Muslims hate gays, liberals love muslims

Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.

How about the one sitting in the whitehouse?

Is that sarcasm, or stupidity.?

my OP was sarcasm, your reply was stupidity. Got it?
Boston, Paris, Ft Hood, San Bernardino, Chattanooga, and now Orlando.

When will this country wake up and realize that radical islam has declared war on us?

When will obozo and the hildebeast call the threat what it is? radical muslim terrorism !

Screw your PC bullshit, Americans are being killed by radical islamists. If the "good muslims" are offended-----tough shit.
So what, that is what I said I posted, and you lied I did not.

We have had Christians killing gays and abortionists and so on and so forth.

Count up the number of Christians killing their enemies and the Muslims killing their enemies here in the US in the last five years.

LeftofLeft, no one of sane mind believes you are doing anything but lying.

You still cannot site specifically and factually where radical Christians have killed gays. You bring in the abortion bombings because you have no facts. Since you brought in the abortion bombings, show us in any of the cases, where a pastor was brought to the podium to remind people not to jump to conclusions?

Paul Hill was a fucking pastor who killed an abortion doctor.

Re-read the post. Where/when did a radical Christian kill a gay person? I never said radical Christians have not killed. Pick up the goal post and put it back where you found it.

Your post is about abortion bombings.

I do mention abortion bombings but the core is to show where or if a Christian has killed gay people. Keep digging for the fucking pastor.
And what Christian GROUP (well funded) promotes and carries off slaughter on a daily basis?

Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.
coyote loves them.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.
coyote loves them.

so does Obama.
Muslims hate gays, liberals love muslims

And Republicans hate gays. Oh wait. Something GOP and Radical Muslims have in common.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.
coyote loves them.

so does Obama.
That's a given.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
I know no liberals who 'love' Muslims. You are an idiot.
coyote loves them.

so does Obama.
Either that or he uses them, just as Hillary and every other sleazy politician uses various groups to empower themselves, and then afterwards they try to do as less for them or as little as possible, and yet all the while they live in the lap of luxury from the game that is played in it all.
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Christian Pastor Says Gays 'Worthy Of Death' At Conference With 3 ...
Nov 6, 2015 - So today, Pastor Swanson took to the stage and told attendees once again that gaysshould be killed. Twice, according to Right Wing Watch.

How many of these nations are "Christian"? Significant acts of violence against LGBT people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tennessee Televangelist: God Commands Christians To Kill Gays
Aug 18, 2015 - A Tennessee based televangelist condemns “liberal society” while claiming God commands Christians to stone gays and prevent women from ...

Biblical Literalist Stones Gay Man To Death | Truth Wins Out
Truth In Schools | Truth Wins Out Wins Out
Mar 18, 2011 - If the law calling for gays to be killed is abolished, what about the law ... On no grounds,christians decide which laws are abolished and in ...

Christian Pastor Calls for Killing All Gay People - YouTube
View attachment 77858

View attachment 77859▶ 4:14
4, 2014 - Uploaded by David Pakman Show
Steven Anderson, a Baptist pastor in Arizona, calls for the death of all gays ...

Google embraces all of the dumb ways: one of the most insignificant posters here in the last five years.

Nobody agrees with you. Muslims only care about their laws and you people only care about appeasing Muslims. If you people and Muslims kill all of the conservatives, that will leave just you people and Muslim radicals. What use will Muslims have for you at that point? Your common bond of hatred of conservatives will be gone. What will you have? Perhaps you are betting on their tolerance?
Everything I posted above is true.

Everything you posted is false.

Jihadist Muslims and gun toting and shooting Christians at abortion sites are both = bad.

You don't get that.

You posted extremist views from Christians, not actions. Where are Christians killing gays in the States? The extremists you quoted, have they carried out their action? What nation states or regions around the globe are you finding Christians killing and torturing gays?
So what, that is what I said I posted, and you lied I did not.

We have had Christians killing gays and abortionists and so on and so forth.

Count up the number of Christians killing their enemies and the Muslims killing their enemies here in the US in the last five years.

LeftofLeft, no one of sane mind believes you are doing anything but lying.

You still cannot site specifically and factually where radical Christians have killed gays. You bring in the abortion bombings because you have no facts. Since you brought in the abortion bombings, show us in any of the cases, where a pastor was brought to the podium to remind people not to jump to conclusions?

I'm sure fake will be able to post the kill list of people who slander Christianity on the Christian kill list.:dunno:.


Geert Wilders: Founder of the Dutch “Party for Freedom”; has been quoted as saying “I don’t hate Muslims, I hate Islam.”

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Somali-born Dutch activist and politician; has written that “We are at war with Islam,” not just “radical Islam” and it must be defeated; married to British historian Niall Ferguson (though that’s probably not related)

Morris Sadek: Egyptian-American Coptic Christian; he spread the anti-Islam video “Innocence of Muslims” that sparked violent protests in several Muslim countries.

Carsten Juste & Flemming Rose: Editor-in-chief and cultural editors atJyllands-Posten when the paper chose to publish cartoons mocking Mohammed.

Kurt Westergaard: Cartoonist who contributed to the Jyllands-Posten controversy; his turban-as-bomb drawing became the most famous of the cartoons.

Lars Vilks: Dutch cartoonist who published his own Mohammed drawingsmore than a year after the Jyllands-Posten incident.

Molly Norris: American cartoonist who proposed “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” as a protest against both censorship and the idea that images of Mohtammed should be forbidden.

Stephane Charbonnier: Editor of Charlie Hedbo, a French satirical magazinethat has published several mocking images of Mohammed on its cover (and got its office firebombed as a result.)

Terry Jones: Florida preacher who has burned Korans in protest of Islam.

Al Qaeda Mag Publishes 'Wanted: Dead or Alive' List
Jroc Troll commented above. We don't need a list to remember the people who shot up abortion clinics, bombed abortion clinics, and killed abortion doctors.
Mac has trouble with the truth of 'Mac is now quoting his OP as a source instead of "Mac, crazy guy" said'

You are not a viable source on any of this.

You have a crazy opinion, nothing more

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