Musk orders executives back to work

It's amazing how entitled a lot of people in the job force feel. I'm with Musk. You don't like it, go somewhere else.

Ain't capitalism great? Musk can run his company how he chooses and employees and choose to go somewhere else. We all have choices.
Ain't capitalism great? Musk can run his company how he chooses and employees and choose to go somewhere else. We all have choices.
Or, they can exert pressure on him to change his mind.

The right wing sure has a huge blind spot, here.
Ain't capitalism great? Musk can run his company how he chooses and employees and choose to go somewhere else. We all have choices.
Libs prefer feelings over choices because they want endless causes and no resolutions
I think you don’t work. Sure theorize like you don’t

You don't actually think, that is your problem.

I have worked for all but 4 months of my life since I turned 15, some 40 years ago. Those 4 months were in 2011 after I got fired from the only job I had ever been fired from. Took 4 months to find work as the effects of the recession were still being felt. The Commissary job above is the job I took to end that streak of not working.

The fact that you believe that workers should be unhappy, uncomfortable and just generally mistreated tells me you have bought into the propaganda and truly makes me pity you.
Work is supposed to be fun and entertaining and never rigorous is a True Pajama Boy theory being offered by lib loons
Sure. The employees can make their feelings known.

But, why is this a right wing thing?
The "right wing blind spot" is never being able to puzzle out this option on their own.

That's about the 4th time I have had to remind them of it, in this thread alone.

Which is to be expected. The left supports labor, the right supports corporate masters. It's one of the key differences.

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