Murders, gun violence SKYROCKETS in Democrat run cities.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Looks like we need to eliminate completely the cops in those cities, right?

They WANT it that way. There's no other explanation. Especially now that so many Democrats are open about the fact that law enforcement only gets in the way of the black genocide projects they have going all over the country.
Looks like we need to eliminate completely the cops in those cities, right?

I think we all lnow the demographics involved in this problem. Sorta flies in the faces of that BLM crowd. By all means libs, cut back on police funding.
Should thin out the problem in the cities. So why not eliminate cops, if that's what they want? Warlords on every block and half the population killed ---- and that's what they WANT.

I see no problem here. Everybody gets what they want and it's a lot cheaper for the taxpayers, who are NOT living in the cities now, for the most part. All whites would have to leave the cities, of course. They'd be autonomous zones, like in Heinlein's Time Enough for Love, or William Gibson's Johnny Mnemonic.
Looks like we need to eliminate completely the cops in those cities, right?

Way to go trump!! Another great accomplishment, more crime.
Looks like we need to eliminate completely the cops in those cities, right?

Let'em eliminate. They'll reap what they sow, good n harder!
Another idiot left loon idea comes to fruitation

Happy demoquacks?

sassy, darlin'------this is the part in which it gets WORSE---before it gets better. See if St Patrick
can get the little people on it and get the SHIT TO,
FINALLY, HIT THE FAN. When I think of kamala-hump-----I am reminded of the BANSHEE
Looks like we need to eliminate completely the cops in those cities, right?

Why isn't this the top story in the fake news?
elimination of the cops IS THE GOAL----in order to
lower the arrest stats, prison stats and crime stats.
..........and make our beloved leaders in my city
Should thin out the problem in the cities. So why not eliminate cops, if that's what they want? Warlords on every block and half the population killed ---- and that's what they WANT.

I see no problem here. Everybody gets what they want and it's a lot cheaper for the taxpayers, who are NOT living in the cities now, for the most part. All whites would have to leave the cities, of course. They'd be autonomous zones, like in Heinlein's Time Enough for Love, or William Gibson's Johnny Mnemonic.
Those urban hellholes need to keep the white guilt monkey antifa clowns. No sense letting that sickness infect the suburbs and rural areas.
Looks like we need to eliminate completely the cops in those cities, right?

Murders, gun violence SKYROCKETS in Democrat run cities.

Does this mean Democrats offing Democrats ??
The problem is ?
That fastest path for personal gain by the evilest among us (PROG-sponsored American Communists and Democrat Party) is chaos, destruction, misinformation and filth.

Their aim is a radical shift eliminating the middle class & all of American traditionalism leaving no culture and clearly no unity. The dumber and weaker we are the stronger they are and the closer we are to one world order and wealth under the fewest possible.

The party of slavery only changed tactics, they desire black culture destroys itself from within evidenced by welfare, 24/7 racism, eliminating the police force, legalizing drugs, sponsored abortion & riots, and an undisciplined education system.

Pretty fucking obvious people, even for shit-head PROGS who support all of it.
The Sfachime, Killer Cuomo said something to the effect, "Of course crimes are up, it is because of increased unemployment as a result of the Sfachime's insane lockdowns." The fact is violent crimes have nothing to do with economics. Violent crimes have to do with low intelligence, and low intelligence is the Democrats' best friend.
I think that some people are being unfair to the Dems.

I feel that Dems sincerely feel that they are doing everything possible to help some folks who were openly discriminated against before the Civil Rights laws were passed.

The Dems, I feel, are as puzzled as anyone else why -- despite affirmative action laws -- there still seems be a lot of dysfunction among that group of folks.

Some Dems sincerely feel that it is due to something they call "systemic racism."

I respectfully disagree.

Even when the Caucasian population becomes a small minority sometime in the next century, I believe that those folks will still be experiencing the same problems that they are currently exhibiting in cities throughout the nation.

Sadly, IMHO, there is NO solution. It is something that Americans -- of all ethnicities -- must accept and deal with to the best of their abilities.

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