Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

See? You predictably run away from addressing your lie every single time. :laugh:

We both know why. I told you, you’re not fooling anyone.
You run away from your hypocrisy. So what?

I can say with confidence after this discussion that you're just as full of shit as I am. I proved that you contradicted your own principles about answering questions by avoiding answering my questions multiple times. You also lied yourself about answering my second question. You never even acknowledged that question at all.

As for my "lying", I had an explanation for that but it would have been wasted on you. You would simply have laughed it off while continuing your own hypocrisy. Suffice to say I didn't remember saying that shit because it was three fucking years ago. I still can't believe you actually went to the trouble of digging that up.

I don't understand this obsession you have with me or why my Floyd argument vexed you so but it's clear to me that discussion and debate are merely vehicles for you to "win". Thus your insistence that I "lost" the debate over Floyd's death merely because you have the opinion that my position is "retarded".

I didn't lose that debate and neither did you. Nobody won and nobody lost.
Suffice to say I didn't remember saying that shit because it was three fucking years ago. I still can't believe you actually went to the trouble of digging that up.
So you were wrong about what you said, right? Do we agree that the following point of yours was wrong?

My point is, I didn’t assume anything before the trial. You did.
You didn’t have an opinion on whether Chauvin killed Floyd or not?
No, I didn’t. I usually reserve judgment until more info comes out. Especially in cases like this when woke imbeciles want to hang someone just to make a point, rather than waste any time on guilt or innocence.

And it was incredibly quick and easy to find with the search function.
So you were wrong about what you said, right? Do we agree that the following point of yours was wrong?

Do we agree that you avoided my questions?

Hahahah. Oh bull-fucking-shit. That’s the best you can come up with in addressing your proven lie? Lmao.
Yup, just as I predicted. That's why I never said anything.
Whaaaaat. The proven liar who clings to known lies instead of admitting he’s wrong claims he isn‘t wrong. Shocking. I’m so shocked.
You do know that I have proven your hypocrisy, right?
You do know that I have proven your hypocrisy, right?
And if I proved you wrong, would you accept that? No. You lost all credibility when you proved that you would rather cling to a lie than admit you're wrong. You're a proven liar and your accusations are meaningless.
Oh quit your moral posturing bullshit. If I'm wrong, prove it or shut the fuck up.
Why should I? Even if I gave you proof that you’re wrong, you wouldn’t admit that you’re wrong. You just demonstrated this.

You’d rather cling to a known lie than admit that you’re wrong.
So prove I'm wrong. You went to the trouble of digging up a three year old post before so what's stopping you this time?
What did you do the last time I provided you with proof that you’re wrong? Did you admit that you’re wrong? No. So what’s the point?

If I do provide you with proof that you’re wrong, you don’t admit you’re wrong. If I don’t provide you with proof that you’re wrong, you don’t admit you’re wrong. Same outcome regardless because you’ve proven that you’re a liar. You don’t care about the truth - you just want to protect your delicate ego.
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What did you do the last time I provided you with proof that you’re wrong? Did you admit that you’re wrong? No. So what’s the point?

Either the goal is to prove me a liar or it is not. So either you don't want it bad enough or this is all just a ploy to make me look like the bad guy. By withholding supposed "proof" for a ransom you know will never get paid, you never have to prove a thing and you can go right on screaming "You won't admit you're wrong even if you're wrong!".

I don't believe you can prove that you did not avoid my question because I proved you did. This is all smoke and mirrors.
If I do provide you with proof that you’re wrong, you don’t admit you’re wrong.

Why is that more important than proving me wrong?
If I don’t provide you with proof that you’re wrong, you don’t admit you’re wrong. Same outcome regardless because you’ve proven that you’re a liar. You don’t care about the truth - you just want to protect your delicate ego.
You won't admit you avoided my question so what's the difference here?
Either the goal is to prove me a liar or it is not.
Already done. You are.

My point is, I didn’t assume anything before the trial. You did.
You didn’t have an opinion on whether Chauvin killed Floyd or not?
No, I didn’t. I usually reserve judgment until more info comes out. Especially in cases like this when woke imbeciles want to hang someone just to make a point, rather than waste any time on guilt or innocence.

By withholding supposed "proof" for a ransom you know will never get paid, you never have to prove a thing and you can go right on screaming "You won't admit you're wrong even if you're wrong!".
It’s not my fault you chose to be dishonest. You exposed yourself as a liar and there’s nothing I can do to convince you of anything because you’re just going to lie about it if I prove you wrong, again.

It’s simple logic, really. You’re not going to admit you’re wrong regardless of whether I provide you with proof or not. What part of this are you failing to understand?
It’s not my fault you chose to be dishonest.

Irrelevant. If you had proof you would have proven it by now.

We've been sparring over this for well over a month and now you expect me to believe you're withholding proof because it's too much work?

You're a joke. You avoided my question after giving me shit for avoiding questions. That is hypocrisy of the first order.
You exposed yourself as a liar and there’s nothing I can do to convince you of anything because you’re just going to lie about it if I prove you wrong, again.

It’s simple logic, really. You’re not going to admit you’re wrong regardless of whether I provide you with proof or not. What part of this are you failing to understand?

That's like saying you won't charge the murderer with murder if they deny it.

You have no proof and you're hiding it behind an assumption.
Irrelevant. If you had proof you would have proven it by now.
Oh it’s very relevant. You’re not going to accept proof that you’re wrong. So why should I bother to explain to you why you’re wrong? You still can’t answer this.

That's like saying you won't charge the murderer with murder if they deny it.
Dumb comparison. That‘s nothing like this.
Oh it’s very relevant. You’re not going to accept proof that you’re wrong.

First off, that's an assumption. Secondly, why should that stop you?
So why should I bother to explain to you why you’re wrong? You still can’t answer this.

Dumb comparison. That‘s nothing like this.
Yes it is. You're refusing to prove it only because you think I'll deny it. That's a stupid reason for not proving something..
How much have you avoided addressing your proven lie?

How much have you avoided the fact you avoided my question?
By your reasoning, you’re a joke and that’s hypocrisy of the first order.
So we're both hypocrites. And I'm betting you'll never agree to that.

You talk about my ego but I think yours is so fragile that you won't even express an opinion on anything but sports.

In my sixty runs around this block we call life, I've come to one inescapable conclusion: people are stupid and everyone is full of shit to some degree or other, including me. Every one of us has lied or compromised our own principles at one time or another and I've seen you do both here.

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