Muslim congresswoman mocks vice President Pence's christian faith

When did a religion based on "tolerance, meekness, and forgiveness" show up here? Where is it? Perhaps some Quakers try to keep it alive. The "religious right" abandoned it a long time ago.
The Puritans hanged Quakers.

you got a link to that one? I never came across a history
of Puritans hanging quakers
The Boston Martyrs - Quakers

You might also want to read up on a Christian religious leader named Anne Hutchison, sometimes spelled as "Hutchison."

Yes. Puritans hanged Quakers. This is what Christians do Iamong them selves.
I don’t think they’ve done that kind of systematic thing in a while. Matter of fact, our freedom of religion right was created in part because of that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, Muslims continue to mass-murder daily.
People who try to qualify current Muslim mass murder with ancient incidents involving other religions makes themselves abettors.
These things thing happened, in the colonies, between the religions.
I do not see Muslim adherents as "mass murderers" Where do you get this from?

You must not pay attention to world news. Muslims are killing people all the time. The Middle-east is a tropical paradise. Why don’t you move there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you have no sense of smell--------and a problem with spelling-----
no one says 'tatars"--------now we way POTATO

I hope you're joking, in general.

Because some of the most ridiculously infactual & plain laughable comments on the whole forum come from yourself.

Tatars are an Islamic group of Turkic speakers in portions of Eastern Europe, they are probably something like a mix of Ukrainian with a little Turkic & Finno-Ugric DNA.

Tatars are probably actually a lot less savage than Ukrainians, or Russians, much less Germans, Anglos, and well a lot of Western European so called "Christians" despite Tatars being of a Muslim heritage.

try again-----you MAY mean to write "TARTARS"

Uh, it maybe pronounced Tartars, but it's writen as Tatars.

Tatars - Wikipedia

But, the point stands, a lot of "Christians" and even "Jews" are more inclined to explosive massacres, mass shootings & terrrorism than the Islamic Tatars.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not BS, it's the factual truth.

Islamic Tatars don't have a heck of a lot of terrorism, bombings, mass-shootings, or massacres in their recent histories.

Irish Catholics have the IRA & Irish Protestants the UDA (Both terrorist groups)

Basque Catholics have ETA a terrorist group.

Jews have Deir Yassin, Baruch Goldstein, Jewish Defense League, and the Irgun.

Cuban Catholics have Luis Clemente Posada Carriles.

Italian Catholics have the Bologna massacre, the Piazza Fontana bombing, and Italian Anarchist terrorists are believed to have blown up the Stock trade in NYC.

German Christian terrorists include the Oktoberfest bombing, and German terrorists blew up the Statue of Liberty in WW1.

French Christian terrorists include the Vitry-Le-François train bombing.

Armenians Orthodox Christians have the Orly Airport attack.

South Africans Black Christians have the Saint James Massacre & South African Whites have the 2002 Soweto Bombings.
Many others.

White Americans (Presumably mostly of British Isle heritage) have the Oklahoma City Bombing, a bunch of mass-shootings.

Norwegian Christians have Breivik.
Current muslims have them all beat combined.
When did a religion based on "tolerance, meekness, and forgiveness" show up here? Where is it? Perhaps some Quakers try to keep it alive. The "religious right" abandoned it a long time ago.
The Puritans hanged Quakers.

you got a link to that one? I never came across a history
of Puritans hanging quakers
The Boston Martyrs - Quakers

You might also want to read up on a Christian religious leader named Anne Hutchison, sometimes spelled as "Hutchison."

Yes. Puritans hanged Quakers. This is what Christians do Iamong them selves.
I don’t think they’ve done that kind of systematic thing in a while. Matter of fact, our freedom of religion right was created in part because of that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, Muslims continue to mass-murder daily.
People who try to qualify current Muslim mass murder with ancient incidents involving other religions makes themselves abettors.
These things thing happened, in the colonies, between the religions.
I do not see Muslim adherents as "mass murderers" Where do you get this from?
You living under a rock?
Who cares? Christians mock Muslims all the time. I've lost track of how many times I've seen right wing Christians on this forum refer to Islam as a cult and not a religion

I am not Christian. Any religion that punishes apostasy by death is a cult.
Oh how I love it when religious folk get offended by each other. Both groups so weak and gullible to believe in fairy tale text and invisible begins in the sky.

Christians make fun of Muslims and vice versa.

And I find it funny when people call Muslim female leaders and politicians shariah advocates, when Shariah itself forbids female leadership. Seems to defeat the person of their agenda to take over western society.
That seems to be the general behavior among the "freedom from religion" bunch: The same people who openly mock Christianity would never dare to do the same thing to Islam. They gleefully mock a religion that's based on tolerance, meekness, and forgiveness, but wouldn't think of criticizing one which is decapitating people and burning them alive.

Obviously the left's phony concepts of "diversity", "inclusion", and "tolerance" are based on nothing more than fear and appeasement.
That's why the Ilhan Omar hijab thread has gone on forever. Everyone agrees Roy Moore shouldn't be posting the Ten Commandments in his courtroom (I mean, when he had a courtroom before he was removed from office for posting
said Ten Commandments).
So he can't bring his religion to his workplace. But so many cowardly and stupid leftists can't understand why Omar shouldn't bring her religion into her workplace. An absolute double standard and clear bias against Christianity
and in favor of Islam. So cowardly.

Wearing a religious symbol on your body is different that plastering religious material in public places.

People are allowed to wear crosses in congress and senate. Hijab shouldn't be excluded.

What you wear on your body is personal. Most people don't care what you wear. But plastering religious crap on public property is a different story.
The Puritans hanged Quakers.

you got a link to that one? I never came across a history
of Puritans hanging quakers
The Boston Martyrs - Quakers

You might also want to read up on a Christian religious leader named Anne Hutchison, sometimes spelled as "Hutchison."

Yes. Puritans hanged Quakers. This is what Christians do Iamong them selves.
I don’t think they’ve done that kind of systematic thing in a while. Matter of fact, our freedom of religion right was created in part because of that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, Muslims continue to mass-murder daily.
People who try to qualify current Muslim mass murder with ancient incidents involving other religions makes themselves abettors.
These things thing happened, in the colonies, between the religions.
I do not see Muslim adherents as "mass murderers" Where do you get this from?

You must not pay attention to world news. Muslims are killing people all the time. The Middle-east is a tropical paradise. Why don’t you move there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Staying right here on my U.S. soil, thank you very much. Fundies are fundies, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or other. Fundies beat and kill. The rest of the people who adhere to these religions do not. Muslim adherents do not kill. It is against their religion.
you got a link to that one? I never came across a history
of Puritans hanging quakers
The Boston Martyrs - Quakers

You might also want to read up on a Christian religious leader named Anne Hutchison, sometimes spelled as "Hutchison."

Yes. Puritans hanged Quakers. This is what Christians do Iamong them selves.
I don’t think they’ve done that kind of systematic thing in a while. Matter of fact, our freedom of religion right was created in part because of that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, Muslims continue to mass-murder daily.
People who try to qualify current Muslim mass murder with ancient incidents involving other religions makes themselves abettors.
These things thing happened, in the colonies, between the religions.
I do not see Muslim adherents as "mass murderers" Where do you get this from?

You must not pay attention to world news. Muslims are killing people all the time. The Middle-east is a tropical paradise. Why don’t you move there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Staying right here on my U.S. soil, thank you very much. Fundies are fundies, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or other. Fundies beat and kill. The rest of the people who adhere to these religions do not. Muslim adherents do not kill. It is against their religion.

Crawl back under that rock you been hiding under

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh how I love it when religious folk get offended by each other. Both groups so weak and gullible to believe in fairy tale text and invisible begins in the sky.

Christians make fun of Muslims and vice versa.

And I find it funny when people call Muslim female leaders and politicians shariah advocates, when Shariah itself forbids female leadership. Seems to defeat the person of their agenda to take over western society.
Funny that the God Haters of the Christian West believe they are morally superior to anyone especially after they murdered over 100 million to advance their god.
The Boston Martyrs - Quakers

You might also want to read up on a Christian religious leader named Anne Hutchison, sometimes spelled as "Hutchison."

Yes. Puritans hanged Quakers. This is what Christians do Iamong them selves.
I don’t think they’ve done that kind of systematic thing in a while. Matter of fact, our freedom of religion right was created in part because of that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, Muslims continue to mass-murder daily.
People who try to qualify current Muslim mass murder with ancient incidents involving other religions makes themselves abettors.
These things thing happened, in the colonies, between the religions.
I do not see Muslim adherents as "mass murderers" Where do you get this from?

You must not pay attention to world news. Muslims are killing people all the time. The Middle-east is a tropical paradise. Why don’t you move there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Staying right here on my U.S. soil, thank you very much. Fundies are fundies, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or other. Fundies beat and kill. The rest of the people who adhere to these religions do not. Muslim adherents do not kill. It is against their religion.

Crawl back under that rock you been hiding under

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What rock? I know about ISIS. I also know about graham and jeffress and focus on the family, perkins, the family research council.
you got a link to that one? I never came across a history
of Puritans hanging quakers
The Boston Martyrs - Quakers

You might also want to read up on a Christian religious leader named Anne Hutchison, sometimes spelled as "Hutchison."

Yes. Puritans hanged Quakers. This is what Christians do Iamong them selves.
I don’t think they’ve done that kind of systematic thing in a while. Matter of fact, our freedom of religion right was created in part because of that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, Muslims continue to mass-murder daily.
People who try to qualify current Muslim mass murder with ancient incidents involving other religions makes themselves abettors.
These things thing happened, in the colonies, between the religions.
I do not see Muslim adherents as "mass murderers" Where do you get this from?

You must not pay attention to world news. Muslims are killing people all the time. The Middle-east is a tropical paradise. Why don’t you move there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Staying right here on my U.S. soil, thank you very much. Fundies are fundies, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or other. Fundies beat and kill. The rest of the people who adhere to these religions do not. Muslim adherents do not kill. It is against their religion.
Problem is there are 80 million of the bad ones. That’s epidemic.
Oh how I love it when religious folk get offended by each other. Both groups so weak and gullible to believe in fairy tale text and invisible begins in the sky.

Christians make fun of Muslims and vice versa.

And I find it funny when people call Muslim female leaders and politicians shariah advocates, when Shariah itself forbids female leadership. Seems to defeat the person of their agenda to take over western society.
Funny that the God Haters of the Christian West believe they are morally superior to anyone especially after they murdered over 100 million to advance their god.

Have the one see me. I’ll unite them with the god.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don’t think they’ve done that kind of systematic thing in a while. Matter of fact, our freedom of religion right was created in part because of that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, Muslims continue to mass-murder daily.
People who try to qualify current Muslim mass murder with ancient incidents involving other religions makes themselves abettors.
These things thing happened, in the colonies, between the religions.
I do not see Muslim adherents as "mass murderers" Where do you get this from?

You must not pay attention to world news. Muslims are killing people all the time. The Middle-east is a tropical paradise. Why don’t you move there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Staying right here on my U.S. soil, thank you very much. Fundies are fundies, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or other. Fundies beat and kill. The rest of the people who adhere to these religions do not. Muslim adherents do not kill. It is against their religion.

Crawl back under that rock you been hiding under

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What rock? I know about ISIS. I also know about graham and jeffress and focus on the family, perkins, the family research council.
You just compared Muslim terrorism with evangelical Christians.
Considering that Islam in its most moderate form is more conservative than the Christians you mentioned, you have just equated greater Islam with Muslim terrorism.
I hope you're joking, in general.

Because some of the most ridiculously infactual & plain laughable comments on the whole forum come from yourself.

Tatars are an Islamic group of Turkic speakers in portions of Eastern Europe, they are probably something like a mix of Ukrainian with a little Turkic & Finno-Ugric DNA.

Tatars are probably actually a lot less savage than Ukrainians, or Russians, much less Germans, Anglos, and well a lot of Western European so called "Christians" despite Tatars being of a Muslim heritage.

try again-----you MAY mean to write "TARTARS"

Uh, it maybe pronounced Tartars, but it's writen as Tatars.

Tatars - Wikipedia

But, the point stands, a lot of "Christians" and even "Jews" are more inclined to explosive massacres, mass shootings & terrrorism than the Islamic Tatars.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not BS, it's the factual truth.

Islamic Tatars don't have a heck of a lot of terrorism, bombings, mass-shootings, or massacres in their recent histories.

Irish Catholics have the IRA & Irish Protestants the UDA (Both terrorist groups)

Basque Catholics have ETA a terrorist group.

Jews have Deir Yassin, Baruch Goldstein, Jewish Defense League, and the Irgun.

Cuban Catholics have Luis Clemente Posada Carriles.

Italian Catholics have the Bologna massacre, the Piazza Fontana bombing, and Italian Anarchist terrorists are believed to have blown up the Stock trade in NYC.

German Christian terrorists include the Oktoberfest bombing, and German terrorists blew up the Statue of Liberty in WW1.

French Christian terrorists include the Vitry-Le-François train bombing.

Armenians Orthodox Christians have the Orly Airport attack.

South Africans Black Christians have the Saint James Massacre & South African Whites have the 2002 Soweto Bombings.
Many others.

White Americans (Presumably mostly of British Isle heritage) have the Oklahoma City Bombing, a bunch of mass-shootings.

Norwegian Christians have Breivik.

Ok so there is no violence in Muslim countries. Interesting. I must be imagining it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I didn't say such a thing, terrorism, bombings & mass shootings are very common in MENA countries AKA Middle East & North Africa.

Tatars are Muslims that lack such in comparison to even many Christians & Jews.

To me this signifies more of a racial issue.

Considering Tatars are largely White & slightly Mongoloid.
try again-----you MAY mean to write "TARTARS"

Uh, it maybe pronounced Tartars, but it's writen as Tatars.

Tatars - Wikipedia

But, the point stands, a lot of "Christians" and even "Jews" are more inclined to explosive massacres, mass shootings & terrrorism than the Islamic Tatars.

you said nothing-------bubkes,, pierogis ---ie, no points at all


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not BS, it's the factual truth.

Islamic Tatars don't have a heck of a lot of terrorism, bombings, mass-shootings, or massacres in their recent histories.

Irish Catholics have the IRA & Irish Protestants the UDA (Both terrorist groups)

Basque Catholics have ETA a terrorist group.

Jews have Deir Yassin, Baruch Goldstein, Jewish Defense League, and the Irgun.

Cuban Catholics have Luis Clemente Posada Carriles.

Italian Catholics have the Bologna massacre, the Piazza Fontana bombing, and Italian Anarchist terrorists are believed to have blown up the Stock trade in NYC.

German Christian terrorists include the Oktoberfest bombing, and German terrorists blew up the Statue of Liberty in WW1.

French Christian terrorists include the Vitry-Le-François train bombing.

Armenians Orthodox Christians have the Orly Airport attack.

South Africans Black Christians have the Saint James Massacre & South African Whites have the 2002 Soweto Bombings.
Many others.

White Americans (Presumably mostly of British Isle heritage) have the Oklahoma City Bombing, a bunch of mass-shootings.

Norwegian Christians have Breivik.

Ok so there is no violence in Muslim countries. Interesting. I must be imagining it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I didn't say such a thing, terrorism, bombings & mass shootings are very common in MENA countries AKA Middle East & North Africa.

Tatars are Muslims that lack such in comparison to even many Christians & Jews.

To me this signifies more of a racial issue.

Considering Tatars are largely White & slightly Mongoloid.
So....we aren't allowed to mock other people's faith anymore? Didn't you just mock a muslim's faith?
Depends on the faith and who is doing the mocking, according to fascist social media platforms like twitter.

That seems to be the general behavior among the "freedom from religion" bunch: The same people who openly mock Christianity would never dare to do the same thing to Islam. They gleefully mock a religion that's based on tolerance, meekness, and forgiveness, but wouldn't think of criThticizing one which is decapitating people and burning them alive.

Obviously the left's phony concepts of "diversity", "inclusion", and "tolerance" are based on nothing more than fear and appeasement.

When did a religion based on "tolerance, meekness, and forgiveness" show up here? Where is it? Perhaps some Quakers try to keep it alive. The "religious right" abandoned it a long time ago.
The Puritans hanged Quakers.
I know. There is a statue to one on Boston Common. The "puritans" could not stand their betters among them. To the honorable Christian Lady, Mary Dyer. Marmaduke Stevenson, William Robinson. All got hanged in Boston for the crime of being Christian.

the history is that four people got hanged-----more like an anecdote
than a genocidal persecution------as in-----one town went nuts
focus on the family, perkins, the family research council.
Please explain what these organizations have in common with ISIS you insane nut

Each religion has its trash and crazies, who try to get away with forcing their shit on everybody. They may not be armed, yet, but these organizations are full of shit and trying to dump their false version of Christianity on everybody and abuse the rule of law to do it.
In another demonstration of why it’s never a good idea to elect radical extremists to political office in the United States, Minnesota Congresswoman elect Ilhan Omar, who is a Somali Muslim immigrant, took to twitter to mock Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith.

Muslim Congresswoman Mocks Vice President Pence's Christian Faith - Big League Politics

Oh but Gawd forbid doing that to one of them but never fear KARMA is here the blowback is right on the heels of these ignorant savages those who act like this yep that's exactly what you are .

This is our country cyka blend in or get the fk out
Jesus take the wheel?

Damn what a Snowflake you are

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