Muslims are not staying silent in the wake of the Paris attacks

I don't need to do any homework to see that you are a pompous, imperious person who thinks he/ she knows it all because that is what you keep showing me. I didn't say I agree with the others points entirely either, nor the way in which they are presented, but you are the only poster who has told ME what I think, what I've got wrong, what misunderstandings this 'wag' (still don't know what that is) is labouring under, and so on, and in an arrogant and rude manner. All this on my first day posting - you clearly don't think you need to do any 'homework' on me before deciding you know what I think and consigning me to wagdom. I'm here for civilised discussion, not to be treated as though I'm an imbecile, thanks. I think you should heed your own advice.

You'll need some earmuffs for this site I'm afraid, there's... not as much "discussion" as it sounds like you might be looking for. That said, if you are looking for polarized opinions on subjects for context in a larger framework of political discussion, this is the best place I've found to get a one-stop rendition of alternate extremes. If one can get past abrasive closed-minded one-sided opinion, the points made are often worth consideration; which is why I've thus far ended up coming back after my... "vacations" from this board heh

Again. Are you listening?

The claim here is that ALL MUSLIMS are bad.

So, some Muslims should Allah Akbar. Did ALL Muslims shout this? Did they?
your links come from groups, organisations that planned what they were going to say (Didn't look at all of them)

Those people weren't a group, they weren't organised, they were the moderate muslims showing their hate for non-muslims and their support for murder.

which do you think is a more honest display of the general muslim?

the stray groups that speech out, but do nothing, against the radicals
the people that cheer the radicals
the radicals

What's the point you're trying to make?

You want people to do something against the radicals. What did YOU DO to stop the RADICALS in the US govt from going to war in 2003?
The war started in 2001.

I don't need to do any homework to see that you are a pompous, imperious person who thinks he/ she knows it all because that is what you keep showing me. I didn't say I agree with the others points entirely either, nor the way in which they are presented, but you are the only poster who has told ME what I think, what I've got wrong, what misunderstandings this 'wag' (still don't know what that is) is labouring under, and so on, and in an arrogant and rude manner. All this on my first day posting - you clearly don't think you need to do any 'homework' on me before deciding you know what I think and consigning me to wagdom. I'm here for civilised discussion, not to be treated as though I'm an imbecile, thanks. I think you should heed your own advice.

You'll need some earmuffs for this site I'm afraid, there's... not as much "discussion" as it sounds like you might be looking for. That said, if you are looking for polarized opinions on subjects for context in a larger framework of political discussion, this is the best place I've found to get a one-stop rendition of alternate extremes. If one can get past abrasive closed-minded one-sided opinion, the points made are often worth consideration; which is why I've thus far ended up coming back after my... "vacations" from this board heh

Thank you for your insight, EverCurious, it's much appreciated.

Again. Are you listening?

The claim here is that ALL MUSLIMS are bad.

So, some Muslims should Allah Akbar. Did ALL Muslims shout this? Did they?
your links come from groups, organisations that planned what they were going to say (Didn't look at all of them)

Those people weren't a group, they weren't organised, they were the moderate muslims showing their hate for non-muslims and their support for murder.

which do you think is a more honest display of the general muslim?

the stray groups that speech out, but do nothing, against the radicals
the people that cheer the radicals
the radicals

What's the point you're trying to make?

You want people to do something against the radicals. What did YOU DO to stop the RADICALS in the US govt from going to war in 2003?
The point is they are not like us.

they don't have a live and let live mentality.

and that is as a group

what radicals? You mean the people that responded to 9/11?
The people that stood up, did the right thing?

Canada is just north of here, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Again. Are you listening?

The claim here is that ALL MUSLIMS are bad.

So, some Muslims should Allah Akbar. Did ALL Muslims shout this? Did they?
your links come from groups, organisations that planned what they were going to say (Didn't look at all of them)

Those people weren't a group, they weren't organised, they were the moderate muslims showing their hate for non-muslims and their support for murder.

which do you think is a more honest display of the general muslim?

the stray groups that speech out, but do nothing, against the radicals
the people that cheer the radicals
the radicals

What's the point you're trying to make?

You want people to do something against the radicals. What did YOU DO to stop the RADICALS in the US govt from going to war in 2003?
The war started in 2001.


Wow, someone who needs insults to attempt to get their point across.

Again. Are you listening?

The claim here is that ALL MUSLIMS are bad.

So, some Muslims should Allah Akbar. Did ALL Muslims shout this? Did they?
your links come from groups, organisations that planned what they were going to say (Didn't look at all of them)

Those people weren't a group, they weren't organised, they were the moderate muslims showing their hate for non-muslims and their support for murder.

which do you think is a more honest display of the general muslim?

the stray groups that speech out, but do nothing, against the radicals
the people that cheer the radicals
the radicals

What's the point you're trying to make?

You want people to do something against the radicals. What did YOU DO to stop the RADICALS in the US govt from going to war in 2003?
The war started in 2001.


Wow, someone who needs insults to attempt to get their point across.
For shrill Bush derangement lunatics it's civil discourse.
Again. Are you listening?

The claim here is that ALL MUSLIMS are bad.

So, some Muslims should Allah Akbar. Did ALL Muslims shout this? Did they?
your links come from groups, organisations that planned what they were going to say (Didn't look at all of them)

Those people weren't a group, they weren't organised, they were the moderate muslims showing their hate for non-muslims and their support for murder.

which do you think is a more honest display of the general muslim?

the stray groups that speech out, but do nothing, against the radicals
the people that cheer the radicals
the radicals

What's the point you're trying to make?

You want people to do something against the radicals. What did YOU DO to stop the RADICALS in the US govt from going to war in 2003?
The war started in 2001.


Wow, someone who needs insults to attempt to get their point across.
For shrill Bush derangement lunatics it's civil discourse.

Now you're trying to justify insulting instead of debating. Jeez.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks
The point is they are not like us.

they don't have a live and let live mentality.

and that is as a group

what radicals? You mean the people that responded to 9/11?
The people that stood up, did the right thing?

Canada is just north of here, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Not like "us"? Who is "us" exactly? Right wingers?

You're saying ONE BILLION Muslims are all the same? You're saying "us" are all the same?

You think the US has the "live and let live mentality"? Are you fucking serious? The US has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, bombed Libya, imposed sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, all because they didn't want to follow the US on oil production. And you think this is a "live and let live" mentality?

The US is the BIGGEST threat to global security in the world right now. And you're talking "live and let live"? Incredible.

What radicals?

The people who responded to 9/11 by INVADING those who were not responsible for 9/11.

The guy who oversaw al Qaeda was from Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan. 15 of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from UAE, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

So Bush invaded IRAQ. Yes, IRAQ. Not only was al Qaeda not in Iraq, Saddam didn't support al Qaeda, none of the terrorists were from Iraq. So he went and invaded Iraq.

What the FUCK?
I don't need to do any homework to see that you are a pompous, imperious person who thinks he/ she knows it all because that is what you keep showing me. I didn't say I agree with the others points entirely either, nor the way in which they are presented, but you are the only poster who has told ME what I think, what I've got wrong, what misunderstandings this 'wag' (still don't know what that is) is labouring under, and so on, and in an arrogant and rude manner. All this on my first day posting - you clearly don't think you need to do any 'homework' on me before deciding you know what I think and consigning me to wagdom. I'm here for civilised discussion, not to be treated as though I'm an imbecile, thanks. I think you should heed your own advice.

Once again, I don't know if you're condemned to read the voices in your own head instead of what's on the page but I have no way to know "what you think". You have yet to express anything. All you've exhibited is a load of presumptions based on jumping into the middle of somebody else's conversation that was started before you even JOINED this site.

Go do your homework before you presume to purport to pretend to know what you're talking about. Find some thread where you can get in on the ground floor and quit stalking me.

Now you're just being silly. Again. This is a public message board. If you don't want posters to join in you should be conducting your contradictory diatribes in private. I was unaware that new members have to wait for new threads to be started too. Where is that info? I'm glad you agree you don't know what I think, which is why I,asked you to kindly stop telling me what I think. As for stalking, you are the one who answered my post and pompously told me what I think and what I believe, and then proceeded to tell me why what you invented for me is in error. If you think I should not respond to such nonsense, you should think again.

OK you're on Ignore until (if ever) you find a way to address actual topics.

Buh bye troll.

I did 'address actual topics'. Your response was to misinterpret them, tell me what I think, and then tell my why I'm wrong. I objected, politely, to your tactic and reiterated my points. You then decided to completely ignore my points, and instead proceeded to tell me I need to do homework before I comment on your posts, and that I shouldn't even be contributing to this thread because I'm new, and that answering your bullying nonsense makes me a stalker. I'm sorry, but I don't think any of this requires homework on my part as such. Ta ta. Lol.

Pogo is a batshit crazy progressive hack, there is no reasoning with her.
She once sent me a private message threatening to have me banned simply because I quoted her own words to make her look like the dumbass she is.
Ill say this, those thirty people are damn good people. But now they will be targeted and need protection.
Its a fucking shame
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks

The rally is tomorrow (Friday). Paris is in a bit of a state of seige right now. Not to mention your source is a notorious Islam hate site.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks
Smart. The rest of them know the idiocy of frightened people. They would have been sitting ducks for some wack jobs.
Ill say this, those thirty people are damn good people. But now they will be targeted and need protection.
Its a fucking shame
Pretty brave of them to show up knowing if some wacko started shooting them most non-muslim people would just turn their heads.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

They have more to fear from other muslims. So did any French hassle them? I doubt it very much

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks
Smart. The rest of them know the idiocy of frightened people. They would have been sitting ducks for some wack jobs.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks

That depends if you understand WHY they did this. You make the assumption they do this because they support ISIS and the attacks on Paris.
Ill say this, those thirty people are damn good people. But now they will be targeted and need protection.
Its a fucking shame
Pretty brave of them to show up knowing if some wacko started shooting them most non- uslim people would just turn their heads.

Yes they are very brave, I respect them a lot. They are basically hanging themselves out in th wind for a strong principle
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

what more do you need to know?

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks

That depends if you understand WHY they did this. You make the assumption they do this because they support ISIS and the attacks on Paris.
A moment of silence was asked for to honor the dead. And they Booed, and shouted slogans.

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