Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition

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An ISIS cell that kills his coworkers? He should have gotten a job with the USPS.

And breakdown, that's you bed-wetter. I'm just sitting back watching the children of God slaughter each other, for nothing.
You aren't sitting back at all. You're jumping up and defending and apologizing for Islam. The ISIS guy was a moron like you. He had plans to kill a lot more, and changed his plans because a coworker at the party pissed him off. Nobody every accused Islamic lunatics of being sane, rational people. Islam turns normal human beings into wild animals.
There is no defense, dumbass, there is understanding.

And, there is total gun control, which is long overdue.

You entered into this thread to defend Islam, and you haven't stopped.

Gun control? They have extreme gun control in France, yet that hasn't stopped Muslim animals, has it?
I haven't defended Islam once, beyond it's a faith of warriors and they, unlike the Christians, are allowed to kill their enemies.

And the gun control I seek means no normal person has a gun. That's not France, dumbass.

Gun control didn't work in France, dumbass.
They don't have gun control, dumbass, not my kind anyway. See Japan, that's close, and they are still fucking up far too much.

Besides, guns are for "protection" so stop bitching when 14 people get mowed down by the sand ******* using your deadly toys, which both you and they love.
You aren't sitting back at all. You're jumping up and defending and apologizing for Islam. The ISIS guy was a moron like you. He had plans to kill a lot more, and changed his plans because a coworker at the party pissed him off. Nobody every accused Islamic lunatics of being sane, rational people. Islam turns normal human beings into wild animals.
There is no defense, dumbass, there is understanding.

And, there is total gun control, which is long overdue.

You entered into this thread to defend Islam, and you haven't stopped.

Gun control? They have extreme gun control in France, yet that hasn't stopped Muslim animals, has it?
I haven't defended Islam once, beyond it's a faith of warriors and they, unlike the Christians, are allowed to kill their enemies.

And the gun control I seek means no normal person has a gun. That's not France, dumbass.

Gun control didn't work in France, dumbass.
They don't have gun control, dumbass, not my kind anyway. See Japan, that's close, and they are still fucking up far too much.

Is there a subject that doesn't generate a stupid and ignorant comment by you? Paris is an ultra liberal city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. Didn't stop Muslim terrorist animals, did it?
There is no defense, dumbass, there is understanding.

And, there is total gun control, which is long overdue.

You entered into this thread to defend Islam, and you haven't stopped.

Gun control? They have extreme gun control in France, yet that hasn't stopped Muslim animals, has it?
I haven't defended Islam once, beyond it's a faith of warriors and they, unlike the Christians, are allowed to kill their enemies.

And the gun control I seek means no normal person has a gun. That's not France, dumbass.

Gun control didn't work in France, dumbass.
They don't have gun control, dumbass, not my kind anyway. See Japan, that's close, and they are still fucking up far too much.

Is there a subject that doesn't generate a stupid and ignorant comment by you? Paris is an ultra liberal city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. Didn't stop Muslim terrorist animals, did it?
1. Not animals.
2. French gun control is for shit.
3. Clear now, dumbfuck?
You entered into this thread to defend Islam, and you haven't stopped.

Gun control? They have extreme gun control in France, yet that hasn't stopped Muslim animals, has it?
I haven't defended Islam once, beyond it's a faith of warriors and they, unlike the Christians, are allowed to kill their enemies.

And the gun control I seek means no normal person has a gun. That's not France, dumbass.

Gun control didn't work in France, dumbass.
They don't have gun control, dumbass, not my kind anyway. See Japan, that's close, and they are still fucking up far too much.

Is there a subject that doesn't generate a stupid and ignorant comment by you? Paris is an ultra liberal city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. Didn't stop Muslim terrorist animals, did it?
1. Not animals.
2. French gun control is for shit.
3. Clear now, dumbfuck?

I haven't defended Islam once, beyond it's a faith of warriors and they, unlike the Christians, are allowed to kill their enemies.

And the gun control I seek means no normal person has a gun. That's not France, dumbass.

Gun control didn't work in France, dumbass.
They don't have gun control, dumbass, not my kind anyway. See Japan, that's close, and they are still fucking up far too much.

Is there a subject that doesn't generate a stupid and ignorant comment by you? Paris is an ultra liberal city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. Didn't stop Muslim terrorist animals, did it?
1. Not animals.
2. French gun control is for shit.
3. Clear now, dumbfuck?

Yeah, you got fuck all, as expected.
What has it done to you?
Made me ashamed, mainly by allowing people like you to be people like you.
It's sad you live in a free country you don't want to be free
I love it free, I'm trying to keep your kind from turning into a heavily armed theocratic police-state.
Then you're imposing your views on me the exact opposite of the freedom it possesses. You hate freedom cause you can't except other points of view
Liberalism is not about tolerating the ideas of the stupid, who don't know the word "accept".
Neither is it about tolerating the backward, hate filled, mysoginistic, homophobic ideas of a 'religion' stuck in the 8th century, but you libs have absolutlely no problem with that. That's where the real danger to the west lies, and it's a mystery why your kind can't wait to FORCE it on the rest of us.
Then you're imposing your views on me the exact opposite of the freedom it possesses. You hate freedom cause you can't except other points of view
Liberalism is not about tolerating the ideas of the stupid, who don't know the word "accept".
I was exactly right
In that we don't tolerate morons like you, but to plow the fields, yep.
That is America and why you can't stand America
I would do away with most of the pack animals like you, that much is true. Dead weight.
Spoken like a true jihadi.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.
It depends on what is discovered to be the motivation. If a Christian goes mad with a gun and says he did for Jesus or God, I guess the fact he's Christain becomes relevant. Most Islamist butchers scream Alahu Akbar, leaving us in no doubt they believe they are doing their stuff in the name of Islam. When Muslims go on the rampage, this is commonly the case, so people make assumptions. To be expected really.

But then just because a Muslim shouts Allah Akbar, doesn't mean that the main reason is because they're a fundamentalist Muslim.

If a Christian American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? They'll probably go shoot some people up, they won't shout religious slogans. They going against the US govt.

If a Muslim American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? Seeing as Bush kind of declared war against Muslims, showing why they're angry at the US, for the war in Iraq, the vilifying of Muslims, for all of that, you're going to declare you're a Muslim and make some kind of religious noise.

But what's the difference? Perhaps they why they got angry is different, a Christian is probably less likely to get angry over foreign policy, and more over internal policy, but still, it's anger at the govt.

If a Christian shoots up an abortion clinic and doesn't make religious noises, does that mean religion wasn't an issue? Doubtful, religion is an issue, however it's a simple case of Christians just not doing that, not shouting God is Great when they go kill people for their religious beliefs.
One day you will wake up from these delusions; but that day is apparently not today.

Well, it's simple to make a comment, it's harder to back it up.

So why don't you go explain your little soundbite.

1. For all your blather, you fail to show examples of Christian clergy leadership encouraging Christians to go to nonChristian countries and slaughter people as some Muslim leaders do. So there is a HUGE difference though you chose to continue ignoring it. Why? Does it allow you to remain in your comfort-cocoon a little longer, like the child that ends up pissing his own bed because he doesnt want to crawl out into the cold air? You sure sound like it.

2. If Christian Western civilization does fall to the Muslim hordes, fags, atheists and prima donas like you are going to have a very difficult time staying alive. Again, you chose not to think of it because you would rather stay safe and warm in your emotional mental cocoon and piss in your own bed.

3. Christians are waking up to the fact that we have been naive to trust nonChristians to cherish and defend the civilization we have built in the West as equal partners willing to sacrifice and fight for it. In fact these nonChristian populations are showing themselves in our time of crisis to be actively undermining and sabotaging our efforts. We will not forget it or forgive it. Promise.
That's where the real danger to the west lies, and it's a mystery why your kind can't wait to FORCE it on the rest of us.
If you weren't so damn dumb you'd realize the why you think there's a mystery is because it isn't true. Islam gets no more a pass than any of the other utter nonsense called religion. It doesn't get dumped on more either.
Liberalism is not about tolerating the ideas of the stupid, who don't know the word "accept".
I was exactly right
In that we don't tolerate morons like you, but to plow the fields, yep.
That is America and why you can't stand America
I would do away with most of the pack animals like you, that much is true. Dead weight.
Spoken like a true jihadi.
There is little need for pitchforks, and angry, stupid mobs like Trump supporters are dangerous.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.
It depends on what is discovered to be the motivation. If a Christian goes mad with a gun and says he did for Jesus or God, I guess the fact he's Christain becomes relevant. Most Islamist butchers scream Alahu Akbar, leaving us in no doubt they believe they are doing their stuff in the name of Islam. When Muslims go on the rampage, this is commonly the case, so people make assumptions. To be expected really.

But then just because a Muslim shouts Allah Akbar, doesn't mean that the main reason is because they're a fundamentalist Muslim.

If a Christian American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? They'll probably go shoot some people up, they won't shout religious slogans. They going against the US govt.

If a Muslim American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? Seeing as Bush kind of declared war against Muslims, showing why they're angry at the US, for the war in Iraq, the vilifying of Muslims, for all of that, you're going to declare you're a Muslim and make some kind of religious noise.

But what's the difference? Perhaps they why they got angry is different, a Christian is probably less likely to get angry over foreign policy, and more over internal policy, but still, it's anger at the govt.

If a Christian shoots up an abortion clinic and doesn't make religious noises, does that mean religion wasn't an issue? Doubtful, religion is an issue, however it's a simple case of Christians just not doing that, not shouting God is Great when they go kill people for their religious beliefs.
One day you will wake up from these delusions; but that day is apparently not today.

Well, it's simple to make a comment, it's harder to back it up.

So why don't you go explain your little soundbite.

1. For all your blather, you fail to show examples of Christian clergy leadership encouraging Christians to go to nonChristian countries and slaughter people as some Muslim leaders do. So there is a HUGE difference though you chose to continue ignoring it. Why? Does it allow you to remain in your comfort-cocoon a little longer, like the child that ends up pissing his own bed because he doesnt want to crawl out into the cold air? You sure sound like it.

2. If Christian Western civilization does fall to the Muslim hordes, fags, atheists and prima donas like you are going to have a very difficult time staying alive. Again, you chose not to think of it because you would rather stay safe and warm in your emotional mental cocoon and piss in your own bed.

3. Christians are waking up to the fact that we have been naive to trust nonChristians to cherish and defend the civilization we have built in the West as equal partners willing to sacrifice and fight for it. In fact these nonChristian populations are showing themselves in our time of crisis to be actively undermining and sabotaging our efforts. We will not forget it or forgive it. Promise.

1) So it has to be the clergy? Why?

Okay, you want examples of Christian clergy who encouraged killing. Fine.

The Catholic church must apologise for its role in Rwanda's genocide | Chris McGreal

"There is a Roman Catholic priest at a medieval church an hour's drive from Paris who has been indicted by a United Nations court for genocide, extermination, murder and rape in Rwanda."

"Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka was notorious during the 1994 genocide of 800,000 Tutsis for wearing a gun on his hip and colluding with the Hutu militia that murdered hundreds of people sheltering in his church. "

The KKK kills three civil rights activists - Jun 21, 1964 -

"Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney are killed by a Ku Klux Klan lynch mob near Meridian, Mississippi."

"The 80-year-old Killen, known as an outspoken white supremacist and part-time Baptist minister, was sentenced to 60 years in prison."

In fact the KKK with its support in the US, which includes members of the clergy.
Sure, this isn't what you asked for, I'm getting there.

US Catholic Clergy and the War in Iraq

"This study would attempt to explore the component communities which today constitute the American political core culture, focusing particularly on the Catholic cohort and its clergy. The resurgence of religious political community identification appears to have some resonance in the US, particularly among evangelical protestant groups. Representatives of these latter groups have taken the lead in mobilizing support for US intervention in the Middle East in alliance with significant segments of the American Jewish community, specifically in support of Israel. This study would aim to explore the American Catholic position on this issue in relation to a supposed “clash of civilizations” following the end of the Cold War."

Did no clergy support the US invasion of Iraq? I mean, that was encouraging people to go fight non-Christian, right?

Most Evangelical Leaders Still Support Iraq War

"Most Evangelical Leaders Still Support Iraq War"

So there's a huge difference when many of the clergy in the US support the invasion of Iraq, support the vilifying of Muslims, the killing of Muslims through inept (or possibly deliberate) policies on behalf of Bush?

2) You make the assumption that going back to war in Iraq and war in Syria will solve any problems. We did that already, and the impact was that things are worse. So going in again is going to solve all the problems. Why are ISIS pushing for US troops on the ground? Do you not see that they want this? If they want it, then maybe there's a reason why they want it, and perhaps it means it's not a good idea to put US troops in the way of ISIS bombs and guns again.

3) Christians AREN'T waking up to the fact that a Christian FUCKED THEM SO HARD the penis is coming out of their mouth, and it's Bush's penis. And then they continue to support the simplistic and idiotic right wing view that the only way to solve things is to go to war.
Firstly, kudos for a mostly reasonable post.

1) So it has to be the clergy? Why?

No organization can be said to support a position on an issue merely because some wack job member talks shit.

To claim that an entire religion's behavior can be typified as calling for the Christian version of jihad you need to do better than to quote some random Westwood Baptist culti.

Okay, you want examples of Christian clergy who encouraged killing. Fine.

No, I want examples of Christian clergy LEADERSHIP calling for the MASS SLAUGHTER of nonChristians as is done by Muslim clergy within ISIS and AQ.

In fact the KKK with its support in the US, which includes members of the clergy.

No, not what I asked for.

"This study would attempt to explore the component communities which today constitute the American political core culture, focusing particularly on the Catholic cohort and its clergy. The resurgence of religious political community identification appears to have some resonance in the US, particularly among evangelical protestant groups. Representatives of these latter groups have taken the lead in mobilizing support for US intervention in the Middle East in alliance with significant segments of the American Jewish community, specifically in support of Israel. This study would aim to explore the American Catholic position on this issue in relation to a supposed “clash of civilizations” following the end of the Cold War."

This is not a call for mass slaughter, unless you think listening to an hours long clerical discussion of a topic in nuanced painful degree to be....OK, maybe you have an equivalent point here.

Did no clergy support the US invasion of Iraq? I mean, that was encouraging people to go fight non-Christian, right?

Most Evangelical Leaders Still Support Iraq War

"Most Evangelical Leaders Still Support Iraq War"

So there's a huge difference when many of the clergy in the US support the invasion of Iraq, support the vilifying of Muslims, the killing of Muslims through inept (or possibly deliberate) policies on behalf of Bush?

Again, support for a secular state's military intervention based on the public's awareness of the threat and its lethality, even if based to a great degree on lies, is not the equivalent of calling for MASS SLAUGHTER.

2) You make the assumption that going back to war in Iraq and war in Syria will solve any problems. We did that already, and the impact was that things are worse. So going in again is going to solve all the problems. Why are ISIS pushing for US troops on the ground? Do you not see that they want this? If they want it, then maybe there's a reason why they want it, and perhaps it means it's not a good idea to put US troops in the way of ISIS bombs and guns again.

I personally do not think we need to put large scale combat forces into Iraq. I think that training them to fight their own war and supporting it with air support and logistical support should be enough. If they wont fight for their own freedom, fuck them.

But then again, I do not want to prohibit the forces of other nations either if they can play a constructive role.

3) Christians AREN'T waking up to the fact that a Christian FUCKED THEM SO HARD the penis is coming out of their mouth, and it's Bush's penis. And then they continue to support the simplistic and idiotic right wing view that the only way to solve things is to go to war.

Yeah, because Bush is going around slaughtering Christians in our country. /sarc

Being President is a hard job, I wouldnt want it for damned sure, but taking action that is *likely* to be helpful is always better than sitting on your ass doing little to nothing. And even the little bit permitted (only with direct permission), is WORSE than similar immediate action when it comes to fighting a war.

The Iranian backed militias and Russian backed Syrians are doing much better in their efforts to defeat ISIS because their hands are not so ridiculously tied as are our US trained Iraqi forces who continue to get rolled back by ISIS. The last battle I read about, our best trained unit of Iraqis was beaten and put to route by a convoy of suicide bombers in trucks, and our allies could not stop them before they reached critical areas.

Now why do you think that is? Because avoiding collateral casualties was given way too much priority over actually winning the god damned war.
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Firstly, kudos for a mostly reasonable post.

1) So it has to be the clergy? Why?

No organization can be said to support a position on an issue merely because some wack job member talks shit.

To claim that an entire religion's behavior can be typified as calling for the Christian version of jihad you need to do better than to quote some random Westwood Baptist culti.

Okay, you want examples of Christian clergy who encouraged killing. Fine.

No, I want examples of Christian clergy LEADERSHIP calling for the MASS SLAUGHTER of nonChristians as is done by Muslim clergy within ISIS and AQ.

In fact the KKK with its support in the US, which includes members of the clergy.

No, not what I asked for.

"This study would attempt to explore the component communities which today constitute the American political core culture, focusing particularly on the Catholic cohort and its clergy. The resurgence of religious political community identification appears to have some resonance in the US, particularly among evangelical protestant groups. Representatives of these latter groups have taken the lead in mobilizing support for US intervention in the Middle East in alliance with significant segments of the American Jewish community, specifically in support of Israel. This study would aim to explore the American Catholic position on this issue in relation to a supposed “clash of civilizations” following the end of the Cold War."

This is not a call for mass slaughter, unless you think listening to an hours long clerical discussion of a topic in nuanced painful degree to be....OK, maybe you have an equivalent point here.

Did no clergy support the US invasion of Iraq? I mean, that was encouraging people to go fight non-Christian, right?

Most Evangelical Leaders Still Support Iraq War

"Most Evangelical Leaders Still Support Iraq War"

So there's a huge difference when many of the clergy in the US support the invasion of Iraq, support the vilifying of Muslims, the killing of Muslims through inept (or possibly deliberate) policies on behalf of Bush?

Again, support for a secular state's military intervention based on the public's awareness of the threat and its lethality, even if based to a great degree on lies, is not the equivalent of calling for MASS SLAUGHTER.

2) You make the assumption that going back to war in Iraq and war in Syria will solve any problems. We did that already, and the impact was that things are worse. So going in again is going to solve all the problems. Why are ISIS pushing for US troops on the ground? Do you not see that they want this? If they want it, then maybe there's a reason why they want it, and perhaps it means it's not a good idea to put US troops in the way of ISIS bombs and guns again.

I personally do not think we need to put large scale combat forces into Iraq. I think that training them to fight their own war and supporting it with air support and logistical support should be enough. If they wont fight for their own freedom, fuck them.

But then again, I do not want to prohibit the forces of other nations either if they can play a constructive role.

3) Christians AREN'T waking up to the fact that a Christian FUCKED THEM SO HARD the penis is coming out of their mouth, and it's Bush's penis. And then they continue to support the simplistic and idiotic right wing view that the only way to solve things is to go to war.

Yeah, because Bush is going around slaughtering Christians in our country. /sarc

Being President is a hard job, I wouldnt want it for damned sure, but taking action that is *likely* to be helpful is always better than sitting on your ass doing little to nothing, and even that only with direct permission, is WORSE when it comes to fighting a war.

The Iranian backed militias and Russian backed Syrians are doing much better in their efforts to defeat ISIS because their hands are not so ridiculously tied as our our US trained Iraqi forces who continue to get rolled back by ISIS. The last battle I read about, our best trained unit of Iraqis was beaten and put to route by a convoy of suicide bombers in trucks, and our allies could not stop them before they reached critical areas.

Now why do you think that is? Because avoiding collateral casualties was given way too much priority over actually winning the god damned war.

No organization can be said to support a position on an issue merely because some wack job member talks shit.

What, you mean, if some Muslim "wack job member talks shit" then it means all of Islam is in favor, but if some Christian "wack job member talks shit" then they're an individual and not representative of the whole of Christianity?

I'm not sure if this is what is being implied here, but it's the only thing that springs to mind.

No, I want examples of Christian clergy LEADERSHIP calling for the MASS SLAUGHTER of nonChristians as is done by Muslim clergy within ISIS and AQ.

Getting very specific the more we go on, right?

The Queen in England is the head of state of the UK, head of the Church of England, and as head of the armed forces too, had her own troops being sent to Iraq to kill non-Christians. What her views on this were is another matter, Tony Blair, who wasn't Catholic at the time was effectively the guy in charge, of a Christian nation (unlike the USA officially, even though more people are active Christians in the US than the UK).

It's not hard to find examples of people who want all Muslims to be killed.

'Muslims are evil. Let’s kill them all': US TV commentator Erik Rush

"'Muslims are evil. Let’s kill them all': US TV commentator Erik Rush provokes furious reaction with Boston bombing Twitter rants"

For example. The question here is how political are Christian leaders in the first place? Many supported the Iraq war, but they weren't vocal about it. They're also not that vocal in rejecting war, at least not vocal in the media. Islam is different in that way. However, again, the small differences mean what?

Also, you have to ask why, a Christian like Bush, whose own church had pastors who were against the war in Iraq, actually sent troops to another country to kill non-Muslims.

What you're looking for are specifics. Religion is different in Islam than in Christianity. The reality is Bush's war was not a religious war, however he picked on a religion that is not his own religion. So what is that? It's something that doesn't fit into a nice little box that is exactly compatible with what is happening in Islam.

And while I've tried to answer your questions, what I wanted to do was to simply say that you're taking the line of questioning the wrong way. You're trying to make things fit your agenda, rather than to actually see what is there, for real. Often this is similar things morphing into slightly different takes of the same thing.

If the US puts troops on the ground, it will escalate. The only benefit of troops on the ground in Iraq is that many fighters in Afghanistan might just up sticks and go to Iraq, reducing the tension in Afghanistan, but that's moving a problem from one place to another.

You say they need to fight for their own freedom, and that is exactly right. A freedom fought for is a freedom that people will take seriously, it's called ownership, the US still celebrates 1776, for example. A freedom that isn't fought for, is a freedom that isn't taken seriously and this causes lots of problems.

So, am I to believe that you think Bush's actions in invading Iraq was better than doing nothing? He took a situation that was under control and he turned it into ISIS and the Paris attacks, the Madrid attacks, the London attacks and the various attacks in the US and other places and millions of pissed Muslims? How the hell is that better?

The Russians don't care because they have a leader whose popularity is based on his ability to fuck over people. Russia goes in, it bombs, it gets Putin popular and then they pull out when they feel like it.

The US went in and took down a dictator, left a political vacuum which it hadn't bothered to research how to fill, and destroyed the Middle East. There's a difference, forget hands being tied behind people's backs, the US just did it so badly. Like Somalia when the US went in and messed it all up, that led to the US avoiding Africa like the plague. So, the US messed up in Iraq, AVOID IT LIKE HE PLAGUE.

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