Musk orders executives back to work

I think you people should check out what Musk means when he says the word "office".
Most of his employees are hands on engineers and their office is not a place where you sit on your ass.
Gotcha. Interesting. So he decides on his own how many hours he works.

Surely you understand that you are talking about rare exceptions, not the rule. Not sure of the value of it, in this discussion.

I did misspeak about one thing. He is not paid per the project, he is paid a set salary and the job is to complete projects. The amount of hours is never tracked.

It can be of value in this discussion based upon the jobs at Tesla. If you are an engineer developing some new system, is the amount of hours you ass is in the seat really all that important?
I did misspeak about one thing. He is not paid per the project, he is paid a set salary and the job is to complete projects. The amount of hours is never tracked.

It can be of value in this discussion based upon the jobs at Tesla. If you are an engineer developing some new system, is the amount of hours you ass is in the seat really all that important?
No, it may not be. But I am talking in kind of general terms. There are exceptions to any rule, granted.
No, it may not be. But I am talking in kind of general terms. There are exceptions to any rule, granted.

Very true. Most jobs could not be that way. If you work at a grocery store it is about your body being there to do the job for a certain amount of hours. A lot of more should we call them "professional" jobs could benefit greatly from moving away from tracking hours as some sort of measuring stick .
Very true. Most jobs could not be that way. If you work at a grocery store it is about your body being there to do the job for a certain amount of hours. A lot of more should we call them "professional" jobs could benefit greatly from moving away from tracking hours as some sort of measuring stick .
Maybe, but I can't help looking at the new office building going right up in the middle of three half empty Office Buildings and thinking to myself, "those people could probably just work at home."
Maybe, but I can't help looking at the new office building going right up in the middle of three half empty Office Buildings and thinking to myself, "those people could probably just work at home."

Yep. I cannot believe anyone is building a new office building right now. I would hate to be in commercial real estate right now.
It seems 4.5 million or so people quit their jobs not too long ago....kind of exciting.
It could be.
My wife (now retired) told me that several Homers in her former .gov agency even moved away from the DC/NOtVA area to WV because they had been Homers for so long and their homes in the area had tripled in value.

Some of the GS-13s and above even had the gall to charge the .gov for their moving expenses but that money got raked back in the past few months once people were there to "mind the store' again and found out about it.

She was on the finance end of things in her agency and she still can't figure-out how they got approved for the moving expenses because that's only supposed to happen with transfers.
My wife (now retired) told me that several Homers in her former .gov agency even moved away from the DC/NOtVA area to WV because they had been Homers for so long and their homes in the area had tripled in value.

Some of the GS-13s and above even had the gall to charge the .gov for their moving expenses but that money got raked back in the past few months once people were there to "mind the store' again and found out about it.

She was on the finance end of things in her agency and she still can't figure-out how they got approved for the moving expenses because that's only supposed to happen with transfers.

A good number of agencies are moving people to permanent remote status. Some of the folks I work with at the USDA are in that status now. They proved they could accomplish their mission in this status. Now people can work for the HQ but not have to be paid the extra 10 to 15 grand a year for living in DC, it is a win/win situation.

I am not sure how they pulled that off, but glad they are being forced to repay the money.
My company is keeping work from home permanent. They realized just as much work (if not more)was getting done without making everybody come into the office. Now they can save on office space and attract talent from anywhere in the US since we‘re all remote.

With that said, its Musk’s company so he can do whatever he wants. But I don’t think I could ever work for a company that does not have a work from home policy. The idea of 9-5 and everyone clogging up the roadways at rush hour just wasting time in their cars is ridiculous now that most employees can work remote.
A good number of agencies are moving people to permanent remote status. Some of the folks I work with at the USDA are in that status now. They proved they could accomplish their mission in this status. Now people can work for the HQ but not have to be paid the extra 10 to 15 grand a year for living in DC, it is a win/win situation.

I am not sure how they pulled that off, but glad they are being forced to repay the money.
I asked her about it a few minutes ago and she thinks the only way it could have been approved was by a person that retired shortly thereafter.....Thus no accountability.
It's amazing how entitled a lot of people in the job force feel. I'm with Musk. You don't like it, go somewhere else.
I asked her about it a few minutes ago and she thinks the only way it could have been approved was by a person that retired shortly thereafter.....Thus no accountability.

Sounds about right.
It's amazing how entitled a lot of people in the job force feel. I'm with Musk. You don't like it, go somewhere else.

I know right, how dare employees stand up for themselves. Next thing you know they will want weekends off or sick leave.

What is our world coming to

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