Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

And what exactly did you do in Europe where you got to meet so many different Muslims?
Or did you just have many Muslim boyfriends?

Vagabonding. At first Le Vendange, if you know what that is. And then various other jobs after, and in between taking some of the many invitations to everywhere (including the Maghreb by those horrible Mooooooslims). In other words specifically NOT in some isolated bubble shell where I'd be ass-ured of never having to meet anybody so I could then using the lame-ass excuse that I had no interaction, proceed to make up all kinds of fantasy shit about people with which I had no actual experience. Learned some Arabic on the way, and snippets of various other languages but mostly Arabic ---- simply because the opportunity to do so was there. Had some eye-opening meals and raucous laughter on the way. You know, all that real-world stuff that real (not fantasy) people do everywhere in the world, that awful disgusting human stuff that never penetrates that protective vault of ignorance, Duh Bubble. I went to deliberately experience everything it was possible to experience.

How 'bout you?

Exactly what I thought. You’re a useless female that leeches off men for a living.

Unlike you, I am a man with a job and I make and pay my own way in the world.

Soooooooooooo this "job" is to sit in an internet café in Germany posting homoerotic fantasies about people you've never met because you live in Duh Bubble?

What a surprise.

No seriously a surprise, because I didn't know you could get paid for that.

So --- are you actually trying to sit on this board and tell the world that it's a manly-man thing to do to lock yourself up in Duh Bubble of Ignorance where you can protect your fragile intellect from any threat to your preconceptions? You is a real man, aintchya Bruce.

I work for the military, you can try to belittle that all you want. The opinion of a dumb useless c*** isn’t worth a bucket of piss to me.

Yep, as I said ---- Duh Bubble. A nice isolated enclave where you can get through your day without fear of infection by any interaction with actual people.

SOOOO busted. And you did it yourself.
There are plenty of examples of Muslims tolerating other religions... Spain from the 6 hundreds to the 1100's, a high point in history. You are clueless --many other things, since Israel was started has Been the worst.

you know nothing about the history of the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST". Feel free to ask questions. It is likely that you are familiar with the ISLAMIC VERSION OF HISTORY. ----I am familiar with that version too----but I also have LOTS OF RELATIVES who lived in the areas which were invaded during the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. They do know the history of their ancestors. Feel free to ask questions-------try to be specific. I cannot anwer your general statement---
That history is not OBSCURE. SPAIN from the 600s to 1100s??? ROFLMAO. Muslims OBLITERATED both Judaism and
Christianity in Spain-----massive genocide.
Some muslim told you about the GLORIOUS AGE OF ANDALUSIA? <<< quite a joke
No, great historians actually...

oh----"great historians" You know some
"great historians"? I have read----during my lifetime-----lots of writings of "great historians"-----------your responses are very
ANDALUSIA was a UTOPIA" (forget about the writings of the persons who LIVED THRU IT. ) During the 1960s I read extensive writings about the GLORIES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF ONLY YOUR HERO SAINT ADOLF HAD WON. I tend to believe the people who survived that glorious age. People who wrote of the GLORIOUS LIFE in Andalusia includes some people who wrote in a language mysterious to you
What language is that? Adolf was a disastrous monster, s*******. I'm not impressed.

the language used by jews during their stay in Andalusia was often a Hebraized form of
Arabic. It is written in Hebrew characters and is a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. There are people still today who are descended from some of those people----or even lived in the general area who are STILL fluent in that language. It has a literature. It is an actual language----not just a passing patois. During the time of Spanish Christian predominance-----the language was "LADINO" ------That one still hangs around-----I have relatives by marriage who STILL use it as their "native tongue" Another language used then and-----to a lesser extent even now----is the jewish form of ARAMAIC (the one Jesus spoke) It is all done to confuse people like you
Irrelevant. At any rate, Christians were worse to Jews in Spain than Muslims.
muslims INVADED Christian Lebanon---about 1000 years ago
There are plenty of examples of Muslims tolerating other religions... Spain from the 6 hundreds to the 1100's, a high point in history. You are clueless --many other things, since Israel was started has Been the worst.

you know nothing about the history of the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST". Feel free to ask questions. It is likely that you are familiar with the ISLAMIC VERSION OF HISTORY. ----I am familiar with that version too----but I also have LOTS OF RELATIVES who lived in the areas which were invaded during the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. They do know the history of their ancestors. Feel free to ask questions-------try to be specific. I cannot anwer your general statement---
That history is not OBSCURE. SPAIN from the 600s to 1100s??? ROFLMAO. Muslims OBLITERATED both Judaism and
Christianity in Spain-----massive genocide.
Some muslim told you about the GLORIOUS AGE OF ANDALUSIA? <<< quite a joke
I have a masters in history by the way and lived on the Costa Del Sol for several years.

SO? My educational level brings me up to what is like Ph-D-----does that make me special? You can call me "doctor" I have relatives who still speak LADINO and have no trouble at all in fluent conversation with Spanish speaking people from ANYWHERE They still have their literature LEFT OVER from------the old days and even old letters FROM THAT TIME They even have the weird music. What do you IMAGINE living in Costa De Sol DOES FOR YOU?-----infuses you with a knowledge of history that took place more than 500 years ago?

frances, you better crawl back into your grub hole before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
Zzzzzzz. I still don't know what the heck Rosie is talking about LOL... PhD in nuttiness.
Wrong again, fool. No one cares about Muslims’ faith in their false god. They can worship the Arabic pagan moon god and their pedophile prophet all they want. What concerns reasonable people are Muslims’ inability to coexist with anyone not of their religion and even sect of religion. They have demonstrated zero tolerance to people of other faiths. They worship death, have no honor, and live like barbarians.

You can’t. All you can do is deflect and call me a bigot..

i call you a bigot because you judge a person based upon their religious faith- and not by their actions or statements.

You are no different than the anti-semites who warned us all about the horrible Jews.

Yep exactly. At the bottom of it is the Sweeping Generalization, the "they all look alike to me" intellectual sloth that can't be bothered to see anything past his own emotion, even when exceptions to his stereotype literally surround him.

I lived in Europe, as Hawk does now (or claims to). I lived, worked and traveled with Muslims and never once, LITERALLY never once did any of them exhibit this "inability to coexist" and :zero tolerance" fantasy of his that he thinks he can sell to the gullible. Coexistence was in fact the very reason I hung out with them -- as cultural "outsiders" they knew how to get around, find work, cheap places to eat or sleep, i.e. to "exist" and we all shared whatever we knew. Every time I see this absurd bullshit about "all Muslims this" or "All Jews that", I throw up in my mouth because that's where Philistine pig-ignorance starts and we all know where it leads.

The only terrorism of immediate concern in my travels at the time was from the IRA, yet walking around with my Irish features, even in England, I didn't encounter any such bigotry, nor can I recall anybody anywhere trying to sell a bag of "Catholics have zero tolerance for anyone outside their faith" or "Catholicism isn't a religion, it's political": bullshit. Wonder why.

You’re so full of shit. If you ever lived in Europe you would know that Muslims mostly live in their own neighborhoods and refuse to assimilate to Western culture. They stay only to multiply in hopes of eventually becoming the majority, then they can turn their host country into a new Muslim theocracy. Of course they smile and pretend to be your friend until that day arrives. It’s happened in every nation they spread to.

I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

oh-----the BEAUTY OF THE SOCCER FAN. Reminds me of the Indian hindu who told me -----with an actual tear in his eye------that the MUSLIMS IN INDIA CHEER FOR PAKISTANI TEAMS when india and Pakistan face off on the soccer field (I already knew that---the very first muslim I knew well-----was from New Dehli. That was more than 50 years ago.
He DESPISED hindus "someday we'll drink their blood")
you know nothing about the history of the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST". Feel free to ask questions. It is likely that you are familiar with the ISLAMIC VERSION OF HISTORY. ----I am familiar with that version too----but I also have LOTS OF RELATIVES who lived in the areas which were invaded during the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. They do know the history of their ancestors. Feel free to ask questions-------try to be specific. I cannot anwer your general statement---
That history is not OBSCURE. SPAIN from the 600s to 1100s??? ROFLMAO. Muslims OBLITERATED both Judaism and
Christianity in Spain-----massive genocide.
Some muslim told you about the GLORIOUS AGE OF ANDALUSIA? <<< quite a joke
No, great historians actually...

oh----"great historians" You know some
"great historians"? I have read----during my lifetime-----lots of writings of "great historians"-----------your responses are very
ANDALUSIA was a UTOPIA" (forget about the writings of the persons who LIVED THRU IT. ) During the 1960s I read extensive writings about the GLORIES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF ONLY YOUR HERO SAINT ADOLF HAD WON. I tend to believe the people who survived that glorious age. People who wrote of the GLORIOUS LIFE in Andalusia includes some people who wrote in a language mysterious to you
What language is that? Adolf was a disastrous monster, s*******. I'm not impressed.

the language used by jews during their stay in Andalusia was often a Hebraized form of
Arabic. It is written in Hebrew characters and is a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. There are people still today who are descended from some of those people----or even lived in the general area who are STILL fluent in that language. It has a literature. It is an actual language----not just a passing patois. During the time of Spanish Christian predominance-----the language was "LADINO" ------That one still hangs around-----I have relatives by marriage who STILL use it as their "native tongue" Another language used then and-----to a lesser extent even now----is the jewish form of ARAMAIC (the one Jesus spoke) It is all done to confuse people like you
Irrelevant. At any rate, Christians were worse to Jews in Spain than Muslims.

wrong again-----it was a MORE OR LESS----NOW AND THEN ---situation. Just like
the situation for jews in Europe-----more or less, now and then, here or there. You have not known a whole lot of people from
here or there or---what and who-----have you?
i call you a bigot because you judge a person based upon their religious faith- and not by their actions or statements.

You are no different than the anti-semites who warned us all about the horrible Jews.

Yep exactly. At the bottom of it is the Sweeping Generalization, the "they all look alike to me" intellectual sloth that can't be bothered to see anything past his own emotion, even when exceptions to his stereotype literally surround him.

I lived in Europe, as Hawk does now (or claims to). I lived, worked and traveled with Muslims and never once, LITERALLY never once did any of them exhibit this "inability to coexist" and :zero tolerance" fantasy of his that he thinks he can sell to the gullible. Coexistence was in fact the very reason I hung out with them -- as cultural "outsiders" they knew how to get around, find work, cheap places to eat or sleep, i.e. to "exist" and we all shared whatever we knew. Every time I see this absurd bullshit about "all Muslims this" or "All Jews that", I throw up in my mouth because that's where Philistine pig-ignorance starts and we all know where it leads.

The only terrorism of immediate concern in my travels at the time was from the IRA, yet walking around with my Irish features, even in England, I didn't encounter any such bigotry, nor can I recall anybody anywhere trying to sell a bag of "Catholics have zero tolerance for anyone outside their faith" or "Catholicism isn't a religion, it's political": bullshit. Wonder why.

You’re so full of shit. If you ever lived in Europe you would know that Muslims mostly live in their own neighborhoods and refuse to assimilate to Western culture. They stay only to multiply in hopes of eventually becoming the majority, then they can turn their host country into a new Muslim theocracy. Of course they smile and pretend to be your friend until that day arrives. It’s happened in every nation they spread to.

I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

And what exactly did you do in Europe where you got to meet so many different Muslims?
Or did you just have many Muslim boyfriends?

Vagabonding. At first Le Vendange, if you know what that is. And then various other jobs after, and in between taking some of the many invitations to everywhere (including the Maghreb by those horrible Mooooooslims). In other words specifically NOT in some isolated bubble shell where I'd be ass-ured of never having to meet anybody so I could then using the lame-ass excuse that I had no interaction, proceed to make up all kinds of fantasy shit about people with which I had no actual experience. Learned some Arabic on the way, and snippets of various other languages but mostly Arabic ---- simply because the opportunity to do so was there. Had some eye-opening meals and raucous laughter on the way. You know, all that real-world stuff that real (not fantasy) people do everywhere in the world, that awful disgusting human stuff that never penetrates that protective vault of ignorance, Duh Bubble.

I went and did whatever I did wherever I did it, deliberately to experience everything it was possible to experience. Because experience is the enemy of ignorance. You choose the latter I prefer the former. And I've never regretted that choice, ever.

How 'bout you?

a "GUEST" in the home of any muslim----middle or far east----IS IN
No, great historians actually...

oh----"great historians" You know some
"great historians"? I have read----during my lifetime-----lots of writings of "great historians"-----------your responses are very
ANDALUSIA was a UTOPIA" (forget about the writings of the persons who LIVED THRU IT. ) During the 1960s I read extensive writings about the GLORIES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF ONLY YOUR HERO SAINT ADOLF HAD WON. I tend to believe the people who survived that glorious age. People who wrote of the GLORIOUS LIFE in Andalusia includes some people who wrote in a language mysterious to you
What language is that? Adolf was a disastrous monster, s*******. I'm not impressed.

the language used by jews during their stay in Andalusia was often a Hebraized form of
Arabic. It is written in Hebrew characters and is a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. There are people still today who are descended from some of those people----or even lived in the general area who are STILL fluent in that language. It has a literature. It is an actual language----not just a passing patois. During the time of Spanish Christian predominance-----the language was "LADINO" ------That one still hangs around-----I have relatives by marriage who STILL use it as their "native tongue" Another language used then and-----to a lesser extent even now----is the jewish form of ARAMAIC (the one Jesus spoke) It is all done to confuse people like you
Irrelevant. At any rate, Christians were worse to Jews in Spain than Muslims.

wrong again-----it was a MORE OR LESS----NOW AND THEN ---situation. Just like
the situation for jews in Europe-----more or less, now and then, here or there. You have not known a whole lot of people from
here or there or---what and who-----have you?
Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition or when they threw out all the Jews?
No, great historians actually...

oh----"great historians" You know some
"great historians"? I have read----during my lifetime-----lots of writings of "great historians"-----------your responses are very
ANDALUSIA was a UTOPIA" (forget about the writings of the persons who LIVED THRU IT. ) During the 1960s I read extensive writings about the GLORIES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF ONLY YOUR HERO SAINT ADOLF HAD WON. I tend to believe the people who survived that glorious age. People who wrote of the GLORIOUS LIFE in Andalusia includes some people who wrote in a language mysterious to you
What language is that? Adolf was a disastrous monster, s*******. I'm not impressed.

the language used by jews during their stay in Andalusia was often a Hebraized form of
Arabic. It is written in Hebrew characters and is a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. There are people still today who are descended from some of those people----or even lived in the general area who are STILL fluent in that language. It has a literature. It is an actual language----not just a passing patois. During the time of Spanish Christian predominance-----the language was "LADINO" ------That one still hangs around-----I have relatives by marriage who STILL use it as their "native tongue" Another language used then and-----to a lesser extent even now----is the jewish form of ARAMAIC (the one Jesus spoke) It is all done to confuse people like you
Irrelevant. At any rate, Christians were worse to Jews in Spain than Muslims.

wrong again-----it was a MORE OR LESS----NOW AND THEN ---situation. Just like
the situation for jews in Europe-----more or less, now and then, here or there. You have not known a whole lot of people from
here or there or---what and who-----have you?

You sure haven't read much history have you? Or lived outside of your bubble.
oh----"great historians" You know some
"great historians"? I have read----during my lifetime-----lots of writings of "great historians"-----------your responses are very
ANDALUSIA was a UTOPIA" (forget about the writings of the persons who LIVED THRU IT. ) During the 1960s I read extensive writings about the GLORIES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF ONLY YOUR HERO SAINT ADOLF HAD WON. I tend to believe the people who survived that glorious age. People who wrote of the GLORIOUS LIFE in Andalusia includes some people who wrote in a language mysterious to you
What language is that? Adolf was a disastrous monster, s*******. I'm not impressed.

the language used by jews during their stay in Andalusia was often a Hebraized form of
Arabic. It is written in Hebrew characters and is a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. There are people still today who are descended from some of those people----or even lived in the general area who are STILL fluent in that language. It has a literature. It is an actual language----not just a passing patois. During the time of Spanish Christian predominance-----the language was "LADINO" ------That one still hangs around-----I have relatives by marriage who STILL use it as their "native tongue" Another language used then and-----to a lesser extent even now----is the jewish form of ARAMAIC (the one Jesus spoke) It is all done to confuse people like you
Irrelevant. At any rate, Christians were worse to Jews in Spain than Muslims.

wrong again-----it was a MORE OR LESS----NOW AND THEN ---situation. Just like
the situation for jews in Europe-----more or less, now and then, here or there. You have not known a whole lot of people from
here or there or---what and who-----have you?
Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition or when they threw out all the Jews?

you like to make idiotic remarks because you are an idiot. Ever hear of KHAYBAR?
I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

And what exactly did you do in Europe where you got to meet so many different Muslims?
Or did you just have many Muslim boyfriends?

Vagabonding. At first Le Vendange, if you know what that is. And then various other jobs after, and in between taking some of the many invitations to everywhere (including the Maghreb by those horrible Mooooooslims). In other words specifically NOT in some isolated bubble shell where I'd be ass-ured of never having to meet anybody so I could then using the lame-ass excuse that I had no interaction, proceed to make up all kinds of fantasy shit about people with which I had no actual experience. Learned some Arabic on the way, and snippets of various other languages but mostly Arabic ---- simply because the opportunity to do so was there. Had some eye-opening meals and raucous laughter on the way. You know, all that real-world stuff that real (not fantasy) people do everywhere in the world, that awful disgusting human stuff that never penetrates that protective vault of ignorance, Duh Bubble. I went to deliberately experience everything it was possible to experience.

How 'bout you?

Exactly what I thought. You’re a useless female that leeches off men for a living.

Unlike you, I am a man with a job and I make and pay my own way in the world.

Soooooooooooo this "job" is to sit in an internet café in Germany posting homoerotic fantasies about people you've never met because you live in Duh Bubble?

What a surprise.

No seriously a surprise, because I didn't know you could get paid for that.

So --- are you actually trying to sit on this board and tell the world that it's a manly-man thing to do to lock yourself up in Duh Bubble of Ignorance where you can protect your fragile intellect from any threat to your preconceptions? You is a real man, aintchya Bruce.

I work for the military, .

If the is possibly true- I am seriously concerned for our military.
oh----"great historians" You know some
"great historians"? I have read----during my lifetime-----lots of writings of "great historians"-----------your responses are very
ANDALUSIA was a UTOPIA" (forget about the writings of the persons who LIVED THRU IT. ) During the 1960s I read extensive writings about the GLORIES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF ONLY YOUR HERO SAINT ADOLF HAD WON. I tend to believe the people who survived that glorious age. People who wrote of the GLORIOUS LIFE in Andalusia includes some people who wrote in a language mysterious to you
What language is that? Adolf was a disastrous monster, s*******. I'm not impressed.

the language used by jews during their stay in Andalusia was often a Hebraized form of
Arabic. It is written in Hebrew characters and is a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. There are people still today who are descended from some of those people----or even lived in the general area who are STILL fluent in that language. It has a literature. It is an actual language----not just a passing patois. During the time of Spanish Christian predominance-----the language was "LADINO" ------That one still hangs around-----I have relatives by marriage who STILL use it as their "native tongue" Another language used then and-----to a lesser extent even now----is the jewish form of ARAMAIC (the one Jesus spoke) It is all done to confuse people like you
Irrelevant. At any rate, Christians were worse to Jews in Spain than Muslims.

wrong again-----it was a MORE OR LESS----NOW AND THEN ---situation. Just like
the situation for jews in Europe-----more or less, now and then, here or there. You have not known a whole lot of people from
here or there or---what and who-----have you?

You sure haven't read much history have you? Or lived outside of your bubble.

you like to do idiotic remards as much as your moronic girl friend FRANCINE
i call you a bigot because you judge a person based upon their religious faith- and not by their actions or statements.

You are no different than the anti-semites who warned us all about the horrible Jews.

Yep exactly. At the bottom of it is the Sweeping Generalization, the "they all look alike to me" intellectual sloth that can't be bothered to see anything past his own emotion, even when exceptions to his stereotype literally surround him.

I lived in Europe, as Hawk does now (or claims to). I lived, worked and traveled with Muslims and never once, LITERALLY never once did any of them exhibit this "inability to coexist" and :zero tolerance" fantasy of his that he thinks he can sell to the gullible. Coexistence was in fact the very reason I hung out with them -- as cultural "outsiders" they knew how to get around, find work, cheap places to eat or sleep, i.e. to "exist" and we all shared whatever we knew. Every time I see this absurd bullshit about "all Muslims this" or "All Jews that", I throw up in my mouth because that's where Philistine pig-ignorance starts and we all know where it leads.

The only terrorism of immediate concern in my travels at the time was from the IRA, yet walking around with my Irish features, even in England, I didn't encounter any such bigotry, nor can I recall anybody anywhere trying to sell a bag of "Catholics have zero tolerance for anyone outside their faith" or "Catholicism isn't a religion, it's political": bullshit. Wonder why.

You’re so full of shit. If you ever lived in Europe you would know that Muslims mostly live in their own neighborhoods and refuse to assimilate to Western culture. They stay only to multiply in hopes of eventually becoming the majority, then they can turn their host country into a new Muslim theocracy. Of course they smile and pretend to be your friend until that day arrives. It’s happened in every nation they spread to.

I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.
What language is that? Adolf was a disastrous monster, s*******. I'm not impressed.

the language used by jews during their stay in Andalusia was often a Hebraized form of
Arabic. It is written in Hebrew characters and is a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. There are people still today who are descended from some of those people----or even lived in the general area who are STILL fluent in that language. It has a literature. It is an actual language----not just a passing patois. During the time of Spanish Christian predominance-----the language was "LADINO" ------That one still hangs around-----I have relatives by marriage who STILL use it as their "native tongue" Another language used then and-----to a lesser extent even now----is the jewish form of ARAMAIC (the one Jesus spoke) It is all done to confuse people like you
Irrelevant. At any rate, Christians were worse to Jews in Spain than Muslims.

wrong again-----it was a MORE OR LESS----NOW AND THEN ---situation. Just like
the situation for jews in Europe-----more or less, now and then, here or there. You have not known a whole lot of people from
here or there or---what and who-----have you?

You sure haven't read much history have you? Or lived outside of your bubble.

you like to do idiotic remards as much as your moronic girl friend FRANCINE
What are you? 11 years old?

Yep exactly. At the bottom of it is the Sweeping Generalization, the "they all look alike to me" intellectual sloth that can't be bothered to see anything past his own emotion, even when exceptions to his stereotype literally surround him.

I lived in Europe, as Hawk does now (or claims to). I lived, worked and traveled with Muslims and never once, LITERALLY never once did any of them exhibit this "inability to coexist" and :zero tolerance" fantasy of his that he thinks he can sell to the gullible. Coexistence was in fact the very reason I hung out with them -- as cultural "outsiders" they knew how to get around, find work, cheap places to eat or sleep, i.e. to "exist" and we all shared whatever we knew. Every time I see this absurd bullshit about "all Muslims this" or "All Jews that", I throw up in my mouth because that's where Philistine pig-ignorance starts and we all know where it leads.

The only terrorism of immediate concern in my travels at the time was from the IRA, yet walking around with my Irish features, even in England, I didn't encounter any such bigotry, nor can I recall anybody anywhere trying to sell a bag of "Catholics have zero tolerance for anyone outside their faith" or "Catholicism isn't a religion, it's political": bullshit. Wonder why.

You’re so full of shit. If you ever lived in Europe you would know that Muslims mostly live in their own neighborhoods and refuse to assimilate to Western culture. They stay only to multiply in hopes of eventually becoming the majority, then they can turn their host country into a new Muslim theocracy. Of course they smile and pretend to be your friend until that day arrives. It’s happened in every nation they spread to.

I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.

societies can be CORRECTLY evaluated by the people they ADULATE----to wit ---THE HEROES. ---just what a society values is evident in its ART. The art of medieval Christian Europe represents its BIGGEST HERO FIGURES------mostly Jesus and---then JESUS AND HIS MOTHER. Sometimes the big issue is
THE MOTHER. Then there is THE TRINITY-----whether it is "god, son, holy spirit represented by the virgin" or even the "holy family"---mary, joseph and jesus.
Have you ever reviewed MUSLIM "ART" I attended a MUSLIM ART exposition put on by the Saudi embassy. It was MOSTLY
SCIMITARS with very fancy filigree handles. For the record-----in Arabian lands----the fancy silver &/or gold filigree was MOSTLY done by jews. Weird but
true. The few examples of figurative art
featured a standard arab male-----dressed up in white robes-----on horseback---WAVING A SCIMITAR <<< the muslim
cultural HERO. Poor trump had to do muslim by dancing with a sword. I could not help but notice that the scimitar seems DESIGNED specifically for slicing off heads. The secondary art form is the big
dagger----handy for sticking in a person's back. I had to go DIRECTLY to the Metropolitan Museum of art to take the
You’re so full of shit. If you ever lived in Europe you would know that Muslims mostly live in their own neighborhoods and refuse to assimilate to Western culture. They stay only to multiply in hopes of eventually becoming the majority, then they can turn their host country into a new Muslim theocracy. Of course they smile and pretend to be your friend until that day arrives. It’s happened in every nation they spread to.

I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.

societies can be CORRECTLY evaluated by the people they ADULATE-


Who is a bigot?

Someone who judges another person based upon something other than their own actions.

Like what religion they belong to. What society they come from. What color their skin is.

You want to judge everyone who is a Muslim- based upon the actions of a few?

If so- then yes- you are a bigot.
I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.

societies can be CORRECTLY evaluated by the people they ADULATE-


Who is a bigot?

Someone who judges another person based upon something other than their own actions.

Like what religion they belong to. What society they come from. What color their skin is.

You want to judge everyone who is a Muslim- based upon the actions of a few?

If so- then yes- you are a bigot.

really IDIOTIC comment, syrius------according to YOUR statement----the science of anthropology does not exist.
Poor Margaret Meade could be attacked for
describing the social customs of the people of SAMOA as being evidence of her
GROSS BIGOTRY-------gee you are dim
Yep exactly. At the bottom of it is the Sweeping Generalization, the "they all look alike to me" intellectual sloth that can't be bothered to see anything past his own emotion, even when exceptions to his stereotype literally surround him.

I lived in Europe, as Hawk does now (or claims to). I lived, worked and traveled with Muslims and never once, LITERALLY never once did any of them exhibit this "inability to coexist" and :zero tolerance" fantasy of his that he thinks he can sell to the gullible. Coexistence was in fact the very reason I hung out with them -- as cultural "outsiders" they knew how to get around, find work, cheap places to eat or sleep, i.e. to "exist" and we all shared whatever we knew. Every time I see this absurd bullshit about "all Muslims this" or "All Jews that", I throw up in my mouth because that's where Philistine pig-ignorance starts and we all know where it leads.

The only terrorism of immediate concern in my travels at the time was from the IRA, yet walking around with my Irish features, even in England, I didn't encounter any such bigotry, nor can I recall anybody anywhere trying to sell a bag of "Catholics have zero tolerance for anyone outside their faith" or "Catholicism isn't a religion, it's political": bullshit. Wonder why.

You’re so full of shit. If you ever lived in Europe you would know that Muslims mostly live in their own neighborhoods and refuse to assimilate to Western culture. They stay only to multiply in hopes of eventually becoming the majority, then they can turn their host country into a new Muslim theocracy. Of course they smile and pretend to be your friend until that day arrives. It’s happened in every nation they spread to.

I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.

I judge them on the actions of all as a whole. Every instance of Islam taking over a nation has been catastrophic for the non-Muslim population. You still refuse to acknowledge that, and keep running to this lame argument of several million Muslims living “peacefully” in non-Islamic countries. Has it occurred to you that when Muslims were the minority, they lived “peacefully” until they got the majority political and military power?
I did in fact live in Europe, spent much time among Muslims, and that's exactly why I immediately recognize your inane hallucinations for the abject bullshit they are.

The only thing I dont'get is the thought process that leads you to believe you can get away with this shit when there are plenty of readers who already know better.

I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.

societies can be CORRECTLY evaluated by the people they ADULATE-


Who is a bigot?

Someone who judges another person based upon something other than their own actions.

Like what religion they belong to. What society they come from. What color their skin is.

You want to judge everyone who is a Muslim- based upon the actions of a few?

If so- then yes- you are a bigot.

Everyone judges people based off their chosen ideology. Islam isn’t a skin color, moron. It’s an ideology.
I have never lived in Europe but I have traveled around Europe quite a bit. And yeah- your vision is just you reciting the fear mongering of the white supremacists of Europe.

While I have met Muslims in Europe who haven't 'assimilated'- I have yet to meet a European Muslim- born in Europe- 2nd generation - who was not fluent in at least 3 languages- and mad about futball like everyone else in the country.

And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.

societies can be CORRECTLY evaluated by the people they ADULATE-


Who is a bigot?

Someone who judges another person based upon something other than their own actions.

Like what religion they belong to. What society they come from. What color their skin is.

You want to judge everyone who is a Muslim- based upon the actions of a few?

If so- then yes- you are a bigot.

Everyone judges people based off their chosen ideology. Islam isn’t a skin color, moron. It’s an ideology.

you have missed the latest----muslims now call themselves "PEOPLE OF COLOR"-----in order to be able to claim
VICTIMHOOD. Aisha is one such person which -------makes here a RACIST
And yet it’s the second generation Muslims that carry out most of the terror stacks in Europe.

And yet- the vast, vast majority of second generation Muslims are not committing any violence at all.

Fascinating how you judge everyone in a group- based upon the actions of a few.

societies can be CORRECTLY evaluated by the people they ADULATE-


Who is a bigot?

Someone who judges another person based upon something other than their own actions.

Like what religion they belong to. What society they come from. What color their skin is.

You want to judge everyone who is a Muslim- based upon the actions of a few?

If so- then yes- you are a bigot.

Everyone judges people based off their chosen ideology. Islam isn’t a skin color, moron. It’s an ideology.

you have missed the latest----muslims now call themselves "PEOPLE OF COLOR"-----in order to be able to claim
VICTIMHOOD. Aisha is one such person


Every time I read the name "Aisha" --- Stevie Wonder starts playing in my head.
Could be worse. Could be way worse.

which -------makes here a RACIST

uhhhh... ... really? ..

How? :uhh:

You have any idea in the world what "racist" actually means?

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