Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

Nope Pope... In the real world --- you ASSERT a news item (or support it) ---- and it becomes YOUR responsibility to provide evidence to support. Otherwise the Onion becomes as acceptable as Reuters..

And BTW ---- I distinctly remember you denying reports of "the knock-out game" and blaming that on "Faux News". You remember when YOU were the skeptic??? Trust me -- it happened.

Happens to everyone who sees a story with no back-up evidence -- maybe even you...

So this is just the white power version of "the knock-out game" --- you gonna be consistent in your skepticism??

Can you read the fucking English language, or not?

Thread title:
Muslim Student At Wichita State Reports Attack By Man Shouting Trump Trump Trump

Now what the fuck is the verb in that sentence?


Do the fucking math, stupid.

We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

It reeks of one. The plot sounds like a bad junior high school joke.

It's not about proof or the truth for most on the right, it's about demonizing Muslims.

But you knew that already.

The hilariousest part of this thread, other than watching the desperate denial meltdowns, is that whether the perp was shouting "Trump" or not is completely irrelevant. It would be a Composition Fallacy to then turn and assign that act to Rump supporters in general or to Donald Rump, who had nothing to do with it.

They didn't even think it that far. They're so drowning in their own emotional dead-end hero-worship that they reacted from the gut, defending milady's honor at any cost.

That's what I find so revealing here. Dead giveaway.


Sure got suddenly quiet in here since this post.
Wonder why.

Y'all want to apologize now? Or would you rather wait for more evidence and double down?

And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

A Muslim student at Wichita State University says he and a Hispanic friend, who also is a student, were attacked over the weekend by a man who shouted racial epithets and “Trump, Trump, Trump” before riding away on his motorcycle.

Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, who is Muslim, said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’
Sure he was.

Among Republicans. He won't get near that in the general election

Yeah that poll only asks "if you had to choose among these" and then lists only Rump, Cruz, Kasich and Rubio. Plus as far as I can see it's an online poll. Those are pretty much worthless, since leveling conditions can't be controlled.

yeah like a phone poll where they target an area and group. Cause those are sooooooo reliable.
Can you read the fucking English language, or not?

Thread title:
Muslim Student At Wichita State Reports Attack By Man Shouting Trump Trump Trump

Now what the fuck is the verb in that sentence?


Do the fucking math, stupid.

We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

It reeks of one. The plot sounds like a bad junior high school joke.

It's not about proof or the truth for most on the right, it's about demonizing Muslims.

But you knew that already.

The hilariousest part of this thread, other than watching the desperate denial meltdowns, is that whether the perp was shouting "Trump" or not is completely irrelevant. It would be a Composition Fallacy to then turn and assign that act to Rump supporters in general or to Donald Rump, who had nothing to do with it.

They didn't even think it that far. They're so drowning in their own emotional dead-end hero-worship that they reacted from the gut, defending milady's honor at any cost.

That's what I find so revealing here. Dead giveaway.


Sure got suddenly quiet in here since this post.
Wonder why.

Y'all want to apologize now? Or would you rather wait for more evidence and double down?


Oh did we miss an update??? Did evidence of the incident actually surface?

Or is the story still just some student saying something happened with no proof???

After all the hoaxes we've seen.....we don't buy it without PROOF.

Among Republicans. He won't get near that in the general election

Yeah that poll only asks "if you had to choose among these" and then lists only Rump, Cruz, Kasich and Rubio. Plus as far as I can see it's an online poll. Those are pretty much worthless, since leveling conditions can't be controlled.

yeah like a phone poll where they target an area and group. Cause those are sooooooo reliable.

Actually they are, compared to an internet poll. I used to work in that field. There's a whole meticulously-arranged structure in a phone poll, a live interview poll, etc that cannot be done through the anonymity of the internet.

If you go by internet polls, Texas already seceded a few years ago. How'd that work out?

We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

It reeks of one. The plot sounds like a bad junior high school joke.

It's not about proof or the truth for most on the right, it's about demonizing Muslims.

But you knew that already.

The hilariousest part of this thread, other than watching the desperate denial meltdowns, is that whether the perp was shouting "Trump" or not is completely irrelevant. It would be a Composition Fallacy to then turn and assign that act to Rump supporters in general or to Donald Rump, who had nothing to do with it.

They didn't even think it that far. They're so drowning in their own emotional dead-end hero-worship that they reacted from the gut, defending milady's honor at any cost.

That's what I find so revealing here. Dead giveaway.


Sure got suddenly quiet in here since this post.
Wonder why.

Y'all want to apologize now? Or would you rather wait for more evidence and double down?


Oh did we miss an update??? Did evidence of the incident actually surface?

Or is the story still just some student saying something happened with no proof???

After all the hoaxes we've seen.....we don't buy it without PROOF.

Did your evidence of "hoax" actually surface? Because that's the only assertion made here. And you own it.

STILL waiting on that.
And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

A Muslim student at Wichita State University says he and a Hispanic friend, who also is a student, were attacked over the weekend by a man who shouted racial epithets and “Trump, Trump, Trump” before riding away on his motorcycle.

Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, who is Muslim, said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

Just like this case last year

Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

(CNN)Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Friday he "would never condone violence" after Boston police said two men beat a homeless man while making anti-immigrant statements.

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."

Trump tweeted on Friday that the incident was "terrible."

Sounds like YET ANOTHER racial hoax on a campus.

This is so lame it's laughable.

Just like all the other hoaxes that all just so happen to involve Trump supporters and violence
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -
(CNN)Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Friday he "would never condone violence" after Boston police said two men beat a homeless man while making anti-immigrant statements.

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."

Trump tweeted on Friday that the incident was "terrible."
It's not about proof or the truth for most on the right, it's about demonizing Muslims.

But you knew that already.

The hilariousest part of this thread, other than watching the desperate denial meltdowns, is that whether the perp was shouting "Trump" or not is completely irrelevant. It would be a Composition Fallacy to then turn and assign that act to Rump supporters in general or to Donald Rump, who had nothing to do with it.

They didn't even think it that far. They're so drowning in their own emotional dead-end hero-worship that they reacted from the gut, defending milady's honor at any cost.

That's what I find so revealing here. Dead giveaway.


Sure got suddenly quiet in here since this post.
Wonder why.

Y'all want to apologize now? Or would you rather wait for more evidence and double down?


Oh did we miss an update??? Did evidence of the incident actually surface?

Or is the story still just some student saying something happened with no proof???

After all the hoaxes we've seen.....we don't buy it without PROOF.

Did your evidence of "hoax" actually surface? Because that's the only assertion made here.

STILL waiting on that.

Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Sorry clowns. These days....when a whiny college student alleges a racial offense....we MUST have concrete proof or remain skeptical.

There's about a 1% chance this actually happened.

BTW....where is that black customer who took the initial brunt of the mystery Trump supporter? You'd think he would have spoken about this.

And....the employees REFUSED to give video to the cops?
And.....the student happened to not get the bikes tag?'s been 2 business days now and the manager STILL hasn't provided video of a horrific racist assault at his store???

Cmon Pogo. Yall have asked us to believe some shit before. But this is worse than Albany State.
Of course politically motivated assaults have happened throughout history all over Earth.

What I'm this one reeks of yet another hoax.
Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Well, yeah except there has been a number of videos of Bigfoot and other sightings
Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Well, yeah except there has been a number of videos of Bigfoot and other sightings

Yep. And true racial motivated hate crimes are about as rare as a legit Bigfoot sighting.

Thanks for playing.
Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Ummm..... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. The opposite.

What is it about the concept of proving a negative that continues to fly over your head?
You make an assertion --- you take the burden of proof. That's been true as long as the universe has existed. And you want to rescind that with a message board post, do ya?

Here, you made an assertion. Therefore you have the burden. A burden with which you have done..... nothing.

Sorry clowns. These days....when a whiny college student alleges a racial offense....we MUST have concrete proof or remain skeptical.

Fine, remain so.
But you went farther --- you declared it a "hoax". STILL waiting for your evidence.

There's about a 1% chance this actually happened.

Again with the bets. Irrelevant. Appeal to Probability.

BTW....where is that black customer who took the initial brunt of the mystery Trump supporter? You'd think he would have spoken about this.

How the fuck would I know?
Are you now going to assert that that black guy doesn't exist? Because that will be an additional burden, and you haven't done the first one yet.

And....the employees REFUSED to give video to the cops?
And.....the student happened to not get the bikes tag?'s been 2 business days now and the manager STILL hasn't provided video of a horrific racist assault at his store???

(1) As I understand (and previously posted) acquiring the video needs a court order. No big deal to get that, but not a lot of courts are open at 3am on a Saturday morning.

(2) wouldn't know that either. Article doesn't mention either way. Are you about to assert that he did not?
Because that would be Burden Three. Up to you.

(3) From what I read the police are already reviewing it, so that already happened. You DO realize the video goes to the police, and not to satisfy your message board hangups ----- right?

Cmon Pogo. Yall have asked us to believe some shit before. But this is worse than Albany State.

I have no idea what that means.

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