Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

BUT even "arabs" see sub-Saharan blacks as
merchandise-------ask muhummad

Okay, let's do exactly that.

>> All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. << -- Mohammed's Last Sermon

Whelp --- there you have it. Mohammed hath decreed "Behold, thou art full of shite".

Now then. Same question I put to the OP --- what the fuck does a legislator's religion have to do with her job? Did I sleep through some Constitutional Amendment that now requires a religious test?

ROFLMAO @ "muhummad's last sermon" The Koran was written more than 100 years after
the death of muhummad. Personal IDEOLOGY is very much an issue in evaluating
elected officials
BUT even "arabs" see sub-Saharan blacks as
merchandise-------ask muhummad

Okay, let's do exactly that.

>> All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. << -- Mohammed's Last Sermon

Whelp --- there you have it. Mohammed hath decreed "Behold, thou art full of shite".

Now then. Same question I put to the OP --- what the fuck does a legislator's religion have to do with her job? Did I sleep through some Constitutional Amendment that now requires a religious test?

ROFLMAO @ "muhummad's last sermon" The Koran was written more than 100 years after
the death of muhummad.

Hey, you just said "ask muhammad [sic]". So I did. Now you wanna whine "waaaah -- I don't like the answer"?

Careful what you wish for. You just got it.

Personal IDEOLOGY is very much an issue in evaluating
elected officials

Then answer the question still sitting there --- what the fuck does a person's religion have to do with being a Congressional representative?

That's what's called a "question". Your job is to "answer".


Pop quiz: Name all the Lutherans in Congress, no Googling. Thirty seconds.
BUT even "arabs" see sub-Saharan blacks as
merchandise-------ask muhummad

Okay, let's do exactly that.

>> All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. << -- Mohammed's Last Sermon

Whelp --- there you have it. Mohammed hath decreed "Behold, thou art full of shite".

Now then. Same question I put to the OP --- what the fuck does a legislator's religion have to do with her job? Did I sleep through some Constitutional Amendment that now requires a religious test?

try again POGO----reread that "last sermon"
"so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust."

the BE NICE and equality rules refer ONLY TO

And we continue to sit, and we continue to wait...

Let's see if we can take pity and help 'em out. The poor schmucks ran away.

>> There are three, and only three, standing qualifications for U.S. Senator or Representative in Congress which are expressly set out in the U.S Constitution: age (25 for the House, 30 for the Senate); citizenship (at least seven years for the House, nine years for the Senate); and inhabitancy in the state at the time elected. U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 2, cl. 2 (House); and Article I, Section 3, cl. 3 (Senate). The Supreme Court of the United States has affirmed the historical understanding that the Constitution provides the exclusive qualifications to be a Member of Congress, and that neither a state nor Congress itself may add to or change such qualifications to federal office, absent a constitutional amendment. Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486, 522 (1969); U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton,514 U.S. 779, 800-801 (1995); Cook v. Gralike, 531 U.S. 510 (2001) <<​

---- Where's anything about "religion" in there again? Gee Wally, I can't find it.
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

What? Europe has a "Gwinnett County"?

Aisha -- that's what Stevie Wonder named his daughter. Said it means "life".
Now why don't you essplain to the class what a legislator's personal religion (I know that's redundant, deal with it) has to do with her job in not-a-theocracy?


The very odd part is that most of the islamophobic idiots have more in common with the far right Sharia spouting Muslims than with American values- just like those Islamist assholes, these assholes believe that religion should determine who is allowed to be in office.
I saw this recently, towards that end...


But the girl on the right is wearing a scarf!
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

You left out Mormons- hell good Christian Americans were murdering them because of their religious beliefs......let alone thinking that they could be elected to office.

Now certainly nothing prevents a bigot from voting against someone because she is Jewish- or Catholic- or an Evangelical Christian- or a Mormon- but that is very, very different from implying- or flat out declaring that someone shouldn't be allowed to run for office because she is Jewish or Catholic or Evangelical Christian or Mormon- or Muslim.
rule as per Pogo-----if a catholic runs for office----NO ONE CAN ASK FOR HIS STAND ON ABORTION
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

Your argument falls flat on its face.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders and not enforcing our immigration laws. They support importing more Islamists.

You can call it “xenophobia” or whatever you want. Allowing other cultures that have no desire to assimilate into ours will only lead to the eradication of ours if left unchecked. It’s not a “phobia”, it’s a fact.

The Founding Fathers meant our constitution for those with similar Western values. Even Thomas Jefferson was appalled by radical Islamists and the danger they posed, and he knew there was no reasoning with Muslims. He knew the only way to deal with Muslim barbarians was with force. That’s why our first war after the revolutionary war was with Muslims in North Africa. He would no doubt be disgusted by the Democrats who embrace and support Islam, an ideology totally incompatible with Western democracy.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.

Do we really want hundreds of these in our country like they have in Europe?
The Mooslems are coming! The Mooslems are coming.

The only difference between you and the anti-semites is the religion of the people you want to foment hate against.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
Fake news. Globalism is a free market effect. It is 100% conservative free market ideology. You may be confusing it with multiculturalism.
Wrong. Conservatives believe in protecting their own nation and economy. Globalists want borders and cultural identity erased, especially Western borders and culture. Conservatives want to preserve them.
You are explaining thinly veiled xenophobia. Globalism is more so a description of economic forces and trends. My take is that unions, workers rights, and improved benefits all went too far for corporate America to stomach so the invisible hand opened the door to the global economy we have today. It was inevitable though. It's immoral and illogical for the wealthiest nation in the world to stand atop an impoverished working class. If anything, globalism is a side effect of democrats and the working class demanding their fair share of the pie. They don't actually want the jobs and business going over seas but they also don't want to fold under the boot of the all powerful mega conglomerate and work for pennies in horrid conditions. Collective bargaining and class action law suits are needed to even the playing field.

The multiculturalism aspect is a true reading of the constitution. All men and women are equal here under the law and immigration is a corner stone of our short history. If you can't swallow that the problem is with you and your archaic beliefs not the interpretation and expression of the constitutional decree. I vote Democrat and I'm not for open borders. Opposing trump's nasty rhetoric and poor ideas doesn't mean we are for open borders. A good number of congressional democrats supported bills improving security that didn't entirely focus on the wall and demonizing muslims and Latinos.

You're welcome for fixing your halfassed contradictive perspective. Like so many other contradictive right wing ideas.

Bullshit. Nearly every Dem in Congress is for open borders .

Show me one.

Show me one Democrat in Congress who says that he or she wants open borders.

Go for it.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.


Run the same play and expect different results?

Everywhere Islam has spread has become an oppressive shithole. Can you name one Muslim majority country that treats women equally? One Muslim country that protects gays? One Muslim country that doesn’t persecute Jews? One Muslim country that actually practices democracy and treats all citizens equally?

We all know the answer is none.

Yet you expect Muslims will be different if given power in Western countries.
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?

Do any of the previous you mentioned have a 1400 year history of genocide and oppression?

Not necessarily. They have an infinite history of being shiftless, lazy, drunk, cheating, greasy, swindling, thieving no-goodniks who take their orders from the pope, have too-slanted eyes, have too-big lips, reproduce like rabbits, live in squalor, talk funny, take your jobs, rape your daughters, steal your wallet, play strange music, and they smell, whooooa the smell. And some, I assume, are good people.

Mix 'n' match the above as necessary, rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and hope that nobody notices it's the same old shit-game.

Hope this helps, and any time you need new ideas in bigotry just open a history book, lather, rinse repeat.

First of all, Islam isn’t a race, it’s an ideology.
How many or Catholic or Jewish terrorist have carried out attacks?

You actually want numbers? More than Muslims actually.

Where did anybody say "Islam is a race"?

Your argument falls flat on its face.

Your bigotry is recycled shit. Discredited every time it's been trotted out on the field. But you know what -- run the same play again and this time, expect different results.


Run the same play and expect different results?

Everywhere Islam has spread has become an oppressive shithole. Can you name one Muslim majority country that treats women equally? One Muslim country that protects gays? One Muslim country that doesn’t persecute Jews? One Muslim country that actually practices democracy and treats all citizens equally?

We all know the answer is none.

Yet you expect Muslims will be different if given power in Western countries.

Yet you expect America to act like those oppressive shitholes and tell Americans that they cannot be elected- if the faith they belong to is Islam.

I expect American Muslims to act like American Jews and American Christians and American atheists and American Buddhists and American Hindus.

You believe in religious bigotry in America- I don't.

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