Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.

Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.


Run the same play and expect different results?

Everywhere Islam has spread has become an oppressive shithole. Can you name one Muslim majority country that treats women equally? One Muslim country that protects gays? One Muslim country that doesn’t persecute Jews? One Muslim country that actually practices democracy and treats all citizens equally?

We all know the answer is none.

Yet you expect Muslims will be different if given power in Western countries.

Yet you expect America to act like those oppressive shitholes and tell Americans that they cannot be elected- if the faith they belong to is Islam.

I expect American Muslims to act like American Jews and American Christians and American atheists and American Buddhists and American Hindus.

You believe in religious bigotry in America- I don't.
I never said they cannot be elected. I said they shouldn’t be elected. It’s up to us as citizens to reject such hateful and bigoted ideologies such as Islam.

I know full well you expect “American Muslims” to act like other Americans. That’s what makes you a fool. Religious bigotry? Try asking a Muslim how they feel about Jews.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.


Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.





Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.


Run the same play and expect different results?

Everywhere Islam has spread has become an oppressive shithole. Can you name one Muslim majority country that treats women equally? One Muslim country that protects gays? One Muslim country that doesn’t persecute Jews? One Muslim country that actually practices democracy and treats all citizens equally?

We all know the answer is none.

Yet you expect Muslims will be different if given power in Western countries.

Yet you expect America to act like those oppressive shitholes and tell Americans that they cannot be elected- if the faith they belong to is Islam.

I expect American Muslims to act like American Jews and American Christians and American atheists and American Buddhists and American Hindus.

You believe in religious bigotry in America- I don't.

I know full well you expect “American Muslims” to act like other Americans. That’s what makes you a fool. Religious bigotry? Try asking a Muslim how they feel about Jews.

I have spoken many times with American Muslims about Jews- mostly they object to Israel- I have yet to have any American Muslim make blanket condemnations of Jews- but I sure have met Christians who have done so.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.


Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.

Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.


And my favorite anti-Mormon propaganda(reminds me a lot of the anti-Muslim propaganda)
Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.


Run the same play and expect different results?

Everywhere Islam has spread has become an oppressive shithole. Can you name one Muslim majority country that treats women equally? One Muslim country that protects gays? One Muslim country that doesn’t persecute Jews? One Muslim country that actually practices democracy and treats all citizens equally?

We all know the answer is none.

Yet you expect Muslims will be different if given power in Western countries.

Yet you expect America to act like those oppressive shitholes and tell Americans that they cannot be elected- if the faith they belong to is Islam.

I expect American Muslims to act like American Jews and American Christians and American atheists and American Buddhists and American Hindus.

You believe in religious bigotry in America- I don't.
I never said they cannot be elected. I said they shouldn’t be elected. It’s up to us as citizens to reject such hateful and bigoted ideologies such as Islam.

I know full well you expect “American Muslims” to act like other Americans. That’s what makes you a fool. Religious bigotry? Try asking a Muslim how they feel about Jews.

as repulsive as Hawk is usually----he does have a
valid (oy) point. If a candidate presents himself as an AVID CATHOLIC-----pro-choice people have EVERY RIGHT to question him and his STANCE and his possible VOTING FUTURE on the issue of CHOICE. By the same token----
voters, on evaluating a muslim candidate have every right to consider and question that candidate's view on SHARIAH ISSUES such as
FGM, Muslim supremacy, etc etc.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.


Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.

Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.


Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.

Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless
Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.


Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.

Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Clueless about what? Did I post or agree with 1950’s propaganda? Those are straw man arguments by leftists that can’t defend their pro-Islamic position.

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.
And by 'support' Islam that apparently means- supporting the Constitution's ban on any religious test for political office.

Fascinating how the contards of the Rights despise the Constitution just so that they can promote their religious bigotry.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
And what Shariah law is she practicing? Specifically?

good question-----anyone out there know her views on Shariah law?
If she's wearing an Islamic headscarf its pretty obvious she follows the Shariah law that women and non Muslims are second class citizens compared to Muslims.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.

The Democratic Party is the now home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all the vile antisemites of the world.


Louis Farrakhan heads the Nation of Islam, a group he has led since 1977 and that is based on a somewhat bizarre and fundamentally anti-white theology. Farrakhan is an antisemite who routinely accuses Jews of manipulating the U.S. government and controlling the levers of world power

Louis Farrakhan
Farrakhan blames Jews for the slave trade, plantation slavery, Jim Crow, sharecropping and general black oppression. Farrakhan's tone grew more belligerent in June 2010, when he sent letters to several leaders of the Jewish community as well as the Southern Poverty Law Center demanding that they realize the evils they have perpetrated and that they work to further Farrakhan's goals. The letter ended with a threat to "ruin and destroy your power and influence here and throughout the world" if his terms were not met.

The Dems’ Farrakhan Problem

Could this long-lost photo have derailed Obama’s 2008 campaign?

Dershowitz: Obama With Anti-Semite Farrakhan, 'I Would Not Have Campaigned For Obama'
Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.


Run the same play and expect different results?

Everywhere Islam has spread has become an oppressive shithole. Can you name one Muslim majority country that treats women equally? One Muslim country that protects gays? One Muslim country that doesn’t persecute Jews? One Muslim country that actually practices democracy and treats all citizens equally?

We all know the answer is none.

Yet you expect Muslims will be different if given power in Western countries.

Yet you expect America to act like those oppressive shitholes and tell Americans that they cannot be elected- if the faith they belong to is Islam.

I expect American Muslims to act like American Jews and American Christians and American atheists and American Buddhists and American Hindus.

You believe in religious bigotry in America- I don't.
I never said they cannot be elected. I said they shouldn’t be elected. It’s up to us as citizens to reject such hateful and bigoted ideologies such as Islam.

I know full well you expect “American Muslims” to act like other Americans. That’s what makes you a fool. Religious bigotry? Try asking a Muslim how they feel about Jews.

as repulsive as Hawk is usually----he does have a
valid (oy) point. If a candidate presents himself as an AVID CATHOLIC-----pro-choice people have EVERY RIGHT to question him and his STANCE and his possible VOTING FUTURE on the issue of CHOICE. By the same token----
voters, on evaluating a muslim candidate have every right to consider and question that candidate's view on SHARIAH ISSUES such as
FGM, Muslim supremacy, etc etc.

I will go even further- I think that you have every right to consider any candidates position on female genital mutilation or on anything else.

But you- and Hawk and others are not condemning this candidate for her actual position- you are condemning her for her religious beliefs. You don't even know her position on "Muslim Supremacy" and are no different in judging her for her religion than those who judged Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.


Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.

Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Well I am glad you think that there are some good blacks. And some good Jews.

Do you think that there are any good Muslims?
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
And what Shariah law is she practicing? Specifically?

good question-----anyone out there know her views on Shariah law?
If she's wearing an Islamic headscarf its pretty obvious she follows the Shariah law .

Its pretty obvious that you don't know anything about Shariah law other than what you are spoon-fed by Pam Geller

American Muslim Women Explain Why They Do — Or Don't — Cover

For Muslim women, a headscarf — or hijab — is a visible sign of their faith and identity, and whether to wear one is a big decision. The recent decision by a Christian college professor to don a headscarf out of solidarity with her Muslim sisters highlighted the hijab question, at least for non-Muslims. For Muslim women themselves, especially in the United States, it was an old story.

"Before I wore hijab, making friends with people who weren't Muslim was a lot easier," says Maryam Adamu, who was born in North Carolina to immigrants from Nigeria. Before she began wearing a headscarf three years ago, people didn't know she was Muslim — until she told them.

"I, like, Trojan-horsed my Islam," she says, laughing. "Like, 'You're already my friend. I know you like me. Now you know I'm Muslim, and you're going to learn about this faith.' " Once she started wearing a headscarf, she encountered a social obstacle she hadn't seen before. "Now, I have to work a lot harder to get into people's lives who aren't Muslim," she says.

For some women, that can be a burden. Asma Uddin, born in Miami to Pakistani parents, is devout in her religious beliefs, but she stopped wearing a headscarf when she found it interfering with her work as a lawyer.

"I was tired of being a political spokesperson for my faith," she says. "I felt that I should be able to put that away, and wearing a headscarf in public doesn't give you that luxury. I was tired of trying to prove that Muslim women in headscarves are also empowered, [by saying] 'Look at me. I'm working in a white-shoe law firm with a headscarf on.' Uddin is a now a staff attorney for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.

The Democratic Party is the now home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all the vile antisemites of the world.'

The Republican Party is now home to all of the vile anti-semites of the world
Republican candidate for Senator and committed neo-Nazi Patrick Little

Vote Patrick Little! US Senate for California, June 5th 2018

Help Us End
Jewish Supremacism

And Make America Free Again

I propose a government that makes counter-semitism central to all aims of the state. A government:

1) Of a People, for that people, free from jews

2) That cannot revoke the right to bear arms, such that this people can remain free from jews

3) that forbids all immigration except of biological kin, where no person of jewish origin may live, vacation, or traverse
Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.


Run the same play and expect different results?

Everywhere Islam has spread has become an oppressive shithole. Can you name one Muslim majority country that treats women equally? One Muslim country that protects gays? One Muslim country that doesn’t persecute Jews? One Muslim country that actually practices democracy and treats all citizens equally?

We all know the answer is none.

Yet you expect Muslims will be different if given power in Western countries.

Yet you expect America to act like those oppressive shitholes and tell Americans that they cannot be elected- if the faith they belong to is Islam.

I expect American Muslims to act like American Jews and American Christians and American atheists and American Buddhists and American Hindus.

You believe in religious bigotry in America- I don't.
I never said they cannot be elected. I said they shouldn’t be elected. It’s up to us as citizens to reject such hateful and bigoted ideologies such as Islam.

I know full well you expect “American Muslims” to act like other Americans. That’s what makes you a fool. Religious bigotry? Try asking a Muslim how they feel about Jews.

as repulsive as Hawk is usually----he does have a
valid (oy) point. If a candidate presents himself as an AVID CATHOLIC-----pro-choice people have EVERY RIGHT to question him and his STANCE and his possible VOTING FUTURE on the issue of CHOICE. By the same token----
voters, on evaluating a muslim candidate have every right to consider and question that candidate's view on SHARIAH ISSUES such as
FGM, Muslim supremacy, etc etc.

After over two centuries there continue to walk among us those who have not the vaguest clue how this country works.

Let's start at the beginning. "If a candidate presernts him/herself as an AVID CATHOLIC --- it's still irrelevant, since his/her job is to represent his/her constituents, not him/herself. That immediately takes "Catholic", "Jew", "Buddhist", "atheist", "Muslim", "Zoroastrian", "neo-pagan", "Sikh", "Shintoist", "Taoist", "Mormon" and anything I left out off the table, along with "Sagittarian", "brunette" and "tall. It simply has no function.

Not all Jews are like that, though certainly many are radical left wing lunatics. Nothing wrong with rejecting communists and Marxists.

Well that is mighty white of you. I am sure you think that there are some good blacks too.

There sure are. Those that are law abiding citizens and contribute to society.

I guess you disagree.

Hawk presented some very standard propaganda of the 1950s-----I remember it well. I learned to read on it having grown up in a very WASP town. Way back then----the very same propaganda appeared EVERYWHERE (in my wasp town)----
very pro Nazi and interesting enough-----it's
anti-Semitism was EMPHASIZED by being intensely pro-arab, pro-muslim and anti-zion.
It is way back then when I understood the issue of ISLAMO-NAZI. I attended sunday school
with one of my playmates-----those sunday school teachers ALSO imagined that they knew something Judaism. I never attended ANY formal "Hebrew school"---but I did learn during the course of my life about LOTS OF STUFF. Hawk---feel free to ask questions----you are clueless

Today Islam is akin to Nazism and anti-semitism of the past. You’ll notice it’s liberals defending that hateful ideology, yet they try to compare me with other bigots of the past. They attack Christians and whites in the exact same manner as those old posters attacking Jews.

Liberals attack bigots like you just like liberals in the past attacked anti-semitic bigots.

Bigots like you hate people because of their religion- there is no distinction between you condemning all Muslims for their faith - than the you in 1910 condemning all Jews for their faith.

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