Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

Syrius---you CONTINUE to BABBLE your psychotic delusion about KNOWING what
I THINK. At no point did I suggest that I know
what the candidate thinks

My apologies- you have not condemned this woman for her religious beliefs- only about her beliefs on race.

I did not mention her beliefs on race. I do not know HER beliefs on race. I do know how lots of educated muslims comment about race. The
Pakistanis I have known well over the past several decades have been people who came to the USA to ADVANCE their careers in the field of medicine

Aisha Yaqoob is a Linda Sarsour knock off-----she, TOO, is calling herself and her designated
constituents (generally ALL MUSLIMS plus any group with a sense of disenfranchisement--(from Hispanics to short of stature and
left-handed and gender confused) a
In fact she is PAKISTANI----racially caucasion.
I have worked with and socialized with Pakistanis for almost the past 60 years. ----
the last thing they claim for themselves would be "RACIALLY COLORED" aka "BLACK" aka---(in Arabic---Urdu too??)) ABED

I find this idiot "PERSON OF COLOR"
moniker VERY OFFENSIVE. It is an
attempt to CREATE ----on no real basis---
a new, artificial, massive CADRE of

thanks for reposting my VERY INTELLIGENT REMARK ----it is in response to an article I read which reports that AISHA also used the idiot
term "people of color"
So you don't think that 'people of color' is a reference to race?
I did not mention her beliefs on race. I do not know HER beliefs on race.
Jews, Christians, and Sikhs COPE

Blanket statements DO NOT.

"blanket statements" do not what "cope"? An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did

Some religious Jewish women wear wigs- rather an outdated practice. And most Muslim women in America don't wear any head covering- it is a choice- just as wearing a cross is a choice and a statement of faith.

all correct-----when one cannot wear this or that for whatever reason------one finds some way to COPE as I mentioned was the ORIGINAL reason for the WIG for religious jewish women. Mary---the mother of Jesus----did not wear a WIG------but she did not go around in the streets with her hair hanging down. It was just NOT DONE at that time for a married woman. Interestingly-----GREEK MARRIED women did not do it either at that time


None of which has anything to do with this thread.

But thanks for nothing.

vulgar response to a REAL POINT. In fact---muslim women are not REQUIRED by their religion to wear an ARABIC STYLE head thing. Doing so is COSTUME which has become a FAD for the sake of "LOOK AT ME "THE MUSLIMAH" " Pakistani girls did not dress up like that until fairly
recently. Linda Sarsour actually stated----
in sum and substance 'without a hijab---I am just a white girl from
Brooklyn'---'once I a put on a HIJAB---I GOT SPECIAL' ------' I AM A PERSON OF COLOR' <whooopieeeee> -----reminds me of the DASHIKI era of the 1960s.
It's costume, not religion. Lots of idiots are
impressed. In the 80's on visiting the prison ward for the criminally insane----I was confronted with a dozen versions of
CHE GUEVARA-----mustache and black
beret----ANOTHER EFFECTIVE COSTUME. Muhummad and pals used
HENNA on their hair and beards for the
BRIGHT ORANGE effect-----I have worked with muslims for more than 50 years ------
SUDDENLY---there are scary hennaed
beards and hair ALL OVER MY CITY---scary stuff
Syrius---you CONTINUE to BABBLE your psychotic delusion about KNOWING what
I THINK. At no point did I suggest that I know
what the candidate thinks

My apologies- you have not condemned this woman for her religious beliefs- only about her beliefs on race.

I did not mention her beliefs on race. I do not know HER beliefs on race. I do know how lots of educated muslims comment about race. The
Pakistanis I have known well over the past several decades have been people who came to the USA to ADVANCE their careers in the field of medicine

Aisha Yaqoob is a Linda Sarsour knock off-----she, TOO, is calling herself and her designated
constituents (generally ALL MUSLIMS plus any group with a sense of disenfranchisement--(from Hispanics to short of stature and
left-handed and gender confused) a
In fact she is PAKISTANI----racially caucasion.
I have worked with and socialized with Pakistanis for almost the past 60 years. ----
the last thing they claim for themselves would be "RACIALLY COLORED" aka "BLACK" aka---(in Arabic---Urdu too??)) ABED

I find this idiot "PERSON OF COLOR"
moniker VERY OFFENSIVE. It is an
attempt to CREATE ----on no real basis---
a new, artificial, massive CADRE of

thanks for reposting my VERY INTELLIGENT REMARK ----it is in response to an article I read which reports that AISHA also used the idiot
term "people of color"

So you don't think that 'people of color' is a reference to race?

Of course it is NOT a reference to race.
Arabs and Pakistanis are CAUCASION BY
RACE--------find an Arab or Pakistani and ask----"BTW -----ARE YOU A NEGRO"?
then DUCK to avoid the spit. For the sake of your safety------never repeat that question at a <gasp> IRANIAN.
Blanket statements DO NOT.

"blanket statements" do not what "cope"? An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did

Some religious Jewish women wear wigs- rather an outdated practice. And most Muslim women in America don't wear any head covering- it is a choice- just as wearing a cross is a choice and a statement of faith.

all correct-----when one cannot wear this or that for whatever reason------one finds some way to COPE as I mentioned was the ORIGINAL reason for the WIG for religious jewish women. Mary---the mother of Jesus----did not wear a WIG------but she did not go around in the streets with her hair hanging down. It was just NOT DONE at that time for a married woman. Interestingly-----GREEK MARRIED women did not do it either at that time


None of which has anything to do with this thread.

But thanks for nothing.

vulgar response to a REAL POINT. In fact---muslim women are not REQUIRED by their religion to wear an ARABIC STYLE head thing. Doing so is COSTUME f

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.
"blanket statements" do not what "cope"? An interesting HISTORIC fact for you. You probably know that religious jewish women wear wigs? It is an ASHKENAZI thing-----it is an adaptation to European life in which wearing a head covering was not always the SOCIAL THING TO DO. Sikhs I have known---manage to cover their turbans with BASEBALL CAPS when the Turban seems "out of place"----they also have some interesting ways of tying up their uncut hair in an unobstrusive manner----if the deem it necessary to do so. Very religious jewish men I have known----find all kinds of ways and reasons NOT to wear a head covering ----when they deem it necessary. I have not met a Christian WHO MUST DESPLAY A CROSS ------none of my school teachers did

Some religious Jewish women wear wigs- rather an outdated practice. And most Muslim women in America don't wear any head covering- it is a choice- just as wearing a cross is a choice and a statement of faith.

all correct-----when one cannot wear this or that for whatever reason------one finds some way to COPE as I mentioned was the ORIGINAL reason for the WIG for religious jewish women. Mary---the mother of Jesus----did not wear a WIG------but she did not go around in the streets with her hair hanging down. It was just NOT DONE at that time for a married woman. Interestingly-----GREEK MARRIED women did not do it either at that time


None of which has anything to do with this thread.

But thanks for nothing.

vulgar response to a REAL POINT. In fact---muslim women are not REQUIRED by their religion to wear an ARABIC STYLE head thing. Doing so is COSTUME f

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

wrong again. I am a little surprised that you know a reform jew who wears a kippah----whilst campaigning for a seat in the Senate. In fact----even ORTHODOX jews I have know would not do so (some would ----most would not) That a Pakistani-American muslimah CHOOSES
to wear an ARAB STYLE head dress---AIN'T religion-----it is a POLITICAL STATEMENT
Some religious Jewish women wear wigs- rather an outdated practice. And most Muslim women in America don't wear any head covering- it is a choice- just as wearing a cross is a choice and a statement of faith.

all correct-----when one cannot wear this or that for whatever reason------one finds some way to COPE as I mentioned was the ORIGINAL reason for the WIG for religious jewish women. Mary---the mother of Jesus----did not wear a WIG------but she did not go around in the streets with her hair hanging down. It was just NOT DONE at that time for a married woman. Interestingly-----GREEK MARRIED women did not do it either at that time


None of which has anything to do with this thread.

But thanks for nothing.

vulgar response to a REAL POINT. In fact---muslim women are not REQUIRED by their religion to wear an ARABIC STYLE head thing. Doing so is COSTUME f

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

wrong again. I am a little surprised that you know a reform jew who wears a kippah----whilst campaigning for a seat in the Senate. In fact----even ORTHODOX jews I have know would not do so (some would ----most would not) That a Pakistani-American muslimah CHOOSES
to wear an ARAB STYLE head dress---AIN'T religion-----it is a POLITICAL STATEMENT
Any Jewish man wearing a kippah is making a religious statement.

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.
Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.

Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion. They have demonstrated zero tolerance to people of other faiths. They worship death, have no honor, and live like barbarians.

I’ve asked the question, can you liberals name one Islamic country that ever treated all people equally, or didn’t persecute non-Muslims? You can’t. All you can do is deflect and call me a bigot. You call me a bigot and “intolerant” of an ideology that kills off infidels whenever given the opportunity. An ideology that treats women like dogs. Yet I’m “the intolerant one”. I guess I am, I cannot and will not ever tolerate the bigotry and hatred of Islam and it’s followers, or their enablers and apologists.
all correct-----when one cannot wear this or that for whatever reason------one finds some way to COPE as I mentioned was the ORIGINAL reason for the WIG for religious jewish women. Mary---the mother of Jesus----did not wear a WIG------but she did not go around in the streets with her hair hanging down. It was just NOT DONE at that time for a married woman. Interestingly-----GREEK MARRIED women did not do it either at that time


None of which has anything to do with this thread.

But thanks for nothing.

vulgar response to a REAL POINT. In fact---muslim women are not REQUIRED by their religion to wear an ARABIC STYLE head thing. Doing so is COSTUME f

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

wrong again. I am a little surprised that you know a reform jew who wears a kippah----whilst campaigning for a seat in the Senate. In fact----even ORTHODOX jews I have know would not do so (some would ----most would not) That a Pakistani-American muslimah CHOOSES
to wear an ARAB STYLE head dress---AIN'T religion-----it is a POLITICAL STATEMENT
Any Jewish man wearing a kippah is making a religious statement.

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

you want to name that reform jew you know who wore a kippah whilst campaigning for a
seat in the US senate? How about the catholic lady who wore a prominent crucifix whilst campaigning for a seat in the US senate? How about the catholic judge who wears a big crucifix whilst acting as one of the SUPREME COURT JUDGES?
Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion. They have demonstrated zero tolerance to people of other faiths. They worship death, have no honor, and live like barbarians.

I’ve asked the question, can you liberals name one Islamic country that ever treated all people equally, or didn’t persecute non-Muslims? You can’t. All you can do is deflect and call me a bigot. You call me a bigot and “intolerant” of an ideology that kills off infidels whenever given the opportunity. An ideology that treats women like dogs. Yet I’m “the intolerant one”. I guess I am, I cannot and will not ever tolerate the bigotry and hatred of Islam and it’s followers, or their enablers and apologists.

calm yourself HAWKISH-----your islamophobia is acting to FORCE young
muslims to tie bombs to their behinds and
MURDER PEOPLE. Stick your bigotry on
DA JOOOOS------it's less dangerous
Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion..

Really? We have around 3 million Americans who are Muslims.

Where are the examples that all of them are unable to coexist with anyone not of their religion?

For example- the woman running for election in Georgia- show us all how she is unable to coexist with anyone who is not a Muslim.

Share these incites with us.

None of which has anything to do with this thread.

But thanks for nothing.

vulgar response to a REAL POINT. In fact---muslim women are not REQUIRED by their religion to wear an ARABIC STYLE head thing. Doing so is COSTUME f

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

wrong again. I am a little surprised that you know a reform jew who wears a kippah----whilst campaigning for a seat in the Senate. In fact----even ORTHODOX jews I have know would not do so (some would ----most would not) That a Pakistani-American muslimah CHOOSES
to wear an ARAB STYLE head dress---AIN'T religion-----it is a POLITICAL STATEMENT
Any Jewish man wearing a kippah is making a religious statement.

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

you want to name that reform jew you know who wore a kippah whilst campaigning for a
seat in the US senate? How about the catholic lady who wore a prominent crucifix whilst campaigning for a seat in the US senate? How about the catholic judge who wears a big crucifix whilst acting as one of the SUPREME COURT JUDGES?

No- I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

Why don't you?
Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion. They have demonstrated zero tolerance to people of other faiths. They worship death, have no honor, and live like barbarians.

You can’t. All you can do is deflect and call me a bigot..

i call you a bigot because you judge a person based upon their religious faith- and not by their actions or statements.

You are no different than the anti-semites who warned us all about the horrible Jews.
There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion..

Really? We have around 3 million Americans who are Muslims.

Where are the examples that all of them are unable to coexist with anyone not of their religion?

For example- the woman running for election in Georgia- show us all how she is unable to coexist with anyone who is not a Muslim.

Share these incites with us.

Again, you cannot point out one instance in history that a Muslim majority nation ever treated non-Muslims equally or fairly in any way.

I’m sure there are plenty of “nice Muslims” that are happy to be in America. They’ll pretend to be your friend. You can boast that you have nice Muslim friends. They’ll keep voting in other Muslims to represent them, and they will multiply until they have a majority. Then you’ll suddenly find yourself on a rooftop about to be thrown off.

Ask the Christians of Lebanon what happened to them after they welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants to pour into their country until the Muslims became the majority. I know, “but, but, but....this time it will be different”.

Ask the women of Sweden what it’s like to live in the new rape capital of Europe thanks to Muslim immigrants. All thanks to progressives such as yourself that keep making excuses for poor Muslims.

But, don’t let historical facts stop you. You’ve got an Agenda to push.
There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion..

Really? We have around 3 million Americans who are Muslims.

Where are the examples that all of them are unable to coexist with anyone not of their religion?

For example- the woman running for election in Georgia- show us all how she is unable to coexist with anyone who is not a Muslim.

Share these incites with us.

you are damned naïve------I would guess you have never worked with or socialized with MUSLIMS------or observed them interacting with -------"others" or been in a
There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion. They have demonstrated zero tolerance to people of other faiths. They worship death, have no honor, and live like barbarians.

You can’t. All you can do is deflect and call me a bigot..

i call you a bigot because you judge a person based upon their religious faith- and not by their actions or statements.

You are no different than the anti-semites who warned us all about the horrible Jews.

I never knew ANYTHING about muslims or islam -----until I met CLOSE up with muslims. I was born in the USA-----most of
my neighbors did not know a muslim from an arab from a turk from a hindu from Sikh or ever heard the word "Koran" They DID
imagine they knew jews
vulgar response to a REAL POINT. In fact---muslim women are not REQUIRED by their religion to wear an ARABIC STYLE head thing. Doing so is COSTUME f

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

wrong again. I am a little surprised that you know a reform jew who wears a kippah----whilst campaigning for a seat in the Senate. In fact----even ORTHODOX jews I have know would not do so (some would ----most would not) That a Pakistani-American muslimah CHOOSES
to wear an ARAB STYLE head dress---AIN'T religion-----it is a POLITICAL STATEMENT
Any Jewish man wearing a kippah is making a religious statement.

Doing so is a religious statement- here in the United States- just as a reform Jew wearing a Kippah is, or a Catholic wearing a cross.

I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

you want to name that reform jew you know who wore a kippah whilst campaigning for a
seat in the US senate? How about the catholic lady who wore a prominent crucifix whilst campaigning for a seat in the US senate? How about the catholic judge who wears a big crucifix whilst acting as one of the SUPREME COURT JUDGES?

No- I prefer the American way of allowing people the religious freedom to decide how they want to express their religious faith- to that of certain Muslim and European countries which have varying degrees of restrictions on a person's religious expression.

Why don't you?

oh----you don't know americans or Europeans either
Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion..

Really? We have around 3 million Americans who are Muslims.

Where are the examples that all of them are unable to coexist with anyone not of their religion?

For example- the woman running for election in Georgia- show us all how she is unable to coexist with anyone who is not a Muslim.

Share these incites with us.

Again, you cannot point out one instance in history that a Muslim majority nation ever treated non-Muslims equally or fairly in any way.

I’m sure there are plenty of “nice Muslims” that are happy to be in America. They’ll pretend to be your friend. You can boast that you have nice Muslim friends. They’ll keep voting in other Muslims to represent them, and they will multiply until they have a majority. Then you’ll suddenly find yourself on a rooftop about to be thrown off.

Ask the Christians of Lebanon what happened to them after they welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants to pour into their country until the Muslims became the majority. I know, “but, but, but....this time it will be different”.

Ask the women of Sweden what it’s like to live in the new rape capital of Europe thanks to Muslim immigrants. All thanks to progressives such as yourself that keep making excuses for poor Muslims.

But, don’t let historical facts stop you. You’ve got an Agenda to push.

OH!!! you don't know any Lebanese either-----They "INVITED" muslims in
Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion..

Really? We have around 3 million Americans who are Muslims.

Where are the examples that all of them are unable to coexist with anyone not of their religion?

For example- the woman running for election in Georgia- show us all how she is unable to coexist with anyone who is not a Muslim.

Share these incites with us.

Again, you cannot point out one instance in history that a Muslim majority nation ever treated non-Muslims equally or fairly in any way.

I’m sure there are plenty of “nice Muslims” that are happy to be in America. They’ll pretend to be your friend. You can boast that you have nice Muslim friends. They’ll keep voting in other Muslims to represent them, and they will multiply until they have a majority. Then you’ll suddenly find yourself on a rooftop about to be thrown off.

Ask the Christians of Lebanon what happened to them after they welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants to pour into their country until the Muslims became the majority. I know, “but, but, but....this time it will be different”.

Ask the women of Sweden what it’s like to live in the new rape capital of Europe thanks to Muslim immigrants. All thanks to progressives such as yourself that keep making excuses for poor Muslims.

But, don’t let historical facts stop you. You’ve got an Agenda to push.

OH!!! you don't know any Lebanese either-----They "INVITED" muslims in

They allowed Palestinian refugees in. Leftists sided with Muslims giving Muslims control of the government. Multiculturalism with Muslims always leads to war and the death of that culture.
Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion..

Really? We have around 3 million Americans who are Muslims.

Where are the examples that all of them are unable to coexist with anyone not of their religion?

For example- the woman running for election in Georgia- show us all how she is unable to coexist with anyone who is not a Muslim.

Share these incites with us.

Again, you cannot point out one instance in history that a Muslim majority nation ever treated non-Muslims equally or fairly in any way.

I’m sure there are plenty of “nice Muslims” that are happy to be in America. They’ll pretend to be your friend. You can boast that you have nice Muslim friends. They’ll keep voting in other Muslims to represent them, and they will multiply until they have a majority. Then you’ll suddenly find yourself on a rooftop about to be thrown off.

Ask the Christians of Lebanon what happened to them after they welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants to pour into their country until the Muslims became the majority. I know, “but, but, but....this time it will be different”.

Ask the women of Sweden what it’s like to live in the new rape capital of Europe thanks to Muslim immigrants. All thanks to progressives such as yourself that keep making excuses for poor Muslims.

But, don’t let historical facts stop you. You’ve got an Agenda to push.

OH!!! you don't know any Lebanese either-----They "INVITED" muslims in

They allowed Palestinian refugees in. Leftists sided with Muslims giving Muslims control of the government. Multiculturalism with Muslims always leads to war and the death of that culture.

muslims INVADED Christian Lebanon---about 1000 years ago
Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion..

Really? We have around 3 million Americans who are Muslims.

Where are the examples that all of them are unable to coexist with anyone not of their religion?

For example- the woman running for election in Georgia- show us all how she is unable to coexist with anyone who is not a Muslim.

Share these incites with us.

Again, you cannot point out one instance in history that a Muslim majority nation ever treated non-Muslims equally or fairly in any way.

I’m sure there are plenty of “nice Muslims” that are happy to be in America. They’ll pretend to be your friend. You can boast that you have nice Muslim friends. They’ll keep voting in other Muslims to represent them, and they will multiply until they have a majority. Then you’ll suddenly find yourself on a rooftop about to be thrown off.

Ask the Christians of Lebanon what happened to them after they welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants to pour into their country until the Muslims became the majority. I know, “but, but, but....this time it will be different”.

Ask the women of Sweden what it’s like to live in the new rape capital of Europe thanks to Muslim immigrants. All thanks to progressives such as yourself that keep making excuses for poor Muslims.

But, don’t let historical facts stop you. You’ve got an Agenda to push.

OH!!! you don't know any Lebanese either-----They "INVITED" muslims in

They allowed Palestinian refugees in. Leftists sided with Muslims giving Muslims control of the government. Multiculturalism with Muslims always leads to war and the death of that culture.

muslims INVADED Christian Lebanon---about 1000 years ago
There are plenty of examples of Muslims tolerating other religions... Spain from the 7 hundreds to the 1100's, a high point in history. You are clueless --many other times, since Israel was started has Been the worst.
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