Musk orders executives back to work

But do you expect the same compensation and chance of promotion of a like talented person that does go in on a regular basis?

I expect to get paid for my level of expertise, knowledge, and working when they need me. If that be 40 hours or more a week, then so be it. Whether I'm working in a cubicle or my home does not make any difference.

Employees are being asked to come back to the office. Perhaps he needs everybody at the office for a few months to get some management issues resolved. Or needs them all to come to some in person meetings.
A reason wasn't given WHY Musk wants employees back in the office........or for how long.

With all that is going on, he's probably having to make some big decisions affecting all he needs everybody back in the office for a while?
People got too lazy during the pandemic. If you started working at the office, why is it a problem to go back to the office? There is always someone else out there to take your job and follow the rules.

found the link.
Like most companies in America...
People got too lazy during the pandemic. If you started working at the office, why is it a problem to go back to the office? There is always someone else out there to take your job and follow the rules.
If your work is done on a computer, what difference does it make where that computer is located?
But if you’re working from home, that work day can be spread out over 16 hours as opposed to 8.
And maybe you only actually do 6 hours of work instead of 8 over 24 hours. I am not saying its the case, i am saying that is the reason for bringing people back to the office: control and efficiency.

The spyware costs money and has its limits.
And maybe you only actually do 6 hours of work instead of 8 over 24 hours. I am not saying its the case, i am saying that is the reason for bringing people back to the office: control and efficiency.

The spyware costs money and has its limits.
If the project is getting done on time and under budget, what difference does it make where it’s getting done?
And it might not what with all the bullshitting and socializing that goes on in the office.
Which can be uncovered and addressed, because there are cameras in the office.

Your arguments ultimately rely on trust, and, well, its not hard to imagine bosses being unwilling to stake their own futures and that of a company on trusting a few hundred or thousand people to be as efficient outside of prying eyes as when they are in the office. So, I get it.
Being at work requires discipline
Kinda like voting in person
Libs decry both.
If your work is done on a computer, what difference does it make where that computer is located?
The boss is the boss. If you were hired to work at an office, that’s where you should work. Until the pandemic this wasn’t an issue, why should it be one now?
The boss is the boss. If you were hired to work at an office, that’s where you should work. Until the pandemic this wasn’t an issue, why should it be one now?
Because workers saved a lot of time and money working at home. Now that they have experienced this, they want to keep it.

That isn't just a, "I like working in pajamas" preference.
Because workers saved a lot of time and money working at home. Now that they have experienced this, they want to keep it.

That isn't just a, "I like working in pajamas" preference.
I suppose they need to find a job where those conditions are acceptable for the employer.
I am not against working at home, but an employer has the right to expect employees to be at their place of business.
I suppose they need to find a job where those conditions are acceptable for the employer.
Or , they can try to exert pressure on their employer.

In the case of the exceedingly vain Elon Musk, that would probably require public pressure in the court of public opinion.
Because workers saved a lot of time and money working at home. Now that they have experienced this, they want to keep it.

That isn't just a, "I like working in pajamas" preference.
When you become a worker then please offer us your experience with that

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