Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

We saw the video. People were yelling it to him. He kneeled there for 9.5 minutes because no one was going to tell him what to do.
You don’t know that’s why he continued to kneel on him. This is pure speculation based on personal opinion, not facts or evidence.

You and others here just keep showing over and over that your opinions are rooted in emotional attachment to ideals, not facts.
You don’t know that’s why he continued to kneel on him. This is pure speculation based on personal opinion, not facts or evidence.

You and others here just keep showing over and over that your opinions are rooted in emotional attachment to ideals, not facts.

Maybe he had a cramp I suppose. (rolleyes)
The Grand Kleagle speaks again.

Not really. You see, we have the whole incident on video, from multiple angles. It isn't like the good old days when the cops could claim he hit his head on the door or any of the other horseshit they used to claim.

So you don’t know how much of Chauvin’s body weight was actually on Floyd’s neck?
Except his very pricy lawyers had every opportunity to screen the jury for bias.

Yes, they did. Doesn’t mean they were entirely successful.
Maxine Waters wasn't on the jury.

No shit. But people heard her and saw the video of her saying it.
I don't think any of the jurors, half of whom were white, got up that morning and said, "Gee, I wonder what Maxine Waters thinks about this?"

Don’t be an idiot.
Was there video of the West Memphis Three doing the crime?

I’m talking about bias among jurors, the judge and the ME, dumbass.
There was video of Chauvin doing the crime.

There’s video of him kneeling on Floyd’s neck.
You are the only joke here. Autopsy reports show that Floyd died of drugs and not due to any pressure on his neck restricting either his airway or carotid blood flow.

Liar. The autopsy showed no such thing. It showed he had drugs in his system. It showed he was killed by asphyxiation, not drugs.
So you don’t know how much of Chauvin’s body weight was actually on Floyd’s neck?
Enough to Kill Floyd, apparently.

Yes, they did. Doesn’t mean they were entirely successful.

Well, unless they found 12 retarded racists, it's kind of hard to ignore the compelling evidence of him doing exactly what he is accused of doing.

Don’t be an idiot.
I'm not the one who thinks that there was white juror who got up and said, "Gee, I hope Maxine Waters isn't mad at me!"

I’m talking about bias among jurors, the judge and the ME, dumbass.
You mean having two eyes and being able to see? The only people who didn't see a murder are racists who didn't see Floyd as human to start with. Glad we know where you stand.

There’s video of him kneeling on Floyd’s neck.
Which caused his death, Grand Kleagle.
Actually, it's a spot on analogy.

No, it’s not. You’re comparing a deliberate act of murder by suffocation of the nose and mouth to a potentially accidental asphyxiation by pressure on the the neck.
Your argument was that Floyd was a sick man who would have succumbed to his heart condition.

I didn’t say “would have”, I said “could have”.
Not really. Your whole "I got a bypass because of my privilege, so it's Floyd's own fault he didn't get one" is flawed when you consider he probably didn't have health insurance or saw a doctor regularly.

You idiot. I said that to emphasize how serious his heart condition was, not to suggest he should have seen a cardiologist.

Besides, you have no idea what access he had to health care. You only assume he didn’t because he was black. Which might be considered a microaggression by some.

Check your facts, dumbass.
Actually, I pretty much do... It was on video and everything.

No you don’t.
See above.

Still don’t.
And yet this isn't what Chauvin argued.

Chauvin Argued that there was undue influence by the public and he should have gotten a change in venue.

He was probaly right.
He did not present any evidence that the coroners or jury got it wrong.

And? My opinions about this case have nothing to do with anything Chauvin said or didn’t say.
Now, if a juror came out and said, "I really thought he was innocent, but I was really scared of the angry black people outside the courthouse", he MIGHT have an argument. But none of them said that.

Don’t be an idiot.
Seven jury members told CNN’s Don Lemon their verdict in the most important trial of the Black Lives Matter era was based solely on the evidence, not their views on race.

Of course they would say that.
I don’t get what you’re saying.

How can you not question the expertise of the doctor, believe he’s wrong, and not think he’s lying? Please clarify.

It escapes you because you lack imagination and so can’t conceive how the human psyche impacts our thoughts and actions.

I think the ME was influenced by public and professional bias on the issue but that he didn’t know he was influenced.

Ask any advertizer why their ads compel people to buy products they otherwise never would have bought or thought about.

The very purpose of the riots and protests over Floyd’s death were to sway opinion by appealing to peoples’ emotions.
I think the ME was influenced by public and professional bias on the issue but that he didn’t know he was influenced.
So you’re arguing that he didn’t use his expertise in pathology to come to his conclusion. And you believe this despite having no experience whatsoever in pathology.
Enough to Kill Floyd, apparently.

So you don’t know. Got it.
Well, unless they found 12 retarded racists, it's kind of hard to ignore the compelling evidence of him doing exactly what he is accused of doing.

He wasn’t accused of kneeling on Floyd’s neck, he was accused of killing him.
I'm not the one who thinks that there was white juror who got up and said, "Gee, I hope Maxine Waters isn't mad at me!"

I’m not either.
You mean having two eyes and being able to see? The only people who didn't see a murder are racists who didn't see Floyd as human to start with. Glad we know where you stand.

You of all people understand that if the bias has a strong enough hold on someone, no amount of physical seeing will change anything. In fact, you would say that I am so biased I can’t see the truth, yes?
Which caused his death, Grand Kleagle.

You’re good for a few laughs, if nothing else.
Tell you what, I’ll elaborate on my position when you answer my questions.

Wrong. Not when my opinion is based on what I believe to be his bowing to pressure.

Two questions for you:

1.) If you know and have already acknowledged that my doubt has nothing to do with his expertise, why do you think it’s relevant to my argument?

2.) Once again, you said I have “an inability to use simple logic”, what logic are you referring to?
1.) I don’t know because I don’t know if I have a good grasp on your argument. If his expertise isn’t relevant to your argument, well then it probably should be.

2.) This has already been answered. You stated that you disagreed with the medical examiner’s conclusion. I asked you if you therefore think he’s wrong about his conclusion. It took you several times to answer “yes”.

Seems like these questions of yours are just an attempt to muddy the conversation, to argue about nothing, which I’m not interested in. So I‘m going to hold you to what you said you would do: You’re saying that he was not objective in his conclusion that this was a homicide, correct?
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1.) I don’t know because I don’t know if I have a good grasp on your argument. Hence the questions about your argument.

Bullshit. It’s a simple question. Why do you think my lack of knowledge is relevant when you know that my opinion of his findings have nothing to do with his knowledge of and expertise in pathology?
2.) This has already been answered. You stated that you disagreed with the medical examiner’s conclusion. I asked you if you therefore think he’s wrong about his conclusion. It took you several times to answer “yes”.

Again, bullshit. Your problem was not with any lack or use of logic on my part, your problem was my simply not answering your question rooted in your logic.
Seems like these questions of yours are just an attempt to muddy the conversation, to argue about nothing, which I’m not interested in.

Bullshit and irrelevant. That’s just an excuse.

You gave me shit for not answering your question then did the exact same thing.

You’re a hypocrite
So I‘m going to hold you to what you said you would do: You’re saying that he was not objective in his conclusion that this was a homicide, correct?
I didn’t say “would have”, I said “could have”.
Would have, could have should have... point was- Floyd died under Chauvin's knee after BEGGING for his life.

You idiot. I said that to emphasize how serious his heart condition was, not to suggest he should have seen a cardiologist.

Besides, you have no idea what access he had to health care. You only assume he didn’t because he was black. Which might be considered a microaggression by some.

Well, no, I assume that because he didn't get treated, and because he was working a marginal job with no health insurance

And? My opinions about this case have nothing to do with anything Chauvin said or didn’t say.

We know, you are just horrified a white man was held accountable for a lynching. I'm sure you miss the good old days when lynchings were normal.

Of course they would say that.

Yes, they would, because it's the truth. They looked at that tape, and not being awful racist cocksuckers, they were horrified by it, as 99% of the country was.

He wasn’t accused of kneeling on Floyd’s neck, he was accused of killing him.

Because- DUH - he died when his knee was on his neck. Now, if they had just wrote him a summons and impounded his vehicle, and Floyd went home and had a heart attack, there wouldn't be an issue.

You of all people understand that if the bias has a strong enough hold on someone, no amount of physical seeing will change anything. In fact, you would say that I am so biased I can’t see the truth, yes?

Yes, I think you can watch a man being slowly tortured to death for nine minutes, but you are such a racist cocksucker piece of shit that you want to make excuses for the racist cop. Heck, watching that was probably better than porn for you!
I said no such thing.

To begin with, “they” didn’t shoot Arbery, Travis did. Secondly, the video proves that Travis shot Arbery when Arbery tried to take his gun from him.

Subjective opinion and hyperbole.

Never denied Washington owned slaves.
You do deny the simple objective fact that venerators of Washington venerate a slaver though, don't you?
Tell you what, I’ll elaborate on my position when you answer my questions.
Nope, what? Nope you don’t think he was objective, nope it’s not correct that he wasn’t objective, or nope you don’t want to answer the question? You said you were going to elaborate on your position and I’m still wondering what your answer is. I’ll ask again: Are you saying that he was not objective in his conclusion that this was a homicide?
Would have, could have should have... point was- Floyd died under Chauvin's knee after BEGGING for his life.

Which he was doing before he was on the ground.
Well, no, I assume that because he didn't get treated, and because he was working a marginal job with no health insurance

How do you know this and what does it have to do with me?
We know, you are just horrified a white man was held accountable for a lynching. I'm sure you miss the good old days when lynchings were normal.

Irrelevant and a useless ad hominem attack.
Yes, they would, because it's the truth.

Not necessarily.
They looked at that tape, and not being awful racist cocksuckers, they were horrified by it, as 99% of the country was.

Irrelevant. You still think Darren Wilson is guilty of murder.
Because- DUH - he died when his knee was on his neck.

You said he was accused for doing what everyone saw in the video which was kneeling on Floyd’s neck. This is not what he was accused of.
Now, if they had just wrote him a summons and impounded his vehicle, and Floyd went home and had a heart attack, there wouldn't be an issue.

This all likely would have happened if Floyd had not resisted.
Yes, I think you can watch a man being slowly tortured to death for nine minutes, but you are such a racist cocksucker piece of shit that you want to make excuses for the racist cop. Heck, watching that was probably better than porn for you!
The accused officer is a prick by most accounts. I have no love or special regard for Chauvin. I just don’t like what I see as conviction of murder in the court of public opinion or based on mere bad optics.

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