Muslims hate gays, liberals love muslims

Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

What was actionable, legally, before the fact?

We will soon know the answer to that. Care to discuss the San Bernardino or Chattanooga shooters?

I hate all 3 of them.

Your move
I'm amazed the left is even acknowledging that the shooter was a muslim. 'Liberals' are kind of in a bind on this because they are forced to choose who to hate more because if they hate on the shooter then they are hating on muslims but if they show sympathy for the shooter then they are hating on the gays. It would be so much easier for them if the shooter was a white christian male or a Timothy McVeigh type. They would then know who the enemy is and blame it on conservatives and Donald Trump.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

Liberals have no issue with acknowledging the alleged shooter was Muslim.

Unlike you and other ignorant rightwing bigots, however, liberals correctly understand that the alleged shooter is not ‘representative’ of all Muslims, that this tragedy in no way ‘justifies’ conservative anti-Muslim hate and bigotry, and that conservatives are once again wrong in their advocacy that Muslim Americans be ‘registered’ with the government, that mosques be ‘investigated,’ and that Muslims be ‘kept out of the country.’

I hate when people call terrorist attacks "tragedies" like they're some kind of accident or natural disaster..These are planned, attacks, and there is certainly nothing wrong with having muslims in some mosques keeping a look out for potential terrorist ...Who the hell said register all muslims you nutjob?:dunno:
In order for the wrongheaded conservative ‘argument’ that Islam is somehow ‘responsible’ as a religion for acts of terror to be valid and have merit, they must also perceive Christianity as likewise ‘responsible’ for acts of terror.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

When Christians commit acts of terror, then Christianity as a religion is to blame.

Of course both positions are equally idiotic; individuals alone are responsible for their actions, not their religions – Christian or Muslim.
Translation; Christians and Isalmofascist are the same:cuckoo:
I'm amazed the left is even acknowledging that the shooter was a muslim. 'Liberals' are kind of in a bind on this because they are forced to choose who to hate more because if they hate on the shooter then they are hating on muslims but if they show sympathy for the shooter then they are hating on the gays. It would be so much easier for them if the shooter was a white christian male or a Timothy McVeigh type. They would then know who the enemy is and blame it on conservatives and Donald Trump.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

Liberals have no issue with acknowledging the alleged shooter was Muslim.

Unlike you and other ignorant rightwing bigots, however, liberals correctly understand that the alleged shooter is not ‘representative’ of all Muslims, that this tragedy in no way ‘justifies’ conservative anti-Muslim hate and bigotry, and that conservatives are once again wrong in their advocacy that Muslim Americans be ‘registered’ with the government, that mosques be ‘investigated,’ and that Muslims be ‘kept out of the country.’
How do you know this murdering scum is not representative of mainstream Muslims?
To date, there has been not one attempt by the American Muslim community to collectively and unequivocally condemn all acts of terror committed by Islamist extremists.
I'm Running Out of Ways to Defend Islam
And if Muslims are condemning these attacks, it is the main stream media that is not reporting the statements.
Now, I have read several articles in the last 20 minutes which counter my claims that mainstream American Muslims do not speak out. So be it. The issue then is why are the mainstream news outlets not reporting this?
Another issue...Muslims are well documented to be a insular and close knit community. One that for various reasons refuses to reach out to its; non Muslim neighbors.
That is the Muslim community creating their own problem and along the way, drawing the ire and suspicion of non Muslims.

No worries, CAIR is probably hiring lawyers for the family as we speak
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States
He pledged allegiance to isis you moron :slap:
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Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States

I never said that ALL muslims are terrorists, but its true the almost all terrorists are muslims. Haven't heard of any hindus, bhuddists, shintos, jews, or Christians blowing themselves up, have you. The gay hate that this guy heard was coming from his mosque. You need to deal with reality

Ever heard of American terrorists? The FBI has.

In fact, homegrown RIGHT-WING American terrorists have killed more people in AMERICA since 9/11 than have Muslim terrorists.

Maybe you need to deal with that reality.

Translation; there's no such thing as islamo-fascist:slap:
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I am in favor of gays being able to legally commit to each other. I don't like calling it a marriage, but the majority of the citizens should make that decision, not me or some judge.

Ok, so islamists feel the same way.
They think it should be the "majority" to decide what gays can do and what they cant,
even tho it is their basic human rights to do so.

So you are an islamist after all.........

minority rights in this country were established by majority vote, not minority dictate.

You are the islamist, my ignorant friend, you want to dictate your beliefs on everyone else and to deny anyone the right to disagree with you. Is your name Abdullah?

It is not belief, it is basic human rights, people have the right to get married.
It is you who is dictating his bs beliefs on people, like the belief that; "it should not be called marriage..."

Who the fuck are you?

you have stated your opinion, I do not share that opinion. I believe that a marriage is one man and one woman, you think it can be any combination of males, females, transgenders, and probably dogs and cats.

We disagree--------------that's OK in the USA.

I understand that.

But you got to understand that nobody should be required for you to form an opinion so that they can exercise their basic human rights, like getting married.
People in this country can get married to anyone they like, regardless of what you or the majority in this country thinks about it.

If you think anybody, including majority, has any say over peoples lives that is protected by the human rights,
then you are no better than an islamist, as far as the mindset is concerned.

How do you people go from an islamonazi, terrorists, attack, slaughtering over 50 people, to gay marriage:wtf:
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States

I never said that ALL muslims are terrorists, but its true the almost all terrorists are muslims. Haven't heard of any hindus, bhuddists, shintos, jews, or Christians blowing themselves up, have you. The gay hate that this guy heard was coming from his mosque. You need to deal with reality

Ever heard of American terrorists? The FBI has.

In fact, homegrown RIGHT-WING American terrorists have killed more people in AMERICA since 9/11 than have Muslim terrorists.

Maybe you need to deal with that reality.

I would like to see the backup for that claim.

No problem.

Study Says White Extremists Have Killed More Americans in the U.S. Than Jihadists Since 9/11
Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

FBI: The Terrorist Threat
The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States

During the past decade we have witnessed dramatic changes in the nature of the terrorist threat. In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the country.

Not sure why any of this would be a surprise given the undeniable long violent history of the right-wing in this country.

The Islamofascist are killing millions, enslaving and raping women, slaughtering Babies around the world, and this is what you come up with? ..What's wrong with you people?:slap:
Christian Pastor Says Gays 'Worthy Of Death' At Conference With 3 ...
Nov 6, 2015 - So today, Pastor Swanson took to the stage and told attendees once again that gaysshould be killed. Twice, according to Right Wing Watch.

How many of these nations are "Christian"? Significant acts of violence against LGBT people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tennessee Televangelist: God Commands Christians To Kill Gays
Aug 18, 2015 - A Tennessee based televangelist condemns “liberal society” while claiming God commands Christians to stone gays and prevent women from ...

Biblical Literalist Stones Gay Man To Death | Truth Wins Out
Truth In Schools | Truth Wins Out Wins Out
Mar 18, 2011 - If the law calling for gays to be killed is abolished, what about the law ... On no grounds,christians decide which laws are abolished and in ...

Christian Pastor Calls for Killing All Gay People - YouTube
View attachment 77858

View attachment 77859▶ 4:14
4, 2014 - Uploaded by David Pakman Show
Steven Anderson, a Baptist pastor in Arizona, calls for the death of all gays ...

Google embraces all of the dumb ways: one of the most insignificant posters here in the last five years.

Nobody agrees with you. Muslims only care about their laws and you people only care about appeasing Muslims. If you people and Muslims kill all of the conservatives, that will leave just you people and Muslim radicals. What use will Muslims have for you at that point? Your common bond of hatred of conservatives will be gone. What will you have? Perhaps you are betting on their tolerance?
Christian Pastor Says Gays 'Worthy Of Death' At Conference With 3 ...
Nov 6, 2015 - So today, Pastor Swanson took to the stage and told attendees once again that gaysshould be killed. Twice, according to Right Wing Watch.

How many of these nations are "Christian"? Significant acts of violence against LGBT people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tennessee Televangelist: God Commands Christians To Kill Gays
Aug 18, 2015 - A Tennessee based televangelist condemns “liberal society” while claiming God commands Christians to stone gays and prevent women from ...

Biblical Literalist Stones Gay Man To Death | Truth Wins Out
Truth In Schools | Truth Wins Out Wins Out
Mar 18, 2011 - If the law calling for gays to be killed is abolished, what about the law ... On no grounds,christians decide which laws are abolished and in ...

Christian Pastor Calls for Killing All Gay People - YouTube
View attachment 77858

View attachment 77859▶ 4:14
4, 2014 - Uploaded by David Pakman Show
Steven Anderson, a Baptist pastor in Arizona, calls for the death of all gays ...
. Their are extremist in every group, but that doesn't make the extremists a majority in a group, so their power of influence is limited in the group. Now in some groups or cultures the extremist are in the same mindset or in agreement on the issues surrounding those things that are brought before them in a majority. Finger point and dig all you want, but the numbers who rule the nations and cultures will be in conflict with your ideology or analysis given on the subjects.

Fake knows that, he's just an antagonize r, I doubt he believes half the premises he promotes with his idiotic post.
Those are facts I posted, little roc, not premises.
Christian Pastor Says Gays 'Worthy Of Death' At Conference With 3 ...
Nov 6, 2015 - So today, Pastor Swanson took to the stage and told attendees once again that gaysshould be killed. Twice, according to Right Wing Watch.

How many of these nations are "Christian"? Significant acts of violence against LGBT people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tennessee Televangelist: God Commands Christians To Kill Gays
Aug 18, 2015 - A Tennessee based televangelist condemns “liberal society” while claiming God commands Christians to stone gays and prevent women from ...

Biblical Literalist Stones Gay Man To Death | Truth Wins Out
Truth In Schools | Truth Wins Out Wins Out
Mar 18, 2011 - If the law calling for gays to be killed is abolished, what about the law ... On no grounds,christians decide which laws are abolished and in ...

Christian Pastor Calls for Killing All Gay People - YouTube
View attachment 77858

View attachment 77859▶ 4:14
4, 2014 - Uploaded by David Pakman Show
Steven Anderson, a Baptist pastor in Arizona, calls for the death of all gays ...

Google embraces all of the dumb ways: one of the most insignificant posters here in the last five years.

Nobody agrees with you. Muslims only care about their laws and you people only care about appeasing Muslims. If you people and Muslims kill all of the conservatives, that will leave just you people and Muslim radicals. What use will Muslims have for you at that point? Your common bond of hatred of conservatives will be gone. What will you have? Perhaps you are betting on their tolerance?
Everything I posted above is true.

Everything you posted is false.

Jihadist Muslims and gun toting and shooting Christians at abortion sites are both = bad.

You don't get that.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
This fails as a circular reasoning fallacy.

Liberals defend all Americans from the bigotry and hate practiced by most on the right, including Muslim Americans and gay Americans.

And this sad, tragic event will once again give rise to the unwarranted bigotry and hate common to most conservatives.

You are so full of shit. This was an act or bigotry, perpetrated by a radical muslim in the name of jihad against America. It was caused by hate, hate that you liberals refuse to acknowledge.

It is caused by an extremist ideology.

Not the average Muslim. Something you conservatives refuse to acknowledge.
Ultra conservative hatred and racism and ethnocentrism and jingoism is caused by their extremist ideology.

They condemn jihadists but excuse themselves.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

How retarded. Using your logic:

Conservatives hate gays and hate Muslims.

This must be a rightwing wet dream - their two all time most despised groups under attack.
minority rights in this country were established by majority vote, not minority dictate.

You are the islamist, my ignorant friend, you want to dictate your beliefs on everyone else and to deny anyone the right to disagree with you. Is your name Abdullah?

It is not belief, it is basic human rights, people have the right to get married.
It is you who is dictating his bs beliefs on people, like the belief that; "it should not be called marriage..."

Who the fuck are you?

you have stated your opinion, I do not share that opinion. I believe that a marriage is one man and one woman, you think it can be any combination of males, females, transgenders, and probably dogs and cats.

We disagree--------------that's OK in the USA.

I understand that.

But you got to understand that nobody should be required for you to form an opinion so that they can exercise their basic human rights, like getting married.
People in this country can get married to anyone they like, regardless of what you or the majority in this country thinks about it.

If you think anybody, including majority, has any say over peoples lives that is protected by the human rights,
then you are no better than an islamist, as far as the mindset is concerned.

The SC has ruled that gay marriage is legal. I do not agree with that ruling, but I will accept it. Unlike you on the left who riot in the street when the government does not cater to your beliefs-------------THAT is the difference between law abiding conservatives, and radical criminal liberals.

I am glad you did give up on the idea that majority opinion overwrites human rights...
. Depends on what supposed human rights we are talking about. These days rights are a dime a dozen, but without the majority agreeing on what ultimately becomes a right or not, still gives weight to something or not. I could say my dog has a right to piss on your car tires and rims, and I could argue in court that it's a natural born genetic thing, and so it's in his nature to do these things. The judge then comes back agreeing with me that my dog has the right to piss on your tire because it's in his nature to do so. What to do, what to do ? LOL
Christian Pastor Says Gays 'Worthy Of Death' At Conference With 3 ...
Nov 6, 2015 - So today, Pastor Swanson took to the stage and told attendees once again that gaysshould be killed. Twice, according to Right Wing Watch.

How many of these nations are "Christian"? Significant acts of violence against LGBT people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tennessee Televangelist: God Commands Christians To Kill Gays
Aug 18, 2015 - A Tennessee based televangelist condemns “liberal society” while claiming God commands Christians to stone gays and prevent women from ...

Biblical Literalist Stones Gay Man To Death | Truth Wins Out
Truth In Schools | Truth Wins Out Wins Out
Mar 18, 2011 - If the law calling for gays to be killed is abolished, what about the law ... On no grounds,christians decide which laws are abolished and in ...

Christian Pastor Calls for Killing All Gay People - YouTube
View attachment 77858

View attachment 77859▶ 4:14
4, 2014 - Uploaded by David Pakman Show
Steven Anderson, a Baptist pastor in Arizona, calls for the death of all gays ...

Google embraces all of the dumb ways: one of the most insignificant posters here in the last five years.

Nobody agrees with you. Muslims only care about their laws and you people only care about appeasing Muslims. If you people and Muslims kill all of the conservatives, that will leave just you people and Muslim radicals. What use will Muslims have for you at that point? Your common bond of hatred of conservatives will be gone. What will you have? Perhaps you are betting on their tolerance?
Everything I posted above is true.

Everything you posted is false.

Jihadist Muslims and gun toting and shooting Christians at abortion sites are both = bad.

You don't get that.

The only truths you have posted here are what lies between your ears. You need to provide independent validation. As for shootings and bombs at abortion clinics, more Christians stand up against that than you think.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
Screwy syllogism above, bub.

Conservatives hate gays, jihadists hate gays, therefore the two are comrades.
Says the left wing infiltrator.
You're no better than a mafia informant....a rat.
A true republican repudiates far right filth like you.
Dudette...You would not know a republican of you fell over one.
BTW, genius. I am not far right.
I do not attend church. I disagree with right wing Christian extremists. I am a fiscal conservative and right leaning on social issues.
You refer to those like me as "far right" because you don't like how we think....
You are worse that filth because of your dishonesty.
It is not belief, it is basic human rights, people have the right to get married.
It is you who is dictating his bs beliefs on people, like the belief that; "it should not be called marriage..."

Who the fuck are you?

you have stated your opinion, I do not share that opinion. I believe that a marriage is one man and one woman, you think it can be any combination of males, females, transgenders, and probably dogs and cats.

We disagree--------------that's OK in the USA.

I understand that.

But you got to understand that nobody should be required for you to form an opinion so that they can exercise their basic human rights, like getting married.
People in this country can get married to anyone they like, regardless of what you or the majority in this country thinks about it.

If you think anybody, including majority, has any say over peoples lives that is protected by the human rights,
then you are no better than an islamist, as far as the mindset is concerned.

The SC has ruled that gay marriage is legal. I do not agree with that ruling, but I will accept it. Unlike you on the left who riot in the street when the government does not cater to your beliefs-------------THAT is the difference between law abiding conservatives, and radical criminal liberals.

I am glad you did give up on the idea that majority opinion overwrites human rights...
. Depends on what supposed human rights we are talking about. These days rights are a dime a dozen, but without the majority agreeing on what ultimately becomes a right or not, still gives weight to something or not. I could say my dog has a right to piss on your car tires and rims, and I could argue in court that it's a natural born genetic thing, and so it's in his nature to do these things. The judge then comes back agreeing with me that my dog has the right to piss on your tire because it's in his nature to do so. What to do, what to do ? LOL

Talking about something called: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Do you know what that is?
You can google if not... Check article 16...
The only truths you have posted here are what lies between your ears. You need to provide independent validation. As for shootings and bombs at abortion clinics, more Christians stand up against that than you think.
You are merely under your own shit drizzle because I posted facts above and you are only saying "nuh uh," like a little child.

Yes, most Christians oppose shootings and bombs at abortion clinics.

Yes, most Muslims oppose radical jihadism.

Be willing to the tell the full truth.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
Screwy syllogism above, bub.

Conservatives hate gays, jihadists hate gays, therefore the two are comrades.
Says the left wing infiltrator.
You're no better than a mafia informant....a rat.
A true republican repudiates far right filth like you.
Dudette...You would not know a republican of you fell over one.
BTW, genius. I am not far right.
I do not attend church. I disagree with right wing Christian extremists. I am a fiscal conservative and right leaning on social issues.
You refer to those like me as "far right" because you don't like how we think....
You are worse that filth because of your dishonesty.
You are not even a mediocre thinkinger. You are not social conservative, so who gives a fuck. Yes, you are a far right dummy who happens to not be religious. You are worse than filth because of your dishonesty.

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