Muslim MTA employee attacked at Grand Central Station in NYC

You see .... it's like I've always said ..... if everyone had a Kalashnikov it never would have happened.
i noticed that when the national media covered the story they omitted the suspect's description but this local story didn't

Another Muslim Woman Attacked in NYC Subway As City Hate Crimes Spike 35%
not acceptable at all.
Unless the news story omitted something on purpose, I did not see where she did anything to suggest she was a terrorist. besides, I dont see too many stories about terrorists who are female. I believe that terrorism would be a function of the muslim males.
Its more than a possibility that the attacker was a Liberal trying to advance the "right wing, bigot" narrative the left loves to bring up at every opportunity. The fact that the majority of Latino's vote Democrat, (another point libs love to bring up), makes it a real possibility that the attacker was another left wing zealot who believes any tactic is acceptable to advance the cause. .
If there is not more to the story, hang the perpetrators up.

I agree, except female muslim terrorists are a reality-

Female terrorists finding their place in Islamic militants' ranks

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia

i noticed that when the national media covered the story they omitted the suspect's description but this local story didn't

Another Muslim Woman Attacked in NYC Subway As City Hate Crimes Spike 35%
not acceptable at all.
Unless the news story omitted something on purpose, I did not see where she did anything to suggest she was a terrorist. besides, I dont see too many stories about terrorists who are female. I believe that terrorism would be a function of the muslim males.
Its more than a possibility that the attacker was a Liberal trying to advance the "right wing, bigot" narrative the left loves to bring up at every opportunity. The fact that the majority of Latino's vote Democrat, (another point libs love to bring up), makes it a real possibility that the attacker was another left wing zealot who believes any tactic is acceptable to advance the cause. .
Another fake news story. Everyone will be posting about this tomorrow.
New York is the city of hate. This is nothing.
It is a very friendly city. You obviously never lived there and believe anything that you are told.
I actually grew up there. However, I was referring to the random and unprovoked attacks like those where people are shoved on railroad tracks.
These things happen in every large city. If you grew up there and think it is the city of hate, I pity your childhood.
New York is filled with nasty individuals anyway. Take racism out of the equation and they are still nasty people. LA is much cleaner and friendlier
New York is the city of hate. This is nothing.

so far I have not read of any incident which can, credibly, be called a CRIME. Since when did making a negative comment to a person become a "CRIME"? As for the transit worker being "thrown down the steps----and suffering a "hurt ankle"-----BS. Someone stumbled on the steps and decided to claim a "WORKER'S COMP" case. For those interested in reporting "hate" crimes----I can teach you a few words in Arabic often flung around by muslim women-------which YOU can report as "hate crimes".

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