it, and made mask wearing and other prevention methods a political and cultural issue.

The economy wasn't that great under Trump, even before it crashed and burned. GDP Growth never exceeded 3%. The economy was already starting to slow down before Covid hit, partially because of the unnecessary trade war he started with China. For instance, the company I worked for when Covid hit, we had all sorts of problems getting components because tariffs screwed up the supply chain.

Again- he caused the riots. His racially charged rhetoric, his support of police misconduct, all it took was a match to light the fire.

Funny how out of 193 countries in the world, all impacted savagely by Covid, Trump is the ONLY one you assholes blame for it. Last I checked, it was actually the chinese, but then, we know you suck chinese ass.
Well, no, my Chinese wife isn't into that sort of thing.

But as long as you brought it up. The US has 4% of the world's population, but we acccounted for 14% of Covid Deaths. Under Trump, it was 25% of the world's Covid deaths, but the rest of the world has caught up thanks to leaders like Modi in India and that Dipshit in Brazil who followed Trump like policies. Meanwhile, countries like Japan that did all the things that Trump refused to do, had very few covid deaths.
Didn’t say he was wrong because I don’t know.

In my opinion, too much emphasis was put on the neck compression aspect of it. It was precisely why the family commissioned independent MEs to conduct another autopsy. It was apparent to me that, under no uncertain terms, they needed Floyd to have died from the knee on his neck.

Having said that, appeal to authority is a debate fallacy. Being an expert in his field does not mean the ME couldn’t be wrong, couldn’t have overlooked something or wasn’t swayed by public pressure or pressure from above to some degree or other.

You are overcomplicating it.

Would Floyd have died that day if he hadn't encountered Chauvin?

All the evidence is that he would not have. He had built up a resistance to drugs and had lived with that heart condition for some time. A thug putting his knee on his neck for NINE MINUTES killed him.
1.) You’re trying to get me to say the ME was wrong in the context of his knowledge and expertise and that ain’t happening. I won’t make any claims I can’t prove and I won’t question expertise in a field I have no knowledge in.
I’m not trying to get you to say he’s wrong. I’m asking you if you believe he’s wrong regarding what he concluded about this particular death.

If he claims it was a homicide and you claim that you don’t believe it was a homicide…wouldn’t that logically mean that you think he‘s wrong about this being a homicide?
Three things here:

1.) You’re trying to get me to say the ME was wrong in the context of his knowledge and expertise and that ain’t happening. I won’t make any claims I can’t prove and I won’t question expertise in a field I have no knowledge in.

2.) Again, appeal to authority is a fallacy. Being the expert is not what makes him right or wrong; experts have been known to be wrong before.

3.) There was tremendous public and political sentiment and pressure bearing on this case. Maxine Waters declared that if they did not find Chauvin guilty then…

This was before the trial. And she was by far not the only one to convict Chauvin before the trial. Hell, you were probably one of them.

Millions of people - including our elected representatives - declared Chauvin guilty before the trial even took place but you’re giving me grief for expressing an opinion after the trial.

It’s horseshit and hypocrisy of the most fetid order.
Amazing that Chauvins legal team didnt mention this drivel at his appeal.
Nor produce an expert to refute the states expert.
I suspect you are such a character who thinks trump won.

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