Muslims hate gays, liberals love muslims

Nobody agrees with you. Muslims only care about their laws and you people only care about appeasing Muslims. If you people and Muslims kill all of the conservatives, that will leave just you people and Muslim radicals. What use will Muslims have for you at that point? Your common bond of hatred of conservatives will be gone. What will you have? Perhaps you are betting on their tolerance?
Everything I posted above is true.

Everything you posted is false.

Jihadist Muslims and gun toting and shooting Christians at abortion sites are both = bad.

You don't get that.

You posted extremist views from Christians, not actions. Where are Christians killing gays in the States? The extremists you quoted, have they carried out their action? What nation states or regions around the globe are you finding Christians killing and torturing gays?
So what, that is what I said I posted, and you lied I did not.

We have had Christians killing gays and abortionists and so on and so forth.

Count up the number of Christians killing their enemies and the Muslims killing their enemies here in the US in the last five years.

LeftofLeft, no one of sane mind believes you are doing anything but lying.

You still cannot site specifically and factually where radical Christians have killed gays. You bring in the abortion bombings because you have no facts. Since you brought in the abortion bombings, show us in any of the cases, where a pastor was brought to the podium to remind people not to jump to conclusions?

Paul Hill was a fucking pastor who killed an abortion doctor.

Re-read the post. Where/when did a radical Christian kill a gay person? I never said radical Christians have not killed. Pick up the goal post and put it back where you found it.
Everything I posted above is true.

Everything you posted is false.

Jihadist Muslims and gun toting and shooting Christians at abortion sites are both = bad.

You don't get that.

You posted extremist views from Christians, not actions. Where are Christians killing gays in the States? The extremists you quoted, have they carried out their action? What nation states or regions around the globe are you finding Christians killing and torturing gays?
So what, that is what I said I posted, and you lied I did not.

We have had Christians killing gays and abortionists and so on and so forth.

Count up the number of Christians killing their enemies and the Muslims killing their enemies here in the US in the last five years.

LeftofLeft, no one of sane mind believes you are doing anything but lying.

You still cannot site specifically and factually where radical Christians have killed gays. You bring in the abortion bombings because you have no facts. Since you brought in the abortion bombings, show us in any of the cases, where a pastor was brought to the podium to remind people not to jump to conclusions?

Paul Hill was a fucking pastor who killed an abortion doctor.

Re-read the post. Where/when did a radical Christian kill a gay person? I never said radical Christians have not killed. Pick up the goal post and put it back where you found it.

Your post is about abortion bombings.
We all know that if you are a true follower of Islam like ISIS you really hate the gay lifestyle...
So why do the Libs who are supposed to be the true champions of all that is gay
love Muslims so much.Even those Muslims who aren't extreme don't really like the gay shit.
They will never come out and say it of course...

Can you name any liberals that champion ISIS?
Did Fishyfish (or any other pseudo-conned) ever name any liberals who claim "love" for Muslims?
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States

I never said that ALL muslims are terrorists, but its true the almost all terrorists are muslims. Haven't heard of any hindus, bhuddists, shintos, jews, or Christians blowing themselves up, have you. The gay hate that this guy heard was coming from his mosque. You need to deal with reality

Ever heard of American terrorists? The FBI has.

In fact, homegrown RIGHT-WING American terrorists have killed more people in AMERICA since 9/11 than have Muslim terrorists.

Maybe you need to deal with that reality.

I would like to see the backup for that claim.

No problem.

Study Says White Extremists Have Killed More Americans in the U.S. Than Jihadists Since 9/11
Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

FBI: The Terrorist Threat
The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States

During the past decade we have witnessed dramatic changes in the nature of the terrorist threat. In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the country.

Not sure why any of this would be a surprise given the undeniable long violent history of the right-wing in this country.
But but but white Christians......

I hate liberals.
You posted extremist views from Christians, not actions. Where are Christians killing gays in the States? The extremists you quoted, have they carried out their action? What nation states or regions around the globe are you finding Christians killing and torturing gays?
So what, that is what I said I posted, and you lied I did not.

We have had Christians killing gays and abortionists and so on and so forth.

Count up the number of Christians killing their enemies and the Muslims killing their enemies here in the US in the last five years.

LeftofLeft, no one of sane mind believes you are doing anything but lying.

You still cannot site specifically and factually where radical Christians have killed gays. You bring in the abortion bombings because you have no facts. Since you brought in the abortion bombings, show us in any of the cases, where a pastor was brought to the podium to remind people not to jump to conclusions?

Paul Hill was a fucking pastor who killed an abortion doctor.

Re-read the post. Where/when did a radical Christian kill a gay person? I never said radical Christians have not killed. Pick up the goal post and put it back where you found it.

Your post is about abortion bombings.

I do mention abortion bombings but the core is to show where or if a Christian has killed gay people. Keep digging for the fucking pastor.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

Q. Why was this guy still on the streets

A. The Bill of Rights and the rule of law

Contemporary conservatives support Rights which they enjoy, but not those same Rights when applied to others.
So what, that is what I said I posted, and you lied I did not.

We have had Christians killing gays and abortionists and so on and so forth.

Count up the number of Christians killing their enemies and the Muslims killing their enemies here in the US in the last five years.

LeftofLeft, no one of sane mind believes you are doing anything but lying.

You still cannot site specifically and factually where radical Christians have killed gays. You bring in the abortion bombings because you have no facts. Since you brought in the abortion bombings, show us in any of the cases, where a pastor was brought to the podium to remind people not to jump to conclusions?

Paul Hill was a fucking pastor who killed an abortion doctor.

Re-read the post. Where/when did a radical Christian kill a gay person? I never said radical Christians have not killed. Pick up the goal post and put it back where you found it.

Your post is about abortion bombings.

I do mention abortion bombings but the core is to show where or if a Christian has killed gay people. Keep digging for the fucking pastor.

Now ask the morons that love to yell about Christianity EVERY TIME muslims commits mass murder if they know what the bible commands or if the Christian bible advocates murdering nonbelievers.

No, the answer is no the Christian bible does not. Oh, but the pathetic koran sure as hell does command their followers to kill the infidel. To murder and torture the infidel. To execute gays.

The Christian bible does not.

They always leave out that difference.

The left wingers are losers. They are ignorant and they are morons. Not worth one ounce of respect.
Everything I posted above is true.

Everything you posted is false.

Jihadist Muslims and gun toting and shooting Christians at abortion sites are both = bad.

You don't get that.

You posted extremist views from Christians, not actions. Where are Christians killing gays in the States? The extremists you quoted, have they carried out their action? What nation states or regions around the globe are you finding Christians killing and torturing gays?
So what, that is what I said I posted, and you lied I did not.

We have had Christians killing gays and abortionists and so on and so forth.

Count up the number of Christians killing their enemies and the Muslims killing their enemies here in the US in the last five years.

LeftofLeft, no one of sane mind believes you are doing anything but lying.

You still cannot site specifically and factually where radical Christians have killed gays. You bring in the abortion bombings because you have no facts. Since you brought in the abortion bombings, show us in any of the cases, where a pastor was brought to the podium to remind people not to jump to conclusions?

Paul Hill was a fucking pastor who killed an abortion doctor.

Re-read the post. Where/when did a radical Christian kill a gay person? I never said radical Christians have not killed. Pick up the goal post and put it back where you found it.

I am smelling that a dumb liberal is attempting this argument again:


False equivalency...
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.
Now that one member of a protected class has slaughtered 4 dozen members of another protected class, it leaves you people in a quandry.

Only in the fevered bubble minds.

Killer terrorists are not a protected class. If he hadn't been killed at the scene, he should have been executed.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

How retarded. Using your logic:

Conservatives hate gays and hate Muslims.

This must be a rightwing wet dream - their two all time most despised groups under attack.

sarcasm you dumb fuckhead--------------you libs are most stupid people on planet earth.
yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States

I never said that ALL muslims are terrorists, but its true the almost all terrorists are muslims. Haven't heard of any hindus, bhuddists, shintos, jews, or Christians blowing themselves up, have you. The gay hate that this guy heard was coming from his mosque. You need to deal with reality

Ever heard of American terrorists? The FBI has.

In fact, homegrown RIGHT-WING American terrorists have killed more people in AMERICA since 9/11 than have Muslim terrorists.

Maybe you need to deal with that reality.

I would like to see the backup for that claim.

No problem.

Study Says White Extremists Have Killed More Americans in the U.S. Than Jihadists Since 9/11
Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

FBI: The Terrorist Threat
The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States

During the past decade we have witnessed dramatic changes in the nature of the terrorist threat. In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the country.

Not sure why any of this would be a surprise given the undeniable long violent history of the right-wing in this country.
But but but white Christians......

I hate liberals.
From what we did the Orlando shooter.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

How retarded. Using your logic:

Conservatives hate gays and hate Muslims.

This must be a rightwing wet dream - their two all time most despised groups under attack.

sarcasm you dumb fuckhead--------------you libs are most stupid people on planet earth.
Funny thing is, I don't believe you were being sarcastic. It's just a cover when you are called on your ridiculous statements.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.

How about the one sitting in the whitehouse?
Islam is set to wipe out the Western civilization!

Ahhhh nope. All they can do a hit us with a blind side shot. This ass hole was not the first self-radicalized American, nor will he be the last.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.

How about the one sitting in the whitehouse?

Is that sarcasm, or stupidity.?
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
Yes it is the conundrum of the homofascist movement lol. They're mentally ill..they are compelled by their own self destructive natures to nurture that which kills them.

You can see it expressed in innumerable ways, but this is the one from which I derive the most pleasure.

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