Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

If she's wearing an Islamic headscarf its pretty obvious she follows the Shariah law .

Its pretty obvious that you don't know anything about Shariah law other than what you are spoon-fed by Pam Geller

American Muslim Women Explain Why They Do — Or Don't — Cover

For Muslim women, a headscarf — or hijab — is a visible sign of their faith and identity, and whether to wear one is a big decision. The recent decision by a Christian college professor to don a headscarf out of solidarity with her Muslim sisters highlighted the hijab question, at least for non-Muslims. For Muslim women themselves, especially in the United States, it was an old story.

"Before I wore hijab, making friends with people who weren't Muslim was a lot easier," says Maryam Adamu, who was born in North Carolina to immigrants from Nigeria. Before she began wearing a headscarf three years ago, people didn't know she was Muslim — until she told them.

"I, like, Trojan-horsed my Islam," she says, laughing. "Like, 'You're already my friend. I know you like me. Now you know I'm Muslim, and you're going to learn about this faith.' " Once she started wearing a headscarf, she encountered a social obstacle she hadn't seen before. "Now, I have to work a lot harder to get into people's lives who aren't Muslim," she says.

For some women, that can be a burden. Asma Uddin, born in Miami to Pakistani parents, is devout in her religious beliefs, but she stopped wearing a headscarf when she found it interfering with her work as a lawyer.

"I was tired of being a political spokesperson for my faith," she says. "I felt that I should be able to put that away, and wearing a headscarf in public doesn't give you that luxury. I was tired of trying to prove that Muslim women in headscarves are also empowered, [by saying] 'Look at me. I'm working in a white-shoe law firm with a headscarf on.' Uddin is a now a staff attorney for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

And yet the most progressive leftist European countries that have let millions of Muslims in, have enacted one form or another of a ban on Shraiah law and women wearing headscarfs..

Most of the European countries don't have a Constitution which protects religious freedom and prohibits the implementation of any religious law like Shariah.

No European country has banned the wearing of headscarves- except oddly enough Turkey- which actually removed the law.

Now several countries have prohibited head dress that includes a veil or covers the face. But those are not head scarves.

These are headscarves:

These are not:
Check again, ignoramus, I already posted it, countries like France, Germany Denmark have banned women serving in govt. .

Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE
Its pretty obvious that you don't know anything about Shariah law other than what you are spoon-fed by Pam Geller

American Muslim Women Explain Why They Do — Or Don't — Cover

For Muslim women, a headscarf — or hijab — is a visible sign of their faith and identity, and whether to wear one is a big decision. The recent decision by a Christian college professor to don a headscarf out of solidarity with her Muslim sisters highlighted the hijab question, at least for non-Muslims. For Muslim women themselves, especially in the United States, it was an old story.

"Before I wore hijab, making friends with people who weren't Muslim was a lot easier," says Maryam Adamu, who was born in North Carolina to immigrants from Nigeria. Before she began wearing a headscarf three years ago, people didn't know she was Muslim — until she told them.

"I, like, Trojan-horsed my Islam," she says, laughing. "Like, 'You're already my friend. I know you like me. Now you know I'm Muslim, and you're going to learn about this faith.' " Once she started wearing a headscarf, she encountered a social obstacle she hadn't seen before. "Now, I have to work a lot harder to get into people's lives who aren't Muslim," she says.

For some women, that can be a burden. Asma Uddin, born in Miami to Pakistani parents, is devout in her religious beliefs, but she stopped wearing a headscarf when she found it interfering with her work as a lawyer.

"I was tired of being a political spokesperson for my faith," she says. "I felt that I should be able to put that away, and wearing a headscarf in public doesn't give you that luxury. I was tired of trying to prove that Muslim women in headscarves are also empowered, [by saying] 'Look at me. I'm working in a white-shoe law firm with a headscarf on.' Uddin is a now a staff attorney for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

And yet the most progressive leftist European countries that have let millions of Muslims in, have enacted one form or another of a ban on Shraiah law and women wearing headscarfs..

Most of the European countries don't have a Constitution which protects religious freedom and prohibits the implementation of any religious law like Shariah.

No European country has banned the wearing of headscarves- except oddly enough Turkey- which actually removed the law.

Now several countries have prohibited head dress that includes a veil or covers the face. But those are not head scarves.

These are headscarves:

These are not:
Check again, ignoramus, I already posted it, countries like France, Germany Denmark have banned women serving in govt. .

Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Blanket statements DO NOT.
Its pretty obvious that you don't know anything about Shariah law other than what you are spoon-fed by Pam Geller

American Muslim Women Explain Why They Do — Or Don't — Cover

For Muslim women, a headscarf — or hijab — is a visible sign of their faith and identity, and whether to wear one is a big decision. The recent decision by a Christian college professor to don a headscarf out of solidarity with her Muslim sisters highlighted the hijab question, at least for non-Muslims. For Muslim women themselves, especially in the United States, it was an old story.

"Before I wore hijab, making friends with people who weren't Muslim was a lot easier," says Maryam Adamu, who was born in North Carolina to immigrants from Nigeria. Before she began wearing a headscarf three years ago, people didn't know she was Muslim — until she told them.

"I, like, Trojan-horsed my Islam," she says, laughing. "Like, 'You're already my friend. I know you like me. Now you know I'm Muslim, and you're going to learn about this faith.' " Once she started wearing a headscarf, she encountered a social obstacle she hadn't seen before. "Now, I have to work a lot harder to get into people's lives who aren't Muslim," she says.

For some women, that can be a burden. Asma Uddin, born in Miami to Pakistani parents, is devout in her religious beliefs, but she stopped wearing a headscarf when she found it interfering with her work as a lawyer.

"I was tired of being a political spokesperson for my faith," she says. "I felt that I should be able to put that away, and wearing a headscarf in public doesn't give you that luxury. I was tired of trying to prove that Muslim women in headscarves are also empowered, [by saying] 'Look at me. I'm working in a white-shoe law firm with a headscarf on.' Uddin is a now a staff attorney for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

And yet the most progressive leftist European countries that have let millions of Muslims in, have enacted one form or another of a ban on Shraiah law and women wearing headscarfs..

Most of the European countries don't have a Constitution which protects religious freedom and prohibits the implementation of any religious law like Shariah.

No European country has banned the wearing of headscarves- except oddly enough Turkey- which actually removed the law.

Now several countries have prohibited head dress that includes a veil or covers the face. But those are not head scarves.

These are headscarves:

These are not:
Check again, ignoramus, I already posted it, countries like France, Germany Denmark have banned women serving in govt. .

Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Tells us more about why you support the religious oppression of people of faith by denying Jews, Christians, Muslims and Sikh's from wearing religious headgear.
I never said they cannot be elected. I said they shouldn’t be elected. It’s up to us as citizens to reject such hateful and bigoted ideologies such as Islam.

I know full well you expect “American Muslims” to act like other Americans. That’s what makes you a fool. Religious bigotry? Try asking a Muslim how they feel about Jews.

as repulsive as Hawk is usually----he does have a
valid (oy) point. If a candidate presents himself as an AVID CATHOLIC-----pro-choice people have EVERY RIGHT to question him and his STANCE and his possible VOTING FUTURE on the issue of CHOICE. By the same token----
voters, on evaluating a muslim candidate have every right to consider and question that candidate's view on SHARIAH ISSUES such as
FGM, Muslim supremacy, etc etc.

I will go even further- I think that you have every right to consider any candidates position on female genital mutilation or on anything else.

But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.


YOU somehow KNOW what I think?
But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

Syrius---you CONTINUE to BABBLE your psychotic delusion about KNOWING what
I THINK. At no point did I suggest that I know
what the candidate thinks

My apologies- you have not condemned this woman for her religious beliefs- only about her beliefs on race.
as repulsive as Hawk is usually----he does have a
valid (oy) point. If a candidate presents himself as an AVID CATHOLIC-----pro-choice people have EVERY RIGHT to question him and his STANCE and his possible VOTING FUTURE on the issue of CHOICE. By the same token----
voters, on evaluating a muslim candidate have every right to consider and question that candidate's view on SHARIAH ISSUES such as
FGM, Muslim supremacy, etc etc.

I will go even further- I think that you have every right to consider any candidates position on female genital mutilation or on anything else.

But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.


YOU somehow KNOW what I think?
But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

Syrius---you CONTINUE to BABBLE your psychotic delusion about KNOWING what
I THINK. At no point did I suggest that I know
what the candidate thinks

My apologies- you have not condemned this woman for her religious beliefs- only about her beliefs on race.

I did not mention her beliefs on race. I do not know HER beliefs on race. I do know how lots of educated muslims comment about race. The
Pakistanis I have known well over the past several decades have been people who came to the USA to ADVANCE their careers in the field of medicine

The museum's policy, Vingerling was told, was that religious symbols of any kind must be concealed from visitors to the museum (Dutch law applies to all public institutions in the country).

"I was stunned by the demand to take off the kippah," Vingerling told NIW. "Here of all places, where Anne Frank was forced to hide because of her identity, I have to hide my Jewish identity?"


Yep- those Europeans sure have lots to teach us about handling those religious types.....
I will go even further- I think that you have every right to consider any candidates position on female genital mutilation or on anything else.

But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.


YOU somehow KNOW what I think?
But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

Syrius---you CONTINUE to BABBLE your psychotic delusion about KNOWING what
I THINK. At no point did I suggest that I know
what the candidate thinks

My apologies- you have not condemned this woman for her religious beliefs- only about her beliefs on race.

I did not mention her beliefs on race. I do not know HER beliefs on race. I do know how lots of educated muslims comment about race. The
Pakistanis I have known well over the past several decades have been people who came to the USA to ADVANCE their careers in the field of medicine

Aisha Yaqoob is a Linda Sarsour knock off-----she, TOO, is calling herself and her designated
constituents (generally ALL MUSLIMS plus any group with a sense of disenfranchisement--(from Hispanics to short of stature and
left-handed and gender confused) a
In fact she is PAKISTANI----racially caucasion.
I have worked with and socialized with Pakistanis for almost the past 60 years. ----
the last thing they claim for themselves would be "RACIALLY COLORED" aka "BLACK" aka---(in Arabic---Urdu too??)) ABED

I find this idiot "PERSON OF COLOR"
moniker VERY OFFENSIVE. It is an
attempt to CREATE ----on no real basis---
a new, artificial, massive CADRE of
And yet the most progressive leftist European countries that have let millions of Muslims in, have enacted one form or another of a ban on Shraiah law and women wearing headscarfs..

Most of the European countries don't have a Constitution which protects religious freedom and prohibits the implementation of any religious law like Shariah.

No European country has banned the wearing of headscarves- except oddly enough Turkey- which actually removed the law.

Now several countries have prohibited head dress that includes a veil or covers the face. But those are not head scarves.

These are headscarves:

These are not:
Check again, ignoramus, I already posted it, countries like France, Germany Denmark have banned women serving in govt. .

Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Blanket statements DO NOT.

"blanket statements" do not what "cope"? An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did
YOU somehow KNOW what I think?
But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

Syrius---you CONTINUE to BABBLE your psychotic delusion about KNOWING what
I THINK. At no point did I suggest that I know
what the candidate thinks

My apologies- you have not condemned this woman for her religious beliefs- only about her beliefs on race.

I did not mention her beliefs on race. I do not know HER beliefs on race. I do know how lots of educated muslims comment about race. The
Pakistanis I have known well over the past several decades have been people who came to the USA to ADVANCE their careers in the field of medicine

Aisha Yaqoob is a Linda Sarsour knock off-----she, TOO, is calling herself and her designated
constituents (generally ALL MUSLIMS plus any group with a sense of disenfranchisement--(from Hispanics to short of stature and
left-handed and gender confused) a
In fact she is PAKISTANI----racially caucasion.
I have worked with and socialized with Pakistanis for almost the past 60 years. ----
the last thing they claim for themselves would be "RACIALLY COLORED" aka "BLACK" aka---(in Arabic---Urdu too??)) ABED

I find this idiot "PERSON OF COLOR"
moniker VERY OFFENSIVE. It is an
attempt to CREATE ----on no real basis---
a new, artificial, massive CADRE of

thanks for reposting my VERY INTELLIGENT REMARK ----it is in response to an article I read which reports that AISHA also used the idiot
term "people of color"
Most of the European countries don't have a Constitution which protects religious freedom and prohibits the implementation of any religious law like Shariah.

No European country has banned the wearing of headscarves- except oddly enough Turkey- which actually removed the law.

Now several countries have prohibited head dress that includes a veil or covers the face. But those are not head scarves.

These are headscarves:

These are not:
Check again, ignoramus, I already posted it, countries like France, Germany Denmark have banned women serving in govt. .

Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Blanket statements DO NOT.

"blanket statements" do not what "cope"? An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did

Some religious Jewish women wear wigs- rather an outdated practice. And most Muslim women in America don't wear any head covering- it is a choice- just as wearing a cross is a choice and a statement of faith.
OMG.... this st00pid thread is still going?

Am I going to have to post up even more videos of no-go zones in Europe?:113::cul2::cul2:

Oh please do.

Because that obviously means an American woman wearing a headscarf can't run for office in America.
By the way did any of you hear the news report today that the Miss America Pageant is now moving to a contest that does not base any measure on how the woman looks :ack-1::ack-1:. When I heard it I damn near pissed my pants from laughing so hard. Can't wait to see the ratings of that show:abgg2q.jpg:..... and who cant guess that within a year to some woman wearing a burka will win the award:backpedal:. That was one thing that you thought the hate America types would stay away from.... beauty pageants. Now we'll be getting some feminist bulldog winning most years:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:. But only about 17 people will be watching:popcorn:
OMG.... this st00pid thread is still going?

Am I going to have to post up even more videos of no-go zones in Europe?:113::cul2::cul2:

Oh please do.

Because that obviously means an American woman wearing a headscarf can't run for office in America.

Well that may happen one day but I'll be a long, long, long time in my box before it ever does.:hhello::hhello::flirtysmile4:
Check again, ignoramus, I already posted it, countries like France, Germany Denmark have banned women serving in govt. .

Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Blanket statements DO NOT.

"blanket statements" do not what "cope"? An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did

Some religious Jewish women wear wigs- rather an outdated practice. And most Muslim women in America don't wear any head covering- it is a choice- just as wearing a cross is a choice and a statement of faith.

all correct-----when one cannot wear this or that for whatever reason------one finds some way to COPE as I mentioned was the ORIGINAL reason for the WIG for religious jewish women. Mary---the mother of Jesus----did not wear a WIG------but she did not go around in the streets with her hair hanging down. It was just NOT DONE at that time for a married woman. Interestingly-----GREEK MARRIED women did not do it either at that time
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....
A Muslim woman......I’m skeered
By the way did any of you hear the news report today that the Miss America Pageant is now moving to a contest that does not base any measure on how the woman looks :ack-1::ack-1:. When I heard it I damn near pissed my pants from laughing so hard. Can't wait to see the ratings of that show:abgg2q.jpg:..... and who cant guess that within a year to some woman wearing a burka will win the award:backpedal:. That was one thing that you thought the hate America types would stay away from.... beauty pageants. Now we'll be getting some feminist bulldog winning most years:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:. But only about 17 people will be watching:popcorn:

How do "ratings" affect you? Do you buy or sell TV advertising?
Most of the European countries don't have a Constitution which protects religious freedom and prohibits the implementation of any religious law like Shariah.

No European country has banned the wearing of headscarves- except oddly enough Turkey- which actually removed the law.

Now several countries have prohibited head dress that includes a veil or covers the face. But those are not head scarves.

These are headscarves:

These are not:
Check again, ignoramus, I already posted it, countries like France, Germany Denmark have banned women serving in govt. .

Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Blanket statements DO NOT.

"blanket statements" do not what "cope"?

Yes, exactly. Do not cope, function, have any meaning or make any point. Yet you seem to live on a steady diet of them.

What you should probably do now to make that boo boo go away is go into a loooooong loooooong aimless rambling rant to nowhere so that you forget all about the fallacy. Aaaaaaaad GO.

An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did

OMG.... this st00pid thread is still going?

Am I going to have to post up even more videos of no-go zones in Europe?:113::cul2::cul2:

Oh please do.

Because that obviously means an American woman wearing a headscarf can't run for office in America.

Well that may happen one day but I'll be a long, long, long time in my box before it ever does.:hhello::hhello::flirtysmile4:

I don't doubt you will be long in your box and I will never see you back up your claims.
Why am I not surprised that a religious bigot like you supports laws which prevent people of faith from wearing symbols of their religion?
French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools - Wikipedia
The law does not mention any particular religious symbol, and thus bans Christian (veil, signs), Muslim (veil, signs), Sikh (turban, signs), Jewish and other religious signs.

Tell us more about how happy you are that France tells Jewish men that they cannot wear skull caps- or Christians crosses- or Sikh's


Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Blanket statements DO NOT.

"blanket statements" do not what "cope"? An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did

Some religious Jewish women wear wigs- rather an outdated practice. And most Muslim women in America don't wear any head covering- it is a choice- just as wearing a cross is a choice and a statement of faith.

all correct-----when one cannot wear this or that for whatever reason------one finds some way to COPE as I mentioned was the ORIGINAL reason for the WIG for religious jewish women. Mary---the mother of Jesus----did not wear a WIG------but she did not go around in the streets with her hair hanging down. It was just NOT DONE at that time for a married woman. Interestingly-----GREEK MARRIED women did not do it either at that time


None of which has anything to do with this thread.

But thanks for nothing.

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