Muslim files lawsuit against Dearborn Heights for making her remove headscarf

you have every right not to drive on our roads without a suspended license, dear...

now this nice lady will take your picture, dear.. :rolleyes:
Actually what they want is to replace our Constitution with their Koran. The truth is that every Muslim who immigrated here and was naturalized as an American Citizen took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Therein they have perjured themselves and that should be dealt with accordingly.

That constitution also says that they have a right to practice their religion.
Actually what they want is to replace our Constitution with their Koran. The truth is that every Muslim who immigrated here and was naturalized as an American Citizen took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Therein they have perjured themselves and that should be dealt with accordingly.

That constitution also says that they have a right to practice their religion.

driving with a suspended license is not a religious ceremony... police departments could simply deploy a female officer to accommodate the taking of the photo, end of story. she has no ''right'' to wear head covering for police ID photos. the police had every right to take an identifying picture of her... there wasn't a female officer around, apparently...oh well.

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which the male officer refused to do, the lawsuit said. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.
I remember a lawsuit - possibly Florida - in which a Muslim woman tried to sue for being forced to take off her veil for a drivers license photograph. She didn't win that case.

I remember that case, but not the outcome.

She lost.

It makes sense - you have to have an ID photo that' ID. But there's nothing wrong with a woman requesting a female officer to take the photo. When certain things, like body searches are done - a female officer is usually selected to do it on women.

They can ask, but taking a picture and conducting a body search are two very different things. One does not invades ones personal space.

"Personal space" depends on the person and the culture and if religious beliefs are involved they should be respected as much as possible without infringing on public safety or the requirements of law. An ID photo has to be an identifiable picture - no head gear etc. - but it doesn't have to be taken by a male officer.
Ever heard of 'Separation of Church and State'?
Anyone who wants to live in the US must follow US law. If they don't like it then fuck back off to the shithole sandpit and drink camel piss
Oh ya. And don't break the fucking law by driving illegally then expect YOUR rights to be considered b/c the minute you're charged with a crime your hairy sweatt stinking ass belongs to the Justice System.
Because, you know, Muslims have every intention of assimilating into America, it's laws culture and traditions.

Muslim woman says police made her remove Islamic scarf

A Muslim woman filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Dearborn Heights police of violating her constitutional rights by making her remove her Islamic headscarf after they arrested her for driving on a suspended license.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Detroit, asks for Dearborn Heights to “modify its current policy” so that Muslim women can wear Islamic headscarves during booking procedures.

Malak Kazan of Dearborn Heights was pulled over by police in July on a traffic violation and then taken into custody on a traffic misdemeanor because of her suspended license, according to the lawsuit. The male police officer then asked Kazan to remove her headscarf to take her booking photo, which usually requires no head coverings or hats.

Kazan objected, saying her Islamic faith required her to cover her hair and neck in the presence of men who are not part of her immediate family, the lawsuit said.

For Kazan, “wearing a headscarf is a reminder of her faith, the importance of modesty in her religion ... as well as a symbol of her own control over who may see the more intimate parts of her body,” the lawsuit said. “To have her hair and neck uncovered in public ... is ... deeply humiliating, violating, and defiling experience.”

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which he refused to do, said the lawsuit. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

The lawsuit says that wearing hijab is rooted in Islam, “based on...the Koran, the primary holy book of the Muslim religion; the hadith, oral traditions coming from the era of the Prophet Mohamed. ... The word hijab comes from the Arabic word ‘hajaba,’ which means to hide or screen from view or to cover.”

The lawsuit was filed against the city of Dearborn Heights, its police department and police chief, saying that Kazan’s constitutional rights to free expression of religion were violated. It claims the First, Fourth and 14th amendments were violated.

MORE: A Muslim woman sues Dearborn Heights police for removing her Islamic headscarf after arrest

Would they have done that to a Catholic nun?
If they had, would you have been angry?
Anytime a nun is arrested and charged and a series of ID photos are taken that nun must remove ALL headgear. There isn't a police department in the US that does not follow this legally mandated procedure.
:) You don't "just once more." I am glad you realize that.

But be polite as you were in the beginning of this thread, and I will do the same from now on, provided you are not framing yourself for a fall again.

good lord jake. i have been polite this whole time. you are the one who insulted me before you began the debate.

and then of course, once the debate didn't go your way, you proclaim yourself the winner and give your boring "you don't get a once more".

please. i made my argument, you admitted i did, and then you NEVER gave your argument, DESPITE saying you would.

whatever jake.
Why don't you two take your stupid 'circle-jerk' somewhere else. You're both boring everyone.
I gather this woman never walks into a bank. Most banks make you remove sunglasses and hats when you enter.

pro tip: banks are not the government

Well, they are FDIC insured so gov't rules and regs do apply. I'm just not sure about any kind of rules like that. I'm pretty sure they only have to do with lending requirements.
I've never been asked to remove sunglasses, hats or headscarves in a bank. In general, where men might be asked to remove hats, women aren't.

There is a sign at the door which explicitly states no hats, no sunglasses. Don't know of any bank that permits that.
Actually what they want is to replace our Constitution with their Koran. The truth is that every Muslim who immigrated here and was naturalized as an American Citizen took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Therein they have perjured themselves and that should be dealt with accordingly.

That constitution also says that they have a right to practice their religion.

driving with a suspended license is not a religious ceremony... police departments could simply deploy a female officer to accommodate the taking of the photo, end of story. she has no ''right'' to wear head covering for police ID photos. the police had every right to take an identifying picture of her... there wasn't a female officer around, apparently...oh well.

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which the male officer refused to do, the lawsuit said. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

If you get the male officer, you are complying with Sharia law so I would not do that here in America. You see, the hajib is not a teaching of Mohammad and isn't in the Koran. The Iranian women in the 50's used to wear their hair flowing and beautiful dresses and makeup and the men dressed in western clothing. Same for Afganistan. The hajib has no religious history other than when first implimented by radicals in Iran. (sometime after the 50's, 60's)

It doesn't effect their faith of Islam one iota, Valerie. There is no reason for it - they copied it after the catholic nuns who used to wear the long black veil / robe.

Same with entering a mosque. It isn't holy ground and a Christian should never take their shoes off entering a mosque as it is showing a form of reverence to the demon god they worship - baal Allah - of course - a Christian should never enter a Mosque at all in my opinion - but if an American law enforcement officer went in, I'd definitely advise NOT to take his shoes off. In America this is how it's done. Don't like it? Leave and sell your real estate to someone who doesn't mind - Americans cannot be abiding by Sharia - it will bring a curse upon our land which was dedicated to God Almighty - Jesus Christ. Not Allah and Mohammad.
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And I know ten times more about Muslim women than any of youl.

I've had sex with Muslim women. Have you?
Aside from the fact that a good Muslim man only sleeps with his wife, or wives as the case may be (I doubt Fred has enough money to support more than one wife), the fact is that a woman's friends tend to know more about her than the man she sleeps with does. Men often don't care what's going on inside the head and heart of a woman; they are primarilly interested is her physical being--what she looks like, if she is sexy, if she's good to bed, etc.

From what I've read of your experiences with Muslims in general you know very little, Esmeralda. A Muslim man is permitted a temporary marriage according to Mohammad to have sex with a woman who is not his wife. ( sex slavery is also permitted - as part of the spoils of war) If he is caught in a room with a woman who is not his wife he's breaking Islamic law. Ariana Fallaci writes about it in her book, The Rage and the Pride. Furthermore, as a non-Muslim woman you know what they want you to know and not the truth because Mohammad was explicit in teaching - from the constitution of Medina, - while in Mecca in 622 A.D. "A believer shall not slay a believer for the sake of an unbeliever, nor shall he aid an unbeliever against a believer..... Believers are friends one to the other to the exclusion of outsiders.....The believers must avenge the blood of one another shed in the way of Allah.

That is in their constitution - in other words, Esmeralda? You're on the outside loop. You really do not know what is going on unless you take off the rose colored glasses and study the true history. My suggestion would be start with The Life of Mohammad by A. Guillaime - published by Oxford press in 1955. It's the earliest biography of Muhammad and was translated into English. The original version was written by Ibn Ishaq - a Muslim - in the second century of the Islamic era - it was later edited by Ibn Hisham in the third century.

I see no sign of your having a true understanding of Islam or it's followers. Are there Muslims who are moderate in their beliefs? Don't really follow the Islam? Absolutely. Is there a moderate Islam? Hadiths? No. There isn't. Mohammad was not a moderate Muslim. Bin Laden is the poster boy just as ISIS and ISIL are for Islam. There's your first clue.
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Jeremiah----Esmeralda knows all about parlor tea islam. Trying to discuss reality with her is hopeless
Well, whaddayaknow -- I was just reading through my holy book and found out that getting arrested is considered an abomination. Yippee for me! The cops can't touch me now because idiots who don't know what freedom of religion actually entails will back me up on it.

Damn, what a great country this is when all I have to do is adhere to an ideology and all sorts of ignorami will think that means I don't have to follow the same rules as anybody else.

They're wanting an opportunity to show how tolerant they are, you know.
Jeremiah----Esmeralda knows all about parlor tea islam. Trying to discuss reality with her is hopeless

While there is life there is hope, Rosie. Hope multiplied. It is a dangerous thing to trust in a lie. The consequences could be devastating. Esmeralda needs to wake up.
:) You don't "just once more." I am glad you realize that.

But be polite as you were in the beginning of this thread, and I will do the same from now on, provided you are not framing yourself for a fall again.

good lord jake. i have been polite this whole time. you are the one who insulted me before you began the debate.

and then of course, once the debate didn't go your way, you proclaim yourself the winner and give your boring "you don't get a once more".

please. i made my argument, you admitted i did, and then you NEVER gave your argument, DESPITE saying you would.

whatever jake.

saved for more proof jake doesn't back up his claims, runs away from the debate when it doesn't go his way and proclaims himself the winner. he admitted i backed up my claims and made a good argument. then when i asked him to finally make his argument, he insulted, proclaimed himself the winner and ran away.

I gather this woman never walks into a bank. Most banks make you remove sunglasses and hats when you enter.

pro tip: banks are not the government
Yes, but many people need to use a banking service, and sometimes that necessitates entering the building rather than the drive-thru.

What does she do?

most likely has her husband go the bank. i doubt her husband would even let her go to the bank or manage their money.
People in other countries won lawsuits that allowed them to wear pasta strainers on their heads for religious reasons. So the lawsuit might well suceed.

Not in America it won't. The same type case was heard in Florida ( I believe it was Florida) and she lost. You'd think they would get the message - The USA is NOT an Islamic State - nor shall it ever be.
Because, you know, Muslims have every intention of assimilating into America, it's laws culture and traditions.

Muslim woman says police made her remove Islamic scarf

A Muslim woman filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Dearborn Heights police of violating her constitutional rights by making her remove her Islamic headscarf after they arrested her for driving on a suspended license.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Detroit, asks for Dearborn Heights to “modify its current policy” so that Muslim women can wear Islamic headscarves during booking procedures.

Malak Kazan of Dearborn Heights was pulled over by police in July on a traffic violation and then taken into custody on a traffic misdemeanor because of her suspended license, according to the lawsuit. The male police officer then asked Kazan to remove her headscarf to take her booking photo, which usually requires no head coverings or hats.

Kazan objected, saying her Islamic faith required her to cover her hair and neck in the presence of men who are not part of her immediate family, the lawsuit said.

For Kazan, “wearing a headscarf is a reminder of her faith, the importance of modesty in her religion ... as well as a symbol of her own control over who may see the more intimate parts of her body,” the lawsuit said. “To have her hair and neck uncovered in public ... is ... deeply humiliating, violating, and defiling experience.”

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which he refused to do, said the lawsuit. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

The lawsuit says that wearing hijab is rooted in Islam, “based on...the Koran, the primary holy book of the Muslim religion; the hadith, oral traditions coming from the era of the Prophet Mohamed. ... The word hijab comes from the Arabic word ‘hajaba,’ which means to hide or screen from view or to cover.”

The lawsuit was filed against the city of Dearborn Heights, its police department and police chief, saying that Kazan’s constitutional rights to free expression of religion were violated. It claims the First, Fourth and 14th amendments were violated.

MORE: A Muslim woman sues Dearborn Heights police for removing her Islamic headscarf after arrest

Creeping Shariah

Actually what they want is to replace our Constitution with their Koran. The truth is that every Muslim who immigrated here and was naturalized as an American Citizen took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Therein they have perjured themselves and that should be dealt with accordingly.

That constitution also says that they have a right to practice their religion.

driving with a suspended license is not a religious ceremony... police departments could simply deploy a female officer to accommodate the taking of the photo, end of story. she has no ''right'' to wear head covering for police ID photos. the police had every right to take an identifying picture of her... there wasn't a female officer around, apparently...oh well.

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which the male officer refused to do, the lawsuit said. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

How do you know there wasn't a female officer present? The article did not say that at all.

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