Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

Where does it say he changed his report to include neck compression you dumb Bingo?

Read the article, dumbass. I just quoted the paragraph for you for Christ’s sake.
He testified that public pressure and anger had nothing to do with his conclusions.

I know what he testified.
He also testified that he'd never seen neck compression before and consulted Mitchell's opinion before making his report.

He DID NOT consult Mitchell’s opinion. Mitchell contacted Baker first.
It was Mitchell's expertise on neck compression that was relevant to his report not public pressure.

I don’t buy that.
You claim there is some pre report that doesn't include neck compression. Where is that?
I did not say “Pre-report”, I said “pre-release”.

Apparently, Baker submitted his findings to prosecutors before the official release. They were not happy that there was no emphasis on neck compression and told him so. That and Mitchell’s criticism compelled him to add neck compression to the official report.
Which means he killed Floyd without following police procedures.
It’t a fact he didn’t follow procedures. It’s not a proven fact that this is what killed Floyd.

I know what the verdict was but I cannot dismiss out of hand the overbearing pressure from every direction to hang the white officer.

Almost no one was objective about this case.
No. I’m claiming that a competent medical expert is more likely to be correct compared to someone who has no medical experience and claims that the medical expert is wrong.
I never said he was wrong.
You said you believe he’s wrong.
Great. So now that we have that cleared up, putting it all together now: I’m claiming that a competent medical expert is more likely to be correct compared to someone who has no medical experience and believes that the medical expert is wrong.
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I linked the article for you and you know where it is. Go and read the fucking thing.
I did. It says nothing about him changing the conclusions of his report due to pressure. Nor does it say anything about there being a pre autopsy report. You're taken one poorly written sentence and running wild with it like a desperate and thirsty Bingo.
It's sad that this man will spend 2 decades in prison not because he's guilty, but because a jury was terrified of the ramifications of setting him free.
Innocent as the day is long.

Yes, the opinion of the ME, the DA, and the Jury...
He didn’t have his hands up when he was shot.
14 witnesses said he did.
That’s not forensic evidence, that’s circumstantial evidence.
Nope, it was evidence that was reviewed and considered as part of the autopsy, and part of the final finding.
You said “millions”.
Yup. Seven figures. That's what he had.

If every homey had that kind of defense instead of underpaid public defenders, half the prisons could be emptied.

Chauvin's problem was that he was as guilty as a cat in a canary cage.
Innocent as the day is long.


And according to Chauvin's own training manual, his knee is supposed to be on the person's shoulder, not on their neck. AND they're supposed to be leaning back so their full body weight isn't on the suspect...

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