Muslims are not staying silent in the wake of the Paris attacks

Who is supposed to "apologize" and why? Surely you don't expect an apology from ISIS?
There comes a time when a country or a people say enough is enough. They now have reached that point. Why are the supposed "moderates" not naming names?

I myself do NOT support boots on the ground in Syria BUT if they attack the United States or Americans AGAIN? Kill them ALL.

What names are they supposed to know? Who is supposed to apologize? What does an American Muslim family in Binghamton NY have to apologize for?
funny, do you think that today's white folks are responsible for slavery? Just trying to see where you're at.

Where did you pull that from? Of course not. What a stupid non-sequiter.
so if the blacks want restitution for their bondage, do they get it from us?

Hell no. We are only responsible for our own actions. The whole idea of reparations is a can of worms.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
Symbolic blather that proves absolutely nothing.

Show me where they have given the French police actionable intel or had helped arrest a fellow Muslim intent on committing violence and then maybe you will start to build some credibility.

But words are nothing but air, dont even rate a fart in a hurricane.

Once again you fail to read the background.

I wouldn't have access to what intel Paris police have, any more than you would, and massive deflection noted. I was addressing the troll's Jim Hoft post about "only 30 Muslims" showing up for something, and that's supposed to prove..... well I have no idea what it was supposed to prove.

Nothing about that has jack shit to do with police intel.
Worldwide riots with 15 dead over a fake story about a Koran flushing.

Look what's done in the name of Islam every single day and not a peep.

Silence is approval.
So, you don't believe in "even one is too many" any more?

Why do you guys act like honor killing is so much worse than other domestic violence? Both end up with a woman dead.

One is promoted by the religious culture, and favored by the juridical system,

because muslims cant get it together for a secular regime.....

It has no religious function. It's an act of social order and social class.

And what is creating social order and social class???

You think religion is something out there floating on the air, dont touch anything?

Well, this might be the case in a secular western country, even tho it would still have something from the religion, but eminently not in an islamist country where religion dictates anything and everything, including social order, class and justice.
Most all countries are govern by some religious belief.

our country, however, is secular by design.
There comes a time when a country or a people say enough is enough. They now have reached that point. Why are the supposed "moderates" not naming names?

I myself do NOT support boots on the ground in Syria BUT if they attack the United States or Americans AGAIN? Kill them ALL.

What names are they supposed to know? Who is supposed to apologize? What does an American Muslim family in Binghamton NY have to apologize for?
funny, do you think that today's white folks are responsible for slavery? Just trying to see where you're at.

Where did you pull that from? Of course not. What a stupid non-sequiter.
so if the blacks want restitution for their bondage, do they get it from us?

Hell no. We are only responsible for our own actions. The whole idea of reparations is a can of worms.
If you say that no American muslim apologize for the attack in Paris, then there is no way that the black fight for restitution is valid. Just seeing if you think they were different. You know that't the next black lives matter subject right?
Why do you guys act like honor killing is so much worse than other domestic violence? Both end up with a woman dead.

One is promoted by the religious culture, and favored by the juridical system,

because muslims cant get it together for a secular regime.....

It has no religious function. It's an act of social order and social class.

And what is creating social order and social class???

You think religion is something out there floating on the air, dont touch anything?

Well, this might be the case in a secular western country, even tho it would still have something from the religion, but eminently not in an islamist country where religion dictates anything and everything, including social order, class and justice.
Most all countries are govern by some religious belief.

our country, however, is secular by design.
but it is based off of a God. It is why the name is on our currency.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
I see about 10 Muslims in that picture.

Unless Muslims bring cameras to pray for jihad.

You have some kind of magic screen that identifies people's religions from a picture, do ya?

Who makes that technology? I'd be interested to learn how it works.

This is in Lyon, btw -- quite a long way from Paris.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.
post: 12843225, member: 46512"]
What names are they supposed to know? Who is supposed to apologize? What does an American Muslim family in Binghamton NY have to apologize for?
funny, do you think that today's white folks are responsible for slavery? Just trying to see where you're at.

Where did you pull that from? Of course not. What a stupid non-sequiter.
so if the blacks want restitution for their bondage, do they get it from us?

Hell no. We are only responsible for our own actions. The whole idea of reparations is a can of worms.
If you say that no American muslim apologize for the attack in Paris, then there is no way that the black fight for restitution is valid. Just seeing if you think they were different. You know that't the next black lives matter subject right?[/QUOTE]

That is a whole different topic and it's been around for a long time. People shouldn't be expected to apologize for actions that they had no part in, no support for and no affiliation with yet there is that expectation with Muslims.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

Did you live within the Muslim Community?
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

I uh, doubt that. You see, I lived in France too, including Paris, and hung out IN the Muslim community. At least I assume they were Muslim -- religion rarely came up. And the crapola you're selling here is the usual. NEVER in my time there was any such violence even discused or hinted at, let alone manifest. On the other hand plenty was discussed about where to get a bite to eat, where to stay, how to get work, you know -- life stuff. Never did an altercation come up.

I saw a grand total of ONE guy start to parrot the anti-American rhetoric of his country (he was Iranian). The rest of the (assumed) Muslims sat with him and patiently and peacefully explained to him why he was full of shit. And that was the end of that.

You get your images from Fox Noise and Jim Hoft and whatever hair-on-fire hate sites you troll. It's built on fallacies of Composition, Association and Blanket Generalization. It isn't the real world. Basically you're buying the same bullshit the Iranian guy above did, and you're as full of shit as he was.
One is promoted by the religious culture, and favored by the juridical system,

because muslims cant get it together for a secular regime.....

It has no religious function. It's an act of social order and social class.

And what is creating social order and social class???

You think religion is something out there floating on the air, dont touch anything?

Well, this might be the case in a secular western country, even tho it would still have something from the religion, but eminently not in an islamist country where religion dictates anything and everything, including social order, class and justice.
Most all countries are govern by some religious belief.

our country, however, is secular by design.
but it is based off of a God. It is why the name is on our currency.

no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.

this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.

p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design.
It has no religious function. It's an act of social order and social class.

And what is creating social order and social class???

You think religion is something out there floating on the air, dont touch anything?

Well, this might be the case in a secular western country, even tho it would still have something from the religion, but eminently not in an islamist country where religion dictates anything and everything, including social order, class and justice.
Most all countries are govern by some religious belief.

our country, however, is secular by design.
but it is based off of a God. It is why the name is on our currency.

no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.

this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.

p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design.

"no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.
this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.
p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design"

Honestly, you have to go to graduate school to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

Did you live within the Muslim Community?
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

Did you live within the Muslim Community?
I lived for two years 1 kilometer from the largest mosque in Besancon.
Close enough for me asshole.
I saw daily multiple cases of muslim behavior no self respecting 'Westerner' would stand for.
Filthy violent misogynistic animals. And oh so proud of their 'manliness'.
And all in the name of allah of course.
One of their favorites was to walk past a 'Western' woman then turn around and spite on her back as she walked past.
Little things like that. And they liked to make hissing sounds whenever they were near a 'Western' woman.
Need to take a shit? Just squat down and do it on the main street. Need to take a leak? Go for the windows on the nearest 'Western' grocery store.
I saw it daily. They were very common place events.
Their object was to drive any descent human being away from what they perceived to be their own territory.
Last edited:
And what is creating social order and social class???

You think religion is something out there floating on the air, dont touch anything?

Well, this might be the case in a secular western country, even tho it would still have something from the religion, but eminently not in an islamist country where religion dictates anything and everything, including social order, class and justice.
Most all countries are govern by some religious belief.

our country, however, is secular by design.
but it is based off of a God. It is why the name is on our currency.

no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.

this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.

p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design.

"no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.
this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.
p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design"

Honestly, you have to go to graduate school to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.

you mean you have to be educated to understand how our government was formed?

okay. I agree.
post: 12843225, member: 46512"]
What names are they supposed to know? Who is supposed to apologize? What does an American Muslim family in Binghamton NY have to apologize for?
funny, do you think that today's white folks are responsible for slavery? Just trying to see where you're at.

Where did you pull that from? Of course not. What a stupid non-sequiter.
so if the blacks want restitution for their bondage, do they get it from us?

Hell no. We are only responsible for our own actions. The whole idea of reparations is a can of worms.
If you say that no American muslim apologize for the attack in Paris, then there is no way that the black fight for restitution is valid. Just seeing if you think they were different. You know that't the next black lives matter subject right?

That is a whole different topic and it's been around for a long time. People shouldn't be expected to apologize for actions that they had no part in, no support for and no affiliation with yet there is that expectation with Muslims.[/QUOTE]
Now I know why "your people stole my land" doesn't work on my wife. :cool-45:
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

Did you live within the Muslim Community?
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
30 Muslims in Paris turn out to protest Muslim violence.

Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks - The Gateway Pundit

^^ thinks Jim Hoft has something to do with journalism... :rofl:

The event isn't until tomorrow, Einstein.


Several hundred people, Muslims and non-Muslims, gather to pray at the Grande Mosque in Lyon, France, November 15, 2015, for the victims of the series of shootings in Paris on Friday. (Reuters)
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

Did you live within the Muslim Community?
I lived for two years 1 kilometer from the largest mosque in Besancon.
Close enough for me asshole.
I saw daily multiple cases of muslim behavior no self respecting 'Westerner' would stand for.
Filthy violent misogynistic animals. And oh so proud of their 'manliness'.
And all in the name of allah of course.
One of their favorites was to walk past a 'Western' woman then turn around and spite on her back as she walked past.
Little things like that. And they liked to make hissing sounds whenever they were near a 'Western' woman.

So you didn't then,
Most all countries are govern by some religious belief.

our country, however, is secular by design.
but it is based off of a God. It is why the name is on our currency.

no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.

this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.

p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design.

"no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.
this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.
p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design"

Honestly, you have to go to graduate school to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.

you mean you have to be educated to understand how our government was formed?

okay. I agree.
Like the fact even the few deists considered the government was for and must be run by a religious people?
our country, however, is secular by design.
but it is based off of a God. It is why the name is on our currency.

no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.

this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.

p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design.

"no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.
this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.
p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design"

Honestly, you have to go to graduate school to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.

you mean you have to be educated to understand how our government was formed?

okay. I agree.
Like the fact even the few deists considered the government was for and must be run by a religious people?

actually,, they specifically said there should be NO religious test for leadership

what are you talking about?
but it is based off of a God. It is why the name is on our currency.

no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.

this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.

p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design.

"no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.
this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.
p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design"

Honestly, you have to go to graduate school to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.

you mean you have to be educated to understand how our government was formed?

okay. I agree.
Like the fact even the few deists considered the government was for and must be run by a religious people?

actually,, they specifically said there should be NO religious test for leadership

what are you talking about?
Straw man, you're dancing again.
Since it's the season, let's start with deist George.

Issued by President George Washington, at the request of Congress, on October 3, 1789
By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and—Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favor, able interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other trangressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

Go. Washington
no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.

this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.

p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design.

"no. the founding fathers were deists and did not have any intention of a religion-based nation. the concepts used in designing our government specifically excluded the uber religious and were based on political philosophers like locke, hume, and mills.
this pretense that our government has a religious basis is absurd.
p.s. nowhere in our constitution does it say anything about G-d. it does, however, say that the government and religion don't mix. that was by design"

Honestly, you have to go to graduate school to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.

you mean you have to be educated to understand how our government was formed?

okay. I agree.
Like the fact even the few deists considered the government was for and must be run by a religious people?

actually,, they specifically said there should be NO religious test for leadership

what are you talking about?
Straw man, you're dancing again.
Since it's the season, let's start with deist George.

Issued by President George Washington, at the request of Congress, on October 3, 1789
By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and—Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favor, able interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other trangressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

Go. Washington

you have no clue what you're talking about, idiota. that was just standard language of the day. it wasn't an imprimatur.

school might really be helpful for you.

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