Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

People in Georgia are not that stupid to elect a muslim in the general election.
She will go down in flames.

I didn't think Americans were stupid enough to elect Trump, but here we are.
They were stupid enough to vote for a son of a Muslim, anti American, anti capitalist, communist named Obama, yes. Never again.
Who cut the unemployment rate in half and tripled the stock market.

What year did that happen?
I believe you are refering to President Trump
Since Trump neither cut the unemployment rate in half nor tripled the stock market, you believe wrong.
So where's the much predicted economic collapse, bankrupsy of America or depression the Left keep telling us about, should Trump get elected?
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....
Wellthat is the laststate I expected that to happen i
Seeing how politics doesn't work, we might elect a nose despite our face. Scary stuff. Muslims tax non Muslims. We bash Christians all the time. But are you an Christaniphobe? But then again, a Christian doesn't decapitate Muslims or crash a plane into downtown Medina on holy war, either. Big difference.
These useful idiots are far too stupid to see differences.

They only know one thing, and that it if they wish to remain politically correct, they MUST support Islam.

And by 'support' Islam that apparently means- supporting the Constitution's ban on any religious test for political office.

Fascinating how the contards of the Rights despise the Constitution just so that they can promote their religious bigotry.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
I didn't think Americans were stupid enough to elect Trump, but here we are.
They were stupid enough to vote for a son of a Muslim, anti American, anti capitalist, communist named Obama, yes. Never again.
Who cut the unemployment rate in half and tripled the stock market.

What year did that happen?
I believe you are refering to President Trump
Since Trump neither cut the unemployment rate in half nor tripled the stock market, you believe wrong.
So where's the much predicted economic collapse, bankrupsy of America or depression the Left keep telling us about, should Trump get elected?
Why are you asking me when I never uttered such a prediction?
Seeing how politics doesn't work, we might elect a nose despite our face. Scary stuff. Muslims tax non Muslims. We bash Christians all the time. But are you an Christaniphobe? But then again, a Christian doesn't decapitate Muslims or crash a plane into downtown Medina on holy war, either. Big difference.
These useful idiots are far too stupid to see differences.

They only know one thing, and that it if they wish to remain politically correct, they MUST support Islam.

And by 'support' Islam that apparently means- supporting the Constitution's ban on any religious test for political office.

Fascinating how the contards of the Rights despise the Constitution just so that they can promote their religious bigotry.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.

You are syriously stupid.

I have said nothing about preventing anybody from running for office. Rejecting their agenda is not the same as saying they cannot run.

Honestly, some of you regressive twits are the the biggest idiots I have ever encountered. You are right up there with those who thump their bibles and claim the earth is only 6000 years old.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.

He has a very low IQ and thinks his repeating the same childish phrase over and over again makes it true.

He lacks the ability to reason so cannot understand that religion is an ideological choice -- or at least should be. If it is a choice, rejecting the choice is not an act of bigotry. Iif it isn't a choice as is so often he case in Islam, that should be reason enough to reject it.

He is simply too stupid to engage in anything approaching reason, as all he knows is what he has been trained to parrot.
Aisha Yaqoob is a Linda Sarsour knock off-----she, TOO, is calling herself and her designated
constituents (generally ALL MUSLIMS plus any group with a sense of disenfranchisement--(from Hispanics to short of stature and
left-handed and gender confused) a
In fact she is PAKISTANI----racially caucasion.
I have worked with and socialized with Pakistanis for almost the past 60 years. ----
the last thing they claim for themselves would be "RACIALLY COLORED" aka "BLACK" aka---(in Arabic---Urdu too??)) ABED

I find this idiot "PERSON OF COLOR"
moniker VERY OFFENSIVE. It is an
attempt to CREATE ----on no real basis---
a new, artificial, massive CADRE of
I didn't think Americans were stupid enough to elect Trump, but here we are.
They were stupid enough to vote for a son of a Muslim, anti American, anti capitalist, communist named Obama, yes. Never again.
Who cut the unemployment rate in half and tripled the stock market.

What year did that happen?
I believe you are refering to President Trump
Since Trump neither cut the unemployment rate in half nor tripled the stock market, you believe wrong.
So where's the much predicted economic collapse, bankrupsy of America or depression the Left keep telling us about, should Trump get elected?

you left out WORLD WAR III (which technically has been ongoing for at least
the past 30 --40 years-) . If anything---the
ongoing WORLD WAR III----seems to be some-
what quelled during the Trump reign.
Seeing how politics doesn't work, we might elect a nose despite our face. Scary stuff. Muslims tax non Muslims. We bash Christians all the time. But are you an Christaniphobe? But then again, a Christian doesn't decapitate Muslims or crash a plane into downtown Medina on holy war, either. Big difference.
These useful idiots are far too stupid to see differences.

They only know one thing, and that it if they wish to remain politically correct, they MUST support Islam.

And by 'support' Islam that apparently means- supporting the Constitution's ban on any religious test for political office.

Fascinating how the contards of the Rights despise the Constitution just so that they can promote their religious bigotry.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.

You are syriously stupid.

I have said nothing about preventing anybody from running for office. Rejecting their agenda is not the same as saying they cannot run.

Honestly, some of you regressive twits are the the biggest idiots I have ever encountered. You are right up there with those who thump their bibles and claim the earth is only 6000 years old.

LOL you are right- you have just been trolling the thread.

My apologies. You haven't advocated denying anything- you have just spewed insults and trolled.
Seeing how politics doesn't work, we might elect a nose despite our face. Scary stuff. Muslims tax non Muslims. We bash Christians all the time. But are you an Christaniphobe? But then again, a Christian doesn't decapitate Muslims or crash a plane into downtown Medina on holy war, either. Big difference.
These useful idiots are far too stupid to see differences.

They only know one thing, and that it if they wish to remain politically correct, they MUST support Islam.

And by 'support' Islam that apparently means- supporting the Constitution's ban on any religious test for political office.

Fascinating how the contards of the Rights despise the Constitution just so that they can promote their religious bigotry.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
And what Shariah law is she practicing? Specifically?
These useful idiots are far too stupid to see differences.

They only know one thing, and that it if they wish to remain politically correct, they MUST support Islam.

And by 'support' Islam that apparently means- supporting the Constitution's ban on any religious test for political office.

Fascinating how the contards of the Rights despise the Constitution just so that they can promote their religious bigotry.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
And what Shariah law is she practicing? Specifically?

good question-----anyone out there know her views on Shariah law?
And by 'support' Islam that apparently means- supporting the Constitution's ban on any religious test for political office.

Fascinating how the contards of the Rights despise the Constitution just so that they can promote their religious bigotry.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
And what Shariah law is she practicing? Specifically?

good question-----anyone out there know her views on Shariah law?
You know that might be the question to ask before denouncing her for practicing Shariah law- and no - I am not speaking to you.
I talk about people who are far too stupid and look who shows up.

I don't follow any religion, boy child, and I am not a member of the right.

You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
And what Shariah law is she practicing? Specifically?

good question-----anyone out there know her views on Shariah law?
You know that might be the question to ask before denouncing her for practicing Shariah law- and no - I am not speaking to you.

this is a messageboard of which I am a
participant. Your comment is rude and
You just support religious bigotry and despise our Constitution- gotcha.
The Shariah law this Muslim woman practices is the religious bigotry.
And what Shariah law is she practicing? Specifically?

good question-----anyone out there know her views on Shariah law?
You know that might be the question to ask before denouncing her for practicing Shariah law- and no - I am not speaking to you.

this is a messageboard of which I am a
participant. Your comment is rude and
A) I didn't say that you were guilty of such rude and disgusting behavior of condemning a woman for practicing Shariah without taking the time to find out whether she does or does not.
B) My comment was neither rude or disgusting and frankly- considering the vile- not to mention rude and disgusting posts in this thread- methinks the lady doth protesteth too much.
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

What? Europe has a "Gwinnett County"?

Aisha -- that's what Stevie Wonder named his daughter. Said it means "life".
Now why don't you essplain to the class what a legislator's personal religion (I know that's redundant, deal with it) has to do with her job in not-a-theocracy?

Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

What? Europe has a "Gwinnett County"?

Aisha -- that's what Stevie Wonder named his daughter. Said it means "life".
Now why don't you essplain to the class what a legislator's personal religion (I know that's redundant, deal with it) has to do with her job in not-a-theocracy?


The very odd part is that most of the islamophobic idiots have more in common with the far right Sharia spouting Muslims than with American values- just like those Islamist assholes, these assholes believe that religion should determine who is allowed to be in office.
BUT even "arabs" see sub-Saharan blacks as
merchandise-------ask muhummad

Okay, let's do exactly that.

>> All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. << -- Mohammed's Last Sermon

Whelp --- there you have it. Mohammed hath decreed "Behold, thou art full of shite".

Now then. Same question I put to the OP --- what the fuck does a legislator's religion have to do with her job? Did I sleep through some Constitutional Amendment that now requires a religious test?
Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.

Wasn't that long ago in our own history that you could replace "Islam" with "Catholic" and the same hair-on-fire wags were plopping out the same bullshit.


Y'all can't seem to get through a fucking day without creating some kind of "them" somewhere.

Isn't that a lot of work?
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

What? Europe has a "Gwinnett County"?

Aisha -- that's what Stevie Wonder named his daughter. Said it means "life".
Now why don't you essplain to the class what a legislator's personal religion (I know that's redundant, deal with it) has to do with her job in not-a-theocracy?


The very odd part is that most of the islamophobic idiots have more in common with the far right Sharia spouting Muslims than with American values- just like those Islamist assholes, these assholes believe that religion should determine who is allowed to be in office.
I saw this recently, towards that end...


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